302 research outputs found

    Vascular Aging in Women: is Estrogen the Fountain of Youth?

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    Aging is associated with structural and functional changes in the vasculature, including endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffening and remodeling, impaired angiogenesis, and defective vascular repair, and with increased prevalence of atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular risk is similar for older men and women, but lower in women during their fertile years. This age- and sex-related difference points to estrogen as a protective factor because menopause is marked by the loss of endogenous estrogen production. Experimental and some clinical studies have attributed most of the protective effects of estrogen to its modulatory action on vascular endothelium. Estrogen promotes endothelial-derived NO production through increased expression and activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and modulates prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 release. The thromboxane A2 pathway is key to regulating vascular tone in females. Despite all the experimental evidence, some clinical trials have reported no cardiovascular benefit from estrogen replacement therapy in older postmenopausal women. The “Timing Hypothesis,” which states that estrogen-mediated vascular benefits occur only before the detrimental effects of aging are established in the vasculature, offers a possible explanation for these discrepancies. Nevertheless, a gap remains in current knowledge of cardiovascular aging mechanisms in women. This review comprises clinical and experimental data on the effects of aging, estrogens, and hormone replacement therapy on vascular function of females. We aim to clarify how menopause and aging contribute jointly to vascular aging and how estrogen modulates vascular response at different ages

    Seguimiento y monitoreo de la ejecución y liquidación de la planta de acopio y categorización de fibra de alpaca, Puno

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y ConstrucciónEn la presente monografía se describirá las funciones desempeñadas como profesional encargada del Seguimiento y Monitoreo del Proceso de Ejecución y Liquidación del componente de Infraestructura del Plan de Econegocio de la Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios Santa Isabel de Antauta (APASIA) que fue subvencionado por el Proyecto Competitividad en el Programa MINAM + CAF (Unidad Ejecutora 004 – Gestión de Recursos Naturales)

    Producción de fideos tipo Fetuccini con inclusión de residuos de naranjas y manzanas como estrategia para alcanzar una agricultura sustentable

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Agricultura SustentableLa producción agrícola origina grandes cantidades de residuos orgánicos, unas de ellas son las cáscaras de naranja y manzana. En la presente investigación se produjo fideos tipo fetuccini con inclusión de residuos de naranjas y manzanas como estrategia para alcanzar una agricultura sustentable. En una primera etapa se realizó una caracterización proximal de la harina de trigo, harina de bagazo de naranja y harina de bagazo de manzana, se demostró que las harinas de residuo de naranja (HRN) y harina de residuo de manzana (HRM) tienen un alto contenido en fibra (> 37 por ciento). En una segunda etapa se evaluó las propiedades reológicas de las mezclas de masas de los diferentes tratamientos de fideos. En una tercera etapa se determinó la formulación óptima, su validación estadística, caracterizar los parámetros de calidad fisicoquímicos; como resultado se obtuvo: harina de trigo: 80,5 porciento, harina de residuo de manzana: 0,0 por ciento y harina de residuo de naranja: 19,5 porciento. Se encontró que contenía importantes cantidades de Polifenoles Totales (1, 49mg.EAG/g muestra), fibra dietaria total (4,83 g/100 g.m.s) y cenizas (1,65 por ciento). Finalmente, en la cuarta etapa se evaluó sensorialmente la formulación óptima de fideos y se demostró que existían diferencias significativas (p 37 percent). In a second stage, the rheological properties of the dough mixtures of the different noodle treatments were evaluated. In a third stage, the optimal formulation was determined, its statistical validation, characterizing the physicochemical quality parameters; As a result, it was obtained: wheat flour: 80.5 percent, apple residue flour: 0.0 percent, and orange residue flour: 19.5 percent. It was found to contain significant amounts of Total Polyphenols (1.49mg.EAG/g sample), total dietary fiber (4.83 g/100 g.m.s) and ash (1.65%). Finally, in the fourth stage, the optimal noodle formulation was sensory evaluated and it was shown that there were significant differences (p<0.05) with respect to a control (100 percent HT), this difference in acceptance is due to the fact that consumers indicated a slightly bitter sensation in the product, the same that is inherent to the raw material used. However, the present investigation ponders the inclusion of orange residue flours in the noodle formulation. At the same time, all flours meet the microbiological requirements established by local regulations

    Integrated Optic Sensing Spectrometer: Concept and Design

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    [EN] In this paper the concept and design of an integrated optical device featuring evanescent field sensing and spectrometric analysis is presented. The device, termed integrated optics sensing spectrometer (IOSS), consists of a modified arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) which arms are engineered into two sets having different focal points. Half of the arms are exposed to the outer media, while the other half are left isolated, thus the device can provide both sensing and reference spectra. Two reference designs are provided for the visible and near-infrared wavelengths, aimed at the determination of the concentration of known solutes through absorption spectroscopy.This research was funded by Spanish MINECO projects grant number TEC2015-69787-REDT (PIC4TB) and TEC2016-80385-P (SINXPECT), as well as FPI doctoral grant BES-2014-068523.Mico-Cabanes, G.; Gargallo-Jaquotot, B.; Pastor Abellán, D.; Muñoz Muñoz, P. (2019). Integrated Optic Sensing Spectrometer: Concept and Design. Sensors. 19(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19051018S115195Willner, A. E., Byer, R. L., Chang-Hasnain, C. J., Forrest, S. R., Kressel, H., Kogelnik, H., … Zervas, M. N. (2012). Optics and Photonics: Key Enabling Technologies. Proceedings of the IEEE, 100(Special Centennial Issue), 1604-1643. doi:10.1109/jproc.2012.2190174Lim, A. E.-J., Junfeng Song, Qing Fang, Chao Li, Xiaoguang Tu, Ning Duan, … Tsung-Yang Liow. (2014). Review of Silicon Photonics Foundry Efforts. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(4), 405-416. doi:10.1109/jstqe.2013.2293274Smit, M., Leijtens, X., Ambrosius, H., Bente, E., van der Tol, J., Smalbrugge, B., … van Veldhoven, R. (2014). An introduction to InP-based generic integration technology. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 29(8), 083001. doi:10.1088/0268-1242/29/8/083001Muñoz, P., Micó, G., Bru, L., Pastor, D., Pérez, D., Doménech, J., … Domínguez, C. (2017). Silicon Nitride Photonic Integration Platforms for Visible, Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Applications. Sensors, 17(9), 2088. doi:10.3390/s17092088Estevez, M. C., Alvarez, M., & Lechuga, L. M. (2011). Integrated optical devices for lab-on-a-chip biosensing applications. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 6(4), 463-487. doi:10.1002/lpor.201100025Barrios, C. A. (2012). Integrated microring resonator sensor arrays for labs-on-chips. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 403(6), 1467-1475. doi:10.1007/s00216-012-5937-3Movassaghi, S., Abolhasan, M., Lipman, J., Smith, D., & Jamalipour, A. (2014). Wireless Body Area Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(3), 1658-1686. doi:10.1109/surv.2013.121313.00064Baird, W., & Nogar, N. S. (1995). Compact, Self-Contained Optical Spectrometer. Applied Spectroscopy, 49(11), 1699-1704. doi:10.1366/0003702953965812Feng, D., Qian, W., Liang, H., Kung, C.-C., Fong, J., Luff, B. J., & Asghari, M. (2010). Fabrication Insensitive Echelle Grating in Silicon on Insulator Platform. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. doi:10.1109/lpt.2010.2102347Takahashi, H., Suzuki, S., & Nishi, I. (1994). Wavelength multiplexer based on SiO/sub 2/-Ta/sub 2/O/sub 5/ arrayed-waveguide grating. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 12(6), 989-995. doi:10.1109/50.296189Munoz, P., Pastor, D., & Capmany, J. (2002). Modeling and design of arrayed waveguide gratings. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 20(4), 661-674. doi:10.1109/50.996587Kodate, K., & Komai, Y. (2008). Compact spectroscopic sensor using an arrayed waveguide grating. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 10(4), 044011. doi:10.1088/1464-4258/10/4/044011Subramanian, A. Z., Ryckeboer, E., Dhakal, A., Peyskens, F., Malik, A., Kuyken, B., … Baets, R. (2015). Silicon and silicon nitride photonic circuits for spectroscopic sensing on-a-chip [Invited]. Photonics Research, 3(5), B47. doi:10.1364/prj.3.000b47Doerr, C. R. (1998). Proposed WDM cross connect using a planar arrangement of waveguide grating routers and phase shifters. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 10(4), 528-530. doi:10.1109/68.662583Doerr, C. R., Zhang, L., & Winzer, P. J. (2011). Monolithic InP Multiwavelength Coherent Receiver Using a Chirped Arrayed Waveguide Grating. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 29(4), 536-541. doi:10.1109/jlt.2010.2097240Gargallo, B., & Muñoz, P. (2013). Full field model for interleave-chirped arrayed waveguide gratings. Optics Express, 21(6), 6928. doi:10.1364/oe.21.006928Zhao, H., Clemmen, S., Raza, A., & Baets, R. (2018). Stimulated Raman spectroscopy of analytes evanescently probed by a silicon nitride photonic integrated waveguide. Optics Letters, 43(6), 1403. doi:10.1364/ol.43.001403Vasiliev, A., Muneeb, M., Allaert, J., Van Campenhout, J., Baets, R., & Roelkens, G. (2018). Integrated Silicon-on-Insulator Spectrometer With Single Pixel Readout for Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(6), 1-7. doi:10.1109/jstqe.2018.2820169Ryckeboer, E., Bockstaele, R., Vanslembrouck, M., & Baets, R. (2014). Glucose sensing by waveguide-based absorption spectroscopy on a silicon chip. Biomedical Optics Express, 5(5), 1636. doi:10.1364/boe.5.001636Smit, M. K., & Van Dam, C. (1996). PHASAR-based WDM-devices: Principles, design and applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2(2), 236-250. doi:10.1109/2944.577370Pozo, J., Westerveld, W., Harmsma, P. J., Yang, S., Bodis, P., Nieuwland, R., … Yousefi, M. (2011). Silicon on insulator photonic integrated sensors: On-chip sensing and interrogation. 2011 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. doi:10.1109/icton.2011.5970854Mũnoz, P., Pastor, D., Capmany, J., & Martínez, A. (2003). Geometrical optimization of the transmission and dispersion properties of arrayed waveguide gratings using two stigmatic point mountings. Optics Express, 11(19), 2425. doi:10.1364/oe.11.002425Gomes, K. M. S., Oliveira, M. V. G. A. de, Carvalho, F. R. de S., Menezes, C. C., & Peron, A. P. (2013). Citotoxicity of food dyes sunset yellow (E-110), bordeaux red (E-123), and tatrazine yellow (E-102) on Allium cepa L. root meristematic cells. Food Science and Technology, 33(1), 218-223. doi:10.1590/s0101-20612013005000012Horowitz, V. R., Janowitz, L. A., Modic, A. L., Heiney, P. A., & Collings, P. J. (2005). Aggregation behavior and chromonic liquid crystal properties of an anionic monoazo dye. Physical Review E, 72(4). doi:10.1103/physreve.72.041710Jiménez-Márquez, F., Vázquez, J., Úbeda, J., Rodríguez-Rey, J., & Sánchez-Rojas, J. L. (2015). Optoelectronic sensor device for monitoring ethanol concentration in winemaking applications. Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VII; and Cyber Physical Systems. doi:10.1117/12.2179341Kakuta, N., Yamashita, H., Kawashima, D., Kondo, K., Arimoto, H., & Yamada, Y. (2016). Simultaneous imaging of temperature and concentration of ethanol–water mixtures in microchannel using near-infrared dual-wavelength absorption technique. Measurement Science and Technology, 27(11), 115401. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/27/11/11540

    La moda a través d los retratos femeninos de Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923).

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    La moda va unida a una evolución social e histórica, y ofrece un nuevo contexto para comprender la pintura del pasado. El pintor valenciano Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923) tuvo una gran sensibilidad para plasmar las novedades que se produjeron en la indumentaria femenina a lo largo de su tiempo. Durante la transición del siglo XIX al XX, concretamente durante el periodo conocido como Belle Époque (1871-1914), se dio un desarrollo del atuendo femenino que posibilitó un papel más activo de la mujer en la sociedad. Este cambio fue promovido por el diseñador Paul Poiret y se basó en la eliminación del corsé como prenda de ropa interior. Joaquín Sorolla plasmó este hecho en sus retratos femeninos realizados entre 1890 y 1920, creando un verdadero catálogo de vestidos y complementos, y actuando como un auténtico cronista de moda.<br /

    Geochemical and Volcanological Criteria in Assessing the Links between Volcanism and VMS Deposits: A Case on the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain

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    VMS deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), Spain and Portugal, constitute the largest accumulation of these deposits on Earth. Although several factors account for their genetic interpretation, a link between volcanism and mineralization is generally accepted. In many VMS districts, research is focused on the geochemical discrimination between barren and fertile volcanic rocks, these latter being a proxy of VMS mineralization. Additionally, the volcanological study of igneous successions sheds light on the environment at which volcanic rocks were emplaced, showing an emplacement depth consistent with that required for VMS formation. We describe a case on the El Almendro–Villanueva de los Castillejos (EAVC) succession, Spanish IPB, where abundant felsic volcanic rocks occur. According to the available evidence, their geochemical features, εNd signature and U–Pb dates suggest a possible link to VMS deposits. However, (paleo)volcanological evidence here indicates pyroclastic emplacement in a shallow water environment. We infer that such a shallow environment precluded VMS generation, a conclusion that is consistent with the absence of massive deposits all along this area. We also show that this interpretation lends additional support to previous models of the whole IPB, suggesting that compartmentalization of the belt had a major role in determining the sites of VMS depositionThis research is supported by the research project “Caracterización y datación isotópicas de rocas ígneas y sistemas hidrotermales en la Faja Pirítica Ibérica Española” (BTE2003-04354, Plan Nacional I+D) Careful revisions by anonymous reviewers have importantly contributed to improve this work and are acknowledged with than

    Acute ischemic stroke triggers a cellular senescence-associated secretory phenotype

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    Senescent cells are capable of expressing a myriad of inflammatory cytokines and this pro-inflammatory phenomenon is known as senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). The contribution of this phenomenon in brain ischemia was scarce. A mouse model of transient focal cerebral ischemia by compressing the distal middle cerebral artery (tMCAo) for 60 min was used. SASP, pro-inflammatory cytokines and cell cycle mRNAs levels were quantified at 30-min and 72 h post-surgery. Immunohistochemistry in paraffin embedded human brain slides and mouse brain tissue was performed. Our results showed an increase of both p16 and p21 mRNA restricted to the infarct area in the tMCAo brain. Moreover, there was an induction of Il6, Tnfa, Cxc11, and its receptor Cxcr2 mRNA pro-inflammatory cytokines with a high positive correlation with p16/p21 mRNA levels. The p16 was mainly shown in cytoplasm of neurons and cytoplasm/membrane of microglial cells. The p21 was observed in membrane of neurons and also it showed a mixed cytoplasmic and membranous pattern in the microglial cells. In a human stroke patient, an increase of P16 in the perimeter of the MCA infarct area was observed. These suggest a role of SASP in tMCAo mouse model and in human brain tissue. SASP potentially has a physiological role in acute ischemic stroke and neurological function loss

    Evaluación de los factores en el desamargado de tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet)

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    El tarwi, chocho o lupino (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) es una legumbre andina con gran potencial para ser consumida masivamente por el ser humano; ya que, según los resultados obtenidos, esta posee 11,5; 21,5; 53,2; 18,4; 1,9 y 23,4 % (b.s.) de humedad, grasa, proteína, fibra, cenizas y carbohidratos respectivamente; donde se resalta el alto contenido de proteínas y de grasa. Sin embargo, la presencia de alcaloides en todo el grano no permite su consumo directo y se requiere de un desamargado. Es por ello que se evaluaron cuatro factores: A: tiempo de cocción, B: tiempo de lavado, C: número de lavados y D: relación MP:agua. Mediante la aplicación de la metodología Taguchi, se confirmó que efectivamente estos cuatro factores tienen un efecto significativo sobre el contenido de alcaloides final de los granos de tarwi con un nivel de confianza del 95%

    Trabajo de Fin de Máster

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster tiene como finalidad mostrar las competencias que he desarrollado durante el Máster de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas, Artísticas y Deportivas en la especialidad de Orientación Educativa