1,678 research outputs found

    Electronic and photonic switching in the atm era

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    Broadband networks require high-capacity switches in order to properly manage large amounts of traffic fluxes. Electronic and photonic technologies are being used to achieve this objective both allowing different multiplexing and switching techniques. Focusing on the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), the inherent different characteristics of electronics and photonics makes different architectures feasible. In this paper, different switching structures are described, several ATM switching architectures which have been recently implemented are presented and the implementation characteristics discussed. Three diverse points of view are given from the electronic research, the photonic research and the commercial switches. Although all the architectures where successfully tested, they should also follow different market requirements in order to be commercialised. The characteristics are presented and the architectures projected over them to evaluate their commercial capabilities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Imbalance of p75(NTR)/TrkB protein expression in Huntington's disease: Implication for neuroprotective therapies

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    Neuroprotective therapies based on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) administration have been proposed for Huntington's disease (HD) treatment. However, our group has recently reported reduced levels of TrkB in HD mouse models and HD human brain suggesting that besides a decrease on BDNF levels a reduction of TrkB expression could also contribute to diminished neurotrophic support in HD. BDNF can also bind to p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) modulating TrkB signaling. Therefore, in this study we have analyzed the levels of p75(NTR) in several HD models, as well as in HD human brain. Our data demonstrates a p75(NTR)/TrkB imbalance in the striatum of two different HD mouse models, Hdh(Q111/111) homozygous knockin mice and R6/1 mice that was also manifested in the putamen of HD patients. The imbalance between TrkB and p75(NTR) levels in a HD cellular model did not affect BDNF-mediated TrkB activation of prosurvival pathways but induced activation of apoptotic cascades as demonstrated by increased JNK phosphorylation. Moreover, BDNF failed to protect mutant huntingtin striatal cells transfected with p75(NTR) against NMDA-mediated excitotoxicity, which was associated with decreased Akt phosphorylation. Interestingly, lack of Akt activation following BDNF and NMDA treatment correlated with increased PP1 levels. Accordingly, pharmacological inhibition of PP1 by okadaic acid (OA) prevented mutant huntingtin striatal cell death induced by NMDA and BDNF. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that the p75(NTR)/TrkB imbalance induced by mutant huntingtin in striatal cells associated with the aberrant activity of PP1 disturbs BDNF neuroprotection likely contributing to increasing striatal vulnerability in HD. On the basis of this data we hypothesize that normalization of p75(NTR) and/or TrkB expression or their signaling will improve BDNF neuroprotective therapies in HD. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4, e595; doi:10.1038/cddis.2013.116; published online 18 April 201

    415: Caring for the Morbidly Obese Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patient: Nursing Interventions and Implications

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    Fractura de piso orbitario en un jugador de béisbol

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    Presentamos un caso de un paciente, jugador de béisbol que sufrió una fractura de piso orbitario al recibir un golpe directo (blowout) con un bate que se le escapó a otro jugador, esta fractura fue reparada con un bloque de Hidroxiapatita Porosa HAP -200 .Una vez reconstruido el defecto óseo, el paciente volvió a su vida normal y comenzó de nuevo a jugar béisbol, debido a que desaparecieron la diplopía y el enoftalmo, por lo que tuvo una completa rehabilitación estética y funcional. En los exámenes radiográficos postoperatorios se observó una excelente reconstrucción del piso de la orbita y una osteointegegración del material implantológicoWe attend one patient, baseball player that suffer floor orbital fracture when he received hit in his eye (blowout) during practice baseball. He was operating and repaired this fracture with Porous Hidroxyapatite HAP-200.After operation he returned to play baseball because disappear the signs and symptoms (diplopia and enophthalmo).The radiography study showed excellent result after one yea

    Coloquialismos léxicos y fraseológicos en «La estanquera de Vallecas» de José Luis Alonso de Santos

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    En este trabajo se presenta una aproximación al español coloquial a través de la obra La estanquera de Vallecas, de José Luis Alonso de Santos. Este estudio se centra exclusivamente en aquellas voces que por su forma o su significado pueden considerarse propias de niveles coloquiales, en los mecanismos que favorecen su creación y constante renovación (préstamos, metáfora, eufemismo, cambio de significado, etc.) y en aquellas expresiones fijas o frases que no son producidas en cada acto de habla, sino repetidas en bloque (refranes, frases proverbiales, dialoguismos, perífrasis, etc.). Asimismo, se comprueba que los rasgos extraídos están muy generalizados en el español popular, especialmente entre la población juvenil. In this article it ispresented a study ofthe informal Spanish trough the play La estanquera de Vallecas, by José Luis Alonso de Santos. This study is mainly based on those words which, either by theirform or meaning, can be considered within informal registers. Also, in the mechanism involved in wordbilding and in its constant changing (loanwords, metaphores, euphemisms, change ofmeanings, etc.), and in thosefixedexpressions which are notproduced in each an every act of speaking, but repeteated as a set phrase (proverbs, idiomatic expresions, periphrasis, formulae, etc.). In the same way, it can be observed that these features and characteristics are already very generalized in the colloquial Spanish, specialfy among young people

    Intensidad turística en ciudades medianas y pequeñas españolas. Investigación de turismo urbano mediante un indicador cuantitativo: Indicador de Intensidad Turística

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    Urban tourism has experienced significant growth in recent decades, generating situations of overtourism and tourismophobia. In Spain, cities such as Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia, and Madrid face the effects of excess tourism on a daily basis, even in times of the pandemic. The objective of this study is to determine whether an increase in tourism intensity has also occurred in small and medium-sized Spanish cities and, if so, to develop an assessment of the phenomenon. To this end, a Tourism Intensity Index (TII) has been designed and applied to international tourist flows and statistically tested (through cluster analysis and Student’s ‘t’ test), permitting not only a confirmation of the phenomenon but its characterization during the period 2003-2020 and its interpretation from a geographical perspective. This research shows that tourist intensity is a phenomenon that extends also to medium and small Spanish cities.En las últimas décadas el turismo urbano ha experimentado un importante crecimiento generando situaciones de overtourism y turismofobia. En España, ciudades como Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca o Madrid afrontan diariamente los efectos de los excesos turísticos, incluso en tiempos de pandemia. Precisamente, es objetivo de este estudio determinar si también se está produciendo un incremento de la intensidad turística en las ciudades españolas de tamaño medio y pequeño y, en caso positivo, desarrollar una valoración del fenómeno. Para ello, se ha diseñado un Indicador de Intensidad Turística (ITT) cuyos resultados, aplicados a los flujos de turismo internacional y testeados estadísticamente (análisis clúster y prueba “t”-Student), han permitido no solo confirmar el fenómeno sino también caracterizarlo durante el periodo cronológico 2003-2020 e interpretarlo desde una perspectiva geográfica. Esta investigación muestra que la intensidad turística es un fenómeno que también deben afrontar las ciudades españolas pequeñas y medianas que han experimentado en los últimos años un importante crecimiento turístico.This research forms part the competitive project “Culture and territory in Spain: Processes and impacts in small and medium-sized cities” (references CSO2017-83603-C2-1-R and CSO2017-83603-C2-2 -R), financed by the State Research Program “Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society” of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, 2013-2016

    Índice de Liam: prueba física funcional

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    Made very important test (Liam) in the medical students in Medical Faculty in Artemisa city, because with this examination proof the functional and physical conditions before and after training. All students after training received best results than before. It is very important to because the students obtained some abilities in this subject when will be doctorsSe realizó un análisis de la prueba funcional de Liam en un grupo de estudiantes de 2do año de Medicina de Artemisa con el objetivo de valorar el grado de aptitud cardiovascular y el nivel de entrenamiento de este grupo, donde se obtuvo que la mayoría de los estudiantes el 77,8% estaba apto físicamente y solo dos para un 22,2% se encontraba en la categoría de pobre en la prueba que se realizó al inicio del curso .Esta prueba es de gran utilidad en nuestra formación como futuro Medico Generales Integrales y sobre todo que es muy fácil su proceder y lo podemos aplicar en área de salud con nuestros pacientes ,una vez graduados como médicos .En el mes de Abril después de seis meses de práctica sistemática de ejercicios físicos todos los estudiantes mejoraron de forma considerable su aptitud cardiovascular y el nivel de entrenamiento a las categorías de muy bien y bie

    Processes and Tools for enabling Interoperability between Citizen Science and Expert Biodiversity Data in Agriculture

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    The emerging OGC APIs aim to support anyone to provide and use geospatial data from a wide variety of domains on the web, and to integrate this data with any other type of information. In the H2020 project “Farmer clusters for Realising Agrobiodiversity Management across Ecosystems” (FRAMEwork), we develop and implement tools and processes that enable interoperability between Citizen Science data and Expert data in Farmer Clusters. A Farmer Cluster is a farmer-led group of farmers, specialising in different cropping and farming systems working together in their locality with the objective to ensure that their efforts are complementary and to work towards shared biodiversity goals. Biodiversity monitoring data is collected in several formats and through different applications in 11 pilot Farmer Clusters spread among 9 countries across Europe. This biodiversity monitoring data is consequently stored and curated in a Data Hub as metadata records and its associated biodiversity datasets. Such metadata is useful and understandable and it enables collaboration between the different stakeholders of the project. The Data Hub, hosted by CREAF, is a GeoNetwork repository which is an open-source catalogue application to manage spatially referenced resources. In case the data is public, it is transformed with tools that are developed and tested in the project. They are based on the OGC STAplus, an extension to the OGC SensorThings data model/API which has been developed and based on requirements from the Citizen Science community. STAplus was initially designed in the COS4Cloud project (Co-designed citizen observatories for the EOS-Cloud) and its use is also foreseen in the CitiObs project (Enhancing Citizen Observatories for healthy, sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities) as a mechanism to interoperate among air quality observatories. The nat2sta tool allows to transform iNaturalist observations into STAplus records, which in turn are uploaded and can be visualised and queried in map visualisations such as the MiraMon Map Browser. The STAplus instance is hosted by Secure Dimensions and it is based in their FROSTplus development available on GitHub. The nat2sta tool has been tested with biodiversity observations collected in one of the pilot Farmer Clusters during a BioBlitz in April 2022 in Born (Luxembourg), as part of the global City Nature Challenge. Data scientists can explore this data and different stakeholder groups can discover and query the data in the MiraMon Map Browser. They can perform analysis and statistics or build time series and observe evolution of biodiversity variables. Further tools, such as the csv2sta which recognises CSV observations and ingests them in a STAplus service instance, are developed to guarantee FAIR data principles and to ensure data interoperability with other formats of biodiversity data collected in the field. One goal is to link these tools and processes with an open access Information Hub to support FRAMEwork networks, sharing activities, information, data and resources across farmers, scientists, policy makers and citizens. The described processes and tools will facilitate sharing and harmonisation of farmer and citizen-based, high-quality information on biodiversity in farming contexts

    The role of schizotypal traits and the OXTR gene in theory of mind in schizophrenia : A family-based study

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    There is consistent evidence that theory of mind (ToM) is impaired in schizophrenia (SZ); however, it remains unclear whether such deficits are trait- or state-dependent. We evaluated ToM in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs), their healthy first-degree relatives, and controls to test its suitability as an endophenotypic marker. We also studied the modifying effect of markers of clinical and genetic liability to SZ (schizotypy and genetic variability in the oxytocin receptor gene: OXTR) on ToM in healthy individuals. The sample included 38 stable SSD patients, 80 unaffected first-degree relatives, and 81 controls. ToM was assessed using the Hinting Task (HT) and schizotypy via the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B), which generates interpersonal (SPQ-IP), cognitive-perceptual (SPQ-CP), and disorganization (SPQ-D) scores. The polymorphism rs53576 of OXTR was genotyped. Patients presented poorer HT performance than relatives and controls (p = 0.003 and p < 0.001). High SPQ-IP and SPQ-CP scores correlated with poorer ToM performance in relatives (p = 0.010 and p = 0.030), but not in controls. OXTR was not associated with HT scores, but it showed a modifying effect within controls; high SPQ-CP was related to HT poorer performance conditional to GG genotype (p = 0.007). ToM deficits were present in patients but not in unaffected relatives or controls. However, our data indicate the usefulness of clinical and genetic liability markers to characterize differences in ToM abilities within healthy individuals. Then, the observed link between ToM and SZ liability suggests the putative role of ToM as an endophenotypic marker. Nevertheless, new analyses in larger samples are needed