322 research outputs found

    A Poisson Mixed Model with Nonnormal Random Effect Distribution

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    We propose in this paper a random intercept Poisson model in which the random effect distribution is assumed to follow a generalized log-gamma (GLG) distribution. We derive the first two moments for the marginal distribution as well as the intraclass correlation. Even though numerical integration methods are in general required for deriving the marginal models, we obtain the multivariate negative binomial model for a particular parameter setting of the hierarchical model. An iterative process is derived for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters in the multivariate negative binomial model. Residual analysis are proposed and two applications with real data are given for illustration.Comment: Submitted in the Computational Statistics & Data Analysis journa

    Patohistološke lezije u običnog jelena (Cervus elaphus) iz mjesta Idanha-a-Nova i Lousã (Portugal): preliminarni rezultati

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    The red deer (Cervus elaphus) is a wild ungulate and game species with a broad distribution in Portugal. In Idanha-a-Nova (Castelo Branco) there is a particular interest in studying these populations due to the importance of the hunting industry to the regional economy, and the recognised role of ungulates as reservoirs of infectious agents to livestock and humans. This histopathology survey aimed to compare deer lesions from Idanha-a-Nova (n=16) and Lousã (n=4). Samples from the lung, liver and kidney of animals were collected during the hunting season. The results reveal a high prevalence of parasitic bronchitis (13/20; 65%), especially in Idanha-a-Nova (11/16; 68.8%). Moreover, many animals presented non-purulent nephritis (8/20; 40%). No statistically significant differences were found between regions or genders for any lesion. This survey provides an overview of the health status of the red deer populations in these regions. Further studies are crucial to better know the sanitary situation of these populations and under the One Health perspective, to apply protective measures for animal, hunter and consumer health.Obični je jelen (Cervus elaphus) divlji kopitar i vr- sta divljači koja je vrlo raširena u Portugalu. U mjestu Idanha-a-Nova (Castelo Branco) postoji poseban in- teres za istraživanje ovih populacija uslijed važnosti lovne industrije za regionalnu ekonomiju, uz pre- poznatu ulogu kopitara kao rezervoara uzročnika infekcija stoke i ljudi. Ovaj smo patohistološki pre- gled pisali s ciljem usporedbe lezije jelena iz mjesta Idanha-a-Nova (n=16) i Lousã (n=4). Tijekom sezone lova prikupljeni su uzorci iz pluća, jetre i bubrega svih životinja. Rezultati su otkrili veliku prevalenciju bronhitisa prouzročenog parazitima (13/20; 65 %), posebno u mjestu Idanha-a-Nova (11/16; 68,8 %), a brojne životinje su imale i negnojni nefritis (8/20; 40 %). Nisu otkrivene nikakve statistički značajne raz- like između regija i spolova za bilo koju leziju. Ova studija daje pregled zdravstvenog statusa populacije običnog jelena u tim regijama. Dodatne studije su ključne za bolje poznavanje zdravstvenih prilika tih populacija, iz perspektive Jednog zdravlja, u svrhu poduzimanja mjera zaštite zdravlja potrošča, lovaca i životinja

    Avaliação da sensibilidade in vitro à quinidina em isolados brasileiros de Plasmodium falciparum: análise comparativa à quinina e à cloroquina

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    Malária falciparum representa grave e crescente problema de saúde pública mundial, dada a resistência do parasito à maioria dos fármacos disponíveis. Em algumas áreas endêmicas, a quinidina, diastereoisômero do antimalárico quinina, vem sendo empregada em substituição a este último. Com o objetivo de avaliar o emprego da quinidina como alternativa à perda crescente de sensibilidade de cepas brasileiras de P. falciparum à quinina, como o observado na região Amazônica, realizamos ensaio comparativo entre quinidina, quinina e cloroquina. A técnica in vitro do microteste de sensibilidade foi utilizada. Todos os isolados mostraram-se altamente resistentes à cloroquina. Resistência à quinina não foi observada, embora altos valores de CMI (concentração mínima inibitória) tenham sido encontrados. Estes resultados corroboram o decréscimo de suscetibilidade de cepas brasileiras à quinina. Observou-se variação de IC50 de 0,053 a 4,577 mimol/L de sangue para a quinidina, enquanto para a quinina estimou-se IC50 de 0,053 a 8,132 mimol/L de sangue. Ademais, observou-se clareamento da parasitemia em concentrações inferiores à da quinidina quando empregada como fármaco antiarrítmico, confirmando estudo anterior por nós realizado. Resultados semelhantes foram encontrados em isolado oriundo da África.Falciparum malaria represents a serious and an increasing world public health problem due to the acquired parasite's resistance to the most available drugs. In some endemic areas, quinidine, a diastereoisomer of the antimalarial quinine, has been employed for replacing the latter. In order to evaluate the use of quinidine as an alternative to the increasing loss of quinine effectiveness in Brazilian P. falciparum strains, as has been observed in the Amazon area, we have assayed quinidine, quinine and chloroquine. The in vitro microtechnique was employed. All isolates showed to be highly resistant to chloroquine. Resistance to quinine was not noted although high MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration) values have been observed. These data corroborate the decreasing sensitivity to quinine in strains from Brazil. Quinidine showed IC50 from 0.053 to 4.577 mumol/L of blood while IC50 from 0.053 to 8.132 mumol/L of blood was estimated for quinine. Moreover, clearance of the parasitemia was observed in concentrations lower than that used for quinidine in antiarrhythmic therapy, confirming our previous data. The results were similar to African isolate

    Metal organic frameworks for selective degradation of amoxicillin in biomedical wastes

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    On an accidental degeneracy in the 31P{¹H} NMR chemical shifts in ruthenium diphosphine complexes

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    The [RuCl(bipy)(dppb)(4-pic)]PF6 complex was prepared and fully characterized. The X-ray crystal structure of this complex was determined in order to make an unambiguous distinction between the two possible positions of the 4-methylpyridine ligand (4-pic) in the compound: trans to phosphorus atom or trans to nitrogen atom. The [RuCl(bipy)(dppb)(4-pic)]PF6 complex exhibits an unusual temperature-dependent accidental degeneracy of the 31P chemical shifts in its solution NMR spectrum

    Photobacterium sanctipauli sp nov isolated from bleached Madracis decactis (Scleractinia) in the St Peter & St Paul Archipelago, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Brazil

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    Five novel strains of Photobacterium (A-394T, A-373, A-379, A-397 and A-398) were isolated from bleached coralMadracis decactis (scleractinian) in the remote St Peter & St Archipelago (SPSPA), Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Brazil. Healthy M. decactis specimens were also surveyed, but no strains were related to them. The novel isolates formed a distinct lineage based on the 16S rRNA, recA, and rpoA gene sequences analysis. Their closest phylogenetic neighbours were Photobacterium rosenbergii, P. gaetbulicola, and P. lutimaris, sharing 96.6 to 95.8% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. The novel species can be differentiated from the closest neighbours by several phenotypic and chemotaxonomic markers. It grows at pH 11, produces tryptophane deaminase, presents the fatty acid C-18:0, but lacks C-16:0 iso. The whole cell protein profile, based in MALDI-TOF MS, distinguished the strains of the novel species among each other and from the closest neighbors. In addition, we are releasing the whole genome sequence of the type strain. The name Photobacterium sanctipauli sp. nov. is proposed for this taxon. The G + C content of the type strain A-394(T) (=LMG27910(T) = CAIM1892(T)) is 48.2 mol%

    Environmental and sanitary conditions of guanabara bay, Rio de Janeiro

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    Guanabara Bay is the second largest bay in the coast of Brazil, with an area of 384 km2. In its surroundings live circa 16 million inhabitants, out of which 6 million live in Rio de Janeiro city, one of the largest cities of the country, and the host of the 2016 Olympic Games. Anthropogenic interference in Guanabara Bay area started early in the XVI century, but environmental impacts escalated from 1930, when this region underwent an industrialization process. Herein we present an overview of the current environmental and sanitary conditions of Guanabara Bay, a consequence of all these decades of impacts. We will focus on microbial communities, how they may affect higher trophic levels of the aquatic community and also human health. The anthropogenic impacts in the bay are flagged by heavy eutrophication and by the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms that are either carried by domestic and/or hospital waste (e.g., virus, KPC-producing bacteria, and fecal coliforms), or that proliferate in such conditions (e.g., vibrios). Antibiotic resistance genes are commonly found in metagenomes of Guanabara Bay planktonic microorganisms. Furthermore, eutrophication results in recurrent algal blooms, with signs of a shift toward flagellated, mixotrophic groups, including several potentially harmful species. A recent large-scale fish kill episode, and a long trend decrease in fish stocks also reflects the bay’s degraded water quality. Although pollution of Guanabara Bay is not a recent problem, the hosting of the 2016 Olympic Games propelled the government to launch a series of plans to restore the bay’s water quality. If all plans are fully implemented, the restoration of Guanabara Bay and its shores may be one of the best legacies of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

    Biomagnificación de mercurio en la cadena trófica del Delfín Moteado del Atlántico (Stenella frontalis), usando el isótopo estable de nitrógeno como marcador ecológico

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    An assessment of mercury (Hg) concentrations and nitrogen stable isotope (15N) was conducted in the food chain of the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), including phytoplankton, zooplankton, planktivorous fish and its major prey (predatory fish and a single species of cephalopod), that compose a tropical trophic chain of the Brazilian southeastern coast. Tissue concentrations of Hg in a voracious predator fish, the largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus), one of the dolphin’s prey, were 9.8 times lower than median concentrations found in dolphin tissues. 15N values in predatory fish were found to be lower to those of its predator the spotted dolphin. Isotopic data suggested significant differences for 15N along the trophic chain, with the top predator (dolphin) exhibiting heavier value, followed by the voracious predator fish and the benthonic carnivorous fish, the whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri). Phytoplankton displayed the lightest 15N, followed by zooplankton and the planktophagous fish, the lebranche mullet (Mugil liza). This fish species and the cephalopod showed the lowest median Hg concentration. All links of the entire trophic chain presented trophic transfer of Hg with a biomagnification factor higher than 1. A significant relationship was found between the log Hg concentration and trophic level (TL) of all evaluated species, with a positive slope (= 0.87). The calculated trophic magnification factor (TMF= 7.44) indicates that Hg concentration increased per TL, and also that the entire coastal food chain from the South Atlantic Ocean presented a biomagnification power of Hg within a range previously reported for tropical coastal ecosystems.Se realizó una evaluación de las concentraciones del mercurio (Hg) y del isótopo estable de nitrógeno (δ15N) en la cadena trófica del Delfín Moteado del Atlántico (Stenella frontalis), incluyendo fitoplancton, zooplancton, peces planctívoros y sus principales presas (peces depredadores y una sola especie de cefalópodo), componentes de una cadena trófica tropical de la costa sureste de Brasil. Una de las presas del delfín, un pez depredador voraz, el pez sable (Trichiurus lepturus), presentó una concentración mediana del Hg 9,8 veces inferior que la del delfín. El valor de 15N es más bajo que al de su depredador. Los datos del isótopo han sugerido que ha habido diferencias significativas para el 15N a lo largo de la cadena trófica, en la que en el mayor depredador (delfín) se ha mostrado más pesado, seguido por el pez depredador y el pez bentófago, la corvina (Micropogonias furnieri). Se ha observado que el fitoplancton presentó el 15N más liviano, seguido por el zooplancton y el pez planctófago, el lebranche (Mugil liza). Este pez y el cefalópodo han mostrado la mediana más baja de Hg. Se han encontrado transferencias mayores que 1 en todos los vínculos de la cadena evaluada. Se ha obtenido una relación significativamente positiva entre la concentración del Hg (en logaritmo) y el nivel trófico (TL), incluyendo todas las especies investigadas, presentando una pendiente positiva (δ= 0,87). El factor de magnificación trófica (FMT= 7,44) indica que la concentración del Hg ha aumentado por TL, y también que toda la cadena trófica costera presentó un poder de biomagnificación de Hg dentro de un rango previamente reportado para ecosistemas costeros tropicales

    Effect of a Resuscitation Strategy Targeting Peripheral Perfusion Status vs Serum Lactate Levels on 28-Day Mortality Among Patients With Septic Shock : The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Randomized Clinical Trial

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    IMPORTANCE: Abnormal peripheral perfusion after septic shock resuscitation has been associated with organ dysfunction and mortality. The potential role of the clinical assessment of peripheral perfusion as a target during resuscitation in early septic shock has not been established. OBJECTIVE: To determine if a peripheral perfusion–targeted resuscitation during early septic shock in adults is more effective than a lactate level–targeted resuscitation for reducing mortality. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Multicenter, randomized trial conducted at 28 intensive care units in 5 countries. Four-hundred twenty-four patients with septic shock were included between March 2017 and March 2018. The last date of follow-up was June 12, 2018. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomized to a step-by-step resuscitation protocol aimed at either normalizing capillary refill time (n = 212) or normalizing or decreasing lactate levels at rates greater than 20% per 2 hours (n = 212), during an 8-hour intervention period. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was all-cause mortality at 28 days. Secondary outcomes were organ dysfunction at 72 hours after randomization, as assessed by Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score (range, 0 [best] to 24 [worst]); death within 90 days; mechanical ventilation–, renal replacement therapy–, and vasopressor-free days within 28 days; intensive care unit and hospital length of stay. RESULTS: Among 424 patients randomized (mean age, 63 years; 226 [53%] women), 416 (98%) completed the trial. By day 28, 74 patients (34.9%) in the peripheral perfusion group and 92 patients (43.4%) in the lactate group had died (hazard ratio, 0.75 [95% CI, 0.55 to 1.02]; P = .06; risk difference, −8.5% [95% CI, −18.2% to 1.2%]). Peripheral perfusion–targeted resuscitation was associated with less organ dysfunction at 72 hours (mean SOFA score, 5.6 [SD, 4.3] vs 6.6 [SD, 4.7]; mean difference, −1.00 [95% CI, −1.97 to −0.02]; P = .045). There were no significant differences in the other 6 secondary outcomes. No protocol-related serious adverse reactions were confirmed. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Among patients with septic shock, a resuscitation strategy targeting normalization of capillary refill time, compared with a strategy targeting serum lactate levels, did not reduce all-cause 28-day mortality.Facultad de Ciencias Médica