69 research outputs found

    A CYGNSSâ Based Algorithm for the Detection of Inland Waterbodies

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    The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) is a new constellation of eight low Earth orbiting spacecrafts that receive both direct and reflected signals from GPS satellites. Coherent reflection of the GPS signal from standing water over land results in a high surface reflectivity signal in the CYGNSS data. An image processing algorithm is presented, which leverages the surface reflectivity signal to produce a watermask of inland waterbodies at 0.01° à 0.01° spatial resolution. The watermask is compared to handâ drawn maps of inland waterbodies, as well as to the MODIS watermask product. We find that the CYGNSS watermask provides accurate, timeâ varying maps that are able to resolve changes in lake and river position and extent. With CYGNSS’ short return time, watermasks can be generated using as little as half a month of data to produce nearâ realâ time maps of flooding events.Key PointsThe Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System satellite constellation data are used to map inland water bodiesWe propose an algorithm to process this new data and create watermasks of rivers and lakesThe data combined with this method can be applied to monitor shortâ term events such as seasonal floodingPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153138/1/grl59790.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153138/2/grl59790_am.pd

    Technical-economic evaluation of the reactivation of wells to increase the gas supply natural and self-generation of energy to reduce the costs of raising crude oil. Case of application in Campo Casabe

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    Ecopetrol S.A. en búsqueda de aprovechar al máximo los recursos del subsuelo del campo Casabe, que para este estudio es el gas natural y aportar al objetivo de disminuir las emisiones de metano a la atmosfera, se propone la reactivación de los pozos PTM01 y PTM02, los cuales tienen reservas aproximadas a 1.400 millones de pies cúbicos estándar, estos se encuentran ubicados en el departamento de Antioquia muy cerca de la rivera del rio Magdalena cerca a los límites del departamento de Santander; el objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar técnica y económicamente la viabilidad de reactivar estos pozos y explotar el gas natural remanente para alimentar el sistema de autogeneración ya existente en el campo; para esto se recopilo información histórica de perforación, completamiento mecánico, registros de producción y de realizaron trabajos de perfilamiento eléctrico para definir volúmenes estimados de producción de gas y estado de los revestimientos de producción. Posteriormente de proponen tres escenarios de producción de gas, en los cuales se encontró que los pozos PTM01 y PTM02 son activos que pueden generar un ahorros significativos en la compra de energía eléctrica de aproximadamente el 48% al ser una fuente aprovechable de gas natural, para estimar dicho potencial se demostró a través de indicadores de bondad financiera que la inversión necesaria en dicho proyecto es rentable ya que los indicadores como VPN y la TIR señalan que efectivamente es una buena inversión. Desde la parte financiera tiene la validez en los tres escenarios contemplados (pesimista, probable y optimista) logrando un ahorro máximo probable de 14.3 miles de millones de pesos colombianos por un tiempo de evaluación de 10 años con una generación promedio de 48.000 kWh/d.INTRODUCCIÓN ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 MARCO CONCEPTUAL ......................................................................................................................................... 17 MARCO TEÓRICO .................................................................................................................................................. 20 MARCO LEGAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA ................................................................................................................ 32 OBJETIVO GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 37 REVISION DE ARTICULOS RELACIONADOS ................................................................................................. 39 METODOLOGÍA ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 ALCANCE Y LIMITACIONES .............................................................................................................................. 45 DESARROLLO ......................................................................................................................................................... 48 ANALISIS TÉCNICO .......................................................................................................................................... 48 ANÁLISIS DE PRODUCCIÓN HISTÓRICO ................................................................................................................ 48 Historial De Perforación E Intervenciones En PTM01 ................................................................................. 48 Análisis De Registros De Intervención En PTM01 ........................................................................................ 50 Historial De Perforación E Intervenciones En PTM02 ................................................................................. 55 Análisis De Registros Eléctricos ...................................................................................................................... 56 Calculo de reservas de gas y caudales de producción. .................................................................................. 60 Sistema de Autogeneración Casabe. ............................................................................................................... 62 Opción de perforación de pozos nuevos. ........................................................................................................ 63 ANALISIS ECONÓMICO. .................................................................................................................................. 66 Inversión Preliminar Del Proyecto ................................................................................................................. 66 Escenarios De Evaluación Económica ............................................................................................................ 68 Operational Expenditures (OPEX) ................................................................................................................. 71 RESULTADOS .......................................................................................................................................................... 76 PROYECCIONES ................................................................................................................................................ 76 FLUJO DE CAJA LIBRE DEL PROYECTO .................................................................................................... 78 INDICADORES DE BONDAD FINANCIERA ................................................................................................. 83 COSTO DE OPORTUNIDAD (WACC) ........................................................................................................... 83 VALOR PRESENTE NETO (VPN) .................................................................................................................. 86 TASA INTERNA DE RETORNO (TIR) ........................................................................................................... 89 PERIODO DE RECUPERACIÓN DE LA INVERSIÓN (PRI) ........................................................................ 91 RAZÓN BENEFICIO COSTO (B/C) ................................................................................................................ 92 IMPACTO EN EL BALANCE GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 92 OPCION DE PERFORACION DE UN POZO NUEVO ................................................................................... 96 IMPACTO EN EL ESTADO DE PERDIDAS Y GANANCIAS ...................................................................... 97 CONCLUSIONES ................................................................................................................................................... 104 BIBLIOGRAFÍA ..................................................................................................................................................... 107MaestríaEcopetrol S.A. In efforts to make the most of the subsoil resources of the Casabe field, which for this study is natural gas, and contribute to the objective of reducing methane emissions into the atmosphere, it is proposed to reactivate the PTM01 and PTM02 wells, which have reserves of approximately 1,400 million standard cubic feet, these are located in the department of Antioquia very close to the banks of the Magdalena River near the limits of the department of Santander; The objective of this work is to evaluate technically and economically the feasibility of reactivating these wells and exploiting the remaining natural gas to feed the existing self-generation system in the field; For this, historical information on drilling, mechanical completion, production records and electrical profiling work was collected to define estimated volumes of gas production and the state of the production casing. After proposing three gas production scenarios, in which it was found that the PTM01 and PTM02 wells are assets that can generate significant savings in the purchase of electricity of approximately 48%, as they are a usable source of natural gas, To estimate said potential, it was demonstrated through indicators of financial goodness that the investment in said project is profitable since indicators such as NPV and IRR indicate that it is indeed a good investment. From the financial, the three scenarios considered (pessimistic, probable and optimistic), achieving a probable maximum saving of 14.3 billion Colombian pesos for an evaluation period of 10 years with an average generation of 48,000 kWh/d

    Las TIC como estrategia para fomentar actitudes proambientales en los estudiantes del grado sexto de la Instituci?n Educativa Playa Rica del Municipio de Palocabildo

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    124 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa responsabilidad que tiene el individuo como ser social frente a la problem?tica ambiental es crucial, ya que sus actitudes ambientales repercuten positiva o negativamente en su contexto, es por tal motivo que el presente trabajo busca indagar acera de la actitudes que poseen un grupo de 12 estudiantes del grado sexto de la Instituci?n Educativa Playa Rica del municipio de Palocabildo hacia el cuidado y preservaci?n del ambiente y de esta forma fomentar en ellos actitudes proambientales mediante la implementaci?n de las TIC como agente motivador de aprendizajes significativos; la metodolog?a empleada es de car?cter mixta, para ello se utiliz? una encuesta de escala tipo Likert de actitudes ambientales, y un estudio de caso, como t?cnicas para la recolecci?n de informaci?n, las cuales luego de su primera aplicaci?n arrojaron un alto nivel de actitudes desfavorables hacia el ambiente por parte de los estudiantes, posteriormente se realiza la intervenci?n, donde se trabajaron diferentes actividades empleando las TIC para motivar el proceso de aprendizaje; luego de una segunda aplicaci?n de los instrumentos y al contrastarlos con la teor?a permiti? por medio de la triangulaci?n que se evidenciara un notorio cambio en las actitudes proambientales de los estudiantes, siendo claro que para esto se requiere un proceso continuo de formaci?n que permitan aprendizajes significativos al respecto, es as? como las Tecnolog?as de Informaci?n y Comunicaci?n (TIC) representan una importante herramienta para favorecer dichos aprendizajes , motivan y son recibidas con satisfacci?n por los j?venes al ser atractivas en su presentaci?n y en cierto modo f?ciles de manejar. Palabras claves: actitudes, TIC, actitudes ambientalmente amigablesThe responsibility of the individual as a social being in the face of environmental problems is crucial, because their environmental attitudes have a positive or negative impact on their context, it is for this reason that this work seeks to investigate the attitudes that They have a group of 12 students of the sixth grade of the educational institution Playa Rica of the municipality of Palocabildo towards the care and preservation of the environment and thus to promote in them proenvironmental attitudes m?dium by implementing TIC as a motivating agent for meaningful learning; The methodology used is of mixed character, for this was used a survey of scale type Likert of environmental attitudes, and a case study, as techniques for the collection of information, which after their first application threw a high level of Unfavorable attitudes towards the environment on the part of the students, then the intervention is carried out, where they worked different activities using TIC to motivate the learning process; After a second application of the instruments and in contrast with the theory allowed by means of triangulation that evidenced a noticeable change in the attitudes of the students proambiental, being clear that this requires a continuous process Training to enable meaningful learning, This is how the Information and communication technologies (TIC) represent an option as a tool to favor meaningful learning, motivate and are welcomed by young people for being attractive in their presentation and handled with some ease. Keywords: atitudes, TIC, Environmentally friendly attitude

    Network on chip architecture for multi-agent systems in FPGA

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    A system of interacting agents is, by definition, very demanding in terms of computational resources. Although multi-agent systems have been used to solve complex problems in many areas, it is usually very difficult to perform large-scale simulations in their targeted serial computing platforms. Reconfigurable hardware, in particular Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) devices, have been successfully used in High Performance Computing applications due to their inherent flexibility, data parallelism and algorithm acceleration capabilities. Indeed, reconfigurable hardware seems to be the next logical step in the agency paradigm, but only a few attempts have been successful in implementing multi-agent systems in these platforms. This paper discusses the problem of inter-agent communications in Field Programmable Gate Arrays. It proposes a Network-on-Chip in a hierarchical star topology to enable agents’ transactions through message broadcasting using the Open Core Protocol, as an interface between hardware modules. A customizable router microarchitecture is described and a multi-agent system is created to simulate and analyse message exchanges in a generic heavy traffic load agent-based application. Experiments have shown a throughput of 1.6Gbps per port at 100 MHz without packet loss and seamless scalability characteristics

    Ventajas de la implementación de un protocolo familiar como mecanismo de gobierno corporativo en las empresas de familia

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    El objetivo de este estudio es conocer si el Protocolo de Familia - que es el órgano que controla la relación familia-empresa - está generando ventajas en relación a procesos de reclutamiento y selección, y transiciones generacionales dentro de las empresas familiares en Colombia para determinar su utilidad dentro de las mismas. Esta investigación pretende traer a luz si existen ventajas para las empresas con la implementación de un Protocolo Familiar como mecanismo eficiente de Gobierno Corporativo. De igual manera, se busca identificar si con el Protocolo de Familia se genera una mayor imparcialidad en los procesos de reclutamiento y selección de personal, así como determinar si hay un menor impacto negativo en la sucesión del ejecutivo principal.Resumen. Introducción. Proceso de reclutamiento y selección. Sucesión del ejecutivo principal. Conclusiones. Anexos. Bibliografía.Administrador de EmpresasPregrad

    Terminal de transporte terrestre de Barranquilla

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    En este documento se ve reflejado el producto de una serie de análisis sobre el área metropolitana de Barranquilla en el ámbito de movilidad. Esta investigación fue realizada con el fin de dar con las problemáticas y necesidades más contundentes de la ciudad para así plantear un proyecto que logre aportar y mitigar estas deficiencias. Se plasmará el proyecto final planteado por medio de fases de diseño comenzando desde los objetivos de este y continuando con el marco teórico, contexto urbano, entorno inmediato, zonificación, procesos de diseño, recorridos, rutas de autobus, diseño estructural, detalles constructivos entre otros.PregradoArquitect

    Near ambient pressure-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra of lithium bis (trifluoromethane-sulfonyl) imide in propylene carbonate

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    Near ambient pressure-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) is a less traditional form of XPS that allows samples to be analyzed at relatively high pressures, i.e., at greater than 5000 Pa. NAP-XPS can probe moderately volatile liquids, biological samples, porous materials, and/or polymeric materials that outgas significantly. In this submission, we show the survey, Li 1s, S 2p, C 1s, N 1s, O 1s, and F 1s NAP-XPS spectra of a Li-based electrolyte solution, which is a material that would be difficult to analyze by conventional XPS. The measurements were performed at 200 Pa in ambient gas atmosphere to compensate for surface charging. Peak fits of the C 1s, O 1s, and F 1s narrow scans are presented

    Vegetation restoration in Northern China: A contrasted picture

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    China started a long- term effort to mitigate desertification and ensure the sustainability of its environment by implementing multiple large- scale national ecological restoration projects since 1978, but their success has been highly debated for a long time. Here, we estimated the change of vegetation fraction cover (VFC) in the Three- North Shelterbelt Programme (TNSP) region over the past three decades on the basis of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index dataset from the Global Inventory Monitoring and Modeling System. We evaluate the national strategy of vegetation restoration in North China by comparing rainfall patterns, vegetation change, and national ecological restoration programs on the basis of the Global Meteorological Forcing Dataset and the China Forestry Statistical Yearbooks. We find that the western, central, and eastern parts of the TNSP region exhibited a distinct increase in vegetation coverage. The western region had the highest increase of annual precipitation, but this did not result in the highest VFC increase. We infer that ecological restoration activities are the factor leading to the observed increase in VFC in the eastern and central region compared with the western region. The low survival rate of planted trees in the forest of the TNSP region indicates that it is necessary to improve the mode of vegetation restoration to obtain optimal returns and avoid excessive investment. The success of new strategies, for example, natural restoration and quasinatural afforestation are promising as an alternative method. China’s experiences in reforestation will be very beneficial for other countries to promote land degradation mitigation and vegetation improvement in the arid and semiarid areas.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154888/1/ldr3314_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154888/2/ldr3314.pd