129 research outputs found

    Epistemic vs Ontic Classification of quantum entangled states?

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    In this brief paper, starting from recent works, we analyze from conceptual point of view this basic question: can be the nature of quantum entangled states interpreted ontologically or epistemologically? According some works, the degrees of freedom (and the tool of quantum partitions) of quantum systems permit us to establish a possible classification between factorizables and entangled states. We suggest, that the "choice" of degree of freedom (or quantum partitions), even if mathematically justified introduces epistemic element, not only in the systems but also in their classification. We retain, instead, that there are not two classes of quantum states, entangled and factorizables, but only a single classes of states: the entangled states. In fact, the factorizable states become entangled for a different choice of their degrees of freedom (i.e. they are entangled with respect to other observables). In the same way, there are not partitions of quantum system which have an ontological superior status with respect to any other. For all these reasons, both mathematical tools utilized (i.e quantum partitions or degrees of freedom) are responsible of improper classification of quantum systems. Finally, we argue that we cannot speak about a classification of quantum systems: all the quantum states exhibit a unique objective nature, they are all entangled states

    Towards a Non-human Speciophilosophy

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    After the publication of Jaques Derrida’s book, L’animal que donc je suis, anti-speciesism has been looking for a theoretical foundation for its ethical content. In my opinion, the defect of all these philosophical perspectives is that they still reduce animals to objects of human philosophy. Here, I develop a new framework in which animals are considered as subjects of their own philosophy. In analogy to the concept of ethnophilosophy, the concept of speciophilosophy is here introduced (§ 1, §3). The different ways of thinking between humans and other animals are outlined, by explaining the difference between verbal reasoning and thinking through images (§ 2). Human philosophies are shown to be anthropocentric ideologies, related to carnivorism (§4, § 8). Subsequently, animal speciophilosophies are discussed (§6) and a dialogical symphilosophein (§ 5) among all living beings is proposed to be the extension of the so-called philosophy of dialogue. Finally, it is shown how this perspective was present in the original Christian ethics (§7, §9, § 10)

    Max Scheler e la possibilità di una nuova forma di antispecismo

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    This article presents the ethical thought of Max Scheler, beyond its anthropocentric specificity, as a possible basis for the philosophical elaboration of an anti-speciesist ethical phenomenology, of Christian origin, which in turn presupposes for the self-understanding of our human existence a vegan and anti-speciesist ethical praxis, as a concrete form of active love as care for every life

    Espacio-tiempo caótico

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    En este artículo se demuestra cómo la consideración de una mecánica caótica suministra una redefinición del  espacio-tiempo en la teoría de la relatividad especial. En particular, el tiempo caótico significa que no hay una  posibilidad de definir el ordenamiento temporal lo que implica una ruptura de la causalidad. Las nuevas  transformaciones caóticas entre las coordenadas espaciotemporales ‘indeterminadas’ no son más lineales y  homogéneas. Los principios de inercia y el impulso de la conservación de la energía ya no son bien definidos y  en todo caso no son más invariantes.In this paper we have shown how the consideration of a chaotic mechanics supplies a redefinition of  special‑relativistic space‑time. In particular chaotic time means no possibility of defining temporal ordering and  implies a breakdown of causality. The new chaotic transformations among ‘undetermined’ space‑time  coordinates are no more linear and homogeneous. The principles of inertia and of energy‑impulse conservation are no longer well defined and in any case no more invariant

    Something is rotten in the State of Denmark. Søren Kierkegaard, Niels Bohr e la nascita della fisica quantistica

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    Quantum physics, risen from experimental evidences, shows us a new conception of Nature. Nature seems in some way weird. However, experiments point out singularities, irreducible contradictions, unpredictable events, which cannot be explained by means of universal, causal, deterministic laws for microscopic phenomena. Niels Bohr had deep knowledge of Kierkegaard's existentialism and he considered it as the key to understand Nature

    Philosophy of Nutrition. A Historical, Existential, Phenomenological Perspective

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    The paper develops a philosophy of nutrition, based on the idea that nutrition is the fundamental condition of possibility of the existence: being presupposes eating. Eating meat historically presupposes preying, hunting or fishing, that is killing other animals. This violence is at the roots of our civilisation: it transformed human way of life, human way of being. Violence over other species then spreads as violence at the level of the same human, social, relationships. Violence over other species has been called “work” and now the division of work allows the majority of individuals for a life without preying and without violence and so for spreading a new way of thinking and feeling, a new way of living. A new antispeciesist ethics become possible, based on a vegan style of living

    Bicentenary of the invention of the battery

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    Book of Abstracts of two Conferences: Volta and the History of Electricity 11-15 September ; Science as Culture 15-19 Septembe

    Something is rotten in the State of Denmark. Søren Kierkegaard, Niels Bohr e la nascita della fisica quantistica

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    Quantum physics, risen from experimental evidences, shows us a new conception of Nature. Nature seems in some way weird. However, experiments point out singularities, irreducible contradictions, unpredictable events, which cannot be explained by means of universal, causal, deterministic laws for microscopic phenomena. Niels Bohr had deep knowledge of Kierkegaard's existentialism and he considered it as the key to understand Natur