57 research outputs found

    Širdies resinchronizacijos terapijos šiuolaikinės rekomendacijos: Vilniaus kardiologijos ir angiologijos centro patirtis

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    Vytė Maneikienė, Germanas Marinskis, Audrius Aidietis, Sigita Aidietienė, Jelena Čelutkienė, Kęstutis Ručinskas, Vytautas Sirvydis, Aleksandras Laucevičius Vilniaus universiteto Širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų klinika, Santariškių g. 2, LT-08661 Vilnius El. paštas: [email protected] Įvadas / tikslas: Širdies resinchronizavimo terapijos metodas sumažina širdies nepakankamumo simptomus, pagerina širdies sistolinę funkciją ir išgyvenamumą pacientų, sergančių toli pažengusiu širdies nepakankamumu, atspariu optimaliam medikamentiniam gydymui, ir turinčių elektrinio širdies asinchroniškumo požymį – plačius QRS kompleksus, tačiau vėlyvieji ilgo stebėjimo rezultatai dar nėra iki galo aiškūs ir plačiai tyrinėjami. Darbo tikslas – apžvelgti pagrindines šiuolaikines resinchronizacijos taikymo nuorodas, papildomų atrankos kriterijų paieškų rezultatus; pateikti Vilniaus universitetinės ligoninės Santariškių klinikų Kardiologijos ir angiologijos centro patirties apžvalgą. Ligoniai ir metodai: Analizuojami pacientų, gydytų resinchronizacine terapija nuo 2002 metų vidurio iki 2009 metų pabaigos, atvejai. Klinikinė informacija renkama iš pacientų ligos istorijų, ambulatorinio stebėjimo kortelių. Visi iki šiol gyvenantys pacientai periodiškai kviečiami nuodugniai klinikinei patikrai. Prieš ir po resinchronizacijos procedūros atliekami išplėstiniai širdies echoskopijos tyrimai įvertinant mechaninį asinchroniškumą, spiroergometrijos tyrimai, nustatomas smegenų natriurezinio peptido kiekis kraujyje. Rezultatai: Per aštuonerius metus, nuo 2002 iki 2009 metų pabaigos, implantuoti 92 resinchronizacijos prietaisai. Darbų apimtis gerokai padidėjo per pastaruosius dvejus metus. Šių pacientų, priklausančių III–IV NYHA funkcinei klasei, išgyvenamumo rodikliai yra geri (mirštamumas per 8 metus – tik 10,8 %). Daliai pacientų (4 %) biventrikuliniai stimuliatoriai tapo tiltu į sėkmingą širdies transplantaciją. Išvados: Širdies resinchronizavimo terapija saugiai ir gana veiksmingai pagerina pacientų, sergančių širdies nepakankamumu ir priklausančių III–IV NYHA funkcinei klasei, gyvenimo kokybę. Atrenkant pacientus gydyti šiuo būdu pagal šiuolaikines rekomendacijas, išlieka didelis procentas nepakankamai gerų rezultatų, nors tokios toli pažengusio širdies nepakankamumo grupės ligonių išgyvenamumas yra daug geresnis nei tikėtinas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: resinchronizacija, širdies nepakankamumas, klinikinės studijos Current clinical guidelines for cardiac resynchronization therapy: the experience of vilnius cardiology-angiology center Vytė Maneikienė, Germanas Marinskis, Audrius Aidietis, Sigita Aidietienė, Jelena Čelutkienė, Kęstutis Ručinskas, Vytautas Sirvydis, Aleksandras Laucevičius Vilnius University, Clinic of Cardiovascular Diseases, Santariškių str. 2, LT-08661 Vilnius, Lithuania El. paštas: [email protected] Background /objective: Cardiac resynchronisation therapy improves cardiac function and clinical outcomes for patients suffering from congestive heart failure due to systolic dysfunction associated with ventricular dyssinchrony, who are already optimized with medical therapy. The aim of the study was to present the current clinical guidelines of cardiac resynchronization therapy and the results of current clinical trials, as well as to overview the experience of the Vilnius cCardiology-aAngiology Center. Patients and Methods: We analyse patients who underwent cardiac resynchronisation therapy in 2002–2009. Their in- and outpatient histories were studied. The patients were tested before and after the procedure. eEchocardiography was performed to assess mechanical dyssinchrony, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, B-type natriuretic peptide level. Results: Between June 2002 and December 2009 92 resynchronisation devices, were implanted. Cardiac resynchronisation therapy resulted in a higher survival of patients with NYHA III–IV. For four patients, resynchronisation therapy was a bridge to successful transplantation. Conclusions: Cardiac resynchronization therapy safely improved the quality of life in patients with moderate to severe chronic heart failure (New York Heart Association class III–IV). The present criteria for patient selection have some percent age of no responders, but the survival rate in this group of patients is significantly higher than could be expected. Keywords: resynchronization, heart failure, clinical trial

    Data sharing: A new editorial initiative of the international committee of medical journal editors. Implications for the editors´ network

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    The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides recommendations to improve the editorial standards and scientific quality of biomedical journals. These recommendations range from uniform technical requirements to more complex and elusive editorial issues including ethical aspects of the scientific process. Recently, registration of clinical trials, conflicts of interest disclosure, and new criteria for authorship -emphasizing the importance of responsibility and accountability-, have been proposed. Last year, a new editorial initiative to foster sharing of clinical trial data was launched. This review discusses this novel initiative with the aim of increasing awareness among readers, investigators, authors and editors belonging to the Editors´ Network of the European Society of Cardiolog

    Data sharing: A new editorial initiative of the international committee of medical journal editors. Implications for the editors´ network

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    The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides recommendations to improve the editorial standards and scientific quality of biomedical journals. These recommendations range from uniform technical requirements to more complex and elusive editorial issues including ethical aspects of the scientific process. Recently, registration of clinical trials, conflicts of interest disclosure, and new criteria for authorship -emphasizing the importance of responsibility and accountability-, have been proposed. Last year, a new editorial initiative to foster sharing of clinical trial data was launched. This review discusses this novel initiative with the aim of increasing awareness among readers, investigators, authors and editors belonging to the Editors´ Network of the European Society of Cardiolog

    Authorship: From credit to accountability. Reflections from the Editors´ Network

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    The Editors´ Network of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) provides a dynamic forum for editorial discussions and endorses the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to improve the scientific quality of biomedical journals. Authorship confers credit and important academic rewards. Recently, however, the ICMJE emphasised that authorship also requires responsibility and accountability. These issues are now covered by the new (fourth) criterion for authorship. Authors should agree to be accountable and ensure that questions regarding the accuracy and integrity of the entire work will be appropriately addressed. This review discusses the implications of this paradigm shift on authorship requirements with the aim of increasing awareness on good scientific and editorial practices

    2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death the Task Force for the Management of Patients with Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Endorsed by: Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC)

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    European Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017

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    Background: The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Atlas has been compiled by the European Heart Agency to document cardiovascular disease (CVD) statistics of the 56 ESC member countries. A major aim of this 2017 data presentation has been to compare high income and middle income ESC member countries, in order to identify inequalities in disease burden, outcomes and service provision. Methods: The Atlas utilizes a variety of data sources, including the World Health Organization, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, and the World Bank to document risk factors, prevalence and mortality of cardiovascular disease and national economic indicators. It also includes novel ESC sponsored survey data of health infrastructure and cardiovascular service provision provided by the national societies of the ESC member countries. Data presentation is descriptive with no attempt to attach statistical significance to differences observed in stratified analyses. Results: Important differences were identified between the high income and middle income member countries of the ESC with regard to CVD risk factors, disease incidence and mortality. For both women and men, the age-standardised prevalence of hypertension was lower in high income countries (18.3% and 27.3%) compared with middle income countries (23.5% and 30.3%). Smoking prevalence in men (not women) was also lower (26% vs 41.3%), and together these inequalities are likely to have contributed to the higher CVD mortality in middle income countries. Declines in CVD mortality have seen cancer becoming a more common cause of death in a number of high income member countries, but in middle income countries declines in CVD mortality have been less consistent where CVD remains the leading cause of death. Inequalities in CVD mortality are emphasised by the smaller contribution they make to potential years of life lost in high income compared with middle income countries both for women (13% vs. 23%) and men (20% vs. 27%). The downward mortality trends for CVD may, however, be threatened by the emerging obesity epidemic that is seeing rates of diabetes increasing across all ESC member countries. Survey data from the National Cardiac Societies (n=41) showed that rates of cardiac catheterization and coronary artery bypass surgery, as well as the number of specialist centres required to deliver them, were greatest in the high income member countries of the ESC. The Atlas confirmed that these ESC member countries, where the facilities for the contemporary treatment of coronary disease were best developed, were often those in which declines in coronary mortality have been most pronounced. Economic resources were not the only driver for delivery of equitable cardiovascular healthcare, as some middle income ESC member countries reported rates for interventional procedures and device implantations that matched or exceeded the rates in wealthier member countries. Conclusion: In documenting national CVD statistics, the Atlas provides valuable insights into the inequalities in risk factors, healthcare delivery and outcomes of CVD across ESC member countries. The availability of these data will underpin the ESC’s ambitious mission “to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease” not only in its member countries, but also in nation states around the world

    Electrophysiological diagnostics and non-pharmacological treatment of tachycardias

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    This paper reviews the 1991−2008 experience with non-pharmacological treatment of supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias in the Clinic of Heart and vessel diseases of Vilnius University. We summarized the results of managing 1693 patients: 753 patients with atrioventricular nodal tachycardia, 657 patients with accessory pathways, 169 patients with ventricular tachycardias, and 118 patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillators. We have shown that the success rate of catheter ablation for atrioventricular nodal tachycardia is 99.2% with complication rate 0.53%. The safety of ablating the “slow” pathway in patients with prolonged PQ interval has been shown. The success rate of catheter ablation of accessory pathways is 98.1% with 1.7% complication rate. The most complex accessory pathway localization for ablation was posteroseptal area and midseptal area (the latter because of the risk to induce a complete atrioventricular block). The result of catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia depends on etiology. For “idiopathic” ventricular tachycardias success rate exceeds 90%. In patients with coronary heart disease and cardiomyopathies, catheter ablation is less effective (60%). During the follow-up with duration up to 11 years, 68.6% of patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillators have experienced therapy delivered by the device