25 research outputs found

    Simulations of solar radiative transfer in measured and generated cloud fields

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    Um ein besseres Verständnis des Einflusses von Wolken auf den Strahlungstransport zu erlangen, müssen neben direkten Messungen der Strahlungsgrößen auch Strahlungstransportrechnungen durchgeführt werden. Dabei werden mikrophysikalische Eigenschaften aus Fernerkundungs- und in situ Messungen sowie generierte Wolkenfelder verwendet. In den BBC1- und BBC2 (= Baltex Bridge Cloud 1 und 2)-Messkampagnen wurden Messungen der mikrophysikalischen Wolkeneigenschaften und der Strahlungsgrößen durchgeführt. In diesem Bericht werden Ergebnisse von spektralen Monte Carlo Simulationen des Strahlungstransports in der Kurzwellenregion für Wellenlängen zwischen 350 nm und 850 nm für einen in BBC1 gemessenen Stratocumulus gezeigt. Zusätzlich wurden auch Strahlungstransportssimulationen für einen LES (= Large Eddy Simulation)- simulierten Cumulus und für eine entsprechende IAAFT (= Iterative Amplitude Adapted Fourier Transform)-Surrogatwolke mit denselben statistischen Eigenschaften wie die ursprüngliche Wolke durchgeführt.For a better understanding of the role that clouds play in the radiative transfer (RT) across the atmosphere, computer RT simulations with microphysical data retrieved from remote sensing and in situ measurements as well as with cloud fields provided by cloud generators have to be carried out in addition to field measurements campaigns. In this work we show spectral RT results for two cloud studies. During the BBC1 and BBC2 (=Baltex Bridge Cloud 1 and 2) campaigns measurements of cloud radiation and microphysics properties have been performed. We present here the results of a series of quasi-spectral simulations covering the shortwave region (from 350 nm up to 850 nm) for a remote-sensing captured stratocumulus. RT calculations have also been carried out for a LES (=Large Eddy Simulation) cumulus and an IAAFT (=Iterative Amplitude Adapted Fourier Transform) surrogate cloud with the same statistics as the original

    Near infrared dye-labelled polymeric micro- and nanomaterials:: In vivo imaging and evaluation of their local persistence

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    The use of micro- and nanomaterials as carriers of therapeutic molecules can enhance the efficiency of treatments while avoiding side effects thanks to the development of controlled drug delivery systems. The binding of a dye to a drug or to a drug carrier has opened up a wide range of possibilities for an effective in vivo optical tracing of drug biodistribution by using non-invasive real-time technologies prior to their potential use as therapeutic vectors. Here, we describe the fluorescent tagging of polymeric micro- and nanomaterials based on poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid and on the thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) with the fluorescent probe IR-820 which was chemically modified for its covalent coupling to the materials. The chemical modification of the dye and the polymers yielded micro- and nanoparticulated labelled materials to be potentially used as drug depots of different therapeutic molecules. In vitro biological studies revealed their reduced cytotoxicity. A spatiotemporal in vivo micro- and nanoparticle tracking allowed the evaluation of the biodistribution of materials showing their local persistence and high biocompatibility after pathological studies. These results underline the suitability of these materials for the local, sustained, not harmful and/or on-demand drug delivery and the remarkable importance of evaluating the biodistribution of materials and tissue persistence for their use as local drug depots

    Machine Learning-Based Approach Highlights the Use of a Genomic Variant Profile for Precision Medicine in Ovarian Failure

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    Ovarian failure (OF) is a common cause of infertility usually diagnosed as idiopathic, with genetic causes accounting for 10-25% of cases. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) may enable identifying contributing genes and variant profiles to stratify the population into subtypes of OF. This study sought to identify a blood-based gene variant profile using accumulation of rare variants to promote precision medicine in fertility preservation programs. A case-control (n = 118, n = 32, respectively) WES study was performed in which only non-synonymous rare variants <5% minor allele frequency (MAF; in the IGSR) and coverage ≥ 100× were considered. A profile of 66 variants of uncertain significance was used for training an unsupervised machine learning model to separate cases from controls (97.2% sensitivity, 99.2% specificity) and stratify the population into two subtypes of OF (A and B) (93.31% sensitivity, 96.67% specificity). Model testing within the IGSR female population predicted 0.5% of women as subtype A and 2.4% as subtype B. This is the first study linking OF to the accumulation of rare variants and generates a new potential taxonomy supporting application of this approach for precision medicine in fertility preservation

    Efectos de la hipertensión pulmonar en la capacidad de ejercicio en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    Introduction: The impact of pulmonary hypertension (PH) on exercise tolerance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has not been fully elucidated. It is necessary to characterize pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with moderate to severe COPD in order to improve their management. The aim of the study was to determine whether in COPD the presence of PH is associated with reduced exercise tolerance in a cohort of stable COPD patients. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 174 COPD patients clinically stable: 109 without PH and 65 with PH (COPD-PH). We assessed socio-demographic data, lung function, quality of life, dyspnea, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), constant workload endurance time (CWET), and six-minute walk test (6MWT). We elaborated a logistic regression model to explore the impact of PH on exercise capacity in COPD patients. Results: COPD-PH patients showed lower exercise capacity both at maximal (CPET) (43(20) versus 68(27) Watts and 50(19)% versus 71(18)% predicted peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), COPD-PH and COPD, respectively), and at submaximal tests (6MWT) (382(94) versus 486(95) m). In addition, the COPD-PH group had lower endurance time than the non-PH COPD group (265(113) s and 295(164) s, respectively). Conclusions: The presence of PH is an independent factor that impairs exercise capacity in COPD. SPANISH Introducción: El impacto de la hipertensión pulmonar (HTP) en la tolerancia al ejercicio en la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) no se ha dilucidado en su totalidad. Es necesario caracterizar la hemodinámica pulmonar de los pacientes con EPOC moderada a grave para poder mejorar su manejo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la presencia de HTP en la EPOC se asociaba con una disminución en la tolerancia al ejercicio en una cohorte de pacientes con EPOC estable. Métodos: Estudio transversal de 174 pacientes con EPOC clínicamente estables: 109 de ellos no mostraban HTP y 65 de ellos sí (EPOC-HTP). Valoramos la información sociodemográfica, la función pulmonar, la calidad de vida, la disnea, realizamos una prueba de ejercicio cardiopulmonar (PECP), medimos el tiempo de tolerancia de ejercicio constante y realizamos de marcha de seis minutos (6MWT, por sus siglas en inglés). Elaboramos un modelo de regresión logística para explorar el impacto de la HTP en la capacidad de ejercicio de los pacientes con EPOC. Resultados: Los pacientes con EPOC-HTP mostraron una menor capacidad de ejercicio, tanto en las pruebas máximas (PECP) (43 (20) W frente a 68 (27) W y 50 (19)% frente a 71 (18)% de consumo de oxígeno máximo predicho (VO2 max), para pacientes con EPOC-HTP y pacientes con EPOC, respectivamente) como en las pruebas submáximas (6MWT) (382 (94) m frente a 486 (95) m). Además, el grupo de EPOC-HTP presentó un menor tiempo de resistencia que el grupo de EPOC sin HTP (265 (113) s y 295 (164) s, respectivamente). Conclusiones: La presencia de HTP es un factor independiente que afecta a la capacidad de ejercicio en la EPOC

    Adaptación argentina de la Escala Toronto de Alexitimia (TAS-20) e investigación de la validez del puntaje total y de sus factores

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    En los términos en que fuera originalmente definida por Sifneos, Nemiah y col. (1976) la alexitimia es un constructo multifacético que comprende a) la dificultad para diferenciar los sentimientos y distinguirlos de las sensaciones corporales b) la dificultad para comunicar y describir los propios sentimientos a otras personas, c) una vida de fantasía empobrecida y d) un estilo cognitivo orientado a intereses en el mundo externo. Inicialmente se conceptualizó la alexitimia como característica de las enfermedades psicosomáticas (asma, úlcera, colitis, hipertensión, artritis, eccema, hipertiroidismo, trastornos de la alimentación, patologías oncológicas, colagenopatías, nuevas patologías autoinmunes, la psoriasis, etcétera) sin embargo recientemente (Taylor, Bagby y Parker ,1997) la definen como “un desorden de la regulación de los afectos”, que se encuentra en muchos cuadros de difícil tratamiento como las psicopatías, las adicciones y la vulnerabilidad crónica o traumática al estrés. Existen teorizaciones neurológicas, psicodinámicas y culturales para explicar la alexitimia. Se han desarrollado, también, numerosos instrumentos de medición de la alexitimia. En 1990 se adaptó en Argentina (Casullo y Wiater) uno de los instrumentos de evaluación de mayor mérito psicométrico: la Alexithymia Toronto Scale (TAS26). En nuestro proyecto de investigación (1997-1999, Sistema de Incentivos, UNLP) investigamos la confiabilidad y validez de la adaptación argentina, la validez de su puntaje total y de sus factores y las variables que afectan la evaluación de la alexitimia. En el nivel internacional el constructo alexitimia y su evaluación han seguido concitando el máximo interés. Se diseñó la versión TAS-20 (1994) con aun mayor confiabilidad y se ha probado su validez factorial en 18 diferentes lenguas y culturas. Los hallazgos afirman la propiedad del uso de la TAS-20 en investigaciones transculturales y postulan a la alexitimia como un rasgo universal que trasciende las diferencias culturales (2003).Eje temático: Técnicas y Procesos de Evaluación PsicológicaFacultad de Psicologí

    The first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Spain was associated with early introductions and fast spread of a dominating genetic variant

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    SeqCOVID-Spain consortium: Álvaro Chiner-Oms, Irving Cancino-Muñoz, Mariana G. López, Manuela Torres-Puente, Inmaculada Gómez-Navarro, Santiago Jiménez-Serrano, Jordi Pérez-Tur, Darío García de Viedma, Laura Pérez-Lago, Marta Herranz, Jon Sicilia, Pilar Catalán-Alonso, Julia Suárez González, Patricia Muñoz, Mireia Coscolla, Paula Ruiz-Rodríguez, Fernando González-Candelas, Iñaki Comas, Lidia Ruiz-Roldán, María Alma Bracho, Neris García-González, Llúcia Martínez Priego, Inmaculada Galán-Vendrell, Paula Ruiz-Hueso, Griselda De Marco, María Loreto Ferrús-Abad, Sandra Carbó-Ramírez, Giuseppe D’Auria, Galo Adrian Goig, Juan Alberola, Jose Miguel Nogueira, Juan José Camarena, David Navarro, Eliseo Albert, Ignacio Torres, Maitane Aranzamendi Zaldumbide, Óscar Martínez Expósito, Nerea Antona Urieta, María de Toro, María Pilar Bea-Escudero, Jose Antonio Boga, Cristian Castelló-Abietar, Susana Rojo-Alba, Marta Elena Álvarez-Argüelles, Santiago Melón, Elisa Martró, Antoni E. Bordoy, Anna Not, Adrián Antuori, Anabel Fernández-Navarro, Andrés Canut-Blasco, Silvia Hernáez Crespo, Maria Luz Cordón Rodríguez, Maria Concepción Lecaroz Agara, Carmen Gómez-González, Amaia Aguirre-Quiñonero, José Israel López-Mirones, Marina Fernández-Torres, Maria Rosario Almela-Ferrer, Ana Carvajal, Juan Miguel Fregeneda-Grandes, Héctor Argüello, Gustavo Cilla Eguiluz, Milagrosa Montes Ros, Luis Piñeiro Vázquez, Ane Sorarrain, José María Marimón, José J. Costa-Alcalde, Rocío Trastoy, Gema Barbeito Castiñeiras, Amparo Coira, María Luisa Pérez del Molino, Antonio Aguilera, Begoña Palop-Borrás, Inmaculada de Toro Peinado, Maria Concepción Mediavilla Gradolph, Mercedes Pérez-Ruiz, Mirian Fernández-Alonso, Jose Luis del Pozo, Oscar González-Recio, Mónica Gutiérrez-Rivas, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero, Begoña Fuster Escrivá, Concepción Gimeno Cardona, María Dolores Ocete Mochón, Rafael Medina-Gonzalez, José Antonio Lepe, Verónica González Galán, Ángel Rodríguez-Villodres, Nieves Gonzalo Jiménez, Jordi Reina, Carla López-Causapé, Maria Dolores Gómez-Ruiz, Eva M. Gonzalez-Barbera, José Luis López-Hontangas, Vicente Martín, Antonio J. Molina, Tania Fernandez-Villa, Ana Milagro Beamonte, Nieves Felisa Martínez-Cameo, Yolanda Gracia-Grataloup, Rosario Moreno-Muñoz, Maria Dolores Tirado Balaguer, José María Navarro-Marí, Irene Pedrosa-Corral, Sara Sanbonmatsu-Gámez, Antonio Oliver, Mónica Parra Grande, Bárbara Gómez Alonso, Francisco José Arjona Zaragozí, Maria Carmen Pérez González, Francisco Javier Chamizo López, Ana Bordes-Benítez, Núria Rabella, Ferran Navarro, Elisenda Miró, Antonio Rezusta, Alexander Tristancho, Encarnación Simarro Córdoba, Julia Lozano-Serra, Lorena Robles Fonseca, Álex Soriano, Francisco Javier Roig Sena, Hermelinda Vanaclocha Luna, Isabel Sanmartín, Daniel García-Souto, Ana Pequeño-Valtierra, Jose M. C. Tubio, Javier Temes, Jorge Rodríguez-Castro, Martín Santamarina García, Manuel Rodríguez-Iglesias, Fátima Galán-Sanchez, Salud Rodríguez-Pallares, José Manuel Azcona-Gutiérrez, Miriam Blasco-Alberdi, Alfredo Mayor, Alberto L. García-Basteiro, Gemma Moncunill, Carlota Dobaño, Pau Cisteró, Oriol Mitjà, Camila González-Beiras, Martí Vall-Mayans, Marc Corbacho-Monné, Andrea Alemany, Cristina Muñoz-Cuevas, Guadalupe Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Rafael Benito, Sonia Algarate, Jessica Bueno, Andrea Vergara-Gómez, Miguel J. Martínez, Jordi Vila, Elisa Rubio, Aida Peiró-Mestres, Jessica Navero-Castillejos, David Posada, Diana Valverde, Nuria Estévez, Iria Fernández-Silva, Loretta de Chiara, Pilar Gallego-García, Nair Varela, Ulises Gómez-Pinedo, Mónica Gozalo-Margüello, Maria Eliecer Cano García, José Manuel Méndez-Legaza, Jesus Rodríguez-Lozano, María Siller, Daniel Pablo-Marcos, Maria Montserrat Ruiz-García, Antonio Galiana, Judith Sánchez-Almendro, Maria Isabel Gascón Ros, Cristina Juana Torregrosa-Hetland, Eva María Pastor Boix, Paloma Cascales Ramos, Pedro Luis Garcinuño Enríquez, Salvador Raga Borja, Julia González Cantó, Olalla Martínez Macias, Adolfo de Salazar, Laura Viñuela González, Natalia Chueca, Federico García, Cristina Gómez-Camarasa, Amparo Farga Martí, Rocío Falcón, Victoria Domínguez-Márquez, Anna M. Planas, Israel Fernández-Cádenas, Maria Ángeles Marcos, Carmen Ezpeleta, Ana Navascués, Ana Miqueleiz Zapatero, Manuel Segovia, Antonio Moreno-Docón, Esther Viedma, Raúl Recio Martínez, Irene Muñoz-Gallego, Sara Gonzalez-Bodi, Maria Dolores Folgueira, Jesús Mingorance, Elias Dahdouh, Fernando Lázaro-Perona, María Rodríguez-Tejedor, María Pilar Romero-Gómez, Julio García-Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Galán, Mario Rodríguez-Dominguez, Laura Martínez-García, Melanie Abreu Di Berardino, Manuel Ponce-Alonso, Jose Maria González-Alba, Ivan Sanz-Muñoz, Diana Pérez San José, Maria Gil Fortuño, Juan B. Bellido-Blasco, Alberto Yagüe Muñoz, Noelia Hernández Pérez, Helena Buj Jordá, Óscar Pérez Olaso, Alejandro González Praetorius, Nora Mariela Martínez Ramírez, Aida Ramírez Marinero, Eduardo Padilla León, Alba Vilas Basil, Mireia Canal Aranda, Albert Bernet Sánchez, Alba Bellés Bellés, Eric López González, Iván Prats Sánchez, Mercè García-González, Miguel José Martínez-Lirola, Manuel Ángel Rodríguez Maresca, Maria Teresa Cabezas Fernández, María Eugenia Carrillo Gil, Maria Paz Ventero Martín, Carmen Molina Pardines, Nieves Orta Mira, María Navarro Cots, Inmaculada Vidal Catalá, Isabel García Nava, Soledad Illescas Fernández-Bermejo, José Martínez-Alarcón, Marta Torres-Narbona, Cristina Colmenarejo, Lidia García-Agudo, Jorge A. Pérez García, Martín Yago López, María Ángeles Goberna Bravo, Victoria Simón García, Gonzalo Llop Furquet, Agustín Iranzo Tatay, Sandra Moreno-Marro, Noelia Lozano Rodríguez, Amparo Broseta Tamarit, Juan José Badiola Díez, Amparo Martínez-Ramírez, Ana Dopazo, Sergio Callejas, Alberto Benguría, Begoña Aguado, Antonio Alcamí, Marta Bermejo Bermejo, Ricardo Ramos-Ruíz, Víctor Manuel Fernández Soria, Fernando Simón Soria & Mercedes Roig CardellsThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the world radically since 2020. Spain was one of the European countries with the highest incidence during the first wave. As a part of a consortium to monitor and study the evolution of the epidemic, we sequenced 2,170 samples, diagnosed mostly before lockdown measures. Here, we identified at least 500 introductions from multiple international sources and documented the early rise of two dominant Spanish epidemic clades (SECs), probably amplified by superspreading events. Both SECs were related closely to the initial Asian variants of SARS-CoV-2 and spread widely across Spain. We inferred a substantial reduction in the effective reproductive number of both SECs due to public-health interventions (Re < 1), also reflected in the replacement of SECs by a new variant over the summer of 2020. In summary, we reveal a notable difference in the initial genetic makeup of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain compared with other European countries and show evidence to support the effectiveness of lockdown measures in controlling virus spread, even for the most successful genetic variants.This work was mainly funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III project COV20/00140, with additional funding by Spanish National Research Council project CSIC-COV19-021, Ministerio de Ciencia project PID2019-104477RB-100, ERC StG 638553 and ERC CoG 101001038 to I.C., and BFU2017-89594R to F.G.C. M.C. is supported by Ramón y Cajal program from Ministerio de Ciencia and grants RTI2018-094399-A-I00 and Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Government) project SEJI/2019/011. We gratefully acknowledge Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Lab and all the international researchers and institutions that submitted sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes to the GISAID’s EpiCov Database (Supplementary Table 1), as an important part of our analyses has been made possible by the sharing of their work. We also thank Unidad de Bioinformática y Estadística, Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, for allowing us to use the Computer Cluster to perform some of the bioinformatic analysis.Peer reviewe

    A review of the matrix-exponential formalism in radiative transfer

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    This paper outlines the matrix exponential description of radiative transfer. The eigendecomposition method which serves as a basis for computing the matrix exponential and for representing the solution in a discrete ordinate setting is considered. The mathematical equivalence of the discrete ordinate method, the matrix operator method, and the matrix Riccati equations method is proved rigorously by means of the matrix exponential formalism. For optically thin layers, approximate solution methods relying on the Padé and Taylor series approximations to the matrix exponential, as well as on the matrix Riccati equations, are presented. For optically thick layers, the asymptotic theory with higher-order corrections is derived, and parameterizations of the asymptotic functions and constants for a water-cloud model with a Gamma size distribution are obtained

    Radiative transfer modelling in inhomogeneous clouds by means of the Monte Carlo Method

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    The Monte Carlo (MC) method is an effective approach to simulate the radiative transfer in an inhomogeneous cloudy atmosphere. It is based on the direct physical simulation of the extinction processes that solar and thermal photons incur when traveling through the atmosphere. A detailed description of the MC method is presented in the second chapter. A new three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer model, based on a pre-existing model (Trautmann et al. [1999]), has been developed. Some outstanding characteristics of this model are discussed in chapter 3. Several simulations of reflectances, transmittances, absorptances and horizontal flux densities have been performed, the results of which have been compared with worldwide accepted codes (chapter 4). The two cases selected for the radiative transfer computations were taken from the Intercomparison of 3D Radiative Codes (I3RC) project: an ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurements) reconstructed cloud and a 3D marine boundary layer cloudDie Monte Carlo (MC) Methode ist ein effektives Verfahren, um den Strahlungstransport in einer inhomogenen bewölkten Atmosphäre zu simulieren. Es begründet sich auf der direkten Simulation der Extinktionsprozesse eines solaren oder thermischen Photons auf seinem Weg durch die Atmosphäre. Eine detallierte Beschreibung der MC Methode erfolgt in Kapitel 2. In Kapitel 3 wird ein neues dreidimensionales MC-Strahlungstranportmodell vorgestellt, das, aufbauend auf einem schon bestehenden Modell (Trautmann et al. [1999]), entwickelt wurde. Mehrere Simulationen von Reflektanzen, Transmittanzen, Absorptanzen und Strahlungsflussdichten für zwei Fälle des \'Intercomparison of 3D radiative Codes\' projektes, nämlich eine ARM rekonstruierte Wolke und eine 3D marine Grenzschichwolke, wurden durchgeführt, und mit den Ergebnissen anderer weltweit akzeptierten Codes verglichen