335 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un sistema de medida de la liberación de compuestos encapsulados en matriz de alginato cálcico por espectrofotometría de radiofrecuencia

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    [ES] La creciente preocupación de la industria alimentaria de suministrar productos alimenticios que suplan las necesidades digestivas debido a los problemas existentes relacionados con la absorción, hace que la investigación y el empleo de otras técnicas como es la microencapsulación tengan una relevante importancia y jueguen un papel esencial. Se encapsuló hierro electrolítico con vitamina C en matriz de alginato cálcico mediante goteo controlado por gelatinización iónica. Con el fin de cuantificar la liberación de compuestos encapsulados se ha diseñado una cámara de medida de propiedades dieléctricas mediante espectrofotometría en radiofrecuencia. De esta manera es posible cuantificar la presencia de compuestos con elevada fuerza iónica en medio líquido (disolución de ácido clorhídrico y agua a pH de estómago y de duodeno), trabajando en el rango de la radiofrecuencia. Se han determinado las propiedades dieléctricas de la liberación del hierro cuando se simulan las condiciones gástricas en la cámara de determinación a temperatura controlada. El sistema de monitorización ha sido capaz de determinar tanto los contenidos en vitamina C como de hierro electrolítico, además ha sido posible cuantificar la velocidad de liberación de encapsulaciones de hierro y vitamina C en matriz de alginato cálcico.[EN] The growing concern of the food industry to produce new food products to supply products without digestive absorption problems, due to existing problems related to absorption of some electrolytes, makes the research and use of other techniques such as microencapsulation have a relevant importance and play an essential role in the design of new food products. Electrolytic iron was encapsulated with vitamin C in a calcium alginate matrix by dripping controlled by ionic gelation. In order to quantify the release of encapsulated compounds, a chamber for measuring dielectric properties has been designed by radiofrequency spectrophotometry. In this way it is possible to quantify the presence of compounds with high ionic strength in liquid medium (hydrochloric acid solution and water at stomach and duodenum pH), working in the radiofrequency range. The dielectric properties of iron release have been determined when gastric conditions are simulated in the chamber of determination in a temperature controlled chamber. The monitoring system has been able to determine both the contents of vitamin C and electrolytic iron, it has also been possible to quantify the rate of release of encapsulations of iron and vitamin C in a calcium alginate matrix.[CA] La creixent preocupació de la indústria alimentària per subministrar productes alimentaris que reemplacen les necessitats digestives a causa dels problemes existents relacionats amb l'absorció, fa que la investigació i l'ocupació d'altres tècniques com és la microencapsulació tinguen una rellevant importància i juguen un paper essencial. Es va encapsular ferro electrolític amb vitamina C en una matriu d'alginat càlcic per mitjà de goteig controlat mitjançant la tècnica de gelatinització iònica. A fi de quantificar l'alliberament dels compostos encapsulats s'ha dissenyat una cambra de mesura de propietats dielèctriques per mitjà d'espectrofotometria en radiofreqüència. D’aquesta manera és possible quantificar la presència de compostos amb elevada força iònica al medi líquid (dissolució d'àcid clorhídric i aigua a pH d'estómac i de duodè) , treballant en el rang de la radiofreqüència. S'han determinat les propietats dielèctriques de l'alliberament del ferro quan se simulen les condicions gàstriques en la cambra de determinació a temperatura controlada. El sistema de monitorització ha sigut capaç de determinar tant els continguts en vitamina C com de ferro electrolític, a més ha sigut possible quantificar la velocitat d'alliberament de les encapsulacions de ferro i vitamina C en una matriu d'alginat càlcic.Villalba Gimeno, A. (2019). Desarrollo de un sistema de medida de la liberación de compuestos encapsulados en matriz de alginato cálcico por espectrofotometría de radiofrecuencia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/127238TFG

    Riesgo de suicidio en adolescentes usuarios de redes sociales

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    Treball Final de Grau en Infermeria. Codi: IN1138. Curs: 2022/2023Introducción: Las redes sociales pueden aportar abundantes ventajas a la sociedad, pero también son muchos los efectos negativos descritos como resultado del uso inapropiado de estas. Objetivo: Examinar la literatura científica disponible hasta la actualidad acerca de los efectos nocivos que supone hacer un uso inadecuado de las redes sociales en los adolescentes. Método: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática empleando las bases de datos PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud (BVS), EBSCO y Dialnet. Se utilizaron los términos procedentes de Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) y Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS), unidos mediante los operadores booleamos “AND” y “OR”. También se realizó la selección de los artículos de acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos. Resultados: El número de artículos obtenidos inicialmente fue de 391. Tras la aplicación de los filtros automáticos y manuales, así como la evaluación de la calidad metodológica de los restantes mediante la herramienta CASPe, la muestra final fue de 10 artículos. Estos se clasificaron según el año de publicación, el país de procedencia, el tipo de estudio y la base de datos en la que fueron localizados. Conclusiones: La literatura consultada confirma que un uso inadecuado de las redes sociales por parte de los adolescentes puede perjudicar a la salud mental de los mismos. Sin embargo, se determina que el uso positivo de los medios puede, no solo contribuir al bienestar psicológico de los adolescentes, sino que también pueden constituir un factor protector frente al riesgo de suicidio.Background: Social networks can provide abundant advantages to society, but there are also plenty of adverse effects described as a result of their inappropriate use. Aim: To examine the scientific literature available up to date on the harmful effects of the unsuitable use of social networks in adolescents. Method: An integrative review was carried out in the PubMed, BVS, EBSCO and Dialnet databases. The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) were used, linked through the boolean operators “AND” and “OR”. The articles were also selected according to the established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The number of articles initially obtained was 391. After the application of automatic and manual filters, as well as carrying out an evaluation of the methodological quality of the remaining articles using the CASPe tool, the final sample was a total of 10 articles. These were classified according to the year of publication, the country of origin, the type of the study and the database in which they were found. Conclusions: The literature consulted confirms that an inappropriate use of social networks by adolescents can be detrimental to their mental health. However, it is determined that a positive media use can not only contribute to the psychological well-being of adolescents, but can also be a protective factor against the suicide risk

    Temporal attention as a Scaffold for Language Development

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    Language is one of the most fascinating abilities that humans possess. Infants demonstrate an amazing repertoire of linguistic abilities from very early on and reach an adult-like form incredibly fast. However, language is not acquired all at once but in an incremental fashion. In this article we propose that the attentional system may be one of the sources for this developmental trajectory in language acquisition. At birth, infants are endowed with an attentional system fully driven by salient stimuli in their environment, such as prosodic information (e.g., rhythm or pitch). Early stages of language acquisition could benefit from this readily available, stimulus-driven attention to simplify the complex speech input and allow word segmentation. At later stages of development, infants are progressively able to selectively attend to specific elements while disregarding others. This attentional ability could allow them to learn distant non-adjacent rules needed for morphosyntactic acquisition. Because non-adjacent dependencies occur at distant moments in time, learning these dependencies may require correctly orienting attention in the temporal domain. Here, we gather evidence uncovering the intimate relationship between the development of attention and language. We aim to provide a novel approach to human development, bridging together temporal attention and language acquisition

    Endogenous temporal attention in the absence of stimulus-driven cues emerges in the second year of life

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    Podeu consultar dades primàries associades a l'article a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/113258Anticipating both where and when an object will appear is a critical ability for adaptation. Research in the temporal domain in adults indicate that dissociable mechanisms relate to endogenous attention driven by the properties of the stimulus themselves (e.g. rhythmic, sequential, or trajectory cues) and driven by symbolic cues. In infancy, we know that the capacity to endogenously orient attention progressively develops through infancy. However, the above-mentioned distinction has not yet been explored since previous studies involved stimulus-driven cues. The current study tested 12- and 15-month-olds in an adaptation of the anticipatory eye movement procedure to determine whether infants were able to anticipate a specific location and temporal interval predicted only by symbolic pre-cues. In the absence of stimulus-driven cues, results show that only 15-month-olds could show anticipatory behavior based on the temporal information provided by the symbolic cues. Distinguishing stimulus-driven expectations from those driven by symbolic cues allowed dissecting more clearly the developmental progression of temporal endogenous attention

    The next generation of fibroblast-based vaccine development

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    Chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) and diploid cells have a long history in vaccine production since their isolation in the 1960s at the Wistar Institute (WI-38 cells) as well as the Medical Research Council (MRC-5 cells). The cells quickly became adopted for a number of vaccines: varicella zoster (VZV), MMR, yellow fever, polio, hepatitis A, rotavirus, rabies, Marek\u27s disease, and dengue virus. Most of these vaccine processes were developed with classical media supplemented with Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). The Hayflick limit of diploid cells restricted their adaptation to a serum-free process. While some of the vaccines such as polio and rabies have been transitioned to Vero cells, several vaccines continue to be manufactured with CEF and human diploid cells. Currently, FBS from Australia and New Zealand are utilized for the highest level of patient safety for human vaccines. However, this supply of serum is challenged by two factors: growth of existing vaccines to improve global access and the development of new gene therapies that require FBS. In order to reduce dependency on serum, we initiated a medium development program. Using metabolite analysis and DOE, we have developed a serum-reduced growth medium and a serum-free virus production medium for MRC-5 and other fibroblast cells. With a serum reduction of 90-100%, the growth medium can support direct recovery from thaw and adaptation-free expansion, resulting in performance that is comparable to classical medium with 10% serum. We confirmed virus production with VZV and vesicular stomatitis virus in MRC-5 cells as well as Marek’s disease virus in CEFs and demonstrate a higher specific productivity. By switching to a low serum process, vaccine manufacturers can reduce production and purification costs, and increase product consistency and safety

    Coauthorship and Institutional Collaborations on Cost-Effectiveness Analyses: A Systematic Network Analysis

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    Background: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) has been promoted as an important research methodology for determining the efficiency of healthcare technology and guiding medical decision-making. Our aim was to characterize the collaborative patterns of CEA conducted over the past two decades in Spain. Methods and Findings: A systematic analysis was carried out with the information obtained through an updated comprehensive literature review and from reports of health technology assessment agencies. We identified CEAs with outcomes expressed as a time-based summary measure of population health (e.g. quality-adjusted life-years or disabilityadjusted life-years), conducted in Spain and published between 1989 and 2011. Networks of coauthorship and institutional collaboration were produced using PAJEK software. One-hundred and thirty-one papers were analyzed, in which 526 authors and 230 institutions participated. The overall signatures per paper index was 5.4. Six major groups (one with 14 members, three with 7 members and two with 6 members) were identified. The most prolific authors were generally affiliated with the private-for-profit sector (e.g. consulting firms and the pharmaceutical industry). The private-for-profit sector mantains profuse collaborative networks including public hospitals and academia. Collaboration within the public sector (e.g. healthcare administration and primary care) was weak and fragmented. Conclusions: This empirical analysis reflects critical practices among collaborative networks that contributed substantially to the production of CEA, raises challenges for redesigning future policies and provides a framework for similar analyses in other regions

    Laterally Extended Endopelvic Resection (Leer) and Reconstructive Techniques for Treatment of Locally Advanced Cervix Cancer: A Case Report

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    The aim of this report is to describe the surgical procedure done in a 24-year-old woman who presents a locally advanced squamous cervix carcinoma and is proposed to laterally extended endopelvic resection (LEER), intraoperative radiation therapy with electrons (IORT) and urinary and colon diversion with vaginal reconstruction. A year after surgery the patient is alive, without disease and with and acceptable quality of life

    Valoración de indicadores para la CT-03 Análisis y resolución de problemas

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    [EN] The conclusions of some work groups suggest the qualification of the transversal competence CT- 03 Analysis and resolution of problems, without proportional formulas to the final grade of the subject. Instead, the use of rubrics for the evaluation of the proposed training activities is recommended. In this work, the use of a rubric generated by a group of experts is proposed, in which UPV indicators typical of the aforementioned competence are established together with some UPV indicators of the competence CT-08 Effective communication, since in problem solving it is intended that students solve them correctly, in a structured, clear and rigorous way, and using the scientific language properly. The objective of this work is focused on the initial validation of each of the indicators set by the group of experts, establishing an ideal, as well as on the assessment by the students, comparing such gradings. Finally, we propose using a fuzzy coefficient of adaptation to the ideal, which allows to measure the closeness to the ideal of the perception that the students have of the fulfillment of the established criteria and, in the future, evaluating the acquisition of the aforementioned competence in the students.[ES] En las conclusiones de algunos grupos de trabajo se sugiere calificar la competencia transversal CT-03 Análisis y resolución de problemas, sin fórmulas proporcionales a la nota final de la asignatura, recomendando para su evaluación la utilización de rúbricas para las actividades formativas planteadas. En este trabajo se plantea la utilización de una rúbrica generada por un grupo de expertos, en la que se establecen indicadores UPV propios de la citada competencia, junto con algún indicador UPV de la competencia CT-08 Comunicación efectiva, puesto que en la resolución de problemas se pretende que el alumnado los resuelva correctamente, de forma estructurada, clara y rigurosa y utilizando el lenguaje científico de forma adecuada. El objetivo de este trabajo está centrado en la validación inicial de cada uno de los indicadores establecidos por el grupo de expertos, estableciendo un ideal, así como en la valoración por parte del alumnado, comparando dichas evaluaciones. Finalmente proponemos la utilización de un coeficiente fuzzy de adecuación al ideal, que permite medir la cercanía al ideal de la percepción que tiene el alumnado del cumplimiento de los criterios establecidos y, en un futuro, evaluar la adquisición de la mencionada competencia en el alumnado.Los autores quieren agradecer la ayuda económica y el apoyo institucional recibidos de la Universitat Politècnica de València a través del proyecto PIME 19-20/190.Vidal Meló, A.; Boigues Planes, FJ.; Pastor Gimeno, JI. (2021). Valoración de indicadores para la CT-03 Análisis y resolución de problemas. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1145-1159. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13435OCS1145115

    Agouti overexpression in a transgenic model regulates integrity, permeability and electrogenic amino acid transport in zebrafish intestine

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    Overexpression of asip1 in transgenic zebrafish disrupts dorsoventral pigment pattern in addition to increasing food intake levels and linear growth. A higher feed intake is unnecessary in transgenic fish to enable larger and heavier growth. A plausible explanation may rely on the enhanced feeding efficiency mediated by improved nutrient absorption in transgenic animals. To test this hypothesis, wide scope transcriptomic techniques were used to elucidate the potential pathways involved in the enhanced nutrient absorption and intestinal epithelium permeability/integrity. In addition, the electrogenic capacity for amino acid transport was analysed. Transcriptomic analysis reveal that amino acid, monocarboxylates, ionic and vitamin transmembrane transporters were substantially modified. Enrichment analysis also revealed an inhibition of intestinal lipid metabolism and down-regulation of KEGG pathways related to membrane integrity suggesting augmented intestinal laxity that may enhance paracellular transport. Electrophysiological experiments carried out in Ussing chambers show that asip1 overexpression decrease membraned tissue resistance (Rt), indicating a modification of the intestinal barrier function in ASIP1 transgenic animals. Similarly, paracellular permeability was higher in transgenic zebrafish. Both the decrease in Rt and the increase in permeability point to an ASIP1-dependent decrease in the tissue barrier function. Electrogenic amino acid transport was also enhanced in transgenic animals providing strong indication that ASIP1 fish can extract more amino acids from their diet at similar feeding levels. Both transcriptomic and electrophysiological results suggest that asip1-overexpressing zebrafish display improved nutrient absorption and by extension a higher feed efficiency which explains enhanced growth in the absence of augmented food intake. The enhanced growth of ASIP1 zebrafish potentially mediated by improved nutrient uptake and feed efficiency suggests that the melanocortin system, specifically asip1 overexpression, is a potential target for the development of genetically engineered fish displaying improved performance and no differential lipid accumulation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Image Noise Removal on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Configurations

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    A parallel algorithm to remove impulsive noise in digital images using heterogeneous CPU/GPU computing is proposed. The parallel denoising algorithm is based on the peer group concept and uses an Euclidean metric. In order to identify the amount of pixels to be allocated in multi-core and GPUs, a performance analysis using large images is presented. A comparison of the parallel implementation in multi-core, GPUs and a combination of both is performed. Performance has been evaluated in terms of execution time and Megapixels/second. We present several optimization strategies especially effective for the multi-core environment, and demonstrate significant performance improvements. The main advantage of the proposed noise removal methodology is its computational speed, which enables efficient filtering of color images in real-time applications.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [grant number TIN2011-26254].Sanchez, MG.; Vidal Gimeno, VE.; Arnal, J.; Vidal Meló, A. (2014). Image Noise Removal on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Configurations. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.207