119 research outputs found

    Machine learning from real data: A mental health registry case study

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    Imbalanced datasets can impair the learning performance of many Machine Learning techniques. Nevertheless, many real-world datasets, especially in the healthcare field, are inherently imbalanced. For instance, in the medical domain, the classes representing a specific disease are typically the minority of the total cases. This challenge justifies the substantial research effort spent in the past decades to tackle data imbalance at the data and algorithm levels. In this paper, we describe the strategies we used to deal with an imbalanced classification task on data extracted from a database generated from the Electronic Health Records of the Mental Health Service of the Ferrara Province, Italy. In particular, we applied balancing techniques to the original data, such as random undersampling and oversampling, and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique for Nominal and Continuous (SMOTE-NC). In order to assess the effectiveness of the balancing techniques on the classification task at hand, we applied different Machine Learning algorithms. We employed cost-sensitive learning as well and compared its results with those of the balancing methods. Furthermore, a feature selection analysis was conducted to investigate the relevance of each feature. Results show that balancing can help find the best setting to accomplish classification tasks. Since real-world imbalanced datasets are increasingly becoming the core of scientific research, further studies are needed to improve already existing techniqu

    Renewable methanol from CO2 over Cu/Zn/Zr/Si oxide catalysts promoted with Mg, Ce, or La

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    A series of multicomponent oxide catalysts (CuO/ZnO/MemOn/ZrO2/SiO2, with Me = Mg, Ce, or La) was synthesized through a one-pot soft-template approach and used for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. In the case of the La-containing catalysts, additional samples were prepared with CuO contents in the range 40-60 wt%. The influence of the catalyst composition on the physicochemical properties as well as the effect on the catalytic performance were investigated. The fresh catalysts were characterized in terms of composition, structure, textural properties, dispersion of the oxidic phases, and reducibility. On the reduced samples, structural and acid-base properties were also investigated, as well as specific metal surface area and dispersion of Cu-0. After in situ H-2-treatment at 250 degrees C, the catalysts activity was tested in a bench scale plant at 250 degrees C and 3.0 MPa, using a gas hourly space velocity of 24,000 Ncm(3) h(-1) g(cat)(-1) and a H-2/CO2 molar ratio equal to 3. It was found that the production of methanol is particularly favored by the introduction of La2O3, the highest value of methanol space-time yield (413 mg(CH3OH) h(-1)g(cat)(-1)mg(CH3OH) h(-1)g(cat)(-1)) being obtained on the CuO/ZnO/La2O3/ZrO2/SiO2 catalyst containing 50 wt% of copper oxide

    Spatiotemporal genetic variation of atlantic bluefin tunas from sardinian and mediterranean tuna traps

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    Tuna traps of the Sardinian and Mediterranean have provided from long to short term series of data and samples of bluefin tuna (BFT) populations inhabiting the Mediterranean. By analyzing genetic variation in BFT trap samples, we have shown that more than one BFT population have been entered and spread in the Mediterranean across the last century and that over short period, the interannual composition of BFT trap catches are genetically constant

    Challenges in Arctic Navigation and Geospatial Data : User Perspective and Solutions Roadmap

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    Navigation and location-based applications, including business such as transport, tourism, and mining, in Arctic areas face a variety of specific challenges. In fact, these challenges concern not only the Arctic Circle but certain other areas as well, such as the Gulf of Bothnia. This report provides a review on these challengs which concern a variety of technologies ranging from satellite navigation to telecommunications and mapping. In order to find out end-users' views on the significance of Arctic challenges, an online survey was conducted. The 77 respondents representing all Arctic countries, the majority being from Finland, highlighted the challenges in telecommunications as well as accuracy concerns for emerging applications dealing with precise navigation. This report provides a review of possible technologies for addressing the Arctic challenges, based on which a road map for solving them is developed. The road map also uses the results of expert working groups from the Challenges in Arctic Navigation workshop arranged in April 2018 in Olos, Muonio, Finland. This report was produced within the ARKKI project. It was funded by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Baltic Sea, Barents and Arctic cooperation programme, and implemented by the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute in collaboration with the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications

    Quaternary geographical sibling speciation and population structuring in the Eastern Atlantic skates (suborder Rajoidea) Raja clavata and R. straeleni

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    To access the final version, follow the next link. http://www.springerlink.com/content/t1809472211lk67q/Aim Geographical (allopatric) speciation is a dynamic process whose footprints in the living world are a continuum of stages of increasing divergence. Geographical speciation can also contribute to the evolution of marine taxa. This study looked for two of these evolutionary stages (i.e. structured populations and sibling species) in the diversification patterns of two Atlantic skates (Raja, suborder Rajoidea) which exhibited high morphological and ecological conservativism(undefined

    Challenges in Arctic Navigation: the User Perspective

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    This paper underlines the challenges of navigation in the Arctic from the user perspective by means of an online survey. The main target of the survey was to find out the users' views and real-life experiences on the challenges in navigation and geospatial information-based services in the Arctic region. The paper studies relations between the represented industry, encountered challenges and areas of operation. Navigation in the Arctic area and similar circumstances in high latitudes is known to be challenging in terms of weather conditions, lack of services and infrastructure. As the novel technologies, e.g., intelligent transport systems mature, the need for exact and timely geospatial information will increase. According to the results, the most significant challenges are uneven coverage of positioning, untimely weather information, and telecommunication issues. Although the number of respondents was lower than expected (83 complete responses), the results indicate the differences in navigation and location-based services between countries and public versus commercial actors. We found two major dependent variables (nationality and market segment), which are analyzed further. The results suggest guidelines for the future developments of the navigation and positioning services in the high latitudes

    Impact Analysis of Standardized GNSS Receiver Testing against Real-World Interferences Detected at Live Monitoring Sites

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    GNSS-based applications are susceptible to different threats, including radio frequency interference. Ensuring that the new applications can be validated against the latest threats supports the wider adoption and success of GNSS in higher value markets. Therefore, the availability of standardized GNSS receiver testing procedures is central to developing the next generation of receiver technologies. The EU Horizon2020 research project STRIKE3 (Standardization of GNSS Threat reporting and Receiver testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation) proposed standardized test procedures to validate different categories of receivers against real-world interferences, detected at different monitoring sites. This paper describes the recorded interference signatures, their use in standardized test procedures, and analyzes the result for two categories of receivers, namely mass-market and professional grade. The result analysis in terms of well-defined receiver key performance indicators showed that performance of both receiver categories was degraded by the selected interference threats, although there was considerable difference in degree and nature of their impact

    Il biofeedback preoperatorio migliora il recupero della continenza a seguito di prostatectomia radicale: una revisione sistematica con meta-analisi

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    BACKGROUND:  Postoperative urinary incontinence is the overall result of urethral sphincter incompetence and modifications in urethral length after radical prostatectomy. Findings for preoperative interventions targeted at preventing post-prostatectomy incontinence include preoperative pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and biodfeedback (BFB), which can be managed by nurses in many countries and have been used for decades to speed up continence recovery after surgery. AIM: to determine the effectiveness of preoperative biofeedback (BFB) for post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence compared to pelvic training without BFB, considering the variability between the results of the available studies.  METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted, analyzing the indications provided by the literature regarding preoperative biofeedback for preventing urinary incontinence after open radical prostatectomy, in terms of treatment regimens, timing for beginning the sessions, number of contraction and relaxation exercises, and scheduled work at home. Literature search on Pubmed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, and PEdro. RESULTS: Despite only three papers being suitable for metanalysis, our results support BFB over written instructions for continence recovery after both 3 and 6 moths from surgery. Implementing progressive programs with many different muscular exercises and including relaxation are the main recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative biofeedback leads to improved urinary continence after 3 and 6 months from radical prostatectomy. Future studies should focus on the characteristics and number of pelvic muscle contractions required during biofeedback in order to maximize effectiveness.BACKGROUND: L'incontinenza urinaria postoperatoria è il risultato complessivo dell'incompetenza dello sfintere uretrale e delle modifiche della lunghezza dell'uretra dopo la prostatectomia radicale. I risultati degli interventi preoperatori mirati a prevenire l'incontinenza post-prostatectomia includono l'allenamento preoperatorio dei muscoli del pavimento pelvico (PFMT) e il biodfeedback (BFB), che possono essere gestiti dal personale infermieristico in molti Paesi. OBIETTIVO: determinare l'efficacia del biofeedback preoperatorio (BFB) per l'incontinenza urinaria post-prostatectomia rispetto al training pelvico senza BFB, considerando la variabilità dei risultati degli studi disponibili.  METODI: è stata condotta una revisione sistematica con meta-analisi, analizzando le indicazioni fornite dalla letteratura sul biofeedback preoperatorio per la prevenzione dell'incontinenza urinaria in termini di regimi di trattamento, tempi di inizio delle sessioni, numero di esercizi di contrazione e rilassamento e lavoro programmato a casa. La ricerca della letteratura è stata effettuata su Pubmed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE e PEdro. RISULTATI: nonostante solo tre articoli siano stati adatti alla metanalisi, i nostri risultati supportano il BFB rispetto alle istruzioni scritte per il recupero della continenza dopo 3 e 6 mesi dall'intervento. L'implementazione di programmi progressivi con molti esercizi muscolari diversi e l'inclusione del rilassamento sono le principali raccomandazioni. CONCLUSIONI: Il biofeedback preoperatorio porta a un miglioramento della continenza urinaria dopo 3 e 6 mesi dalla prostatectomia radicale. Gli studi futuri dovrebbero concentrarsi sulle caratteristiche e sul numero di contrazioni muscolari pelviche richieste durante il biofeedback per massimizzare l'efficacia.Il biofeedback preoperatorio migliora il recupero della continenza dopo la prostatectomia aperta: una revisione sistematica e una meta-analis

    Celle a combustibile microbiche terrestri: uno strumento efficace nel recupero di suoli contaminati e nella produzione di energia.

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    Una cella a combustibile microbica (MFC) è un sistema bio-elettrochimico che utilizza un microrganismo attivo come biocatalizzatore per la produzione di elettricità. Essa è costituita da due comparti, uno anodico ed uno catodico, separati da una membrana di scambio protonico. L’energia chimica di legame, disponibile grazie alla presenza di un substrato biodegradabile, viene trasformata direttamente in energia elettrica per azione microbica, che catalizza la rimozione degli elettroni dal substrato. I batteri presenti nella camera anodica, o comunque nel mezzo in cui è immerso l’anodo, sono in grado di convertire un’enorme varietà di substrati organici (acetato, glucosio, cellulosa, reflui di varia origine, contaminanti organici) in CO2, acqua ed energia. Tra le MFC, le Celle a Combustibile Microbiche Terrestri (Terrestrial Microbial Fuel Cells - TMFC), hanno come elettrolita il suolo. Esso è una matrice molto più complessa rispetto all’acqua, variando nella composizione granulometrica, nella capacita di ritenzione idrica, nella capacità di scambio cationico, nonché nella distribuzione dei contaminanti; pertanto le TMFC sono dei dispositivi di cui è ancora necessario esplorare tutte le potenzialità di applicazione per il recupero di suoli contaminati
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