36 research outputs found

    Multi-sectoral impact assessment of an extreme African dust episode in the Eastern Mediterranean in March 2018

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    In late March 2018, a large part of the Eastern Mediterranean experienced an extraordinary episode of African dust, one of the most intense in recent years, here referred to as the “Minoan Red” event. The episode mainly affected the Greek island of Crete, where the highest aerosol concentrations over the past 15 yeas were recorded, although impacts were also felt well beyond this core area. Our study fills a gap in dust research by assessing the multi-sectoral impacts of sand and dust storms and their socioeconomic implications. Specifically, we provide a multi-sectoral impact assessment of Crete during the occurrence of this exceptional African dust event. During the day of the occurrence of the maximum dust concentration in Crete, i.e. March 22nd, 2018, we identified impacts on meteorological conditions, agriculture, transport, energy, society (including closing of schools and cancellation of social events), and emergency response systems. As a result, the event led to a 3-fold increase in daily emergency responses compare to previous days associated with urban emergencies and wildfires, a 3.5-fold increase in hospital visits and admissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbations and dyspnoea, a reduction of visibility causing aircraft traffic disruptions (eleven cancellations and seven delays), and a reduction of solar energy production. We estimate the cost of direct and indirect effects of the dust episode, considering the most affected socio-economic sectors (e.g. civil protection, aviation, health and solar energy production), to be between 3.4 and 3.8 million EUR for Crete. Since such desert dust transport episodes are natural, meteorology-driven and thus to a large extent unavoidable, we argue that the efficiency of actions to mitigate dust impacts depends on the accuracy of operational dust forecasting and the implementation of relevant early warning systems for social awareness.The authors gratefully acknowledge the COST Association for funding the COST Action inDust (CA16202) as well as the WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) and the ERA4CS DustClim and the AXA Research Fund for funding the AXA Chair on Sand and Dust Storms (hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center). We thank the scientific team of the PROTEAS CSP facility for the feedback provided and T. Bojic and R. Burbidge for facilitating the access to the EUROCONTROL archive. We thank the scientific team of the PROTEAS CSP facility for providing DNI data for this case study. Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020) through national funds, and also to the Icelandic Research Fund for the grant no. 207057-051. Authors S. Kazadzis and P. Kosmopoulos would like to acknowledge the European Commission project EuroGEO e-shape (grant agreement No 820852). Also, International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) and NASA mission researchers are gratefully for providing aerosol data for this study. Aurelio Tobias was supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (grant CEX2018-000794-S). S. Kutuzov acknowledges the Megagrant project (agreement No. 075-15-2021-599, 8.06.2021).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 34 autors/es: Alexandra Monteiro, Sara Basart, Stelios Kazadzis, Athanasios Votzis, Antonis Gkikas, Sophie Vandenbussche, Aurelio Tobias, Carla Gama, Carlos PĂ©rez GarcĂ­a Pando, Enric Terradellas, George Notas, Nick Middleton, Jonilda Kushta, Vassilis Amiridis, Kostas Lagouvardos, Panagiotis Kosmopoulos, Vasiliki Kotroni, Maria Kanakidou, Nikos Mihalopoulos, Nikos Kalivitis, Pavla Dagsson-WaldhauserovĂĄ, Hesham El-Askary, Klaus Sievers, T. Giannaros, Lucia Mona, Marcus Hirt, Paul Skomorowski, Timo H.Virtanen, Theodoros Christoudias,, Biagio Di Mauro, Serena Trippetta, Stanislav Kutuzov, Outi Meinander, Slobodan Nickovic"Postprint (author's final draft


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    Mineral dust produced by wind erosion of arid and semi-arid surfaces is a major component of atmospheric aerosol that affects climate, weather, ecosystems, and socio-economic sectors such as human health, transportation, solar energy, and air quality. Understanding these effects and ultimately improving the resilience of affected countries requires a reliable, dense, and diverse set of dust observations, fundamental for the development and the provision of skillful dust forecasts tailored products. The last decade has seen a notable improvement of dust observational capabilities in terms of considered parameters, geographical coverage, and delivery times, as well as of tailored products of interest to both the scientific community and the various end-users. Given this progress, here we review the current state of observational capabilities including in-situ, ground-based and satellite remote sensing observations, in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Europe for the provision of dust information considering the needs of various users. We also critically discuss observational gaps and related unresolved questions while providing suggestions for overcoming the current limitations. Our review aims to be a milestone for discussing dust observational gaps at a global level to address the needs of users, from research communities to nonscientific stakeholdersAuthors acknowledge dr Sangboom Ryoo of Korean Meteorological Administration in Seoul for his help and support.The research leading to these results has received funding from the COST ActionCA16202, supported by COST Association (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), from DustClim Project as part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by FORMAS (SE), DLR (DE), BMWFW (AT), IFD (DK), MINECO (ES), ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462) and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program for societal challenges – smart, green and integrated transport under grant agreement no.723986 (project EUNADICS-AV – European Natural Disaster Coordination and Information System for Aviation). L. Mona acknowledges the ACTRIS-IMP (Implementation project), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant no 871115) and the contribution of the ACTRIS-ITALIA JRU (CNR prot. n. 0067310/2017). S. Basart acknowledges CAMS-84 and CAMS2-82 (part of the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services, CAMS) and the Spanish Jose Castillejo mobility programme (CAS18/0033). V. Amiridis acknowledges support from the European Research Council (grant no. 725698, D-TECT). A. Gkikas acknowledges support by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Post-Doctoral Researchers” (project acronym: ATLANTAS, project number: 544). S. Kazadzis acknowledges the ACTRIS-CH (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure–- Swiss contribution) funded by the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation, Switzerland. Work of P. Dagsson-Waldhauserova was partly funded by the Czech Science Foundation (HLD-CHANGE project, no. 20-06168Y). C. PĂ©rez GarcĂ­a-Pando acknowledges the long-term support from the AXA Research Fund, as well as the support received through the RamĂłn y Cajal programme (grant RYC-2015-18690) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 773051).B. Weinzierl acknowledges funding under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 640458, A‐LIFE).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 26 autors/es: Lucia Mona, Vassilis Amiridis, Emilio Cuevas, Antonis Gkikas, Serena Trippetta, Sophie Vandenbussche, Angela Benedetti, Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Paola Formenti, Alexander Haefele, Stelios Kazadzis, Peter Knippertz, Benoit Laurent, Fabio Madonna, Slobodan Nickovic, Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Carlos PĂ©rez GarcĂ­a-Pando, Thomas Popp, Sergio RodrĂ­guez, Andrea Sealy, Nobuo Sugimoto, Enric Terradellas, Ana Vukovic Vimic, Bernadette Weinzierl, and Sara Basart "Postprint (author's final draft

    Earth-observation-based estimation and forecasting of particulate matter impact on solar energy in Egypt

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    This study estimates the impact of dust aerosols on surface solar radiation and solar energy in Egypt based on Earth Observation (EO) related techniques. For this purpose, we exploited the synergy of monthly mean and daily post processed satellite remote sensing observations from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), radiative transfer model (RTM) simulations utilizing machine learning, in conjunction with 1-day forecasts from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). As cloudy conditions in this region are rare, aerosols in particular dust, are the most common sources of solar irradiance attenuation, causing performance issues in the photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) plant installations. The proposed EO-based methodology is based on the solar energy nowcasting system (SENSE) that quantifies the impact of aerosol and dust on solar energy potential by using the aerosol optical depth (AOD) in terms of climatological values and day-to-day monitoring and forecasting variability from MODIS and CAMS, respectively. The forecast accuracy was evaluated at various locations in Egypt with substantial PV and CSP capacity installed and found to be within 5–12% of that obtained from the satellite observations, highlighting the ability to use such modelling approaches for solar energy management and planning (M&P). Particulate matter resulted in attenuation by up to 64–107 kWh/m2 for global horizontal irradiance (GHI) and 192–329 kWh/m2 for direct normal irradiance (DNI) annually. This energy reduction is climatologically distributed between 0.7% and 12.9% in GHI and 2.9% to 41% in DNI with the maximum values observed in spring following the frequent dust activity of Khamaseen. Under extreme dust conditions the AOD is able to exceed 3.5 resulting in daily energy losses of more than 4 kWh/m2 for a 10 MW system. Such reductions are able to cause financial losses that exceed the daily revenue values. This work aims to show EO capabilities and techniques to be incorporated and utilized in solar energy studies and applications in sun-privileged locations with permanent aerosol sources such as Egypt

    Quantification of the dust optical depth across spatiotemporal scales with the MIDAS global dataset (2003–2017)

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    Quantifying the dust optical depth (DOD) and its uncertainty across spatiotemporal scales is key to understanding and constraining the dust cycle and its interactions with the Earth System. This study quantifies the DOD along with its monthly and year-to-year variability between 2003 and 2017 at global and regional levels based on the MIDAS (ModIs Dust AeroSol) dataset, which combines Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-Aqua retrievals and Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2), reanalysis products. We also describe the annual and seasonal geographical distributions of DOD across the main dust source regions and transport pathways. MIDAS provides columnar mid-visible (550 nm) DOD at fine spatial resolution (), expanding the current observational capabilities for monitoring the highly variable spatiotemporal features of the dust burden. We obtain a global DOD of 0.032±0.003 – approximately a quarter (23.4 %±2.4 %) of the global aerosol optical depth (AOD) – with about 1 order of magnitude more DOD in the Northern Hemisphere (0.056±0.004; 31.8 %±2.7 %) than in the Southern Hemisphere (0.008±0.001; 8.2 %±1.1 %) and about 3.5 times more DOD over land (0.070±0.005) than over ocean (0.019±0.002). The Northern Hemisphere monthly DOD is highly correlated with the corresponding monthly AOD (R2=0.94) and contributes 20 % to 48 % of it, both indicating a dominant dust contribution. In contrast, the contribution of dust to the monthly AOD does not exceed 17 % in the Southern Hemisphere, although the uncertainty in this region is larger. Among the major dust sources of the planet, the maximum DODs (∌1.2) are recorded in the BodĂ©lĂ© Depression of the northern Lake Chad Basin, whereas moderate-to-high intensities are encountered in the Western Sahara (boreal summer), along the eastern parts of the Middle East (boreal summer) and in the Taklamakan Desert (spring). Over oceans, major long-range dust transport is observed primarily along the tropical Atlantic (intensified during boreal summer) and secondarily in the North Pacific (intensified during boreal spring). Our calculated global and regional averages and associated uncertainties are consistent with some but not all recent observation-based studies. Our work provides a simple yet flexible method to estimate consistent uncertainties across spatiotemporal scales, which will enhance the use of the MIDAS dataset in a variety of future studies.Antonis Gkikas acknowledges support by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the 2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Post-Doctoral Researchers (ATLANTAS, project number 544), as well as support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Actions (grant no. 749461; DUST-GLASS). Vassilis Amiridis acknowledges support from the European Research Council (grant no. 725698; D-TECT). Eleni Marinou was funded by a DLR VO-R young investigator group and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (grant no. 57370121). Jasper F. Kok acknowledges support from National Science Foundation (NSF) grant 1552519. Carlos PĂ©rez GarcĂ­a-Pando acknowledges support from the European Research Council (grant no. 773051; FRAGMENT); the AXA Research Fund; and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant nos. RYC-2015-18690 and CGL2017-88911-R). The authors acknowledge support from the DustClim project as part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET project initiated by JPI Climate and funded by FORMAS (SE), DLR (DE), BMWFW (AT), IFD (DK), MINECO (ES), and ANR (FR), with cofunding by the European Union (grant no. 690462). PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) and RES (Red Española de SupercomputaciĂłn) are acknowledged for awarding access to the MareNostrum Supercomputer in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. We acknowledge support of this work by the PANhellenic infrastructure for Atmospheric Composition and climatE chAnge (PANACEA) project (grant no. MIS 5021516), which is implemented under the Horizon 2020 Action of Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure, funded by the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (NSRF 2014–2020) and cofinanced by Greece and the European Union (under the European Regional Development Fund). NOA members acknowledge support from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). The authors acknowledge support by the COST Action InDust (grant no. CA16202), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). The authors would like to thank Andrew Mark Sayer for his valuable and constructive comments. The authors would like also to thank Thanasis Georgiou for developing the ftp server on which the MIDAS dataset is stored.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Regulating Red Sea Phytoplankton Growth

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    This study considers the various factors that regulate nutrients supply in the Red Sea. Multi-sensor observation and reanalysis datasets are used to examine the relationships among dust deposition, sea surface temperature (SST), and wind speed, as they may contribute to anomalous phytoplankton blooms, through time-series and correlation analyses. A positive correlation was found at 0–3 months lag between chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) anomalies and dust anomalies over the Red Sea regions. Dust deposition process was further examined with dust aerosols’ vertical distribution using satellite lidar data. Conversely, a negative correlation was found at 0–3 months lag between SST anomalies and Chl-a that was particularly strong in the southern Red Sea during summertime. The negative relationship between SST and phytoplankton is also evident in the continuously low levels of Chl-a during 2015 to 2016, which were the warmest years in the region on record. The overall positive correlation between wind speed and Chl-a relate to the nutritious water supply from the Gulf of Aden to the southern Red Sea and the vertical mixing encountered in the northern part. Ocean Color Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) dataset experience some temporal inconsistencies due to the inclusion of different datasets. We addressed those issues in our analysis with a valid interpretation of these complex relationships

    The development of METAL-WRF Regional Model for the description of dust mineralogy in the atmosphere

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    The mineralogical composition of airborne dust particles is an important but often neglected parameter for several physiochemical processes, such as atmospheric radiative transfer and ocean biochemistry. We present the development of the METAL-WRF module for the simulation of the composition of desert dust minerals in atmospheric aerosols. The new development is based on the GOCART-AFWA dust module of WRF-Chem. A new wet deposition scheme has been implemented in the dust module alongside the existing dry deposition scheme. The new model includes separate prognostic fields for nine (9) minerals: illite, kaolinite, smectite, calcite, quartz, feldspar, hematite, gypsum, and phosphorus, derived from the GMINER30 database and also iron derived from the FERRUM30 database. Two regional model sensitivity studies are presented for dust events that occurred in August and December 2017, which include a comparison of the model versus elemental dust composition measurements performed in the North Atlantic (at Izaña Observatory, Tenerife Island) and in the eastern Mediterranean (at Agia Marina Xyliatos station, Cyprus Island). The results indicate the important role of dust minerals, as dominant aerosols, for the greater region of North Africa, South Europe, the North Atlantic, and the Middle East, including the dry and wet depositions away from desert sources. Overall, METAL-WRF was found to be capable of reproducing the relative abundances of the different dust minerals in the atmosphere. In particular, the concentration of iron (Fe), which is an important element for ocean biochemistry and solar absorption, was modeled in good agreement with the corresponding measurements at Izaña Observatory (22% overestimation) and at Agia Marina Xyliatos site (4% overestimation). Further model developments, including the implementation of newer surface mineralogical datasets, e.g., from the NASA-EMIT satellite mission, can be implemented in the model to improve its accuracy.This study was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation project Mineralogy of Dust Emissions and Impacts on Environment and Health (MegDeth - HFRI no. 703). Part of this study was conducted within the framing of the AERO-EXTREME (PID2021-125669NB-I00) project funded by the State Research Agency/Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain and the European Regional Development Funds

    Advancing the remote sensing of desert dust

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    The irregular shape of mineral dust provides a strong signature on active and passive polarimetric remote sensing observations. Nowadays, advanced lidar systems operating in the framework of ACTRIS are capable of providing quality assured, calibrated multi-wavelength linear particle depolarization ratio measurements, while new developments will provide us more polarimetric measurements in the near future. Passive polarimeters are already part of ACTRIS and their integration in operational algorithms is expected in the near future. This wealth of new information combined with updated scattering databases and sophisticated inversion schemes provide the means towards an improved characterization of desert dust in the future. We present here some examples from the ACTRIS journey on dust research during the last decade, aiming to demonstrate the progress on issues such as: (a) the discrimination of desert dust in external mixtures, (b) the separation and estimation of the fine and coarse particle modes, (c) the synergy of passive and active remote sensing for the derivation of dust concentration profiles, (d) the provision of dust-related CCN and IN particle concentrations for aerosol-cloud interaction studies, (e) the development of new scattering databases based on realistic particle shapes, (e) the application of these techniques on spaceborne lidar retrievals for the provision of global and regional climatological datasets. Future plans within ACTRIS for the evaluation and advancement of the methodologies and retrievals are also discussed, combined with new developments within the framework of the D-TECT ERC Grant

    Effects of Aerosols and Clouds on the Levels of Surface Solar Radiation and Solar Energy in Cyprus

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    Cyprus plans to drastically increase the share of renewable energy sources from 13.9% in 2020 to 22.9% in 2030. Solar energy can play a key role in the effort to fulfil this goal. The potential for production of solar energy over the island is much higher than most of European territory because of the low latitude of the island and the nearly cloudless summers. In this study, high quality and fine resolution satellite retrievals of aerosols and dust, from the newly developed MIDAS climatology, and information for clouds from CM SAF are used in order to quantify the effects of aerosols, dust, and clouds on the levels of surface solar radiation for 2004–2017 and the corresponding financial loss for different types of installations for the production of solar energy. Surface solar radiation climatology has also been developed based on the above information. Ground-based measurements were also incorporated to study the contribution of different species to the aerosol mixture and the effects of day-to-day variability of aerosols on SSR. Aerosols attenuate 5–10% of the annual global horizontal irradiation and 15–35% of the annual direct normal irradiation, while clouds attenuate 25–30% and 35–50% respectively. Dust is responsible for 30–50% of the overall attenuation by aerosols and is the main regulator of the variability of total aerosol. All-sky annual global horizontal irradiation increased significantly in the period of study by 2%, which was mainly attributed to changes in cloudiness