475 research outputs found

    Educar para la convivencia en el área de la Educación Física

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    Estudio realizado con el fin de averiguar aquellos aspectos relacionados con la Educación para la convivencia y la Educación en valores que se desarrollan en las clases de Educación Física. La metodología utilizada es la cualitativa y se cuenta con un corpus resultado de la observación de 20 clases de Nivel Primario de escuelas de San Carlos de Bariloche. En concreto, en esta comunicación se abordarán los contenidos actitudinales en relación con el buen desarrollo de la labor docente y un mejor aprendizaje. El juego y el deporte implican el aprendizaje de normas que contribuyen a la socialización del alumnado. La prevención y resolución de conflictos, la adquisición de habilidades sociales básicas como escuchar, pedir, etc. son esenciales en entornos escolare

    Urban renewal in the south of Buenos Aires and the "success" of the Technological District. Some keys to understanding the real estate dynamism

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    Con la asunción del partido político Propuesta Republicana (PRO) al Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (GCBA) se inicia una política de formación de Distritos Creativos (DC) que combina iniciativas de renovación urbana con promoción de determinadas actividades económicas (artes, diseño, TIC, audiovisuales y deporte). En el año 2008 se implementa el primero de una serie de cinco distritos, localizados principalmente en el sur de la Ciudad: el Distrito Tecnológico (DT), ocupando gran parte del barrio de Parque Patricios y parte de Pompeya y Boedo.En esta línea, el presente artículo propone estudiar a los DC dentro de una política urbana más general que, desde el nuevo milenio, supone el desarrollo de las áreas degradadas de la Ciudad por la vía del mercado inmobiliario y la construcción. Siguiendo un enfoque diacrónico se argumenta que los mismos representan una profundización de las tendencias precedentes.Se toma como caso de estudio al Distrito Tecnológico, al tiempo que se identifican algunos aspectos comunes al resto de los distritos. Se analiza el impacto urbanístico de éste en su polígono de actuación y se exploran algunos de los elementos que estarían explicando el ?éxito? de la política, a juzgar por el dinamismo inmobiliario que conlleva.With the assumption of the political party Proposed Republican (PRO) to the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (GCBA) a policy of formation of Creative Districts (DC) is initiated. It combines initiatives of urban renewal with promotion of certain economic activities (arts, design, TIC, audiovisual and sports). In 2008, the first of a series of five districts, mainly located in the south of the city, was inaugurated: the Technological District (DT), occupying a large part of the neighborhood of Parque Patricios and part of Pompeya and Boedo. In this line, the present article argues that these DC can be conceived within a more general urban policy that, since the new millennium, involves the development of the degraded areas of the City through the real estate market and construction. The Technological District is taken as a case study, while some aspects common to the rest of the districts are identified. It analyzes the urban impact of this in its territory and explores some of the elements that would explain the "success" of the policy, judging by the dynamism of real estate that entails.Fil: Goicoechea, María Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas; Argentin

    Breve panorama sobre los estudios de lexicografía bilingüe ítalo-española (2000-2009)

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    none1noEn estas páginas comentamos brevemente la labor que se ha venido desarrollando en los últimos diez años (2000-2009) con respecto al léxico italiano y español en contraste / en contacto, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como práctico. Para ello, se comenta la labor de algunos centros de investigación al respecto, se pasa revista a los últimos congresos de lexicografía que se han ocupado de lexicografía bilingüe de este par de lenguas y se señalan las publicaciones más recientes de crítica lexicográfica, así como los diccionarios italiano-español que han salido a la luz en el período indicado. Como resultado, se observa que la lexicografía crítica ítalo-española actualmente se desarrolla fundamentalmente en Italia y que la causa de la atención que recibe dicha materia en este país se debe, en gran parte, al aumento de la didáctica del español en la escuela obligatoria (y en la universidad).Volume monografico, "Lexicografía en el ámbito hispánico", C. Calvo Rigual, B. Lépinette e J-C. Ascombre (eds.).noneM. Carreras i GoicoecheaM. Carreras i Goicoeche

    The teaching on citation guidelines

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    En este artículo se presenta una propuesta para la enseñanza del procedimiento de cita a estudiantes que ingresan a la universidad, concretamente a alumnos de primer año de la carrera Profesorado en Educación Física que se dicta en el Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina). En el marco del Interaccionismo sociodiscursivo (Bronckart, 1997/2004, 2007), se elaboró una secuencia didáctica (Dolz y Schneuwly, 1997) para la escritura de un trabajo práctico del género informe. El objetivo es integrar la enseñanza de la escritura de un género textual y de contenidos gramaticales concretos: elementos deícticos y subordinación. El desafío consiste en transformar un contenido textual como es el procedimiento de cita, en una acción concreta de enseñanza centrada en los mecanismos de textualización (Bronckart, 1997/2004) de una lengua.This article depicts a lesson plan on citation guidelines aimed at students who have just entered college, in this case, first-year students of the Physical Education Teaching Training course of studies from Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche of Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina). Based on the socio-discursive interactionism approach, (Bronckart, 1997/2004, 2007), a didactic sequence, developed for report writing, is presented (Dolz y Schneuwly, 1997). As part of a written task, that is, for a written assignment of a report type text, a sequence is planned out with the aim of teaching grammar content: deictic elements, coordination, subordination, and a specific textual genre. We propose to reflect upon the teaching activity, more specifically, on how totransform textual content, such as citation guidelines, into a concrete teaching action focused on the textualization mechanisms of a language (Bronckart, 1997/2004)

    A Survey of Electronic Literature Collections

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    In their article A Survey of Electronic Literature Collections Luis Pablo and María Goicoechea describe characteristics and functions of collections of electronic literature and analyze descriptors used and the way information can be accessed. Based on their observations, Pablo and Goicoechea advocate a database structure which is flexible and can produce a dynamic archiving model as texts are registered and collected so that tags form a close set for the texts in the collection and this set can expand as new texts make new tags necessary. Further, the organization of tags into ever more complex taxonomies seems inevitable, since this provides an accurate description of knowledge accumulation with respect to the field\u27s richness. They postulate that the study of tagging practices applied to digital works provides us with guidelines not only to describe texts of electronic literature, but also to demonstrate the wide variety of forms which a literary text can embody

    Educar para la convivencia en el área de la Educación Física

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    Estudio realizado con el fin de averiguar aquellos aspectos relacionados con la Educación para la convivencia y la Educación en valores que se desarrollan en las clases de Educación Física. La metodología utilizada es la cualitativa y se cuenta con un corpus resultado de la observación de 20 clases de Nivel Primario de escuelas de San Carlos de Bariloche. En concreto, en esta comunicación se abordarán los contenidos actitudinales en relación con el buen desarrollo de la labor docente y un mejor aprendizaje. El juego y el deporte implican el aprendizaje de normas que contribuyen a la socialización del alumnado. La prevención y resolución de conflictos, la adquisición de habilidades sociales básicas como escuchar, pedir, etc. son esenciales en entornos escolares.Departamento de Educación Físic

    The Mechanic Ear: North American Sound Poetry in the Digital Age

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    This essay provides a revision of North American sound poetry from the perspective of the digital culture. In an effort to describe the role that sound plays in digital literature creations, we have tried to find points of suture between the practitioners of sound poetry of different decades and the contemporary practices of sound and digital poetry. The main objective is to establish a relation between these poetic genres, as they both emphasize the aural dimension as well as challenge academic categorization and print tradition alike.We will discuss the work of three seminal practitioners of sound poetry: Jerome Rothenberg, John Cage, and Jackson Mac Low. We examine their proposals alongside those of contemporary artists that belong to what we describe as the posthuman phase of sound poetry: Jim Andrews, Christian Bök, and Tracie Morris. Through the comparison of seminal sound poetry practitioners of the 1960s with contemporary North American poets that have recuperated poetry’s performative dimension, we explore the new poetical effects produced by the digitalization of the human voice alone or in combination with other sounds, images and text.From Native American chants to the digital poetry found on the Web, we will explore the influence of the medium as well as other cultural factors influencing the production of oral poetry and its dissemination. Digital poetry nourishes itself from previous literary traditions as well as from the multimedia convergence favoured by the digital medium.Despite being latecomers to the field of sound poetry, North American sound poets have influenced the work of artists at a global level, and continue to do so, both through their digital creations and through their live performances

    Las consignas de tareas en las clases de Educación Física

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    El objeto de esta ponencia es incursionar en el área de Educación Física y enfocar las interacciones docente-alumnos en las clases de nivel primario, para ello se observaron y analizaron tres clases. La recolección de datos se efectuó mediante el procedimiento de Observación no estructurada, en la modalidad de registros naturales y narrativos. Se procedió a anotar todo lo relacionado con acción de lenguaje, a través del registro textual y objetivo de la consigna y las explicaciones (ampliación de la consigna) que el docente aportó.Panel: "Teoría, epistemología e investigación"Departamento de Educación Físic

    Old Wind Farm Life Extension vs. Full Repowering: A Review of Economic Issues and a Stochastic Application for Spain

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    The installation of wind power technology is growing steadily and the trend can be expected to continue if the objectives proposed by the European Commission are to be achieved. In some countries a considerable percentage of installed wind power capacity is near the end of its useful lifetime. In the case of Spain, the figure is 50% within five years. Over the last 20 years, wind energy technology has evolved considerably and the expected capacity factor has improved, thus increasing annual energy production, and capital expenditure and operational expenditure have decreased substantially. This paper studies the optimal decision under uncertainty between life extension and full repowering for a generic wind farm installed in the Iberian Peninsula when the future hourly electricity prices and the capacity factor evolve stochastically and seasonally. The results show that in economic terms, full repowering is the best option, with a net present value of €702,093 per MW installed, while reblading is the second best option. The methodology can be transferred to other specific wind farms in different electricity markets and can be used to develop national wind energy policy recommendations to achieve projected shares in the electricity mix.This research was funded by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018–2021 programme and by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM-2017-0714. Further support is provided by the MINECO project RTI 2018-093352-B-I00

    Optimal Slow Steaming Speed for Container Ships under the EU Emission Trading System

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    Slow steaming is an operational measure in ocean-going vessels sailing at slow speeds. It can help climate mitigation efforts by cutting down marine fuel consumption and consequently reducing CO2 and other Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG). Due to climate change both the European Union (EU) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are analysing the inclusion of international shipping in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in the near future or alternatively implementing a carbon tax. The paper proposes a methodology to decide the optimal speed of a vessel taking into account its characteristics and the factors that determine its economic results. The calculated cash flow can be used in valuation models. The methodology is applied for a case study for any container ship in a range from 2000 to 20,000 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEU) on a leg of a round trip from Shanghai to Rotterdam. We calculate how speed reduction, CO2 emissions and ship owner’s earnings per year may vary between a business-as-usual scenario and a scenario in which shipping is included in the ETS. The analysis reveals that the optimal speed varies with the size of the vessel and depends on several variables such as marine fuel prices, cargo freight rates and other voyage costs. Results show that the highest optimal speed is in the range of 5500–13,000 TEUs whether or not the ETS is applied. As the number of TEUs transported in a vessel increases emissions per TEU decrease. In an established freight rate market, the optimal speed fluctuates by 1.8 knots. Finally, the medium- and long-term expectations for slow steaming are analysed based on future market prices.This research is supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018–2021 programme and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM-2017-0714. Further support is provided by the project MINECO RTI 2018-093352-B-I00