118 research outputs found

    What restricts generative rejuvenation of Calluna vulgaris in continental, dry heathland ecosystems: seed production, germination ability or safe site conditions?

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    A large-scale field experiment with different management options (free-range grazing, onetime cutting, additional disturbances and their interactions) was carried out in a continental, dry heathland. Within the framework of the experiment seed production and germination ability of over-aged Calluna individuals as well as specific safe site conditions were investigated to reveal restricting factors for the generative rejuvenation of Calluna. The calculated values of seed production and germination ability of over-aged Calluna individuals can be compared with those from literature or exceed the values reported there. Therefore, seed production andgermination ability are not the limiting factors for the generative rejuvenation of Calluna. Free-range grazing with large herbivores combined with onetime cutting of over-aged Calluna stands supports the generative rejuvenation, especially due to the creation of specific safe sites, which are crucial for a successful survival of Calluna seedlings. Particularly a light shadowing seems to be the restricting factor for a successful generative rejuvenation of Calluna in continental, dry heathlands

    Phenotypic Plasticity Explains Response Patterns of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Saplings to Nitrogen Fertilization and Drought Events

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    P. 1-11Climate and atmospheric changes affect forest ecosystems worldwide, but little is known about the interactive effects of global change drivers on tree growth. In the present study, we analyzed single and combined effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization and drought events (D) on the growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) saplings in a greenhouse experiment. We quantified morphological and physiological responses to treatments for one‐ and two‐year‐old plants. N fertilization increased the saplings’ aboveground biomass investments, making them more susceptible to D treatments. This was reflected by the highest tissue dieback in combined N and D treatments and a significant N × D interaction for leaf ή13C signatures. Thus, atmospheric N deposition can strengthen the drought sensitivity of beech saplings. One‐year‐old plants reacted more sensitively to D treatments than two‐year‐old plants (indicated by D‐induced shifts in leaf ή13C signatures of one‐year‐old and two‐year‐old plants by +0.5‰ and −0.2‰, respectively), attributable to their higher shoot:root‐ratios (1.8 and 1.2, respectively). In summary, the saplings’ treatment responses were determined by their phenotypic plasticity (shifts in shoot:root‐ratios), which in turn was a function of both the saplings’ age (effects of allometric growth trajectories = apparent plasticity) and environmental impacts (effects of N fertilization = plastic allometry)S

    Early subtropical forest growth is driven by community mean trait values and functional diversity rather than the abiotic environment

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    While functional diversity (FD) has been shown to be positively related to a number of ecosystem functions including biomass production, it may have a much less pronounced effect than that of environmental factors or species specific properties. Leaf and wood traits can be considered particularly relevant to tree growth, as they reflect a trade-off between resources invested into growth and persistence. Our study focussed on the degree to which early forest growth was driven by FD, the environment (11 variables characterizing abiotic habitat conditions), and community-weighted mean (CWM) values of species traits in the context of a large-scale tree diversity experiment (BEF-China). Growth rates of trees with respect to crown diameter were aggregated across 231 plots (hosting between one and 23 tree species) and related to environmental variables, FD, and CWM, the latter two of which were based on 41 plant functional traits. The effects of each of the three predictor groups were analyzed separately by mixed model optimization and jointly by variance partitioning. Numerous single traits predicted plot-level tree growth, both in the models based on CWMs and FD, but none of the environmental variables was able to predict tree growth. In the best models, environment and FD explained only 4 and 31% of variation in crown growth rates, respectively, while CWM trait values explained 42%. In total, the best models accounted for 51% of crown growth. The marginal role of the selected environmental variables was unexpected, given the high topographic heterogeneity and large size of the experiment, as was the significant impact of FD, demonstrating that positive diversity effects already occur during the early stages in tree plantations

    Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment

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    Extreme climatic events threaten forests and their climate mitigation potential globally. Understanding the drivers promoting ecosystem stability is therefore considered crucial for mitigating adverse climate change effects on forests. Here, we use structural equation models to explain how tree species richness, asynchronous species dynamics, species-level population stability, and drought-tolerance traits relate to the stability of forest productivity along an experimentally manipulated species richness gradient ranging from 1 to 24 tree species. Tree species richness improved community stability by increasing asynchrony. That is, at higher species richness, interannual variation in productivity among tree species buffered the community against stress-related productivity declines. This effect was positively related to variation in stomatal control and resistance-acquisition strategies among species, but not to the community-weighted means of these trait syndromes. The identified mechanisms by which tree species richness stabilizes forest productivity emphasize the importance of diverse, mixed-species forests to adapt to climate change

    Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment

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    Extreme climatic events threaten forests and their climate mitigation potential globally. Understanding the drivers promoting ecosystem stability is therefore considered crucial for mitigating adverse climate change effects on forests. Here, we use structural equation models to explain how tree species richness, asynchronous species dynamics, species-level population stability, and drought-tolerance traits relate to the stability of forest productivity along an experimentally manipulated species richness gradient ranging from 1 to 24 tree species. Tree species richness improved community stability by increasing asynchrony. That is, at higher species richness, interannual variation in productivity among tree species buffered the community against stress-related productivity declines. This effect was positively related to variation in stomatal control and resistance-acquisition strategies among species, but not to the community-weighted means of these trait syndromes. The identified mechanisms by which tree species richness stabilizes forest productivity emphasize the importance of diverse, mixed-species forests to adapt to climate change

    Predation pressure by arthropods, birds, and rodents is interactively shaped by tree species richness, vegetation structure, and season

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    Tree species richness, forest structure, and seasonal fluctuations between rainy and dry seasons can strongly affect trophic interactions in forest ecosystems, but the inter- and scale dependence of these variables remains unclear. Using artificial caterpillars (~18,000 replicates), we analyzed predation pressure by arthropods, birds, and rodents along a tree species richness gradient across seasons in a subtropical tree diversity experiment (BEF-China). The aim of the study was to test if forest structure, in addition to tree species richness, has an effect on predation pressure and to further specify which structural variables are important in driving predation. We assessed the effects of tree species richness and forest structure at the plot and local neighborhood levels. We also included fine-scale placement covariates, plot size, and topographical covariates of the study site. Forest structure and tree species richness independently and interactively affected predation pressure. The spatial scale was an important determinant for tree species richness and structural effects, extending from within plot scales to the overall heterogeneity of the plots’ surrounding environment. For example, the effect of branch density in the local neighborhood depended on both surrounding tree species richness and plot-level vegetation density. Similarly, visibility-enhancing factors increased attacks by arthropods (lack of branches in close surroundings) and by birds (open area), depending on the surrounding vegetation. A comparison of structural measures showed that predation pressure can be addressed in much greater detail with multiple specific structural features than with overall forest complexity. Seasonal change also affected predation pressure, with foliage being a stronger attractant in spring, but also by presumable topography-driven study plot differences in sun exposure and humidity between rainy and dry seasons. Our study demonstrates that predation pressure is not simply a function of tree species richness or structure but is shaped by the interplay of structural elements, spatial scale, and seasonal dynamics along gradients of tree species richness and forest structure. The structural and seasonal effects are important to take into account when addressing how current and future biodiversity loss may change top‐down control of herbivory and overall ecosystem functioning

    ReSurveyGermany: Vegetation-plot time-series over the past hundred years in Germany

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    Vegetation-plot resurvey data are a main source of information on terrestrial biodiversity change, with records reaching back more than one century. Although more and more data from re-sampled plots have been published, there is not yet a comprehensive open-access dataset available for analysis. Here, we compiled and harmonised vegetation-plot resurvey data from Germany covering almost 100 years. We show the distribution of the plot data in space, time and across habitat types of the European Nature Information System (EUNIS). In addition, we include metadata on geographic location, plot size and vegetation structure. The data allow temporal biodiversity change to be assessed at the community scale, reaching back further into the past than most comparable data yet available. They also enable tracking changes in the incidence and distribution of individual species across Germany. In summary, the data come at a level of detail that holds promise for broadening our understanding of the mechanisms and drivers behind plant diversity change over the last century
