569 research outputs found

    The Influence of St John of the Cross on the Spiritual Path of St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

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    The article presents the claim that the basis of Edith Stein’s perfect understanding of the mystical doctrine of St John of the Cross is the similarity between these two saints, both in the historical and in the spiritual sense. Spiritual directionfi nds very good ground when there is perfect understanding between the spiritual director and the directee, and when they participate in the same reality.The article presents the claim that the basis of Edith Stein’s perfect understanding of the mystical doctrine of St John of the Cross is the similarity between these two saints, both in the historical and in the spiritual sense. Spiritual directionfi nds very good ground when there is perfect understanding between the spiritual director and the directee, and when they participate in the same reality

    Electroless Etching of Si with IO-3 and Related Species

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    We have previously derived seven requirements for the formulation of effective stain etchants and have demonstrated that Fe3+, Ce4+, and VO2 (+) + HF solutions are highly effective at producing nanocrystalline porous silicon. Here, we show that Cl-2, Br-2, I-2, ClO3 (-), BrO3 (-), IO3 (-), I-, and I-3 (-) induce etching of silicon when added to HF. However, using the strict definition that a pore is deeper than it is wide, we observe little evidence for porous layers of significant thickness but facile formation of pits. Iodate solutions are extremely reactive, and by the combined effects of IO3 (-), I-3 (-), I-2, and I-, these etchants roughen and restructure the substrate to form a variety of structures including (circular, rectangular, or triangular) pits, pyramids, or combinations of pits and pyramids without leaving a porous silicon layer of significant thickness

    Rational Design of Etchants For Electroless Porous Silicon Formation

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    From fundamental considerations of the surface chemistry of Si etching in fluoride solutions as well as pore formation and propagation, we develop a mechanistic understanding of what must be known for rational development of etchants: (1) an acidic fluoride solution because the presence of OH- promotes step flow etching, (2) sufficiently high fluoride concentration compared to the oxidant concentration, (3) the oxidant must be able to inject holes into the Si valance band at a sufficient rate, hence E degrees \u3e similar to 0.7 V is required, (4) oxide formation needs to be slow or nonexistent so as to avoid the formation of a uniform oxide and associated electropolishing, (5) reduction of the oxidant must lead to soluble products, (6) film homogeneity is enhanced if the oxidant\u27s half-reaction does not evolve gas, and finally (7) the net etching reaction has to be sufficiently anisotropic to support pore nucleation and propagation

    Dzieje klasztoru Karmelitów bosych w Nowym Wiśniczu w latach 1630–2009

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    After winning the battle against the Turks at Chocim in 1621, Stanisław Lubomirski, the owner of Wiśnicz, founded the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites as a votive offering to God. Religious authorities feared the location of the monastery and church in private estates due to the potential impact of the court on religious life. In 1622 the founder began the construction at full swing, employing great numbers of labourers and prisoners of war. The process of the construction was supervised by Lubomirski’s court architect, an Italian Maciej Trapola. The buildings were characterized by a modern style of architecture and they occupied a unique position in the history of Polish architecture. The property was fortified and also served as defence for the castle of Wiśnicz.On May 26, 1630 a ceremony was held to introduce the Carmelites to the monastery in Wiśnicz. The construction works were completed in 1635. The interior was very well equipped and, in the seventeenth century, was considered one of the best equipped Discalced Carmelite monasteries.On September 1, 1650 the Swedes captured the castle and monastery destroying, looting and pillaging the most precious things including the library and the works of art. The monastery in Wiśnicz after the partition of Poland was incorporated into Austria. Emperor Joseph II through his policies led to the suppression of monasteries, including the monastery in Wiśnicz. He robbed the monastery, took away the monastic treasury and allocated the church estates to religious funds. The most valuable works of art were taken to Vienna (two wagons of paintings). The buildings of the monastery were converted to perform the functions of a prison, criminal court and housing for judges.After regaining independence in 1918, despite the protests of the Carmelites, the prison in the monastery continued to function. In September 1939, the Germans used it as a camp for prisoners of war and later a concentration camp. They robbed the church and started to demolish the walls of the church. The material from the temple was used in the construction of the residences for Hans Frank in Przegorzały and Krzeszowice. There is still a prison in the monastery buildings and the ruins of the church serve as a playground for the prisoners.Po zwycięskiej bitwie z Turkami pod Chocimiem w 1621 roku Stanisław Lubomirski – właściciel Wiśnicza, jako wotum wdzięczności Bogu ufundował klasztor Karmelitów bosych. Władze zakonne obawiały się lokalizacji klasztoru i kościoła w dobrach prywatnych, ze względu na ewentualny wpływ dworu na życie zakonników. W 1622 roku fundator z wielkim rozmachem przystąpił do budowy, wprowadzając rzesze robotników oraz jeńców wojennych. Budową kierował nadworny architekt Lubomirskiego, Włoch Maciej Trapola. Budowane obiekty odznaczały się nowoczesnym stylem i w dziejach architektury polskiej zajęły wyjątkową pozycję. Obiekt był ufortyfikowany, służył także obronie zamku wiśnickiego.26 maja 1630 roku odbyło się uroczyste wprowadzenie karmelitów bosych do wiśnickiego klasztoru. Budowę kościoła ukończono w 1635 roku. Jego wnętrze było wyjątkowo bogato wyposażone i w XVII wieku zaliczane do najlepiej uposażonych klasztorów karmelitów bosych.1 września 1650 roku Szwedzi zajęli zamek i klasztor, niszcząc, plądrując i grabiąc najcenniejsze rzeczy, w tym bibliotekę oraz dzieła sztuki. Klasztor wiśnicki po rozbiorach został wcielony do Austrii. Cesarz Józef II doprowadził swą polityką do kasacji klasztorów, w tym i wiśnickiego. Zagrabił majątki klasztorne, wywiózł skarbiec klasztorny, a dobra ziemskie przeznaczono na fundusz religijny. Najcenniejsze dzieła sztuki wywieziono do Wiednia (dwa wozy obrazów). Budynki klasztorne przeznaczono na więzienie, sąd kryminalny, a także mieszkania dla sędziów.Po odzyskaniu niepodległości w 1918 roku, pomimo protestów karmelitów, w klasztorze nadal istniało więzienie. We wrześniu 1939 roku Niemcy urządzili w nim obóz dla jeńców wojennych, a później obóz koncentracyjny, obrabowali kościół i rozpoczęli rozbiórkę kościelnych murów. Materiał ze świątyni wykorzystali przy budowie rezydencji Hansa Franka w Przegorzałach i w Krzeszowicach. Do chwili obecnej w klasztorze znajduje się więzienie, a ruiny klasztornego kościoła służą jako boisko dla więźniów

    Dzieje franciszkanów w Polsce prowincji św. Antoniego i bł. Jakuba Strzemię

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    An attempt to show the history of the Franciscan Friars in Poland originated in the 13th century. The development o f the order in Slavonic territories, initiated by a provincial of Germany Jan of Pian del Carpini, was going through different organizational stages and experienced its ups and downs. Franciscan Friars arrived in Poland in 1234. From the start they witnessed and participated in consolidating Christianity in Poland; they were promoters of art and social development. Dialectic between continuity and up-dating their presence in the Polish socio-cultural and ecclesiastical context required constant verification of the way of experiencing their own identity as well as the criteria, owing to which they became a strong impulse in the evangelisation of the young Polish church and in the establishing new church structures in borderland areas. Since that time the borders have been changed many times and so has the organization of the order and the borders of the province. The growing importance o f Franciscan Friars resulted in taking up new pastoral and missionary initiatives. Franciscan Friars established Calvaries in Poland and Lithuania, introduced the tradition of Christmas crčches and penitential services. Last but not least, they evoked the cult of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Since World Wbi* ÎĎ St. Anthony End the Blessed Jskub Strzemię Province hsts been developing steadily. A growing number of Franciscan Friars testifies to this development. In 1996 the Province had 423 professed monks, including 238 priests, 36 brothers, 28 clerics who have taken solemn vows. In St. Anthony and the Blessed Jakub Strzemię Province Franciscan monasteries are located in 24 places and 17 are abroad. The average age is slightly over 45 years. The Province of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, which is based in Warsaw, has also noted a steady growth and so has a new province that developed from it - St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe Province with the seat in Gdańsk. The Cracow Province entered the 21st century with the number of monks similar to that from its most thriving period, that is the times preceding the partition of Poland.Wiek XIII wykształcił nowe formy życia zakonnego, na których szczególnie mocne piętno wycisnęła osobowość św. Franciszka z Asyżu. Ówczesne zasady życia zakonnego oparte na regułach św. Augustyna i św. Benedykta nie zaspokajały całkowicie potrzeb duchowych ludzi wierzących tamtego czasu. Jeszcze za życia założyciela, św. Franciszka z Asyżu, franciszkanie rozprzestrzenili się w wielu krajach Europy. Po kapitule w 1219 r. rozeszły się grupy franciszkanów na południe do muzułmanów, za Alpy do Niemiec, Francji, Czech. Do Polski franciszkanie przybyli z Niemiec. Ich przybycie do Polski łączy się z postacią Jana z Pian del Carpini. W latach 1232-1233 franciszkanie otworzyli swój dom we Wrocławiu. Cztery lata później przybyli do Krakowa, a w następnych latach byli już w Opolu (ok. 1238), Inowrocławiu (1238), Toruniu (1239) i Szczecinie (1240). O swojej podróży i pobycie w Polsce Jan del Carpini wspomniał w opisie podróży do wielkiego chana Mongołów z 1245 r. W organizacji i życiu franciszkanów, podobnie jaki innych zakonów żebrzących, prowincja spełniała bardzo ważną rolę. Wyznaczała ramy życia dużej liczby zakonników. W prowincji otrzymywali oni podstawy swojej formacji, a następnie uczestniczyli czynnie w działalności zakonu. Od początku obowiązywała zasada przenoszenia braci z klasztoru do klasztoru, ale w obrębie własnej prowincji. Na kapitule w Pradze w lipcu 1238 r. Jan z Pian del Carpini, z upoważnienia generała zakonu br. Eliasza z Kortony, utworzył prowincję czesko-polską którą kapituła generalna w Rzymie zatwierdziła w następnym roku.

    Święty Maksymilian Maria Kolbe

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    The article recounts the life and work of Saint Maksymilian Maria Kolbe.Artykuł omawia życie i działalność świętego Maksymiliana Marii Kolbe

    Prolegomena to the Christian Images Not Made by Human Hands

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    Images not made by human hands (acheiropoietai, Gr. ἀχειροποίηταιι) played a significant role in Byzantine spiritual culture and history. This paper discusses the emergence and rise of the acheiropoietai, which represented a most important and unusual element in the Byzantine Empire. The author analyses the chronological ancestors of Christian images not made by human hands, i.e. the so-called diipetes (Gr. Διιπετής), and proceeds to demonstrate the disagreements on the topic among some of the Christian Church Fathers. The imagines imperiales, i.e. effigies of Roman emperors, constituted a significant factor in the process leading to the later veneration of images not made by human hands. The most famous of the latter is the image from Edessa, also known in historiography as Mandylion of Edessa.Publication of English-language versions of the volumes of the yearly Studia Ceranea financed through contract no. 501/1/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship

    Misje i męczeństwo polskich franciszkanów w Peru

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    Numerical Analysis and Experimental Verification of Eigenfrequencies of Overhead ACSR Conductor

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    This contribution deals with the modal analysis of ACSR conductor using the finite element method (FEM) and experimental measurements of eigenfrequencies. In numerical experiments for the modelling of the conductor the material properties of the chosen conductor cross-section are homogenized by the Representative Volume Element (RVE) method. The spatial modal analysis of the power line is carried out by means of our new 3D FGM beam finite element and by standard beam finite element of the commercial software ANSYS. Experimental measurements are also carried out for verification of the numerical calculation accuracy

    AQI na rua: repassado informações, experiências e novas tecnologias aquícolas à população

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área Temática: ComunicaçãoO projeto AQI na Rua teve origem a partir de uma iniciativa dos egressos em levar o curso de Engenharia de Aquicultura para a comunidade, por se tratar de um curso novo, pouco conhecido e ser muito confundido com outras atividades. Essa ideia tomou forma e foi para as ruas, levando informações, experiências e proporcionando aos graduandos uma rica forma de repassar o conhecimento para pessoas leigas. Durante as mostras eram montadas tendas onde ficavam expostos os materias e animais, para que os participantes pudessem explicar para o público como é o curso e suas aplicações. O projeto foi considerado um sucesso em todas as suas cinco edições pelo grande número de pessoas que não conheciam as funções do Engenheiro de Aquicultura e tão poucos sabiam da existência da aquicultur