112 research outputs found


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    Development of microcontroller-based technology is growing in line with the needs in education, offices, and another - another. in education as schools are still using manual clock and bell. then designed a digital clock using a real time clock-based microcontroller that can automatically adjust the sound of a bell and has a central hours, so that the digital clock at the school would show the time the same. Design and manufacture of this hour include technical issues such as analyzing hours of admission, rest, and at home in the school, the basic theory microcontroller, the theory of RTC (Real Time Clock), the basic theory of electronics, and implement it using codevision avr as a compiler. By using this hour, is expected to help facilitate work with school staff no longer need to ring the bell or hit the bell when time starts to learn, rest, and time to go home. and provide new knowledge to the students, so students are motivated to learning about information technology. Key words: Microcontroller, Real Time Clock, Digital Clock, Time, CodeVisionAV

    ANALISIS KONDISI FISIK ATLET PEROKOK DAN TIDAK PEROKOK (Studi Atlet Bola Voli Putra Nanggala Surabaya Usia 15-16 Tahun 2018)

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    Abstrak Merokok adalah kegiatan menghisap gulungan kertas putih yang di dalamnya terdapat tembakau olahan kemudian di bakar, baik menggunakan pipa maupun langsung. Merokok berbahaya bagi kesehatan terutamanya penyakit jantung dan paru-paru serta masih banyak penyakit lainnya yang di timbulkan dari aktifitas merokok. Bagi seorang atlet, merokok dapat mempengaruhi kondisi fisik tubuhnya, hal ini terjadi karena racun yang terkandung dalam rokok merusak dan mengganggu kinerja sistem tubuh pada manusia. Apabila sistem tubuh terganggu maka kondisi fisik akan menurun, penurunan kondisi fisik ini dapat berdampak buruk pada performa atlet. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar perbedaan yang signifikan antara atlet perokok dan tidak perokok dalam tes kekuatan, kecepatan, kelincahan dan daya tahan pada atlet putra Club Bola Voli Nanggala Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah non-eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh atlet putra Club Bola Voli Nanggala Surabaya usia 15-16 tahun. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh jumlah populasi atlet putra Club Bola Voli Nanggala Surabaya usia 15-16 tahun yang berjumlah 15 orang. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket dan tes kecepatan berupa sprint, tes kelincahan berupa zig-zag, tes kekuatan berupa jump MD serta tes daya tahan berupa VO2max. Adapun hasil penelitian ini yaitu pada uji T dari keempat tes yaitu kecepatan, kelincahan, kekuatan dan daya tahan masing-masing memiliki nilai yang sama yaitu sig (2-tailed) 0.000 < É‹value (sig) 0.05, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima dan dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara atlet perokok dan atlet tidak perokok. Jadi terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kecepatan, kelincahan, kekuatan dan daya tahan antara atlet perokok dan atlet tidak perokok. Dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata atlet tidak perokok lebih baik daripada atlet perokok. Kata kunci: Kecepatan, Kelincahan, Kekuatan, Daya Tahan, Tidak Perokok, Perokok. Abstract Smoking is the activity of sucking a roll of white paper in which there is tobacco processed and then burned, either by pipeline or directly. Smoking is harmful to health especially heart and lung disease as well as many other diseases that are caused by smoking activities. For an athlete, smoking can affect the physical condition of his body, this happens because the toxins contained in cigarettes damage and disrupt the performance of the human body system. If the body system is disturbed then the physical condition will decrease, the decline in physical condition can have a negative impact on the performance of athletes. The objective of the study was to find out how much significant difference between smokers athletes and nonsmokers in tests of strength, speed, agility and endurance at the athletes of Men Volleyball Club Nanggala Surabaya. The type of research used is son Volleyball Club Nanggala Surabaya age 15-16 year. The sample in this study is the total population of male athletes Volleyball Club Nanggala Surabaya age 15-16 years, amounting to 15 people. Data retrieval in this study us Data retrieval in this study using questionnaires and speed tests in the form of sprints, agility tests in the form of zig-zag, strength test in the form of jump MD and endurance test in the form of VO2max. The results of this study are the T test of the four tests of speed, agility, strength and endurance each have the same value of sig (2-tailed) 0.000 <É‹value (sig) 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted and can it was concluded that there was a significant difference between athletes of smokers and nonsmokers athletes. So there is a significant difference between speed, agility, strength and endurance among athletes of smokers and non-smoker athletes. With the acquisition of the average value of non smoker athletes is better than athletes smokers. Keywords: Speed, Agility, Strength, Endurance, No Smokers, Smokers


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan model pembelajaran Team assisted individualization(TAI) dengan strategi elaborasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa, (2) respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran ini, (3) serta peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran ini pada mata pelajaran instalasi tenaga listrik.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu, dan desain penelitian non-equivalent­control group pretest-posttest. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji t Paired sample t-test untuk mengetahui perbedaan model pembelajaran TAI dengan strategi elaborasi dan uji gain untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar. Untuk mengetahui respon siswa digunakan lembar pengamatan siswa.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat perbedaan model pembelajaran TAI dengan strategi elaborasi terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil uji paired sample t test adalah uji thitung-43,146<ttabel -2,060 dan signifikansi 0,00, dengan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar ranah pengetahuan kelas eksperimen 87,69. (2) Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI dengan strategi elaborasi ini mendapatkan respon sangat baik dengan nilai rata-rata 82,55%. (3) Terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar ranah pengetahuan yang signifikan dengan nilai rata-rata posttest 87,69. Melalui uji gain dapat di nyatakan kelas eksperimen mengalami peningkatan hasil belajar ranah pengetahuan lebih tinggi di bandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Dimana kelas eksperimen berhasil mengalami peningkatan hasil belajar dengan rata-rata 0,75, sedangkan peningkatan hasil belajar pada kelas kontrol dengan rata-rata 0,50. Kata kunci: TAI, Elaborasi, Gain, Hasil belajar   Abstract This observation aimed to know: (1) the differences of Team assisted individualization(TAI) learning model using elaboration strategy toward students’ study results, (2) students’ response toward this learning model and strategy, (3) know the increase of the students’ study results after the appliance of this learning model and strategy for electrical power installation technique subject.This observation used experimental design method which is non-equivalent ­control group pretest-posttest. The data analysis technique used t test to know the differences and increase toward students’ study result. In order to discover the students’ response, observation sheet for students were used. The result showed that: (1) there were differences of the TAI (Team assisted individualization) learning model using elaboration strategy toward the students’ study result. The result of paired sample t testwas uji thitung-43,146<ttabel -2,060 with the significance of 0,00,with the average score in cognitivearea of experiment class was 87,69. (2) it is concluded that students’ response toward the TAI (Team assisted individualization) learning model using elaboration strategy were very good wit the average score of 82,55%. (3) there is a significant increase of students’ study result in cognitive area with the average posttest 87,69. By using gain test, it is concluded that the experiment class had significantly higher study result increase in cognitive area compared to the controlled class. The experiment class had 57,70% higher study result. Keywords: TAI, elaboration, gain, study result


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    This study aims to find out how the effect of Population, Education, Labor Force Participation Rate, Regency/City Minimum Wage and Gross Regional Domestic Product has on open unemployment in West Java province in 2018-2021. This research data uses secondary data types in the form of combined panel data between cross section data and time series data over a period of 4 years starting from the 2018-2021 period. The data sources used were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the Office of Manpower. Secondary data is data that is not taken directly, namely data taken from previous research or published libraries. The results of this study show that: 1) Population and Education have no effect on Open Unemployment in West Java Province in 2018-2021; 2) The Labor Force Participation Rate variable has a negative effect on Open Unemployment in West Java Province in 2018-2021; 3) District/City Minimum Wage Variable has a positive effect on Open Unemployment in West Java Province in 2018-2021; and 4) the Gross Regional Domestic Product variable has an effect


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    Importance point about childhood independence is a children can running his own self’s life without depends on other people and around. Researcher do first observation to The children’s in RA Jabal Nur Tlogowaru Kedungkandang Kota Malang.On there, self children’s independence was not running well. Some children still have their own depend to the teacher, frind, and their parent’s. The problem that often be happen is when the children entry to the scholl environment beginning. Authoritarian parenting is a very assertive parenting’s shape. There are view of the rule inside. The children’s always accustomed to gift and punishment.For example is  Arya and Uwais who always the gift for  every good think if they want to do. Authoritarian is a parenting shape can make a child will be a independence, assertive with his ownself, and will be kind personal  to their friend. in otherwise, permissive parenting not giving some border and it can make a spoiled person. It looks like in Azizah, Rani, and Nabila. They can said not a independence children, because they are still depend on their parent’s and around people there. Authoritarian parenting also basiccly from respect and understanding from parents to their kid. The parent who use this way give some rule that suitable for children’s age. It looks like Fattah. He can do some responsibility to his ownself and he can be adaptation with pepole’s around. The results showing  that parenting from the parent’s in RA Jabal Nur Tlogowaru Kedungkandang Malang City is a Authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting. Role of the teacher to parenting shape is always give some motivation to childrens. Teacher should be can do motivate and corrector for parents who doing this shape parenting. In Other side, teacher Should be a motivator person and inpirator for teh childrens


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    Kebutuhan Pertumbuhan (Growth needs) yaitu kebutuhan atau keinginan untuk bertumbuh dan mencapai potensi diri secara maksimal. Dalam hal tersebut jika motivasi yang dimiliki siswa kurang makan akan berdampak pada kebutuhan pertumbuhan siswa tersebut. Potensi dalam diri anak akan mampu berkembang dengan maksimal bila anak tumbuh dalam lingkungan positif baik secara non fisik ataupun fisik. Anak usia dini sebagai rentan usia kritis dan strategis membutuhkan tempat atau kelas yang mampu menginspirasi anak sehingga dapat berkembang potensinya sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang anak anak miliki. Tantangan akan kebutuhan lingkungan positif bagi anak disekolah dapat diwujudkan melalui pembelajaran sentra yang mengembangkan aktifitas pembelajaran menyesesuaikan karateristik anak usia dini

    A Game Using Eye, Finger, & Mouse Tracking

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    Computer Science: CS 6456 User Interface SoftwareThis paper considers the application of eye movements to user interfaces, mainly as an input to user interfaces allowing for a new premise to control applications with less need to physically touch any buttons or screens. The paper first introduces the topic of eye-tracking and how such an implementation on user interfaces would be beneficial. Next, we review previous literature on similar subjects in order to clarify what research has already developed in this field and how we will use findings from other papers to enhance our system. Finally, we implemented an application that combines eye movements with finger gestures as user inputs to showcase the feasibility of having an application that is concurrently considering both forms of input
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