50 research outputs found


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    Basic data on habitat, behavior, and reproduction arelacking for most Neotropical frog species and even highertaxonomic groups (Crump 1974; Haddad and Prado2005), particularly for those restricted to the AtlanticForest. Basic reproductive features are the basis of comparativestudies on evolution of major natural historyfeatures (Harvey and Pagel 1998), such as the interspecific relationship between body size and egg number/size (Salthe and Duellman 1973, Crump 1974, Stearns1992). Here, we present data on habitat, reproductivebehavior and quantitative parameters such as adult sizes,egg numbers/sizes of ten sympatric frogs of an altitudinalAtlantic Forest site in Southeastern Brazil

    Reproductive behavior of Cycloramphus dubius Miranda-Ribeiro (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae)

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    Cycloramphus dubius Miranda-Ribeiro. 1920 is a frog species from the coastal Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil. It uses waterfalls of forested rivulets as breeding sites. The eggs are placed outside of water, between rock crevices or roots constantly wetted by water dripping. Clutches have about 60 eggs, and the tadpoles grow attached to rocks, out of water. Males of this species exhibit parental care, biting and/or pushing away strange objects approaching the egg masses. Two types of calls were identified in the spectrograms. The advertisement calls consist of juxtaposed pulses lasting 200ms; the aggressive calls, also have the short pulses structure, and last around 300ms. The aggressive calls are emitted during territorial invasion.233237Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Nova espécie de Paratelmatobius (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) da Serra do Mar, Brasil

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    Scinax cruentommus (Anura: Hylidae) in the upper Rio Negro drainage, Amazonas state, Brazil, with the redescription of its advertisement call

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    Scinax cruentommus (Anura: Hylidae) na bacia do alto Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil, com a redescrição do seu canto de anúncio. Nós apresentamos o primeiro registro de Scinax cruentommus no alto Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil. Nós também redescrevemos o seu canto de anúncio e fazemos comparações acústicas com os dados disponíveis para outras espécies do Clado de Scinax ruber da bacia amazônica. Com a obtenção de novos dados para S. cruentommus, os parâmetros acústicos suplementaram a sua diagnose congenérica em relação às outras espécies amazônicas do Clado de S. ruber além das características propostas em sua descrição original.Scinax cruentommus (Anura: Hylidae) in the upper Rio Negro drainage, Amazonas state, Brazil, with the redescription of its advertisement call. We provide the first record for Scinax cruentommus from the upper Rio Negro, Amazonas state, Brazil. We also redescribe its advertisement call and make acoustic comparisons with available data for other species of the Scinax ruber Clade in the Amazon Basin. With the assessment of further data on S. cruentommus, the acoustic traits have supplemented its congeneric diagnosis in comparison with the other Amazonian species of the S. ruber Clade besides the features proposed in its original description

    Riqueza, abundância relativa e hábitat de reprodução de espécies de anuros terrestres na região do Triângulo Mineiro, bioma Cerrado, sudeste do Brasil

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    Based on field observations and pitfall sampling, we determined the species richness, relative abundance, and reproductive habitat of terrestrial frogs in three municipalities in the Triângulo Mineiro region, south Cerrado biome, in southeastern Brazil. We found thirty-two species of terrestrial frogs, belonging to the families Brachycephalidae, Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Dendrobatidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae. Most of the species were found in open areas and reproduced in human-generated environments, such as artificial lakes (10 species) and ponds (14 species). Dominance was high, with Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 (Leiuperidae) representing 48% of sampled frogs. A larger number of individuals was captured in the wet season, when most of the species were reproducing. Compared to other areas of Cerrado biome, the Triângulo Mineiro sites presented a larger number of species, which may be attributed to the larger sampled area and greater sampling effort, lower altitude and presence of human generated habitats. The richness of terrestrial frogs was also larger than that in some forested localities in southeastern Brazil, indicating that the number of species cannot be explained only by precipitation and type of vegetation cover. The greater abundance of individuals during the wet season may be related to a greater movement of adults to breeding sites and to juvenile recruitment/dispersion. The heterogeneity of environments in the Cerrado biome, including its several isolated highlands, contributes to its high (local and regional) diversity of frogs.Neste estudo foram determinados a riqueza, abundância relativa e hábitat de reprodução de anuros terrestres em três municípios do Triângulo Mineiro, sul do Bioma Cerrado, sudeste do Brasil, baseados em observações de campo e armadilhas de interceptação e queda. Foram encontradas 32 espécies pertencentes às famílias Brachycephalidae, Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Dendrobatidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae e Microhylidae. Muitas dessas espécies foram encontradas em áreas abertas e se reproduziram em ambientes artificiais gerados por ação antrópica, tais como lagos (10 espécies) e poças (14 espécies). Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 (Leiuperidae) foi a espécie dominante, representando 48% do total amostrado. Um grande número de indivíduos de diferentes espécies foi capturado na estação chuvosa, quando muitas das espécies estavam reproduzindo. As áreas amostradas na região do Triângulo Mineiro apresentaram um maior número de espécies quando comparadas com outras áreas do bioma Cerrado, o que pode ser atribuído à maior área amostrada, ao maior esforço de coleta, baixa altitude e presença de hábitats gerados por ação antrópica. A riqueza de anuros terrestres também foi maior do que àquela encontrada em localidades florestadas no sudeste do Brasil, indicando que o número de espécies não pode ser explicado somente pela precipitação e tipo de cobertura vegetal da área. A grande abundância de indivíduos durante a estação chuvosa pode estar relacionada ao maior movimento de adultos para hábitats de reprodução e ao recrutamento e dispersão de juvenis. A heterogeneidade dos ambientes no bioma Cerrado, incluindo algumas de suas áreas com maiores altitudes, contribui para a alta diversidade (local e regional) de espécies de anuros

    The karyotype of three Brazilian Terrarana frogs (Amphibia, Anura) with evidence of a new Barycholos species

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    A recent substantial rearrangement of the 882 described eleutherodactyline frog species has considerably improved the understanding of their systematics. Nevertheless, many taxonomic aspects of the South American eleutherodactyline species remain unknown and require further investigation using morphological, cytogenetic and molecular approaches. In this work, the karyotypes of the Brazilian species Ischnocnema juipoca (Atibaia and Campos do Jordão, SP), Barycholos cf. ternetzi (Uberlândia, MG, and Porto Nacional, TO), and Pristimantis crepitans (Chapada dos Guimarães and São Vicente, MT) were analyzed using Giemsa staining, Ag-NOR labeling, and C-banding techniques. All individuals had a diploid number of 22 chromosomes, but the Fundamental Numbers were different among species. The herein described low chromosome number of Pristimantis crepitans is unique within this genus, suggesting that cytogenetically this species is not closely related either to its congeneric species or to Ischnocnema. In addition, karyotype differences, mainly in the NOR position, clearly distinguished the two Barycholos populations, besides indicating the existence of a so far undescribed species in this genus. A taxonomic review could clarify the systematic position of P. crepitans and verify the hypothetic new Barycholos species

    Morphometric data of two new species of Adenomera from central Brazil

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    These data correspond to the individual values summarized in Table 1 of our study through mean, standard deviation, and range. Measurement abbreviations are according to those presented in Material and Methods section