909 research outputs found

    La historia, la comida, la salud: Un vínculo siempre más estrecho entre alimentación y medicina

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    Restropectiva [ES] En las sociedades del Antiguo Régimen la influencia del pensamiento científico racionalista puesta en acto en el Siglo de las Luces es básico para que se afirme una nueva cultura médico-científica en el contexto en que cambia también la relación con la comida. Alimentarse asume entonces un valor social e inspira consideraciones más profundas sobre la salud, atrayendo siempre más la atención de los médicos sobre la dieta, sobre las condiciones ambientales e higiénicas. Pero desde la edad media obras específicas (como, por ejemplo, los Tratados) indican las propiedades de los alimentos y los beneficios que llevan consigo; desaconsejan otros hasta llegar a la prescripción médica del ayuno como verdadera terapia, afirmando así la estrecha relación entre alimentación y salud. Los "recetarios" de los hospitales indican un uso apropiado de determinadas comidas, hierbas, plantas, frutas, ensaladas, que al mismo tiempo se encuentran en las páginas de los naturalistas y hasta en las de los cocineros. Lo que más vale es el hecho de que no se justifica ya los banquetes excesivamente ricos de la aristocracia con un número de platos extraordinario, pues el triunfo de la sociedad burguesa –que también emplea la comida como indicador social para evidenciar las diferencias– lleva a reducir los gastos. La mesa a lo largo del tiempo se aligera y a medida que el conocimiento aumenta, se afirma la concepción básica que para gozar de una buena salud es necesario evitar los excesos del alimentación. [EN] In the Ancien Regime societies, during the age of Enlightment, the influence of scientific and rational thinking paved the way top a new medical culture. In this new medical approach, food habits dramatically changed. Alimentation assumed a social role and a deeper attention was devoted to health. Doctors started to focus on diet, hygienic conditions, environmental quality. Since Middle Age specific works (tractati) were devoted to food properties by indicating benefits of some foods and warning against others. Doctors prescribed fasting as a therapy. Henceforth a deeper relation between health and food was established. The recipe books (ricettari) of hospitals reported the appropriate purpose of foods, vegetables and herbs, fruits and salads whose pictures appeared in naturalist as well as in cooking books. The excessive and luxurious banquets of the aristocracy were subsequently replaced by the cheaper meals of the Bourgeoisie, although the burghers used food as a way to mark social differences. As the scientific knowledge advanced food habits became healthier through centuries. A basic concept to avoid alimentary excesses prevailed in contemporary age. N

    The distinct transcriptional profile of Follicular Dendritic Cells Sarcoma provides insights into its histogenesis and microenvironment

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    I sarcomi a cellule follicolari dendritiche (sarcomi FDC) sono rari tumori mesenchimali con caratteristiche cliniche, morfologiche e fenotipiche variabili. Casi di sarcoma FDC, di tumori di origine mesenchimale (MTs), cellule follicolari dendritiche (FDCs) microdissecate da malattia di Castleman e fibroblasti normali sono stati studiati per l’analisi del profilo di espressione genica. L'analisi non supervisionata ha mostrato come i sarcomi FDC clusterizzino insieme alle FDCs, distinti dagli altri MTs e dai fibroblasti, che invece formano un gruppo unico. Il contributo di specifici programi FDC-related nei sarcomi FDC è emerso applicando una signature di geni differenzialmente espressi (n = 1.289) tra FDCs e fibroblasti. L’analisi supervisionata nel confronto tra sarcomi FDC e FDCs e altri MTs ha identificato, rispettivamente, 370 e 2.927 trascritti differenzialmente espressi, molti dei quali coinvolti in pathways di trasduzione del segnale, organizzazione della cromatina e della matrice extracellulare. L’algoritmo CIBERSORT è stato utilizzato per studiare l’immuno landscape del sarcoma FDC confrontandolo con quello caratteristico dei MTs; è stato dimostrato che il microambiente dei sarcomi FDC è caratterizzato da un maggior contributo di cellule T helper follicolari (TFH) e T regolatorie (Treg), come confermato anche mediante immunoistochimica. L'arricchimento in sottogruppi di specifiche cellule T ha mosso l’interesse verso la valutazione dell'espressione dell'mRNA del recettore immunitario inibitorio PD-1 e dei suoi ligandi PD-L1 e PD-L2, che sono stati trovati significativamente up-regolati nei sarcomi FDC rispetto agli altri MTs. In questo lavoro per la prima volta si chiarisce la relazione trascrizionale tra sarcomi FDC e FDCs benigne e la loro distinzione rispetto agli altri MTs.Follicular dendritic cell (FDC) sarcomas are rare mesenchymal tumors (MTs) with variable clinical, morphologic and phenotypic characteristics. Transcriptome analysis was performed on multiple FDC sarcomas and compared to other MTs, microdissected Castleman FDCs, and normal fibroblasts. Using unsupervised analysis, FDC sarcomas clustered with microdissected FDCs, distinct from other MTs and fibroblasts. The specific endowment of FDC-related gene expression programs in FDC sarcomas emerged by applying a gene signature of differentially expressed genes (n=1,289) between microdissected FDCs and fibroblasts. Supervised analysis comparing FDC sarcomas with microdissected FDCs and other MTs identified 370 and 2,927 differentially expressed transcripts, respectively, and based on pathway enrichment analysis ascribed to signal transduction, chromatin organization, and extracellular matrix organization programs. Since the transcriptome of FDC sarcomas retained similarity with FDCs, the immune landscape of FDC sarcoma was investigated by applying the CIBERSORT algorithm to FDC sarcomas and non-FDC MTs, and demonstrated that FDC sarcomas were enriched in T follicular helper (Tfh) and T regulatory (Treg) cell populations, as confirmed in situ by immunohistochemistry. The enrichment in specific T-cell subsets prompted investigating the mRNA expression of the inhibitory immune receptor PD-1 and its ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2, which were found to be significantly upregulated in FDC sarcomas as compared with other MTs, a finding also confirmed in situ. Here it is demonstrated for the first time the transcriptional relationship of FDC sarcomas with non-malignant FDCs and their distinction from other MT

    Modelo de planeamiento de marketing para un producto de crédito de consumo y análisis de su participación de mercado en el largo plazo

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorAnaliza la estrategia de Marketing de un producto de crédito de consumo a ingresar a un nuevo mercado. La elaboración del planeamiento estratégico se realizará en base al análisis del mercado, además de la información demográfica básica de la población con lo que se realizará la segmentación del mercado objetivo. Además, se realizará la identificación de la competencia en la provincia en la que se va a realizar el presente análisis culminando con la identificación de las 4P’s del marketing, que constituyen la esencia de todo el programa de marketing. Haciendo uso de información recopilada a través de encuestas en la provincia de estudio se realizará el análisis de la participación de este producto de crédito consumo utilizando Cadenas de Markov


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    Busca-se, no presente analisar a cultura da paz e como instrumento de prevenção e combate da violência, em especial no ambiente escolar, a partir do pleno desenvolvimento da personalidade pela educação formadora e emancipatória. Nesse sentido, pelo método dedutivo, objetiva-se entender a relação bergsoniana entre memória e corpo, pela formação de comportamentos sociais pelo hábito e o uso do biopoder no desvio da educação-formação para a educação-treinamento, na sociedade de controle e a validação da hipótese de que a cultura da paz seria um instrumento positivo para abertura de espaço à percepção racional e revestida de afetação e à intuição

    A polymorphism in the human serotonin 5-HT2A receptor gene may protect against systemic sclerosis by reducing platelet aggregation

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    Introduction: Platelet aggregation may contribute to the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis: following activation, platelets release significant amounts of serotonin - which promotes vasoconstriction and fibrosis, and further enhances aggregation. The C+1354T polymorphism in the exonic region of the serotonin 2A receptor gene determining the His452Tyr substitution was associated with blunted intracellular responses after serotonin stimulation, and may have a role in susceptibility to scleroderma. Methods: One hundred and fifteen consecutive systemic sclerosis patients and 140 well-matched healthy control individuals were genotyped by sequence-specific primer-PCR for the His452Tyr substitution of the serotonin 2A receptor gene, and associations were sought with scleroderma and its main clinical features. The functional relevance of the His452Tyr substitution was also assessed by evaluating the aggregation of platelet-rich plasma from His452/ His452 and His452/Tyr452 healthy individuals after stimulation with adenosine diphosphate ± serotonin. Results: The T allele of the C+1354T polymorphism was underrepresented in scleroderma patients compared with control individuals (5.2% versus 12.4%, P < 0.001, chi-square test and 1,000-fold permutation test) and its carriage reduced the risk for systemic sclerosis (odds ratio = 0.39, 95% confidence interval = 0.19 to 0.85, P < 0.01). Platelets from His452/Tyr452 healthy subjects more weakly responded to serotonin stimulation compared with platelets from His452/His452 individuals (3.2 ± 2.6-fold versus 9.6 ± 8.6-fold increase in aggregation, P = 0.017 by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and P = 0.003 after correction for baseline adenosine diphosphate-induced aggregation values). Conclusion: The His452Tyr substitution may influence susceptibility to systemic sclerosis by altering platelet aggregation in response to serotonin

    Death Territories: Visibility of Juvenile Residents of Porto Alegre who were Victims of Homicide in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018

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    The paper aims to map the homicides that victimize individuals residing in Porto Alegre between the years 2015 and 2018 identifying their main characteristics as well as the neighborhoods where they lived and died Based on data from the Mortality Information System SIM provided by the Municipal Health Department the paper analyzes the profile of the victims in relation to age gender and race The QGis software was used to map the life and death sites of the murdered youth aged between 15 and 29 years Thus it was possible to reaffirm the idea that homicides mainly victimize young black males However the age curve showed a peak of victims between 15 and 19 years old which was not a reality a decade ago In addition it was noted the proportional decrease of white victims as well as a greater women representation Finally in relation to life and death places while there is a strong concentration in the neighborhoods Rubem Berta Restinga Santa Tereza Sarandi and Lomba do Pinheiro it was also possible to verify a growing territorial homicides sprea

    Neuroendocrine Alterations in Obese Patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a serious, prevalent condition that has significant morbidity and mortality when untreated. It is strongly associated with obesity and is characterized by changes in the serum levels or secretory patterns of several hormones. Obese patients with OSAS show a reduction of both spontaneous and stimulated growth hormone (GH) secretion coupled to reduced insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations and impaired peripheral sensitivity to GH. Hypoxemia and chronic sleep fragmentation could affect the sleep-entrained prolactin (PRL) rhythm. A disrupted Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis activity has been described in OSAS. Some derangement in Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) secretion has been demonstrated by some authors, whereas a normal thyroid activity has been described by others. Changes of gonadal axis are common in patients with OSAS, who frequently show a hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Altogether, hormonal abnormalities may be considered as adaptive changes which indicate how a local upper airway dysfunction induces systemic consequences. The understanding of the complex interactions between hormones and OSAS may allow a multi-disciplinary approach to obese patients with this disturbance and lead to an effective management that improves quality of life and prevents associated morbidity or death

    Speech outcome in tongue cancer surgery: objective evaluation by acoustic analysis software

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    BACKGROUND. Cancer of the oral cavity is one of the most common malignancies of which 60% affect the tongue. Carcinoma of the tongue causes significant alterations of the articulatory and swallowing functions. The gold standard of care remains primary surgical resection with or without postoperative adjuvant therapy. Whereas T1 and T2 tongue tumors can be treated with more conservative surgeries, as partial glossectomies, the larger tumors require total and aggressive glossectomies which increase survival, but, on the other hand, they might often make speech, chewing and swallowing impossible. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Our study was performed on a total of 21 patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the tongue who underwent either partial resection or hemiglossectomy. Each subject (either surgical patients or controls) was asked to pronounce the vowels /a/, /e/, /i/, /u/, and all signals were evaluated separately by two operators. Acoustic (F0, jitter, shimmer, NHR) and vowel metric (the ratio F2i/F2u, tVSA, qVSA, FCR) features have been extracted. In order to define the speech intelligibility, all patients were evaluated by two doctors and one speech therapist and all patients received the Speech Handicap Index (SHI) translated into Italian language before recording. RESULTS. No statistically significant variations were observed, regardless of the gender, between controls and surgically resected patients when tumor staging was T1-T2. On the contrary, when patients had to undergo more extensive surgical resection due to the presence of a T3-T4 tumor, a dramatic increase of F2u could be observed. This change, together with a decrease of F2i, led to a highly significant reduction in the F2i/F2u parameter in surgically resected patients as compared to controls. The other parameters which were reduced in a statistically significant manner in T3-T4 surgically resected patients were tVSA and qVSA. Instead, two parameters increased in a statistically significant manner in T3-T4 surgically resected patients: FCR and SHI. Again, none of the above-mentioned parameters was altered in a statistically significant manner in early tumor stage resected patients, regar dless of the gender. CONCLUSION. For the first time, we used a series of newly developed formant parameters, introduced by various authors for the study of the articulatory undershoot of the tongue in various neurodegenerative diseases. The statistical analysis of our results highlighted in an incontrovertible way a strong correlation and significance of each of our parameters F2 / i / / F2 / u /, FCR, tVSA, qVSA, with the entity of the TNM, and therefore of the surgical extension of the resection, and in parallel with the loss of the intelligibility of the speech that proportionally reaches higher values in the advanced stages of the disease as can be deduced from the SHI trend