2,278 research outputs found

    Correlations in nano-scale step fluctuations: comparison of simulation and experiments

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    We analyze correlations in step-edge fluctuations using the Bortz-Kalos-Lebowitz kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm, with a 2-parameter expression for energy barriers, and compare with our VT-STM line-scan experiments on spiral steps on Pb(111). The scaling of the correlation times gives a dynamic exponent confirming the expected step-edge-diffusion rate-limiting kinetics both in the MC and in the experiments. We both calculate and measure the temperature dependence of (mass) transport properties via the characteristic hopping times and deduce therefrom the notoriously-elusive effective energy barrier for the edge fluctuations. With a careful analysis we point out the necessity of a more complex model to mimic the kinetics of a Pb(111) surface for certain parameter ranges.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Extraction of Step-Repulsion Strengths from Terrace Width Distributions: Statistical and Analytic Considerations

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    Recently it has been recognized that the so-called generalized Wigner distribution may provide at least as good a description of terrace width distributions (TWDs) on vicinal surfaces as the standard Gaussian fit and is particularly applicable for weak repulsions between steps, where the latter fails. Subsequent applications to vicinal copper surfaces at various temperatures confirmed the serviceability of the new analysis procedure but raised some theoretical questions. Here we address these issues using analytical, numerical, and statistical methods. We propose an extension of the generalized Wigner distribution to a two-parameter fit that allows the terrace widths to be scaled by an optimal effective mean width. We discuss quantitatively the approach of a Wigner distribution to a Gaussian form for strong repulsions, how errors in normalization or mean affect the deduced interaction, and how optimally to extract the interaction from the variance and mean of the TWD. We show that correlations reduce by two orders of magnitude the number of {\em independent} measurements in a typical STM image. We also discuss the effect of the discreteness ("quantization") of terrace widths, finding that for high misorientation (small mean width) the standard continuum analysis gives faulty estimates of step interactions.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; info added on # ind. measurements/STM imag

    Step fluctuations and random walks

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    The probability distribution p(l) of an atom to return to a step at distance l from the detachment site, with a random walk in between, is exactly enumerated. In particular, we study the dependence of p(l) on step roughness, presence of other reflecting or absorbing steps, interaction between steps and diffusing atom, as well as concentration of defects on the terrace neighbouring the step. Applying Monte Carlo techniques, the time evolution of equilibrium step fluctuations is computed for specific forms of return probabilities. Results are compared to previous theoretical and experimental findings.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Simultaneous Implicit Surface Reconstruction and Meshing

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    We investigate an implicit method to compute a piecewise linear representation of a surface from a set of sample points. As implicit surface functions we use the weighted sum of piecewise linear kernel functions. For such a function we can partition Rd in such a way that these functions are linear on the subsets of the partition. For each subset in the partition we can then compute the zero level set of the function exactly as the intersection of a hyperplane with the subset

    Morphology of ledge patterns during step flow growth of metal surfaces vicinal to fcc(001)

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    The morphological development of step edge patterns in the presence of meandering instability during step flow growth is studied by simulations and numerical integration of a continuum model. It is demonstrated that the kink Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier responsible for the instability leads to an invariant shape of the step profiles. The step morphologies change with increasing coverage from a somewhat triangular shape to a more flat, invariant steady state form. The average pattern shape extracted from the simulations is shown to be in good agreement with that obtained from numerical integration of the continuum theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX 3, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bounds on the k-neighborhood for locally uniform sampled surfaces

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    Given a locally uniform sample set P of a smooth surface S. We derive upper and lower bounds on the number k of nearest neighbors of a sample point p that have to be chosen from P such that this neighborhood contains all restricted Delaunay neighbors of p. In contrast to the trivial lower bound, the upper bound indicates that a sampling condition that is used in many computational geometry proofs is quite reasonable from a practical point of view

    Tube Width Fluctuations in F-Actin Solutions

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    We determine the statistics of the local tube width in F-actin solutions, beyond the usually reported mean value. Our experimental observations are explained by a segment fluid theory based on the binary collision approximation (BCA). In this systematic generalization of the standard mean-field approach effective polymer segments interact via a potential representing the topological constraints. The analytically predicted universal tube width distribution with a stretched tail is in good agreement with the data.Comment: Final version, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Bounds on the k-neighborhood for locally uniform sampled surfaces

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    Given a locally uniform sample set P of a smooth surface S. We derive upper and lower bounds on the number k of nearest neighbors of a sample point p that have to be chosen from P such that this neighborhood contains all restricted Delaunay neighbors of p. In contrast to the trivial lower bound, the upper bound indicates that a sampling condition that is used in many computational geometry proofs is quite reasonable from a practical point of view

    Ricci flows with unbounded curvature

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    We show that any noncompact Riemann surface admits a complete Ricci flow g(t), t\in[0,\infty), which has unbounded curvature for all t\in[0,\infty).Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; updated reference
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