88 research outputs found

    High Field magnetospectroscopy to probe the 1.4eV Ni color center in diamond

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    A magneto-optical study of the 1.4 eV Ni color center in boron-free synthetic diamond, grown at high pressure and high temperature, has been performed in magnetic fields up to 56 T. The data is interpreted using the effective spin Hamiltonian of Nazar\'e, Nevers and Davies [Phys. Rev. B 43, 14196 (1991)] for interstitial Ni+^{+} with the electronic configuration 3d93d^{9} and effective spin S=1/2S=1/2. Our results unequivocally demonstrate the trigonal symmetry of the defect which preferentially aligns along the [111] growth direction on the (111) face, but reveal the shortcomings of the crystal field model for this particular defect.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR

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    Erratum in : Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR. [Cell. 2019]International audienceInnate immune responses are intricately linked with intracellular metabolism of myeloid cells. Toll-likereceptor (TLR) stimulation shifts intracellular metabolism toward glycolysis, while anti-inflammatorysignals depend on enhanced mitochondrial respiration. How exogenous metabolic signals affect theimmune response is unknown. We demonstrate that TLR-dependent responses of dendritic cells (DC)are exacerbated by a high fatty acid (FA) metabolic environment. FA suppress the TLR-inducedhexokinase activity and perturb tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism. These metabolic changesenhance mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS) production and, in turn, the unfolded proteinresponse (UPR) leading to a distinct transcriptomic signature, with IL-23 as hallmark. Interestingly,chemical or genetic suppression of glycolysis was sufficient to induce this specific immune response.Conversely, reducing mtROS production or DC-specific deficiency in XBP1 attenuated IL-23expression and skin inflammation in an IL-23-dependent model of psoriasis. Thus, fine-tuning of innateimmunity depends on optimization of metabolic demands and minimization of mtROS-induced UPR

    Performance of irradiated CVD diamond micro-strip sensors

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    CVD diamond detectors are of interest for charged particle detection and tracking due to their high radiation tolerance. In this article we present, for the first time, beam test results from recently manufactured CVD diamond strip detectors and their behavior under low doses of electrons from a β\beta-source and the performance before and after intense (>1015/cm2>10^{15}/{\rm cm^2}) proton- and pion-irradiations. We find that low dose irradiations increase the signal-to-noise ratio (pumping of the signal) and slightly deteriorate the spatial resolution. Intense irradiations with protons (2.2×1015 p/cm22.2\times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2}) lowers the signal-to-noise ratio slightly. Intense irradiation with pions (2.9×1015 π/cm22.9\times 10^{15}~\pi/{\rm cm^2}) lowers the signal-to-noise ratio more. The spatial resolution of the diamond sensors improves after irradiations

    Proton Irradiation of CVD Diamond Detectors for High Luminosity Experiments at the LHC

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    CVD diamond shows promising properties for use as a position sensitive detector for experiments in the highest radiation areas at the Large Hadron Collider. In order to study the radiation hardn ess of diamond we exposed CVD diamond detector samples to 24~GeV/cc and 500~MeV protons up to a fluence of 5×1015 p/cm25\times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2}. We measured the charge collection distance, the ave rage distance electron hole pairs move apart in an external electric field, and leakage currents before, during, and after irradiation. The charge collection distance remains unchanged up to 1 times1015 p/cm21\ times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2} and decreases by \approx40~\% at 5×1015 p/cm25\times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2}. Leakage currents of diamond samples were below 1~pA before and after irradiation. The particle indu ced currents during irradiation correlate well with the proton flux. In contrast to diamond, a silicon diode, which was irradiated for comparison, shows the known large increase in leakage curren t. We conclude that CVD diamond detectors are radiation hard to 24~GeV/cc and 500~MeV protons up to at least 1×1015 p/cm21\times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2} without signal loss

    Proton irradiation of CVD diamond detectors for high-luminosity experiments at the LHC

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    CVD diamond shows promising properties for use as a position sensitive detector for experiments in the highest radiation areas at the Large Hadron Collider. In order to study the radiation hardn ess of diamond we exposed CVD diamond detector samples to 24~GeV/cc and 500~MeV protons up to a fluence of 5×1015 p/cm25\times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2}. We measured the charge collection distance, the ave rage distance electron hole pairs move apart in an external electric field, and leakage currents before, during, and after irradiation. The charge collection distance remains unchanged up to 1 times1015 p/cm21\ times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2} and decreases by \approx40~\% at 5×1015 p/cm25\times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2}. Leakage currents of diamond samples were below 1~pA before and after irradiation. The particle indu ced currents during irradiation correlate well with the proton flux. In contrast to diamond, a silicon diode, which was irradiated for comparison, shows the known large increase in leakage curren t. We conclude that CVD diamond detectors are radiation hard to 24~GeV/cc and 500~MeV protons up to at least 1×1015 p/cm21\times 10^{15}~p/{\rm cm^2} without signal loss