151 research outputs found

    Small Area and Individual Level Predictors of Physical Activity in Urban Communities: A Multi-Level Study in Stoke on Trent, England

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    Reducing population physical inactivity has been declared a global public health priority. We report a detailed multi-level analysis of small area indices and individual factors as correlates of physical activity in deprived urban areas. Multi-level regression analysis was used to investigate environmental and individual correlates of physical activity. Nine individual factors were retained in the overall model, two related to individual intentions or beliefs, three to access to shops, work or fast food outlets and two to weather; age and gender being the other two. Four area level indices related to: traffic, road casualties, criminal damage and access to green space were important in explaining variation in physical activity

    How is suicide risk assessed in healthcare settings in the UK? A systematic scoping review

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    A high proportion of people contact healthcare services in the 12 months prior to death by suicide. Identifying people at high-risk for suicide is therefore a key concern for healthcare services. Whilst there is extensive research on the validity and reliability of suicide risk assessment tools, there remains a lack of understanding of how suicide risk assessments are conducted by healthcare staff in practice. This scoping review examined the literature on how suicide risk assessments are conducted and experienced by healthcare practitioners, patients, carers, relatives, and friends of people who have died by suicide in the UK. Literature searches were conducted on key databases using a pre-defined search strategy pre-registered with the Open Science Framework and following the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews guidelines. Eligible for inclusion were original research, written in English, exploring how suicide risk is assessed in the UK, related to administering or undergoing risk assessment for suicide, key concepts relating to those experiences, or directly exploring the experiences of administering or undergoing assessment. Eighteen studies were included in the final sample. Information was charted including study setting and design, sampling strategy, sample characteristics, and findings. A narrative account of the literature is provided. There was considerable variation regarding how suicide risk assessments are conducted in practice. There was evidence of a lack of risk assessment training, low awareness of suicide prevention guidance, and a lack of evidence relating to patient perspectives of suicide risk assessments. Increased inclusion of patient perspectives of suicide risk assessment is needed to gain understanding of how the process can be improved. Limited time and difficulty in starting an open discussion about suicide with patients were noted as barriers to successful assessment. Implications for practice are discussed

    A qualitative study of disengagement in disadvantaged areas of the UK: ‘You come through your door and you lock that door’

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    Health inequalities are a major concern in the UK. Power imbalances are associated with health inequalities and should be challenged through health promotion and empowering strategies, enabling individuals who feel powerless to take control over their own life and act on the determinants of health (Green and Tones, 2010). This study aimed to explore resident expectations of a community engagement programme that intended to empower communities to take action on pre-identified priorities. The programme targeted communities in deprived areas of a mid-sized city in the UK. A qualitative design was implemented. In-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 28 adult residents at the start of the programme. Transcripts were analysed using an inductive approach to thematic analysis. Resident expectations were explored from a constructivist epistemological perspective. The qualitative inductive approach allowed a second research question to develop which led this paper to focus on exploring how disempowerment was experienced by individuals before taking part in a community engagement programme. Analysis of interviews revealed a ‘process of deterioration’ that provided insight into how communities might become (more) disadvantaged through disempowerment. Five master themes were identified: external abandonment at the institutional-level (master theme 1); a resulting loss of sense of community (master theme 2); this negatively affected psychological wellbeing of residents (master theme 3); who adopted coping strategies (e.g., disengagement) to aid living in such challenging areas; (master theme 4); disengagement further perpetuated the deterioration of the area (master theme 5). Distrust was identified as a major barrier to participation in community engagement programmes. Overall, our data suggested that community engagement approaches must prioritise restoration of trust and be accompanied by supportive policies to mitigate feelings of abandonment in communities

    “Artlift” Arts-on-Referral Intervention in UK Primary Care: Updated findings from an ongoing observational study

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    Background: Arts for health interventions are an accepted option for medical management of mental wellbeing in health care. Updated findings are presented from a prospective longitudinal follow-up (observational) design study of an arts on referral programme in UK general practice, over a 7-year period (2009–2016). Methods: Primary care process and mental wellbeing outcomes were investigated, including progress through the intervention, changes in mental wellbeing, and factors associated with those outcomes. A total of n =1297 patients were referred to an eight or 10-week intervention over a period from 2009 to 2016. Patient sociodemographic information was recorded at baseline, and patient progress (e.g. attendance) assessed throughout the intervention. Results: Of all referrals, 51.7% completed their course of prescribed art (the intervention). Of those that attended, 74.7% engaged with the intervention as rated by the artists leading the courses. A significant increase in wellbeing was observed from pre- to post-intervention (t = −19.29, df =523, P < 0.001, two-tailed) for those that completed and/or engaged. A sub sample (N =103) of these referrals self-reported multi-morbidities. These multiple health care service users were majority completers (79.6%), and were rated as having engaged (81.0%). This group also had a significant increase in well-being, although this was smaller than for the group as a whole (t = −7.38, df =68, P < 0.001). Conclusion: Findings confirm that art interventions can be effective in the promotion of well-being for those that complete, including those referred with multi-morbidity, with significant changes in wellbeing evident across the intervention periods

    Associations between park features, park satisfaction and park use in a multi-ethnic deprived urban area

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    Parks are increasingly understood to be key community resources for public health, particularly for ethnic minority and low socioeconomic groups. At the same time, research suggests parks are underutilised by these groups. In order to design effective interventions to promote health, the determinants of park use for these groups must be understood.This study examines the associations between park features, park satisfaction and park use in a deprived and ethnically diverse sample in Bradford, UK. 652 women from the Born in Bradford cohort completed a survey on park satisfaction and park use. Using a standardised direct observation tool, 44 parks in the area were audited for present park features. Features assessed were: access, recreational facilities, amenities, natural features, significant natural features, non-natural features, incivilities and usability. Size and proximity to the park were also calculated. Multilevel linear regressions were performed to understand associations between park features and (1) park satisfaction and (2) park use. Interactions between park features, ethnicity and socioeconomic status were explored, and park satisfaction was tested as a mediator in the relationship between park features and park use.More amenities and greater usability were associated with increased park satisfaction, while more incivilities were negatively related to park satisfaction. Incivilities, access and proximity were also negatively associated with park use. Ethnicity and socioeconomic status had no moderating role, and there was no evidence for park satisfaction as a mediator between park features and park use.Results suggest diverse park features are associated with park satisfaction and park use, but this did not vary by ethnicity or socioeconomic status. The reduction of incivilities should be prioritised where the aim is to encourage park satisfaction and park use

    Children\u27s perceptions of the factors helping them to be resilient to sedentary lifestyles

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    Despite the increased risk of sedentary lifestyles associated with socioeconomic disadvantage, some children living in disadvantaged areas display 'resilience' to unhealthy behaviours whereby they manage to engage in regular physical activity and avoid high levels of screen time. It is important to understand what is helping these children to do well. This qualitative study explored the perceptions of 'resilient' children regarding factors that assist them to engage in high levels of physical activity and low screen time. In-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with 38 children (7-13 years) living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in urban and rural areas of Victoria, Australia. Themes that emerged relating to physical activity included: parental support and encouragement of physical activity, having a supportive physical environment and having friends to be active with. Themes relating to screen time included: individual preferences to be active, knowledge of health risks associated with sedentary behaviour, having a home environment supportive of physical activity and parental rules. The results provide valuable insights regarding factors that may help children living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods to be physically active and reduce their screen time and may inform future studies targeting this important population group.Jenny Veitch, Lauren Arundell, Clare Hume and Kylie Bal

    The association between green space and cause-specific mortality in urban New Zealand: an ecological analysis of green space utility

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    &lt;b&gt;Background:&lt;/b&gt; There is mounting international evidence that exposure to green environments is associated with health benefits, including lower mortality rates. Consequently, it has been suggested that the uneven distribution of such environments may contribute to health inequalities. Possible causative mechanisms behind the green space and health relationship include the provision of physical activity opportunities, facilitation of social contact and the restorative effects of nature. In the New Zealand context we investigated whether there was a socioeconomic gradient in green space exposure and whether green space exposure was associated with cause-specific mortality (cardiovascular disease and lung cancer). We subsequently asked what is the mechanism(s) by which green space availability may influence mortality outcomes, by contrasting health associations for different types of green space. &lt;b&gt;Methods:&lt;/b&gt; This was an observational study on a population of 1,546,405 living in 1009 small urban areas in New Zealand. A neighbourhood-level classification was developed to distinguish between usable (i.e., visitable) and non-usable green space (i.e., visible but not visitable) in the urban areas. Negative binomial regression models were fitted to examine the association between quartiles of area-level green space availability and risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease (n = 9,484; 1996 - 2005) and from lung cancer (n = 2,603; 1996 - 2005), after control for age, sex, socio-economic deprivation, smoking, air pollution and population density. &lt;b&gt;Results:&lt;/b&gt; Deprived neighbourhoods were relatively disadvantaged in total green space availability (11% less total green space for a one standard deviation increase in NZDep2001 deprivation score, p &#60; 0.001), but had marginally more usable green space (2% more for a one standard deviation increase in deprivation score, p = 0.002). No significant associations between usable or total green space and mortality were observed after adjustment for confounders. &lt;b&gt;Conclusion&lt;/b&gt; Contrary to expectations we found no evidence that green space influenced cardiovascular disease mortality in New Zealand, suggesting that green space and health relationships may vary according to national, societal or environmental context. Hence we were unable to infer the mechanism in the relationship. Our inability to adjust for individual-level factors with a significant influence on cardiovascular disease and lung cancer mortality risk (e.g., diet and alcohol consumption) will have limited the ability of the analyses to detect green space effects, if present. Additionally, green space variation may have lesser relevance for health in New Zealand because green space is generally more abundant and there is less social and spatial variation in its availability than found in other contexts