5 research outputs found

    Representing Diversity In The Dish: Using Patient-Derived In Vitro Models To Recreate The Heterogeneity Of Neurological Disease

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    Neurological diseases, including dementias such as Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and fronto-temporal dementia (FTD) and degenerative motor neuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), are responsible for an increasing fraction of worldwide fatalities. Researching these heterogeneous diseases requires models that endogenously express the full array of genetic and epigenetic factors which may influence disease development in both familial and sporadic patients. Here, we discuss the two primary methods of developing patient-derived neurons and glia to model neurodegenerative disease: reprogramming somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are differentiated into neurons or glial cells, or directly converting (DC) somatic cells into neurons (iNeurons) or glial cells. Distinct differentiation techniques for both models result in a variety of neuronal and glial cell types, which have been successful in displaying unique hallmarks of a variety of neurological diseases. Yield, length of differentiation, ease of genetic manipulation, expression of cell-specific markers, and recapitulation of disease pathogenesis are presented as determining factors in how these methods may be used separately or together to ascertain mechanisms of disease and identify therapeutics for distinct patient populations or for specific individuals in personalized medicine projects

    Differential Response of C9orf72 Transcripts Following Neuronal Depolarization

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    The (G4C2)n nucleotide repeat expansion (NRE) mutation in C9orf72 is the most common genetic cause of ALS and FTD. The biological functions of C9orf72 are becoming understood, but it is unclear if this gene is regulated in a neural-specific manner. Neuronal activity is a crucial modifier of biological processes in health and neurodegenerative disease contexts. Here, we show that prolonged membrane depolarization in healthy human iPSC-cortical neurons leads to a significant downregulation of a transcript variant 3 (V3) of C9orf72, with a concomitant increase in variant 2 (V2), which leads to total C9orf72 RNA transcript levels remaining unchanged. However, the same response is not observed in cortical neurons derived from patients with the C9-NRE mutation. These findings reveal the impact of depolarization on C9orf72 transcripts, and how this response diverges in C9-NRE-carriers, which may have important implications in the underlying unique clinical associations of C9-NRE transcripts and disease pathogenesis

    The effects of molecular crowding and CpG hypermethylation on DNA G-quadruplexes formed by the C9orf72 nucleotide repeat expansion.

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    A nucleotide repeat expansion (NRE), (G4C2)n, located in a classically noncoding region of C9orf72 (C9), is the most common genetic mutation associated with ALS/FTD. There is increasing evidence that nucleic acid structures formed by the C9-NRE may both contribute to ALS/FTD, and serve as therapeutic targets, but there is limited characterization of these nucleic acid structures under physiologically and disease relevant conditions. Here we show in vitro that the C9-NRE DNA can form both parallel and antiparallel DNA G-quadruplex (GQ) topological structures and that the structural preference of these DNA GQs can be dependent on the molecular crowding conditions. Additionally, 5-methylcytosine DNA hypermethylation, which is observed in the C9-NRE locus in some patients, has minimal effects on GQ topological preferences. Finally, molecular dynamic simulations of methylated and nonmethylated GQ structures support in vitro data showing that DNA GQ structures formed by the C9-NRE DNA are stable, with structural fluctuations limited to the cytosine-containing loop regions. These findings provide new insight into the structural polymorphic preferences and stability of DNA GQs formed by the C9-NRE in both the methylated and nonmethylated states, as well as reveal important features to guide the development of upstream therapeutic approaches to potentially attenuate C9-NRE-linked diseases

    Breakdown of the Central Synapses in C9orf72-Linked ALS/FTD

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neurodegenerative disease that leads to the death of motor and cortical neurons. The clinical manifestations of ALS are heterogenous, and efficacious treatments to significantly slow the progression of the disease are lacking. Cortical hyper-excitability is observed pre-symptomatically across disease-causative genetic variants, as well as in the early stages of sporadic ALS, and typically precedes motor neuron involvement and overt neurodegeneration. The causes of cortical hyper-excitability are not yet fully understood but is mainly agreed to be an early event. The identification of the nucleotide repeat expansion (GGGGCC)n in the C9ORF72 gene has provided evidence that ALS and another neurodegenerative disease, frontotemporal dementia (FTD), are part of a disease spectrum with common genetic origins. ALS and FTD are diseases in which synaptic dysfunction is reported throughout disease onset and stages of progression. It has become apparent that ALS/FTD-causative genes, such as C9ORF72, may have roles in maintaining the normal physiology of the synapse, as mutations in these genes often manifest in synaptic dysfunction. Here we review the dysfunctions of the central nervous system synapses associated with the nucleotide repeat expansion in C9ORF72 observed in patients, organismal, and cellular models of ALS and FTD