260 research outputs found


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    This article discusses preliminary findings of a study on the transposition of the legal concept of genocide into 131 national jurisdictions. The specificities of this transposition into national criminal systems, as well as those related to the international legal definition of genocide, are described in the first part. The communicative situations in which the concept of genocide has been transposed are then examined in order to show their scope and breadth, and to which extent they contribute to the transformation of the concept of genocide. Trends related to the object of transformation in the definition and their effect on meaning are subsequently outlined. The findings point to a situation where, despite having been the object of multiple consensus at the international level, the concept of genocide has been transformed by the vast array of domestic legal languages and legal systems into which it has been transposed and thereby reinforce the relation between the configuration of the language and law, and the difficulty of translation.ArtykuƂ przybliĆŒa wstępne badania nad przeniesieniem prawnej koncepcji ludobĂłjstwa na 113 jurysdykcji. W pierwszej częƛci uwzględnia się uwarunkowania tego przeniesienia w systemach karnych jak i powiązaƄ z międzynarodową definicją prawną ludobĂłjstwa. Przeanalizowano sytuacje komunikacyjne, w ktĂłrych uwypukliƂ się koncept ludobĂłjstwa by ukazać ich zakres i rozlegƂoƛć jak i okreƛlić, w jakim stopniu przyczyniƂy się one do przeformuƂowania koncepcji ludobĂłjstwa. Ustalenia wskazują na sytuację, w ktĂłrej pomimo ludobĂłjstwa na szczeblu międzynarodowym koncepcja ludobĂłjstwa zostaƂa przeksztaƂcona przez wachlarz krajowych językĂłw prawnych i systemĂłw prawnych, do ktĂłrych zostaƂa transponowana, a tym samym wzmocniƂa relację między konfiguracją języka i prawa a trudnoƛcią tƂumaczenia

    Altérités dans l'expatriation lointaine : dialogisme des imaginaires collectifs et des discours individuels

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    In a postcolonial context, this research looks into the itineraries of French expatriates, from a former colonial empire, in Malaysia, a former British colony. The autobiographical discourses of the French expatriates, blogs, research writings and research interviews, are analyzed in terms of the articulation between individual experiences and collective representations, interrogating how experiencing alterity, as well as writing or speaking about it, participates in the construction of identities. The discourse analysis is dialogical and takes in consideration a larger field of discourses: the centuries‐long orientalist discourse as theorized by Bill Ashcroft, Tzvetan Todorov or Edward Said. Critical discourse analysis defines this research from a methodological standpoint as well as in its aims: it focuses upon a social problem (as well as individual and personal) which has a semiotic aspect, to produce knowledge which can lead to emancipatory change. With this aim, the analysis focuses upon the contexts (postcolonialism, orientalism and modern mobilities) and the dialogisms, as well as the corpus discourses. The critical and interdiscursive analysis aims to question the order of discourse, its hegemony and prescriptive value. The knowledge hence produced can lead to emancipatory change in the postcolonial discourse on alterity and identities.Cette recherche Ă©tudie les parcours d’expatriĂ©s français dans le cadre postcolonial de mobilitĂ©s françaises, un ancien empire colonial en Asie du Sud‐Est, en Malaisie, une ancienne colonie britannique. La parole et en particulier la parole autobiographique sur l’expĂ©rience de la mobilitĂ© lointaine et de l’altĂ©ritĂ© y est analysĂ©e avec une focalisation sur l’articulation entre discours individuels et collectifs, et le rĂŽle de l’expĂ©rience de l’altĂ©ritĂ© dans la construction des identitĂ©s. L’analyse de la parole d’expatriĂ©s français, plurilitteraciĂ©e et collectĂ©e sous forme de rĂ©cits Ă©crits, d’entretiens de recherche et de blogs, fait l’objet d’une analyse interdiscursive. Le champ discursif concernĂ© est dĂ©limitĂ© et caractĂ©risĂ© grĂące aux analyses existantes sur le discours plurisĂ©culaire de l’Occident sur l’Orient, telles que celles proposĂ©es par des auteurs comme Bill Ashcroft, Tzvetan Todorov ou Edward Said. Du point de vue mĂ©thodologique, l’approche proposĂ©e par l’analyse discursive critique a inspirĂ© la dĂ©marche et les objectifs de cette recherche : il s’agit d’identifier une problĂ©matique sociale (et aussi individuelle, ou intime) d’ordre sĂ©miotique sur laquelle la connaissance produite aura valeur Ă©mancipatoire. Afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette injonction critique, l’analyse porte sur le contexte de production des discours (le territoire colonisĂ© ou postcolonisĂ©, le voyage lointain d’ouest en est, le discours francophone lettrĂ©), les relations dialogiques de ce discours, le discours lui‐mĂȘme linguistiquement et structuralement. L’analyse critique interdiscursive permet d’en mettre en question le pouvoir normatif et la potentielle valeur prescriptive. Cette connaissance produite pourra avoir la valeur Ă©mancipatoire de considĂ©rer la possibilitĂ© de l’émergence d’un discours progressiste sur l’expĂ©rience de l’altĂ©ritĂ© dans la construction des identitĂ©s

    ThĂ©ophile Gautier, ƒuvres poĂ©tiques complĂštes

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    Comme le constate dans l’introduction M. Brix, dix-neuviĂ©miste confirmĂ©, que Nerval a conduit Ă  Gautier, ce volume comble une Ă©tonnante lacune : il n’existait plus en effet d’édition disponible des PoĂ©sies complĂštes de Gautier, depuis l’épuisement de l’édition Jasinski, parue en 1932 et rĂ©imprimĂ©e en 1970. Le premier intĂ©rĂȘt de ce volume est donc de rendre de nouveau accessible l’ensemble de l’Ɠuvre poĂ©tique de Gautier, en y incluant, pour la premiĂšre fois, les Ɠuvres libertines qu’avait lais..

    Adolphe Thiers, critique d’art, Salons de 1822 et de 1824, Ă©dition prĂ©sentĂ©e et annotĂ©e par Marie-Claude Chaudonneret

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    Si l’on excepte un article, dĂ©jĂ  de Marie-Claude Chaudonneret, dans le numĂ©ro de la Revue des Sciences morales et politiques consacrĂ© Ă  Thiers collectionneur et amateur d’art en 1998, la critique d’art de Thiers a rarement suscitĂ© l’attention de la critique. On n’en a guĂšre retenu, grĂące Ă  Baudelaire, Ă  ThĂ©ophile Silvestre et Ă  quelques autres, que la prophĂ©tie qui, dĂšs le Salon de 1822, promettait Ă  Delacroix «l’avenir d’un grand peintre». C’est donc une heureuse initiative que d’avoir rĂ©Ă©di..

    Adolphe Thiers, critique d’art, Salons de 1822 et de 1824

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    Si l’on excepte un article, dĂ©jĂ  de M.-C. Chaudonneret, dans le numĂ©ro de la « Revue des Sciences morales et politiques » consacrĂ© Ă  Thiers collectionneur et amateur d’art en 1998, sa critique d’art a peu attirĂ© l’attention des chercheurs. On n’en a guĂšre retenu – grĂące Ă  Baudelaire, ThĂ©ophile Silvestre et quelques autres – que la prophĂ©tie promettant dĂšs 1822 Ă  Delacroix « l’avenir d’un grand peintre ». C’est donc une trĂšs heureuse initiative d’avoir rĂ©Ă©ditĂ© les deux Salons que le jeune avoc..

    Niveaux de compétences des internes de médecine générale d'Angers en prévention éducation dépistage (Etude qualitative)

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    Introduction : Le dĂ©veloppement d'outils d'Ă©valuation et de certification des internes de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale en mĂ©decin compĂ©tent est actuellement en cours au niveau national. La compĂ©tence Ă©ducation prĂ©vention et dĂ©pistage a Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ©e au grand ouest. Le travail effectuĂ© Ă  la facultĂ© de mĂ©decine d'Angers avait pour but de rechercher des indices de niveaux de dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©tence. MatĂ©riel et MĂ©thode : 21 internes de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©partis en trois focus group : novice , intermĂ©diaire et compĂ©tent , selon leur avancĂ©e dans le cursus de l'internat. Une analyse thĂ©matique de chacun des verbatims a recherchĂ© les reprĂ©sentations des internes pour la compĂ©tence. RĂ©sultats : Les internes du groupe novice savaient que le patient devait avoir une place centrale dans sa prise en charge mais oubliaient de l'intĂ©grer en pratique. Les internes du groupe intermĂ©diaire commençaient Ă  donner une place au patient mais acceptaient difficilement des opinions diffĂ©rentes. Les internes du groupe compĂ©tent intĂ©graient le patient dans la dĂ©cision mĂ©dicale et anticipaient la prise en charge dans le temps et en rĂ©seau. Discussion : Des indices de niveau de compĂ©tence ont pu ĂȘtre retrouvĂ©s. Les diffĂ©rences entre le discours et la pratique rendent nĂ©cessaire l'Ă©valuation en situation authentique. Conclusion : Ce travail s'intĂšgre avec les 5 autres travaux du Grand Ouest afin de permettre l'Ă©laboration d'un outil d'Ă©valuation.Introduction : the development of evaluation tools and certification of general practice interns is in progress on a national scale. The competency education, prevention, screening has been allocated to the big west region of France. The work performed in the University of Angers aimed at searching evidence of proficiency for the competency. Material an methods : 21 interns of general practice were divided into 3 FG defined as either "novice""intermediary"and "competent", according to their advance in the program. A thematic analysis of the interviews material defined the interns representations for the competency Result : The interns of the novice group knew that the patient must have a central place in his care but forgot to include him in the practice. The interns of the intermediary group started to give him a central place but accepted different opinions with difficulties. The interns of the competent group implied the patient in the decision and anticipated the care in time and with the other praticer.. Discussion :some Iindicators of the level of competency could be found. The differencies between the speech and the practice make necessary the evaluation in au thentic situations.Conclusion : this work is integred with 5 other same work of the big West region in order to develop assessment toolsANGERS-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Participation in sports-related extracurricular activities: a strategy that enhances school engagement

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    This article outlines a strategy that we, as high school teachers, used in the academic year 2012-2013 to improve a student’s school engagement. Extracurricular activities such as sports have proven useful (among other strategies) to counter school disengagement, specifically in enhancing positive social relations among the teachers and students involved. The authors present an approach implemented in partnership with the students, and discuss the consequences of this strategy for the students and the desired improvements. Finally, we emphasize the importance of peer involvement, teachers’ collaboration, and the teachers’ willingness to inspire and empower change.Cet article porte sur une stratĂ©gie que nous avons mise de l’avant Ă  titre de praticiens afin de susciter l’engagement d’un Ă©lĂšve Ă  l’école pendant l’annĂ©e scolaire 2012-2013. Le recours Ă  une activitĂ© parascolaire axĂ©e sur le sport pour favoriser l’engagement de l’élĂšve s’est avĂ©rĂ© en partie efficace pour contrer ce phĂ©nomĂšne, notamment en suscitant la qualitĂ© des liens sociaux entre tous les acteurs impliquĂ©s. Les auteurs prĂ©sentent la stratĂ©gie Ă©laborĂ©e en partenariat avec l’élĂšve, les retombĂ©es de celle-ci et les amĂ©liorations souhaitĂ©es. Finalement, ils soulignent l’importance de l’implication des pairs, de la collaboration entre les enseignants, et de la capacitĂ© des praticiens Ă  inspirer et Ă  susciter du changement chez les Ă©lĂšves

    Supporting transition toward conservation agriculture: a framework to analyze the learning processes of farmers

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    Conservation agriculture (CA) is based on 3 principles, namely reduced soil disturbance, permanent soil cover, and more complex and legume-rich rotations; and multiple studies have shown its positive impacts. Because CA relies on a variety of ecological processes, it is more deeply rooted in a specific ecological context than conventional agriculture. The complexity of these processes makes it difficult to elaborate general recipes to be applied by farmers, who therefore need to learn to make their own choices adapted to their own agroecosystem. Consequently, helping farmers to move toward CA requires supporting them in learning to develop their own practices. Farmers’ learning remains poorly investigated at the individual level, with in particular very little work focusing on learning in CA. We hypothesize that the processes involved in learning to practice CA may differ from those involved in conventional agriculture: for instance, the current lack of detailed reference documents may induce farmers to experiment more. Against this background, we here aimed at describing how farmers experienced in CA learn, by qualifying their learning mechanisms and processes. To do so, we conducted five comprehensive interviews with farmers experienced in CA, and then inductively analyzed the data to explore the diversity of learning mechanisms involved, i.e. the elementary actions or cognitive activities which, organized together, constitute a learning process. We, thus, propose a descriptive framework of non-ordered and non-obligatory learning mechanisms that appear to be mobilized by farmers experienced in conservation agriculture, as a first step toward a deeper analysis of their learning processes. We further emphasize the often unintentional aspect of learning, as well as the importance, for farmers who wish to implement CA practices, of developing new standards of comparison. A better understanding of these learning processes would help improving extension services and training for farmers

    Communication et implantation bureautique dansle franchisage de diffusion

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    L’informatisation interne verticale des activitĂ©s de gestion intervient aussi bien dans les pratiques locales des franchisĂ©s que dans celles qui gĂšrent leurs relations commerciales et financiĂšres avec le franchiseur. Il est important de retrouver « l’esprit » original de la franchise afin de comprendre les paramĂštres conceptuels dans lesquels les franchisĂ©s vont intĂ©ger le projet informatique. En prenant conscience des implications communicationnelles des diffĂ©rents types de franchisage de reproduction ou de « diffusion » sur les structures organisationnelles. le franchiseur doit se donner les moyens de rĂ©gler les dissonances culturelles (visions des modĂšles) avant de s’attacher Ă  dĂ©monter l’utilitĂ© et la faisabilitĂ© techniques de son projet


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceThis paper provides a framework to analyse the undergoing changes in agricultural and rural development. As a result of these changes, agricultural extension is faced with the challenge of standing at the crossroads between sector development and territorial development, which is the issue analysed here. This paper contributes to a new conceptualization of agricultural activity, reaching beyond its technical, economic, and productive aspects so as to include cultural and political factors, as well as the spatial and time dimensions related to local and daily life activities. This leads to the establishment of a new approach of agricultural changes and their accompaniment, and of public policy guidelines, which places collective actions, together with their situated dimension, purposes, and knowledge, at the heart of the analysis. The subsequent conceptual framework has being tested in a number of French studies, which first results, reported in Part 2, can be synthesized as three major trends: territorial factors are progressively being integrated in agricultural advice, including in traditional farming sectors; the public and the objects of agricultural extension are diversifying; extension agents need to cooperate with the development agents of non-agricultural sector. All in all, the skills of the extension agents, and their ability to facilitate collective actions, are the most sensitive issues brought about by these new challenges
