1,023 research outputs found

    Mimivirus Relatives in the Sargasso Sea

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    The discovery and genome analysis of Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus, the largest known DNA virus, challenged much of the accepted dogma regarding viruses. Its particle size (>400 nm), genome length (1.2 million bp) and huge gene repertoire (911 protein coding genes) all contribute to blur the established boundaries between viruses and the smallest parasitic cellular organisms. Phylogenetic analyses also suggested that the Mimivirus lineage could have emerged prior to the individualization of cellular organisms from the three established domains, triggering a debate that can only be resolved by generating and analyzing more data. The next step is then to seek some evidence that Mimivirus is not the only representative of its kind and determine where to look for new Mimiviridae. An exhaustive similarity search of all Mimivirus predicted proteins against all publicly available sequences identified many of their closest homologues among the Sargasso Sea environmental sequences. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses suggested that unknown large viruses evolutionarily closer to Mimivirus than to any presently characterized species exist in abundance in the Sargasso Sea. Their isolation and genome sequencing could prove invaluable in understanding the origin and diversity of large DNA viruses, and shed some light on the role they eventually played in the emergence of eukaryotes.Comment: see also http://www.giantvirus.or

    Challenges and Opportunities for Inclusive Education: The co-teaching practice

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    This paper explores teachers views about co-teaching practice. The main issues investigated are: finding teachers beliefs referring to the co-teaching; analysing the obstacles which keep teachersfrom implementing successfully this didactical approach and finding strategies which can empower teachers’ efficacy and let the co-teaching becoming a favourable chance for the development ofevery student’s learning potential. The research questions are: “Is the co-teaching an approach which finds a place in our nowadays school reality?”, “How does it work?”, “Which opportunities it offers to teachers?”, “Which are the obstacles to its realization and how can they be got over in order to implement this approach?”. Results are in line with the literature research and demonstrate teachers’ particular interest to realize this practice

    Design improvement and analysis of quadrilateral mechanism locks for microsatellite docking systems

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    openThe rapid growth of the New Space Economy has led to an increased use of mi-crosatellites and nanosatellites, due to their lower costs and faster development. In recent years interactions between spacecrafts in terms of on-orbit servicing, assembly and active debris removal have become appealing fields of interest furthering the expansion of existing space assets and development of novel so-lutions. Amid the growing interest in the subject over the last two decades, the University of Padova has actively participated in the study and development of docking solutions, including DOCKS, the drogue-probe docking system this the-sis focuses on. Specifically, the primary objective of this work is to enhance the hard-docking part of DOCKS by introducing a redesigned quadrilateral mecha-nism with three locks. This mechanism plays a critical role in securing the dock-ing interface, ensuring a stable and reliable connection between the two space-crafts. After providing a comprehensive background on docking solutions in the introduction, highlighting the transformative role and growing importance of small satellites, the thesis objectives are outlined, and the system is character-ized through kinematic and force analysis. The proposed redesign addresses key performance limitations of the existing drogue-probe docking system, par-ticularly in terms of locking capabilities and resource utilization. It features ad-justed dimensions and actuators selection to minimize its impact on the mi-crosatellite's power consumption and weight constraints. To address scenarios where mechanism opening failure may occur, a release mechanism has been developed, providing a contingency measure by enabling the disengagement of the drogue-probe docking interface. The release mechanism's design ensures safe and controlled separation, preventing damage to the spacecraft or pay-loads. The enhancements have been evaluated through simulation, demonstrat-ing significant improvements in docking performance and resource efficiency. Future research directions include improvements in some critical aspects, such as further miniaturization of some components, an overall optimization of the mechanism and testing.The rapid growth of the New Space Economy has led to an increased use of mi-crosatellites and nanosatellites, due to their lower costs and faster development. In recent years interactions between spacecrafts in terms of on-orbit servicing, assembly and active debris removal have become appealing fields of interest furthering the expansion of existing space assets and development of novel so-lutions. Amid the growing interest in the subject over the last two decades, the University of Padova has actively participated in the study and development of docking solutions, including DOCKS, the drogue-probe docking system this the-sis focuses on. Specifically, the primary objective of this work is to enhance the hard-docking part of DOCKS by introducing a redesigned quadrilateral mecha-nism with three locks. This mechanism plays a critical role in securing the dock-ing interface, ensuring a stable and reliable connection between the two space-crafts. After providing a comprehensive background on docking solutions in the introduction, highlighting the transformative role and growing importance of small satellites, the thesis objectives are outlined, and the system is character-ized through kinematic and force analysis. The proposed redesign addresses key performance limitations of the existing drogue-probe docking system, par-ticularly in terms of locking capabilities and resource utilization. It features ad-justed dimensions and actuators selection to minimize its impact on the mi-crosatellite's power consumption and weight constraints. To address scenarios where mechanism opening failure may occur, a release mechanism has been developed, providing a contingency measure by enabling the disengagement of the drogue-probe docking interface. The release mechanism's design ensures safe and controlled separation, preventing damage to the spacecraft or pay-loads. The enhancements have been evaluated through simulation, demonstrat-ing significant improvements in docking performance and resource efficiency. Future research directions include improvements in some critical aspects, such as further miniaturization of some components, an overall optimization of the mechanism and testing

    Alvira : comparative genomics of viral strains

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    The Alvira tool is a general purpose multiple sequence alignment viewer with a special emphasis on the comparative analysis of viral genomes. This new tool has been devised specifically to address the problem of the simultaneous analysis of a large number of viral strains. The multiple alignment is embedded in a graph that can be explored at different levels of resolution

    A Potential Role for the Interaction of Wolbachia Surface Proteins with the Brugia malayi Glycolytic Enzymes and Cytoskeleton in Maintenance of Endosymbiosis

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    The human filarial parasite Brugia malayi harbors an endosymbiotic bacterium of the genus Wolbachia. The Wolbachia represent an attractive target for the control of filarial induced disease as elimination of the bacteria affects molting, reproduction and survival of the worms. The molecular basis for the symbiotic relationship between Wolbachia and their filarial hosts has yet to be elucidated. To identify proteins involved in this process, we focused on the Wolbachia surface proteins (WSPs), which are known to be involved in bacteria-host interactions in other bacterial systems. Two WSP-like proteins (wBm0152 and wBm0432) were localized to various host tissues of the B. malayi female adult worms and are present in the excretory/secretory products of the worms. We provide evidence that both of these proteins bind specifically to B. malayi crude protein extracts and to individual filarial proteins to create functional complexes. The wBm0432 interacts with several key enzymes involved in the host glycolytic pathway, including aldolase and enolase. The wBm0152 interacts with the host cytoskeletal proteins actin and tubulin. We also show these interactions in vitro and have verified that wBm0432 and B. malayi aldolase, as well as wBm0152 and B. malayi actin, co-localize to the vacuole surrounding Wolbachia. We propose that both WSP protein complexes interact with each other via the aldolase-actin link and/or via the possible interaction between the host's enolase and the cytoskeleton, and play a role in Wolbachia distribution during worm growth and embryogenesis. © 2013 Melnikow et al

    Passi verso la felicità: il valore della Biodanza per promuovere l’inclusione

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    The aim of this paper is to deepen the reflection on well-being and happiness questioning on the possibility of considering the Biodanza as an inclusive practice to promote a global well-being for people with disabilities. "Living a good life", aspire to happiness and well-being seem to have become a valuable imperative in order to create a facilitating environment, in which the barriers are removed to the participation of persons with disabilities. The Bio-dance method is well suited as an educational perspective that focuses on the life, music and movement and known as “the dance of life”. Based on these premises, the ICF-CY mediation was used as conceptual orderer to find resultsof clinical Bio-dance in mental health, through the creation of a modifying environment that promotes well-being. Through the work of observation and analysis of the video recordings of the meetings of Bio-dance session which involved about 40 people, we tried to grasp the inclusive value of Biodance method and its contribution to promote the well-being of people involved. Theconclusions that have been reached in Bio-dance method identify a positive environment in which it is promoted respect, tolerance, dialogue, and in which diversity is enhanced as in the inclusion process.Bio-dance method permits to establish genuine relationships with each other, in which no one feels judged and for this reason it is possible to express themselves fully, where everyonecan express themselves and their resources

    La pedagogia tra inclusività e specialità: Il valore dell’accessibilità alle opportunità di apprendimento

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    The reflection proposed here develops starting from the declination in educational contexts of two terms specialty and inclusiveness which also involve the adoption of different practices in the light of the dilemma of difference. It refers to the apparent inevitable choice between, on the one hand, the identification of the differences between children to deal with them differently, with the risk of labeling and on the other hand the highlight of uniformity by offering the same services with the risk of not making available that which is relevant and necessary for a particular student. A reading from the perspective of the Capability Approach is also offered (A. Sen, 1980) which reconsiders the current vision and language in use with that of this approach that declines concepts such as capability, functioning and freedom of choice. We will deal with the semantics between words, that is, the reciprocal relations/connections between signifier and signified. We will therefore try to offer a vision that declines educational well‐being (dimension at the core of the CA) in relation to the opportunities that the term accessibility brings with it to favor the availability of spaces, knowledge and relationships that the school can offer by precluding any specialties and attempts at inclusiveness

    Aménagements hydro-agricoles et santé (vallée du fleuve Sénégal)

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    La ville de Richard-Toll offre sept types de points d'eau à sa population, allant du site ouvert non aménagé (fleuve) aux bornes offrant de l'eau canalisée. Les usagers y gèrent eux-mêmes leur réserve d'eau quotidienne. Pour évaluer l'effet du site d'approvisionnement et du comportement de l'usager sur la qualité de l'eau consommée, l'eau de 14 sites, représentant les sept types de points d'eau présents dans la ville, a été échantillonnée. De plus, quatre usagers ont été associés à chaque point d'eau, et leur eau a été analysée à domicile à trois reprises, soit après entreposage de moins d'une heure, de 8 heures et de 24 heures. Les analyses ont permis de déterminer la qualité bactériologique de l'eau (coliformes fécaux), qui s'est avérée être excellente (0-10 UCG par 100 ml) à 4 des 14 points d'eau, et mauvaise (101-500 UGC par 100 ml) ou très mauvaise (> 500 UGC par 100 ml) dans les autres cas. Après entreposage de moins d'une heure, l'eau à l'origine excellente a vu sa qualité se dégrader chez la moitié (8 des 16) des usagers, alors que l'eau de mauvaise et de très mauvaise qualité s'est améliorée chez 19 des 39 usagers. Durant l'entreposage quotidien normal de 24 heures, l'eau à l'origine d'excellente qualité s'est dégradée dans 14 des 16 cas, alors que l'eau à l'origine mauvaise ou très mauvaise, s'est améliorée de façon permanente dans 14 des 35 cas. La chloration de l'eau à domicile explique certaines améliorations (5 des 14 cas). Ces résultats démontrent que si la qualité dépend au départ du site d'approvisionnement, l'usager est en mesure de l'affecter de façon positive ou négative, et ce indépendamment de la situation de départ. (Résumé d'auteur