392 research outputs found

    Paper Session II-B - High Efficiency Hyperspectral Imager for the Terrestrial and Atmospheric Multispectral Explorer

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    The Terrestrial and Atmospheric MultiSpectral Explorer1 (TAMSE) is a Space Shuttle Small Self- Contained Payload “Get-Away Special” (GAS) project, led by Principal Investigator Rolando Branly, and including remote sensing and microgravity experiments from Florida Space Institute member schools. One of these experiments is the High-Efficiency HyperSpectral Imager (HEHSI). The HEHSI project will provide a low-cost spaceflight demonstration of a novel type of imaging spectrometer with exceptional light gathering ability. HEHSI is also a demonstration of what can be achieved in space with a modest budget: 15KfromtheFloridaSpaceGrantConsortium(FSGC)and 15K from the Florida Space Grant Consortium (FSGC) and 10K from the Florida Space Institute (FSI). Education and workforce development are important goals of the project, with all of the mechanical, electronics, and software design and testing being carried out by an interdisciplinary team of FSI students. These six students, who are about to graduate with bachelor’s degrees in engineering (three computer, one electrical, and two aerospace), have worked on the project and received course credit for two semesters. The matching funds from FSI support the involvement of the mentor for the HEHSI experiment, Glenn Sellar, who is also responsible for the optical design. Environmental testing (thermal and vibration) will be carried out by the students at KSC’s Physical Testing Laboratory, under a cooperative Space Act Agreement. As this instrument is the first remote sensing payload constructed in Florida (to the authors knowledge), it also serves as a seed for diversification of the space industry in Florida. An overview of the project is presented in this paper, including the science objectives, and the optical, mechanical, electrical, and software designs

    Epidemiology of eating disorders part III: Social epidemiology and case definitions revisited.

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    Accepted manuscript version. Published version at <a href=http://doi.org/10.1080/21662630.2015.1022197>http://doi.org/10.1080/21662630.2015.1022197</a>.The previous papers in this series outlined a historical panorama and presented updated knowledge about putative risk factors and how eating disorders are distributed in various populations. In this final paper, we discuss in what way comorbidity findings and transdiagnostic issues may change our conceptions about ‘an epidemiological case’ from the current definition of eating disorders based on the recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (i.e. the DSM-5), and to what extent an alternative definition may introduce new perspectives of prevention. The paper also provides an update on issues relevant for treatment dissemination

    Interpreting physical performance in professional soccer match-play: Should we be more pragmatic in our approach?

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    Academic and practitioner interest in the physical performance of male professional soccer players in the competition setting determined via time-motion analyses has grown substantially over the last four decades leading to a substantial body of published research and aiding development of a more systematic evidence-based framework for physical conditioning. Findings have forcibly shaped contemporary opinions in the sport with researchers and practitioners frequently emphasising the important role that physical performance plays in match outcomes. Time-motion analyses have also influenced practice as player conditioning programmes can be tailored according to the different physical demands identified across individual playing positions. Yet despite a more systematic approach to physical conditioning, data indicate that even at the very highest standards of competition, the contemporary player is still susceptible to transient and end-game fatigue. Over the course of this article, the author suggests that a more pragmatic approach to interpreting the current body of time-motion analysis data and its application in the practical setting is nevertheless required. Examples of this are addressed using findings in the literature to examine: a) the association between competitive physical performance and ‘success’ in professional soccer, b) current approaches to interpreting differences in time-motion analysis data across playing positions and, c) whether data can realistically be used to demonstrate the occurrence of fatigue in match-play. Gaps in the current literature and directions for future research are also identified

    Variation of Laminar Depth in Normal Eyes With Age and Race

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    PURPOSE. To determine if laminar depth (LD) and prelaminar tissue volume (PTV) are associated with age and race in healthy human eyes. METHODS. Optic nerve head images from enhanced depth imaging spectral-domain optical coherence tomography of 166 normal eyes from 84 subjects of African descent (AD) and European descent (ED) were manually delineated to identify the principal surfaces: internal limiting membrane, Bruch&apos;s membrane (BM), anterior sclera (AS), and anterior surface of the lamina cribrosa. These four surfaces defined the LD and PTV using Bruch&apos;s membrane opening (BMO) and AS for reference structures. Generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate whether the effect of age on each outcome was differential by race. RESULTS. When age was analyzed as a continuous variable, the interaction term between age and race was statistically significant for mean LD BMO (P Π0.015) and mean LD AS (P Π0.0062) after adjusting for axial length and BMO area. For every 1-year increase in age, the LD AS was greater on average by 1.78 lm in AD subjects and less by 1.71 lm in ED subjects. Mean PTV was lower in the older subjects (1248 3 10 6 lm 3 AD, 881 3 10 6 lm 3 ED) compared to the younger subjects (1316 3 10 6 lm 3 AD, 1102 3 10 6 lm 3 ED) in both groups. CONCLUSIONS. With increasing age, the LD changes differently across racial groups in normal subjects. The LD in ED subjects showed a significantly decreasing slope suggesting that the lamina moves anteriorly with age in this group. Keywords: lamina cribrosa, laminar depth, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography I ndividuals of African descent (AD) have a higher prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma with worse visual outcomes from the disease compared to those of European descent (ED). 1-5 Investigation into the many possible causes of this disparity reveals racial and ethnic differences in the anatomy of the optic nerve head (ONH). 3,6-14 Variation in ONH parameters, such as larger optic discs, deeper cups, and thicker overall retinal nerve fiber layer thicknesses in AD individuals

    The effect of novel nitrogen-rich plasma polymer coatings on the phenotypic profile of notochordal cells

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    Background: The loss of the notochordal cells from the nucleus pulposus is associated with ageing and disc degeneration. However, understanding the mechanisms responsible for the loss of these cells has been hampered in part due to the difficulty of culturing and maintaining their phenotype. Furthermore, little is known about the influence of the substratum on the molecular markers of notochordal cells. Methods: Notochordal cells were isolated from lumbar spine of non-chondrodystrophoid dogs and cultured on N-rich plasma polymer layers, so-called "PPE:N" ( N-doped plasma-polymerised ethylene, containing up to 36% [N]) surfaces, for 3, 7 or 14 days. Gene expression of vimentin ( VIM), pleiotrophin ( PTN), matrix Gla protein ( MGP), cartilage oligomeric matrix protein ( COMP), keratin 18 ( KRT 18), aggrecan ( AGG), collagen type 1 ( COL1A2), collagen type 2 ( COL2A1) was analyzed through semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR).Results: Notochordal cells were maintained in culture on PPE:N for up to 14 days with no loss in cell viability. Except for VIM, gene expression varied depending on the culture periods and [ N] concentration of the substratum. Generally, PPE: N surfaces altered gene expression significantly when cells were cultured for 3 or 7 days.Conclusion: The present study has shown that notochordal cells from dogs can attach to and grow on PPE: N surfaces. Analysis of the expression of different genes in these cells cultured on different N-functionalized surfaces indicates that cellular behaviour is gene-specific and time-dependent. Further studies are required to better understand the roles of specific surface functionalities on receptor sites, and their effects on cellular phenotypes

    Loss of the integrin-activating transmembrane protein Fam38A (Piezo1) promotes a switch to a reduced integrin-dependent mode of cell migration

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    Lung cancer is one of the most common fatal diseases in the developed world. The disease is rarely cured by currently available therapies, with an overall survival rate of ∌10%. Characterizing novel proteins that offer crucial insights into the processes of lung tumour invasion and metastasis may therefore provide much-needed prognostic markers, and influence therapeutic strategies. Aberrant function of the integrin family of heterodimeric cell surface receptors is a common theme in cancer--investigation into novel integrin activity regulators may offer crucial insights into the processes of tumour invasion and metastasis and may reveal insights into potential therapeutic targets. We previously described that depletion of the novel multi-transmembrane domain protein Fam38A, located at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), inactivates endogenous beta1 integrin affinity, reducing cell adhesion. We now show that depletion of Fam38A, also now known as Piezo1, causes anchorage independence and a switch to a reduced integrin-dependent mode of cell migration/invasion, a novel phenotype for this integrin-regulating protein. Normal lung epithelial cells show increased rates of migration by 2D time-lapse microscopy and increased capacity to invade into matrigel, despite having decreased integrin affinity. We confirm greatly depleted Fam38A expression in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) lines where a form of reduced integrin-dependent migration, i.e. amoeboid migration, is a known phenotype. We propose that loss of Fam38A expression may cause increased cell migration and metastasis in lung tumours

    Active ecological restoration of cold-water corals: techniques, challenges, costs and future directions

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    Cold-water coral (CWC) habitats dwell on continental shelves, slopes, seamounts, and ridge systems around the world's oceans from 50 to 4000 m depth, providing heterogeneous habitats which support a myriad of associated fauna. These highly diverse ecosystems are threatened by human stressors such as fishing activities, gas and oil exploitation, and climate change. Since their life-history traits such as long lifespan and slow growth rates make CWCs very vulnerable to potential threats, it is a foremost challenge to explore the viability of restoration actions to enhance and speed up their recovery. In contrast to terrestrial and shallow-water marine ecosystems, ecological restoration in deep marine environments has received minimal attention. This review, by means of a systematic literature search, aims to identify CWC restoration challenges, assess the most suitable techniques to restore them, and discuss future perspectives. Outcomes from the few restoration actions performed to date on CWCs, which have lasted between 1 to 4 years, provide evidence of the feasibility of coral transplantation and artificial reef deployments. Scientific efforts should focus on testing novel and creative restoration techniques, especially to scale up to the spatial and temporal scales of impacts. There is still a general lack of knowledge about the biological, ecological and habitat characteristics of CWC species exploration of which would aid the development of effective restoration measures. To ensure the long-term viability and success of any restoration action it is essential to include holistic and long-term monitoring programs, and to ideally combine active restoration with natural spontaneous regeneration (i.e., passive restoration) strategies such as the implementation of deep-sea marine protected areas (MPAs). We conclude that a combination of passive and active restoration approaches with involvement of local society would be the best optimal option to achieve and ensure CWC restoration success

    A Four-Way Comparison of Cardiac Function with Normobaric Normoxia, Normobaric Hypoxia, Hypobaric Hypoxia and Genuine High Altitude.

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    There has been considerable debate as to whether different modalities of simulated hypoxia induce similar cardiac responses.This was a prospective observational study of 14 healthy subjects aged 22-35 years. Echocardiography was performed at rest and at 15 and 120 minutes following two hours exercise under normobaric normoxia (NN) and under similar PiO2 following genuine high altitude (GHA) at 3,375m, normobaric hypoxia (NH) and hypobaric hypoxia (HH) to simulate the equivalent hypoxic stimulus to GHA.All 14 subjects completed the experiment at GHA, 11 at NN, 12 under NH, and 6 under HH. The four groups were similar in age, sex and baseline demographics. At baseline rest right ventricular (RV) systolic pressure (RVSP, p = 0.0002), pulmonary vascular resistance (p = 0.0002) and acute mountain sickness (AMS) scores were higher and the SpO2 lower (p<0.0001) among all three hypoxic groups (GHA, NH and HH) compared with NN. At both 15 minutes and 120 minutes post exercise, AMS scores, Cardiac output, septal S', lateral S', tricuspid S' and A' velocities and RVSP were higher and SpO2 lower with all forms of hypoxia compared with NN. On post-test analysis, among the three hypoxia groups, SpO2 was lower at baseline and 15 minutes post exercise with GHA (89.3±3.4% and 89.3±2.2%) and HH (89.0±3.1 and (89.8±5.0) compared with NH (92.9±1.7 and 93.6±2.5%). The RV Myocardial Performance (Tei) Index and RVSP were significantly higher with HH than NH at 15 and 120 minutes post exercise respectively and tricuspid A' was higher with GHA compared with NH at 15 minutes post exercise.GHA, NH and HH produce similar cardiac adaptations over short duration rest despite lower SpO2 levels with GHA and HH compared with NH. Notable differences emerge following exercise in SpO2, RVSP and RV cardiac function

    Genomic, Pathway Network, and Immunologic Features Distinguishing Squamous Carcinomas

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    This integrated, multiplatform PanCancer Atlas study co-mapped and identified distinguishing molecular features of squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) from five sites associated with smokin
