95 research outputs found

    SUMUR: Sebuah Cerita Dalam Perspektif Aksiologi

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    Buku karya Eka ini mampu mengajak pembaca untuk menyelami cerita dan menebak-nebak alur ceritanya. Latarnya yang merupakan cerita tradisional klasik yang terjadi di masa lampau sangat khas dengan berbagai problematika yang terjadi di Indonesia kala itu, meskipun jenis karyanya sendiri adalah fiksi. Penggambaran yang diberikan juga sangatlah mendetail dan dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi sederhana pada beberapa bagian cerita, sehingga pembaca dapat mengimajinasikan latar cerita dengan cukup bai

    Industrial Revolution: A History of Industrial Revolution and Its Influence in Manufacturing Companies

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    Before the existence of industrial technology, people in doing their job using their power. People were able to produce goods and sell services with their power. These activities are ineffective because they are constrained and take a long time, so the discovery of industrial technology is today. This study aims to determine the meaning of the industrial revolution, the history and development of the industrial revolution 1.0 to 4.0, the relationship between the industrial revolution and Indonesian history, and the influence of the industrial revolution in Indonesian manufacturing. Indonesian people do not understand what revolution means and how it relates to Indonesian history, where the current and former situation is very different because of a revolution, especially the industrial revolution. The discovery of industrial technology or industrial revolution makes human development become advanced and rapidly growing. In this study, the author uses a method in the form of a Literature Review (LR) or a literature review and data obtained from several articles that have been published and registered online. Technology is believed by many people to make their work easier and takes a short time. The development of technology became necessary because of the emergence of the industrial revolution 4.0 that changed human life. This article tries to review the understanding of the industrial revolution, its development history, and its influence on Indonesian manufacturing companies. The limitation or weakness of this research lies in the research process, namely the author's weakness in collecting the reference sources used


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    This research is motivated by the phenomenon of KPOP or Korean Pop, where one of the famous artists is Bangtan Sonnyeondan (BTS), making the Love Yourself album and campaigning for the movement to love yourself at the 73rd UN General Assembly session which was held in New York, United States, on November 24, 2018. One of the songs from the album that was most talked about because of its influence in encouraging self-love is the song Love Myself: Answer. This song will be the object of this research. This study shows how undergraduate students who are members of the ARMY fandom or the designation of BTS fans interpret the song Love Myself: Answer and the effects after interpreting the song. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a descriptive type of research. Data was collected using the interview method with purposive sampling technique. The population in this study were 5 University students at Airlangga University who met 2 criteria, namely undergraduate students and members of the fandom ARMY. The data analysis technique was carried out using Miles and Huberman analysis. The results showed that the participants interpreted the song as an encouragement to be confident on theirself and caused a motivated and enthusiastic influence to love theirself and they are not feeling lonely after that. We hope that future research can identify reasons people have motivations in life other than music. In this study, only a limited number of subjects were included so that it could not be generalized to a large number of subject groups

    The Effect of gadget on the development of children during pandemic covid-19 situation

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    Covid-19 has brought many changes in our lives. One of them is the widespread use of gadgets in early childhood. Because learning is held online where their teachers at school should give children or students material, now they understand the material via smartphones or gadgets. Of course, it makes them less understanding of what is being said. It feels bored because it is not interesting. Their learning time is filled with entertainment such as playing games, watching videos, accessing social media, even to the point of addiction and forgetting time. Therefore, this article will discuss the use of gadgets, the impact on children, and how to take further actions to balance children's understanding between learning and playing


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    Wayang is one of the Indonesian ancestor’s heritage and the nation's indigenous pride. However, as time goes on, Wayang is slowly being abandoned. This is due to various factors that make people uninterested. Some of those factors are the difficulty to understand the language that is being used, the low amount of humor, and the long duration of the play so the concentration or focus of people cannot keep up with it. So, the author aims to find the relation between language, humor, and concentration or focus on the Wayang show. Thus, finding a possible solution in hope to attract people or even the younger generation's interest to Wayang. The author used literature review as a method to gather data and a descriptive-qualitative research to analyze the data. Various data gathered and connected with each other, thus has proven that Wayang can be modified to suit the developing era better.&nbsp

    Aplikasi Metode Pengenalan Satu Kata Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Pada Anak Lambat Belajar di Sekolah Dasar Galuh Handayani Surabaya

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    LAPORAN PENELITIAN INI MEMBAHAS TENTANG Aplikasi Metode Pengenalan Satu Kata Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Pada Anak Lambat Belajar di Sekolah Dasar Galuh Handayani Surabay

    Historical Paradigm In The Face of Religious Radicalism in The21st Century

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    Writing this article aims to discuss the rise of religious radicalism, especially in the 21st century. Then this article is also intended to address the widespread radicalism, especially in Indonesia, according to the paradigm of history. The research method that the author uses is a qualitative method with content analysis through a literature review. The author takes sources from 2 books, 12 journal articles, and 2 news stories from BBC and CNN. In this article, we will discuss the history of radicalism, what the historical paradigm of religious radicalism, how the radicalism impact of religion on people's lives every day, and how prevention is based on the paradigm of history. In this article, the author uses a qualitative approach in the form of content analysis, literature review of 12 journals, 2 books, and 2 news sources from BBC Indonesia and CNN Indonesia. The results of this study are that the authors find that in the 21st century, society is amid unrest due to radicalism. The action is not only in Indonesia but also in several other countries, which is disturbing the peace between religious communities. From this research, the author recommends that this article can be used as a reference in discussing the handling of religious radicalism in social life. The limitation of this research is the lack of data that the author can get due to technical constraints such as limited internet access and social restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Right Time to Forget The Time: Waktu yang tepat untuk Melupakan Waktu

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    What's fun about reading poetry? Everyone has their own way of enjoying poetry. Everyone can interpret a poem in their own way. Reading poetry can also be a way to relieve fatigue. Reading poetry can take us to spaces of feelings that we may never really understand before. Name of M Aan Mansyur in the Indonesian literature sector is certainly familiar. The poet from Bone, South Sulawesi, became increasingly popular when his poems were used in the What's with Love 2 (AADC 2) movie, which was released in 2016. Now, he is back to showing his latest work. A collection of poems entitled 'The Right Time to Forget the Time.' which released in last October 2021 by Shira Media Publishers

    Review on Leader Member Exchange Theory: Supply Chain Management to Increase Efficiency

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    This study aims to examines three elements shape leadership in Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory as a relationship and process. The goal of supply-chain management is to create a satisfied customer by coordinating all of the activities of the supply-chain members into a seamless process.  LMX quality is important for the company, because it relates to employee behavior and attitudes, including improving employee performance. The research method applied literature review using description logic and systematics. In this article the theory will be observed specially the effect of LMX on employee performance and antecedents of LMX. The results of the study found that the effect of LMX quality on performance is determined by the characteristics of the task as antecedent LMX in the company
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