422 research outputs found

    Multipliers and integration operators between conformally invariant spaces

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    In this paper we are concerned with two classes of conformally invariant spaces of analytic functions in the unit disc \D, the Besov spaces BpB^p (1p<)(1\le p<\infty ) and the QsQ_s spaces (0<s<)(0<s<\infty ). Our main objective is to characterize for a given pair (X,Y)(X, Y) of spaces in these classes, the space of pointwise multipliers M(X,Y)M(X, Y), as well as to study the related questions of obtaining characterizations of those gg analytic in \D such that the Volterra operator TgT_g or the companion operator IgI_g with symbol gg is a bounded operator from XX into YY.Comment: To appear in Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F\'is. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSA

    A Hankel matrix acting on spaces of analytic functions

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    If μ\mu is a positive Borel measure on the interval [0,1)[0, 1) we let Hμ\mathcal H_\mu be the Hankel matrix Hμ=(μn,k)n,k0\mathcal H_\mu =(\mu _{n, k})_{n,k\ge 0} with entries μn,k=μn+k\mu _{n, k}=\mu _{n+k}, where, for n=0,1,2,n\,=\,0, 1, 2, \dots , μn\mu_n denotes the moment of order nn of μ\mu . This matrix induces formally the operator Hμ(f)(z)=n=0(k=0μn,kak)zn\mathcal{H}_\mu (f)(z)= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\left(\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \mu_{n,k}{a_k}\right)z^n on the space of all analytic functions f(z)=k=0akzkf(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kz^k, in the unit disc D\mathbb D . This is a natural generalization of the classical Hilbert operator. In this paper we improve the results obtained in some recent papers concerning the action of the operators HμH_\mu on Hardy spaces and on M\"obius invariant spaces.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1612.0830

    Generalized Hilbert Operators

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    If gg is an analytic function in the unit disc \D we consider the generalized Hilbert operator \hg defined by {equation*}\label{H-g} \mathcal{H}_g(f)(z)=\int_0^1f(t)g'(tz)\,dt. {equation*} We study these operators acting on classical spaces of analytic functions in \D . More precisely, we address the question of characterizing the functions gg for which the operator \hg is bounded (compact) on the Hardy spaces HpH^p, on the weighted Bergman spaces AαpA^p_\alpha or on the spaces of Dirichlet type Dαp\mathcal D^p_\alpha

    Hankel matrices acting on the Hardy space H1H^1 and on Dirichlet spaces

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    If μ\,\mu \, is a finite positive Borel measure on the interval [0,1)\,[0,1), we let Hμ\,\mathcal H_\mu \, be the Hankel matrix (μn,k)n,k0\,(\mu _{n, k})_{n,k\ge 0}\, with entries μn,k=μn+k\,\mu _{n, k}=\mu _{n+k}, where, for n=0,1,2,\,n\,=\,0, 1, 2, \dots , μn\mu_n\, denotes the moment of order n\,n\, of μ\,\mu . This matrix induces formally the operator Hμ(f)(z)=n=0(k=0μn,kak)zn\,\mathcal{H}_\mu (f)(z)= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\left(\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \mu_{n,k}{a_k}\right)z^n\, on the space of all analytic functions f(z)=k=0akzk\,f(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kz^k\,, in the unit disc D\,\mathbb D . When μ\,\mu \, is the Lebesgue measure on [0,1)\,[0,1)\, the operator Hμ\,\mathcal H_\mu\, is the classical Hilbert operator H\,\mathcal H\, which is bounded on Hp\,H^p\, if 1<p<\,1<p<\infty , but not on H1\,H^1. J. Cima has recently proved that H\,\mathcal H\, is an injective bounded operator from H1\,H^1\, into the space C\,\mathscr C\, of Cauchy transforms of measures on the unit circle. \par The operator Hμ\,\mathcal H_\mu \, is known to be well defined on H1\,H^1\, if and only if μ\,\mu \, is a Carleson measure and in such a case we have that Hμ(H1)C\mathcal H_\mu (H^1)\subset \,\mathscr C. Furthermore, it is bounded from H1\,H^1\, into itself if and only if μ\,\mu\, is a 11-logarithmic 11-Carleson measure. \par In this paper we prove that when μ\,\mu\, is a 11-logarithmic 11-Carleson measure then Hμ\,\mathcal H_\mu \, actually maps H1\,H^1\, into the space of Dirichlet type D01\,\mathcal D^1_0\,. We discuss also the range of Hμ\,\mathcal H_\mu\, on H1\,H^1\, when μ\,\mu \, is an α\alpha -logarithmic 11-Carleson measure (0<α<10<\alpha <1). We study also the action of the operators Hμ\,\mathcal H_\mu \, on Bergman spaces and on Dirichlet spaces.Comment: 21 page

    The event that provoked the outbreak of the so-called «Revuelta del Arrabal» according to the Muqtabis II from Ibn Hayy&#257;n Some remarks about the meaning of the passage

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    Una lectura atenta del texto del Muqtabis II de Ibn Hayy&#257;n que narra el acontecimiento que provocó el estallido de la llamada Revuelta del Arrabal ofrece posibilidades de interpretación que permiten dar una visión más coherente y sugestiva sobre cómo se inició este gravísimo suceso.A close reading of the text Muqtabis II from Ibn &#56256;&#56432;ayy&#257;n that deals with the event that provoked the outbreak of the so-called «Revuelta del Arrabal» («The Revolt of the Suburb» [of Córdoba]) offers new possibilities to interpret the passage in such a way that a more coherent and stimulating approach to how this event started can be given