136 research outputs found

    A Vegetation Indicator To Assess Mediterranean Pinewood Affected By Bast Scale (Matsucoccus FeytaudiI)

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    The bast scale (Matsucoccus feytaudi) is responsible for the destruction of most of the Pinus pinaster forests in the Mediterranean area, causing resination, defoliation and subsequent death of the tree. Questions: is it possible to estimate pinewood health by analysing understory vegetation? Does the health status of pine forests changes during time? Do such variations involve understorey vegetation? What species in the understory vegetation better describe different conditions? What are the most relevant variables (defoliation and resination) influencing pine stands' condition. Location: The study area is located in the eastern part of Liguria (Italy) in pinewood affected by the bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi. Method: we used: (1) hierarchical cluster analysis to discriminate pinewood health conditions (good and bad); (2) non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) to detect the most important variables influencing the pine stands' condition and understory vegetation; and (3) indicator species analysis (ISA) to determine indicator species corresponding to health conditions at the plot level. Our aim was to find a relationship between pines' health status and the variation in pinewood understory vegetation communities. Results: we found that understory vegetation composition depends on both pine stand health status and environment-related factors. Geographic variables (in particular latitude and altitude) and tree-related variables (percentage of resinated and defoliated trees) were associated with the main axes of variability of the understory vegetation. Three indicator species (Erica arborea, Quercus ilex and Castanea sativa), which were closely linked to pine stands health status, were significantly associated with different stages of pinewood dieback caused by bast scale. Conclusion: this study provides useful information and a good operational tool for technicians working in the forestry sector, and for public administrations and land managers to start good land-use planning

    Cibercultura e currículo nômade : potencialidades para aprender geografia

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    Em tempos e espaços de aprendizagem ubíqua, a sala de aula torna-se um território multidimensional, fonte de saberes múltiplos, conectados, multifacetados e interativos, no qual o digital encontra-se arraigado no cotidiano dos nossos alunos. As reflexões e proposições sobre a relação de autoria de OAs através de e-práticas pedagógicas colocam a cibercultura na apropriação de saberes, ampliando os potenciais tecnológicos de aprendizagem, principalmente, por direcionar o conhecimento às práticas comuns do seu cotidiano, tecendo currículos nômades. Deste modo, a relação cibercultura, OAs e e-práticas cria potenciais com diferentes linguagens para mediar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Geografia. Experiência, vivência e territorialização de formas distintas e plurais de aprendizagem, a autoria como apropriação dos saberes são rasuras na escola.In times and spaces of learning, a classroom becomes a multidimensional territory, source of multiple knowledges, connected, multifaceted and interactive, without digital qualification is rooted without our students’ daily routine. As reflections and proposals on the autonomous relationship of OAs through pedagogical practices and practices, it is fundamental, by directing knowledge about the usual practices of their daily lives, weaving nomadic curricula. In this way, the relation cyberculture, OAs and e-practices creates potential with different languages for the process of teaching and learning Geography. Experience, experience and territorialization of distinct and plural forms of learning, the authorship as appropriation of the flavors are erasures in the school

    Osteossarcoma fibroblástico em gambá-de-orelha-branca (Didelphis albiventris)

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    Osteosarcoma is characterized by the production of osteoid or woven bone, using neoplastic osteoblasts. It is the most common primary bone neoplasm in canines and humans. This neoplasm was previously reported in all vertebrate classes, including a wide variety of mammals. However, there is no case report describing this neoplasm in Didelphis albiventris. Therefore, the objective of this manuscript is to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of fibroblastic osteosarcoma in D. albiventris. A wild adult male white-eared opossum (D. albiventris) arrived at the zoological park of the “Universidade de Caxias do Sul” with a swollen left thoracic limb. After a general clinical examination, the animal was transferred to the Veterinary Clinic of “Universidade de Caxias do Sul” for radiographic examination of the left thoracic limb and thorax. Additionally, some material was collected through fine needle aspiration (FNA) for cytologic evaluation. The radiographic findings and cytologic evaluation indicated osteosarcoma. The animal was euthanized due to severe clinical conditions and guarded prognosis. During necropsy, macroscopic analysis of the viscera was performed, fragments of various organs were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. All fragments were processed following routine histological techniques. The histopathological evaluation confirmed osteosarcoma, which was classified as a fibroblastic subtype. Case reports are crucial for the knowledge of incidence, prevalence, and behavior of the current mentioned disease, as well as other diseases, in species with such limited information. In order to obtain a decisive diagnosis, a few different examination methods were associated. Although the observations presented are based on a single case, this neoplasm had a similar clinical presentation to that described in other species.O osteossarcoma é caracterizado pela produção de osteoide ou osso imaturo, por osteoblastos neoplásicos. É a neoplasia óssea primáriamais comum em caninos e humanos. Essa neoplasia já foi relatada em todas as classes de vertebrados, incluindo uma grande variedade de mamíferos. Não havendo descrição dessa neoplasia até o momento em Didelphis albiventris. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos clínico-patológicos de um caso de osteossarcoma fibroblástico em D. albiventris. Chegou para atendimento no Zoológico da Universidade de Caxias do Sul um gambá-de-orelha-branca (D. albiventris), macho, adulto, de vida livre com aumento de volume no membro torácico esquerdo. Após avaliação clínica geral, o animal foi encaminhado para a Clínica Veterinária da Universidade de Caxias do Sul para realização de radiografia do membro torácico esquerdo e de tórax, sendo também realizada coleta de materialpor punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) para avaliação citológica. Os achados radiográficos e da avaliação citológica foram sugestivos de osteossarcoma. Devido ao estado clínico grave e prognóstico reservado optou-se pela eutanásia. Durante a necropsia realizou-se a análise macroscópica das vísceras, foram coletados fragmentos de diversos órgãos, fixados em formalina 10%, processados pelas técnicas histológicas de rotina. Na avaliação histopatológica confirmou-se a suspeita de osteossarcoma sendo classificado no subtipo fibroblástico. A descrição de relatos é fundamental para conhecimento da incidência, prevalência e comportamento desta e de outras doenças em espécies que as informações são limitadas. A associação de diferentes métodos de exames foram necessários para a obtenção de um diagnóstico definitivo. Embora as observações apresentadas se baseiem em um caso único, esta neoplasia possuiu apresentação clínica semelhante a descrita em outras espécies

    Sleep-disordered breathing and pregnancy outcomes: The impact of maternal oxygen saturation

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    ObjectiveTo investigate pathological associations between sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and pregnancy outcomes. MethodsFrom May 2016 to September 2019, obese women during their uncomplicated singleton pregnancies underwent screening sleep questionnaires, oxygen saturation monitoring, and, in proper cases, complete overnight polysomnography. Their medical records were also recorded. ResultsIn all, 112 pregnant women were included in the study cohort; 44 showed an oxygen desaturation index & GE;10, and their newborns had a significantly higher rate of congenital abnormalities and respiratory distress syndrome compared with the women with normal pulse oximetry. Stepwise multivariate regression analysis showed that basal oxygen saturation was independently associated with the occurrence of fetal growth restriction. ConclusionAmong obese pregnant women, the rate of congenital abnormalities is higher in the ones with altered pulse oximetry. Maternal basal oxygen saturation in the first trimester of pregnancy predicts fetal growth restriction independently of maternal age, ethnicity, body mass index, gravidity, and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

    Objetos de aprendizagem da área de Geografia: relatos da experiência de desenvolvimento do Capitão Tormenta e Paco em movimentos da terra, rede geográfica, fusos horários e estações do ano.

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    O artigo descreve o processo de desenvolvimento dos objetos de aprendizagem de Geografia, que compõem a série denominada Capitão Tormenta e Paco. A série é composta por quatro objetos que contemplam os conteúdos de Fusos Horários, Movimentos da Terra, Redes Geográficas e Estações do Ano. O artigo descreve as fases de desenvolvimento dos objetos, referindo-se à metodologia RIVED, à linha pedagógica adotada e às fases de desenvolvimento ao mesmo tempo em que vai apresentando as interfaces dos objetos. O artigo é finalizado apontando os ganhos da equipe com o desenvolvimento e o atendimento às recomendações para efetivar a qualidade e usabilidades dos objetos de aprendizagem desenvolvidos

    Metronomic Oral Vinorelbine: An Alternative Schedule in Elderly and Patients PS2 With Local/Advanced and Metastatic NSCLC Not Oncogene-addicted

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    The MILES and ELVIS studies showed that vinorelbine is one of the best options for elderly patients with advanced non-small-cell-lung cancer (NSCLC). Oral vinorelbine at standard schedule (60-80 mg/m2/weekly) has good activity in terms of response rates and progression-free survival. In recent years, a metronomic schedule of oral vinorelbine (40-50 mg/m2 three times a week, continuously) has been studied in phase II trials, especially in unfit and elderly patients. In the MOVE trial metronomic oral vinorelbine had a clinical benefit [partial response (PR)+stable disease (SD) >12 weeks] in 58.1% of patients with mild toxicity. On this basis, in 2017 we started a phase II study with metronomic oral vinorelbine in elderly (over 70 years) or unfit [Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score (ECOG-PS) of 2] patients with locally/advanced and metastatic NSCLC. Primary aims were clinical benefit (PR+SD ≥6 months) and toxicity; secondary aims were progression-free survival and overall survival


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    O presente estudo avaliou hemograma, proteínas plasmáticas totais (PPT), hemocultura e urocultura de ratas Wistar com candidose experimental sistêmica. Os animais foram inoculados com Candida albicans e acompanhados por 30 dias. A coleta de sangue e urina foi feita durante as necropsias. No eritrograma, 11,1% apresentaram anemia e 44,4% policitemia, enquanto que as PPT estavam aumentadas em 11,1% dos ratos. Em relação ao leucograma, 88,9% apresentaram leucopenia por neutropenia e linfopenia. Os neutrófilos segmentados tiveram um aumento dos valores relativos (28-48%) em 66,7% dos animais quando comparados aos outros do grupo experimental (8-15%). A cultura da urina apresentou-se positiva em 33% das amostras e a do sangue em 25%, sendo que somente um animal com candidúria não apresentou hemocultura positiva. Os resultados demonstram que o hemograma completo, a urucultura e a hemocultura apresentaram-se de pouco valor no diagnóstico específico de candidose sistêmica experimental. Análises seriadas podem aumentar as chances de uro-hemoculturas positivas, e assim possibilitar a instituição de terapêutica precoce que possa beneficiar o paciente, e assim melhorar o prognóstico.

    Environmental contamination by parasitic forms in a socially vulnerable community in southern Rio Grande do Sul state: a serious public health problem

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    No Brasil, uma parcela significativa da população não possui saneamento básico e vive em situação de vulnerabilidade social, compartilhando o ambiente com animais, possibilitando o estabelecimento de infecções parasitárias zoonóticas e a manutenção do ciclo dos parasitos. Assim, para que medidas de controle sejam preconizadas, torna-se necessário a identificação dos parasitos presentes no ambiente. Neste contexto, este trabalho avaliou a contaminação ambiental por formas parasitárias em comunidade de vulnerabilidade social no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas cem amostras de solo da comunidade, que foram processadas pela técnica de centrifugo-flutuação em solução de dicromato de sódio e analisadas em microscópio composto (objetiva 40X) para a identificação dos ovos, oocistos e cistos de parasitos. Todos os pontos de coleta foram positivos para dois ou mais parasitos, sendo diagnosticados oocistos de coccídios não-identificados (33,59%), Strongylida (25,4%), Ascaridida (21,31%), Trichuris spp. (8,19%), Toxocara spp. (3,27%), Amebas (4,08%), Dioctophyma renale (2,45%), Giardia spp. (1,63%). A quantidade de formas parasitárias em todos os pontos analisados supera a contida em outros estudos de contaminação ambiental já realizados na região sul do Brasil. Além disso, a identificação de diversas formas parasitárias com potencial zoonótico é preocupante, pois evidencia a possibilidade de transmissão de parasitoses ao homem e a outros animais. Diante dos resultados, conclui-se que o ambiente em questão está contaminado por formas parasitárias, constituindo um sério problema de saúde pública. Ressalta-se a importância da implantação de medidas educativas e preventivas com a comunidade para o controle dos parasitos.vulnerability. The fact that these people share the environment with animals promotes the establishment of zoonotic parasitic infections, as well as the resultant parasitic cycles. Thus, parasites present in the environment must be identified, so that control measures can be recommended. In this context, this study’s objective was to evaluate environmental contamination by parasitic forms in a socially vulnerable community in southern Rio Grande do Sul. A total of 100 soil samples collected from the community were processed by a sodium dichromate centrifuge-flotation technique and analyzed by a compound microscope (40X objective) for the identification of parasite eggs, oocysts and cysts. All points were positive for two or more parasites, with the identification of 33.59% non-identified coccidian oocysts, Strongylida (25.4%), Ascaridida (21.31%), Trichuris spp. (8.19%), Toxocara spp. (3.27%), Amoebas (4.08%), Dioctophyma renale (2.45%), and Giardia spp. (1.63%). The presence of parasitic forms in all points analyzed surpasses other studies of environmental contamination carried out in the southern region of Brazil. In addition, the identification of several parasitic forms with zoonotic potential is concerning, since it shows the possibility of parasitic transmission to humans and other animals. In view of the results, the conclusion is that the environment analyzed is contaminated by parasitic forms, constituting a serious public health problem. Therefore, implementing educational and preventive measures in the community to control parasites is of crucial importance

    Pathogenetic investigations on the enteric nervous system plexuses of sarda breed sheep with different PrP genotypes following oral experimental scrapie infection

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    We investigated the ileal myenteric (MPs) and submucosal plexuses (SMPs) of 32 Sarda breed sheep carrying different PrP genotypes (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/AHQ, ARQ/ARR, ARR/ARR), which had been orally dosed with scrapie at 8 months of age and euthanized at definite time intervals post-infection (p.i.)

    Morphological, nutraceutical and sensorial properties of cultivated Fragaria vesca L. berries: influence of genotype, plant age, fertilization treatment on the overall fruit quality

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    Sucrose, glucose, fructose, citric, malic, ascorbic (AA) and dehydroascorbic (DHAA) acids, total polyphenols (TP), radical scavenging activity (RSA), physicochemical and sensorial properties were determined on F. vesca Alpine (ALP) and Regina delle Valli (RDV) berries in relation to plant age and fertilisation treatment (Effective Microorganism Technology, EMT vs. traditional fertilization, TFT). ALP berries had a sum of AA and DHAA about 20% lower and TPs about 30% higher than RDV. Plant age affected most physicochemical parameters, sugars and organic acids, as well as sensorial appreciation, being them generally higher in berries produced in the second year. TPs were not affected by plant age. EMT produced an increase of 50%, 70% and 20% for TP, organic acids and RSA, respectively. Although changes in berry quality are expected with plant age, EMT cultivation of ALP should be preferred to the growth of RDV under TFT, to obtain fruits more valuable from the nutraceutical viewpoint