50 research outputs found

    Proposal of a set of Key Performance Indicators for the environmental assessment of Higher Education Institutions

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    Tesis por compendioHigher Education Institutions (HEIs) should be lighthouses for society. Therefore, they must have an exemplary behavior in all sustainability areas: economy, social and environment. The environmental awareness of the educational community - student, professors, researchers, staff and managers - has increased considerably in the first decades of this century. The Environmental Management Systems (EMS), either ISO certified or EMAS verified, have gained popularity in HEIs seeking for a better disclosure of their environmental behavior and the improvement of their environmental performance. Due to the structure of HEIs, the EMS has difficulties when being incorporated into the overall management system. To respond in real time to the changes that occur as a result of the environmental performance of the HEI, a better integration of the environmental assessment in the overall management system is needed. In this research, several methodologies and tools have been tested trying to improve the interaction between the environmental behavior and the general management system of the HEI. Reporting tools like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System¿ (STARS®) have proven to be useful to report sustainable behavior to specialize stakeholder. However, their intricacy make them difficult to used directly in the everyday management or as a disclosure tool. The aggregated indicators like the ecological footprint have proven to be useful to communicate the environmental performance on a comprehensive way although with restrictions in the assessment. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its recently launched adaptation of the LCA for Organizations (O-LCA) also allows to describe and evaluate the environmental impact of these institutions. However, the complexity of performing this type of assessment and the high requirements of quality data not always available have become a handicap. This research analyzes the complexity of HEIs and the particularities of these tools and methodologies to propose a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the environmental assessment of these organizations. The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), specially one of its environmental units (EPSA), is used as a case study. As a result, a methodology to define the most suitable environmental KPIs for a HEI is presented. The methodology considers a life cycle approach with an operational control as a consolidation method. The environmental management system is used as the main data provider. The information managed by the accounting system has been explored and a classification method has been proposed to use the accounting system as a complementary source of quality data. The methodology has been applied to the case study defining 7 environmental KPIs that assess the most significant environmental impacts of EPSA UPV and can be easily integrated in the current general management system of a HEI.Las instituciones de educación superior (IES) deben ser faros para la sociedad. Deben tener un comportamiento ejemplar en todas las áreas de sostenibilidad: economía, sociedad y medio ambiente. La conciencia ambiental de la comunidad educativa - estudiantes, profesores, investigadores, personal y gestores - ha aumentado considerablemente en las primeras décadas de este siglo. Los sistemas de gestión ambiental (SGA), ya sea certificados por ISO o por EMAS, han ganado popularidad en las IES buscando la divulgación de su comportamiento y la mejora de su rendimiento medioambiental. Debido a la estructura de las IES, el SGA tiene dificultades para incorporarse en su sistema de gestión general. Para responder en tiempo real a los cambios que se produzcan como resultado del desempeño ambiental de la IES, se necesita una mejor integración de la evaluación ambiental en el sistema de gestión general. En esta investigación se han evaluado varías metodologías y herramientas buscando la mejora de la interacción entre el desempeño ambiental, la sociedad y el sistema de gestión de la IES. Las herramientas de información como la Iniciativa de Informes Globales (GRI, Global Reporting Initiatives) y el Sistema de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Calificación de Sostenibilidad (STARS®) han demostrado ser útiles para reportar un comportamiento sostenible a los actores e interesados especializados. Sin embargo, su complejidad hace que sea difícil de utilizar directamente en la gestión cotidiana y como herramienta de divulgación. Los indicadores agregados, como la huella ecológica, han demostrado ser útiles para comunicar el desempeño ambiental, aunque presentan restricciones. El Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) y su adaptación recientemente lanzada del ACV para Organizaciones también permite describir y evaluar el impacto ambiental de estas instituciones salvando las restricciones. Sin embargo, la complejidad de realizar este tipo de estudios se ha convertido en una desventaja. Los Indicadores Clave de Desempeño (KPI, Key Performance Indicators) surgen como alternativa aunando precisión con flexibilidad para informar sobre la situación ambiental de la organización y servir como herramienta en la toma de decisiones. El objetivo de este trabajo es definir un conjunto de Indicadores Clave de Desempeño (KPI) que permitan optimizar el desempeño ambiental de las IES. Esta tesis analiza la complejidad de las IES y las particularidades de los indicadores, las herramientas y las metodologías aplicadas en IES. La Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), en particular una de sus unidades medioambientales, la Escuela Politècnica Superior de Alcoy (EPSA), ha sido utiliza como caso de estudio. Como resultado, se propone una metodología para definir los KPI ambientales más adecuados para una IES. La metodología considera un enfoque de ciclo de vida con un control operativo como método de consolidación o agregación de la información. El SGA se utiliza como principal proveedor de datos. Se explora también la información gestionada por el sistema contable. Se propone una clasificación y un método para utilizar el sistema contable como fuente complementaria de datos de calidad para la evaluación del comportamiento ambiental. La metodología propuesta se ha aplicado al caso de estudio proporcionando siete KPI ambientales que evalúan los impactos ambientales más significativos de la EPSA UPV y que pueden integrarse fácilmente en el actual sistema de gestión general de una IES.Les institucions d'educació superior (IES) han de ser fars per a la societat. Han de tindre un comportament exemplar en totes les àrees de sostenibilitat: economia, societat i medi ambient. La consciència ambiental de la comunitat educativa -estudiants, professors, investigadors, personal i gestors- han augmentat considerablement en les primeres dècades d'aquest segle. Els sistemes de gestió ambiental (SGA), ja siguen certificats per ISO o per EMAS, han guanyat popularitat en les IES buscant la divulgació del seu comportament i la millora del seu rendiment mediambiental. A causa de l'estructura de les IES, el SGA té dificultats per a incorporar-se al seu sistema de gestió general. Per tal de respondre en temps real als canvis que es produïsquen com a resultat de l'acompliment ambiental de l'IES, es necessita una millor integració de l'avaluació ambiental en el sistema de gestió general. En aquesta recerca s'han avaluat diverses metodologies i eines cercant la millora de la interacció entre l'acompliment ambiental, la societat i el sistema de gestió de l'IES. Les eines d'informació, com ara la Iniciativa d'Informes Globals (GRI, Global Reporting Initiatives) i el Sistema de Seguiment, Avaluació i Qualificació de la sostenibilitat (STARS®) han demostrat ser útils per a reportar un comportament sostenible als actors i interessats especialitzats. No obstant això, la seua complexitat fa que siga difícil d'utilitzar directament en la gestió quotidiana i com a eina de divulgació. Els indicadors agregats, com l'empremta ecològica, han demostrat ser útils per a comunicar l'acompliment ambiental, encara que presenten restriccions. L'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) i la seua adaptació llançada recentment de l'ACV per a Organitzacions també permet descriure i avaluar l'impacte ambiental d'aquestes institucions salvant les restriccions. No obstant això, la complexitat de realitzar aquesta mena d'estudis s'ha convertit en un desavantatge. Els indicadors clau d'acompliment (KPI, Key Performance Indicators) sorgeixen com a alternativa conjuminant precisió amb flexibilitat per a informar sobre la situació ambiental de l'organització i servir com a eina en la presa de decisions. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és definir un conjunt d'indicadors clau d'acompliment (KPI) que possibiliten optimitzar l'acompliment ambiental de les IES. Aquesta tesi analitza la complexitat de les IES i les particularitats dels indicadors, les eines i les metodologies aplicades en IES. La Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), particularment una de les seues unitats mediambientals, l'Escola Politècnica Superior d'Alcoi (EPSA), ha estat utilitzada com a cas d'estudi. Com a resultat, es proposa una metodologia per a de definir els KPI ambientals més adequats per a una IES. La metodologia considera un enfocament de cicle de vida amb un control operatiu com a mètode de consolidació o agregació de la informació. El SGA s'utilitza com a principal proveïdor de dades. S'explora també la informació gestionada pel sistema comptable. Es proposa una classificació i un mètode per a utilitzar el sistema comptable com a font complementària de dades de qualitat per a l'avaluació del comportament ambiental. La metodologia proposada s'ha aplicat al cas d'estudi proporcionant set KPI ambientals que avaluen els impactes ambientals més significatius de l'EPSA UPV i que poden integrar-se fàcilment en l'actual sistema de gestió general d'una IES.Lo Iacono Ferreira, VG. (2017). Proposal of a set of Key Performance Indicators for the environmental assessment of Higher Education Institutions [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/88907TESISCompendi

    Optimal stimulation duration of tens in the management of osteoarthritic knee pain

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    Objective: This study examined the optimal stimulation duration of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for relieving osteoarthritic knee pain and the duration (as measured by half-life) of post-stimulation analgesia. Subjects: Thirty-eight patients received either: (i) 20 minutes (TENS20); (ii) 40 minutes (TENS40); (iii) 60 minutes (TENS60) of TENS; or (iv) 60 minutes of placebo TENS (TENSPL) 5 days a week for 2 weeks. Methods: A visual analogue scale recorded the magnitude and pain relief period for up to 10 hours after stimulation. Results: By Day10, a significantly greater cumulative reduction in the visual analogue scale scores was found in the TENS40 (83.40%) and TENS60 (68.37%) groups than in the TENS20 (54.59%) and TENSPL (6.14%) groups (p 3 0.000), such a group difference was maintained in the 2-week followup session (p 3 0.000). In terms of the duration of post-stimulation analgesia period, the duration for the TENS40 (256 minutes) and TENS60 (258 minutes) groups was more prolonged than in the other 2 groups (TENS20 = 168 minutes, TENSPL = 35 minutes) by Day10 (p 3 0.000). However, the TENS40 group produced the longest pain relief period by the follow-up session. Conclusion: 40 minutes is the optimal treatment duration of TENS, in terms of both the magnitude (VAS scores) of pain reduction and the duration of post-stimulation analgesia for knee osetoarthritis.<br /

    Ba2Si3P6: 1D Nonlinear Optical Material with Thermal Barrier Chains

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    A novel barium silicon phosphide was synthesized and characterized. Ba2Si3P6 crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric space group Pna21 (No. 33) and exhibits a unique bonding connectivity in the Si–P polyanion not found in other compounds. The crystal structure is composed of SiP4 tetrahedra connected into one-dimensional double-tetrahedra chains through corner sharing, edge sharing, and covalent P–P bonds. Chains are surrounded by Ba cations to achieve an electron balance. The novel compound exhibits semiconducting properties with a calculated bandgap of 1.6 eV and experimental optical bandgap of 1.88 eV. The complex pseudo-one-dimensional structure manifests itself in the transport and optical properties of Ba2Si3P6, demonstrating ultralow thermal conductivity (0.56 W m–1 K–1 at 300 K), promising second harmonic generation signal (0.9 × AgGaS2), as well as high laser damage threshold (1.6 × AgGaS2, 48.5 MW/cm2) when compared to the benchmark material AgGaS2. Differential scanning calorimetry reveals that Ba2Si3P6 melts congruently at 1373 K, suggesting that large single crystal growth may be possible

    Will the US Economy Recover in 2010? A Minimal Spanning Tree Study

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    We calculated the cross correlations between the half-hourly times series of the ten Dow Jones US economic sectors over the period February 2000 to August 2008, the two-year intervals 2002--2003, 2004--2005, 2008--2009, and also over 11 segments within the present financial crisis, to construct minimal spanning trees (MSTs) of the US economy at the sector level. In all MSTs, a core-fringe structure is found, with consumer goods, consumer services, and the industrials consistently making up the core, and basic materials, oil and gas, healthcare, telecommunications, and utilities residing predominantly on the fringe. More importantly, we find that the MSTs can be classified into two distinct, statistically robust, topologies: (i) star-like, with the industrials at the center, associated with low-volatility economic growth; and (ii) chain-like, associated with high-volatility economic crisis. Finally, we present statistical evidence, based on the emergence of a star-like MST in Sep 2009, and the MST staying robustly star-like throughout the Greek Debt Crisis, that the US economy is on track to a recovery.Comment: elsarticle class, includes amsmath.sty, graphicx.sty and url.sty. 68 pages, 16 figures, 8 tables. Abridged version of the manuscript presented at the Econophysics Colloquim 2010, incorporating reviewer comment

    Ice and pulsed electromagnetic field to reduce pain and swelling after distal radius fractures

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    Objective: To examine the relative effectiveness of ice therapy and/or pulsed electromagnetic field in reducing pain and swelling after the immobilization period following a distal radius fracture.Methods: A total of 83 subjects were randomly allocated to receive 30 minutes of either ice plus pulsed electromagnetic field (group A); ice plus sham pulsed electromagnetic field (group B); pulsed electromagnetic field alone (group C), or sham pulsed electromagnetic field treatment for 5 consecutive days (group D). All subjects received a standard home exercise programme. A visual analogue scale was used for recording pain; volumetric displacement for measuring the swelling of the forearm; and a hand-held goniometer for measuring the range of wrist motions before treatment on days 1, 3 and 5.Results: At day 5, a significantly greater cumulative reduction in the visual analogue scores as well as ulnar deviation range of motion was found in group A than the other 3 groups. For volumetric measurement and pronation, participants in group A performed better than subjects in group D but not those in group B.Conclusion: The addition of pulsed electromagnetic field to ice therapy produces better overall treatment outcomes than ice alone, or pulsed electromagnetic field alone in pain reduction and range of joint motion in ulnar deviation and flexion for a distal radius fracture after an immobilization period of 6 weeks.<br /

    Can a standard dose of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) supplementation reduce the symptoms of delayed onset of muscle soreness?

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    Unaccustomed exercise can result in delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) which can affect athletic performance. Although DOMS is a useful tool to identify muscle damage and remodelling, prolonged symptoms of DOMS may be associated with the over-training syndrome. In order to reduce the symptoms of DOMS numerous management strategies have been attempted with no significant effect on DOMS-associated cytokines surge. The present study aimed to investigate the acute and chronic effects of a 2x180 mg per day dose of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on interleukin-6 (IL-6) mediated inflammatory response and symptoms associated with DOMS. Methods: Seventeen healthy non-smoking females (age 20.4 +/- 2.1 years, height 161.2 +/- 8.3cm and mass 61.48 +/- 7.4kg) were randomly assigned to either placebo (N = 10) or EPA (N = 7). Serum IL-6, isometric and isokinetic (concentric and eccentric) strength, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded on four occasions: i-prior to supplementation, ii-immediately after three weeks of supplementation (basal effects), iii-48 hours following a single bout of resistance exercise (acute training response effects), and iv-48 hours following the last of a series of three bouts of resistance exercise (chronic training response effects). Results: There was only a group difference in the degree of change in circulating IL-6 levels. In fact, relative to the first baseline, by the third bout of eccentric workout, the EPA group had 103 +/- 60% increment in IL-6 levels whereas the placebo group only had 80 +/- 26% incremented IL-6 levels (P = 0.020). We also describe a stable multiple linear regression model which included measures of strength and not IL-6 as predictors of RPE scale. Conclusion: The present study suggests that in doubling the standard recommended dose of EPA, whilst this may still not be beneficial at ameliorating the symptoms of DOMS, it counter intuitively appears to enhance the cytokine response to exercise. In a context where previous in vitro work has shown EPA to decrease the effects of inflammatory cytokines, it may in fact be that the doses required in vivo is much larger than current recommended amounts. An attempt to dampen the exercise-induced cytokine flux in fact results in an over-compensatory response of this system

    Azospirillum Genomes Reveal Transition of Bacteria from Aquatic to Terrestrial Environments

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    Fossil records indicate that life appeared in marine environments ∼3.5 billion years ago (Gyr) and transitioned to terrestrial ecosystems nearly 2.5 Gyr. Sequence analysis suggests that “hydrobacteria” and “terrabacteria” might have diverged as early as 3 Gyr. Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum are associated with roots of terrestrial plants; however, virtually all their close relatives are aquatic. We obtained genome sequences of two Azospirillum species and analyzed their gene origins. While most Azospirillum house-keeping genes have orthologs in its close aquatic relatives, this lineage has obtained nearly half of its genome from terrestrial organisms. The majority of genes encoding functions critical for association with plants are among horizontally transferred genes. Our results show that transition of some aquatic bacteria to terrestrial habitats occurred much later than the suggested initial divergence of hydro- and terrabacterial clades. The birth of the genus Azospirillum approximately coincided with the emergence of vascular plants on land

    Variants within the MMP3 gene and patellar tendon properties in vivo in an asymptomatic population

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    Background/aim Gene variants encoding for proteins involved in homeostatic processes within tendons may influence its material and mechanical properties in humans. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between three polymorphisms of the MMP3 gene, (rs679620, rs591058 and rs650108) and patellar tendon dimensional and mechanical properties in vivo. Methods One hundred and sixty, healthy, recreationally-active, Caucasian men and women, aged 18–39 were recruited. MMP3 genotype determined using real-time PCR was used to select 84 participants showing greatest genetic differences to complete phenotype measurements. Patellar tendon dimensions (volume) and functional (elastic modulus) properties were assessed in vivo using geometric modelling, isokinetic dynamometry, electromyography and ultrasonography. Results No significant associations were evident between the completely linked MMP3 rs591058 and rs679620 gene variants, and closely linked rs650108 gene variant, and either patellar tendon volume (rs679620, P = 0.845; rs650108, P = 0.984) or elastic modulus (rs679620, P = 0.226; rs650108, P = 0.088). Similarly, there were no associations with the Z-score that combined those dimension and functional properties into a composite value (rs679620, P = 0.654; rs650108, P = 0.390). Similarly, no association was evident when comparing individuals with/without the rarer alleles (P > 0.01 in all cases). Conclusions Patellar tendon properties do not seem to be influenced by the MMP3 gene variants measured. Although these MMP3 gene variants have previously been associated with the risk of tendon pathology, that association is unlikely to be mediated via underlying tendon dimensional and functional properties