185 research outputs found

    A study of the large-scale climatic effects of a possible disappearance of high-latitude inland water surfaces during the 21st centurys

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    This study evaluates the climatic impact of possible future changes in high-latitude inland water surface (IWS) area. We carried out a set of climate-change experiments with an atmospheric general circulation model in which different scenarios of future changes of IWS extent were prescribed. The simulations are based on the SRES-A1B greenhouse gas emission scenario and represent the transient climatic state at the end of the 21st century.Our results indicate that the impact of a reduction in IWS extent depends on the season considered: the total disappearance of IWS would lead to cooling during cold seasons and to warming in summer. In the annual mean, the cooling effect would be dominant. In an experiment in which the future change of prescribed IWS extent is prescribed as a function of the simulated changes of permafrost extent, we find that these changes are self-consistent in the sense that their effects on the simulated temperature and precipitation patterns would not be contradictory to the underlying scenario of changes in IWS extent. In this best guess simulation, the projected changes in IWS extent would reduce future nearsurface warming over large parts of northern Eurasia by about 20% during the cold season, while the impact in North America and during summer is less clear. As a whole, the direct climatic impact of future IWS changes is likely to be moderate

    Contribution à la représentation des hautes latitudes dans un modèle de surface (gel des sols et diagnostics de performances)

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    L'importance climatique des hautes latitudes est exacerbée par le contexte actuel du réchauffement climatique, de part de leur forte sensibilité à ces changements et en raison des rétroactions globales majeures qu'elles sont susceptibles d'engendrer. La modélisation offre un moyen d'estimer ces impacts dans les temps passés, présents et futurs, tout en quantifiant les incertitudes procédant des imperfections de notre connaissance de ces environnements et de leur représentation. L'amélioration et l'évaluation de la représentation des hautes latitudes dans les modèles de climat globaux répondent donc à de forts enjeux scientifiques et sociétaux : c'est dans ce cadre précis que s'inscrit mon travail de thèse. Le gel des sols est une spécificité majeure des régions circum-arctiques, porteuse d'implications climatiques aux plans thermiques, hydrologiques et biogéochimiques. Une paramétrisation des impacts hydrologiques du gel des sols a été introduite dans le schéma hydrologique multi-couches du modèle de surfaces continentales ORCHIDEE : ses effets sur le contenu en eau des sols et le régime hydrologique des principaux bassins de l'Arctique ont été évalués par comparaison à des données de terrain, révélant la plus-value d'une telle représentation mais aussi les lacunes résiduelles de la modélisation, qui touchent à l'absence de représentation des réservoirs temporaires d'eau de surface et, sans doute, d'une paramétrisation sous-maille du gel des sols. Parallèlement, une représentation des effets thermiques du gel des sols développée pour un modèle antérieur à ORCHIDEE a été révisée et évaluée à différentes échelles spatiales par comparaison à des données observationnelles : si la représentation de l'énergie de chaleur latente augmente la température des sols soumis au gel saisonnier, un biais froid subsiste dans la modélisation, imputable à une représentation imparfaite de la neige. Une étude de sensibilité conduite sur cette variable en confirme les implications thermiques mais aussi biogéochimiques à l'échelle des régions circum-arctiques, sous-tendues par les importantes quantités de matière organique que ces régions renferment. Alors que les caractéristiques de la neige sont souvent représentées comme spatialement uniformes dans les modèles de climat globaux, la simple prise en compte du caractère particulièrement isolant de la neige de taïga engendre des changements importants dans le cycle du carbone aux hautes latitudes, et souligne les incertitudes entachant notre représentation actuelle de ces écosystèmes. Les propriétés thermiques de la neige n'en sont pas l'unique vecteur, mais une évaluation détaillée de notre modélisation sur un site de permafrost arctique (station de Bayelva, Svalbard) désigne la neige comme une source majeure des incertitudes associées à notre modélisation des hautes latitudes, au travers de représentations inadaptées de son albédo, sa rugosité de surface, son contenu variable en eau liquide pouvant accommoder de l'eau de pluie. En termes hydrologiques, l'absence de représentation spécifique des zones de montagne, des caractéristiques hydrauliques des sols à granulométrie grossière du Haut-Arctique, et des nombreuses étendues d'eau libre des régions circum-arctiques, limite notre capacité à représenter raisonnablement des principales caractéristiques de l'hydrologie de surface de ces régions. Le diagnostique de ces limites définit autant de potentiels d'amélioration de la modélisation des hautes latitudes, sources possibles de développements futurs.Focus has recently increased on high-latitude climatic processes as awareness rose about the extreme sensitivity of the Arctic to climate change and its potential for major positive climate feedbacks. Modelling offers a powerful tool to assess the climatic impact of changes in the northern high-latitude regions, as well as to quantify the range of uncertainty stemming from the limits of our knowledge and representation of these environments. My PhD project, dedicated to the improvement of a land-surface model for high-latitude regions and the evaluation of its performances, tackles therefore an issue of concern both for science and society. Soil freezing is a major physical process of boreal regions, with climatic implications. Here, a parameterization of the hydrological effects of soil freezing is developed within the multi-layer hydrological scheme of the land-surface model ORCHIDEE, and its performance is evaluated against observations at different scales, including remotely-sensed data. Taking the hydrological impact of soil freezing into account improves our representation of soil moisture and river discharges over the pan-Arctic land-surface area. However, residual inaccuracies suggest that potential for improvement lies in the representation of temporary surface water reservoirs like floodplains, surface ponding, and, possibly, the introduction of a subgrid variability in soil freezing. Hydrological modelling at high latitudes would also benefit from a specific treatment of mountainous areas and a revision of soil textural input parameters to account for abundant coarse-grained soils in the High-Arctic. Concomitantly, the thermal parameterization of soil freezing in ORCHIDEE is revised and evaluated against field data: latent heat effects yield a reduction but no suppression of a model cold bias in winter soil temperatures, part of which is imputed to the coarse representation of snow in the model. A sensitivity study performed on the insulative properties of taiga vs. tundra snow over the pan-Arctic terrestrial domain confirms the thermal implications of snow and outlines its consequences for carbon cycling at high-latitudes, calling for an appropriate representation of snow-vegetation interactions. Snow is furthermore implicated in identified flaws of the modelled surface energy balance, the components of which are precisely compared with a one-year high quality dataset collected at an Arctic permafrost site in Svalbard. Inaccuracies are diagnosed to stem from the representation of albedo, surface roughness and liquid water percolation and phase change within the snowpack. These diverseSAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    First Quantification of the Permafrost Heat Sink in the Earth's Climate System

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    Due to an imbalance between incoming and outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere, excess heat has accumulated in Earth's climate system in recent decades, driving global warming and climatic changes. To date, it has not been quantified how much of this excess heat is used to melt ground ice in permafrost. Here, we diagnose changes in sensible and latent ground heat contents in the northern terrestrial permafrost region from ensemble-simulations of a tailored land surface model. We find that between 1980 and 2018, about 3.9^+1.4_-1.6 ZJ of heat, of which 1.7_-1.4^+1.3 ZJ (44%) were used to melt ground ice, were absorbed by permafrost. Our estimate, which does not yet account for the potentially increased heat uptake due to thermokarst processes in ice-rich terrain, suggests that permafrost is a persistent heat sink comparable in magnitude to other components of the cryosphere and must be explicitly considered when assessing Earth's energy imbalance.Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Peer Reviewe

    Evolution of Antarctic Surface Mass Balance by high-resolution downscaling of LMDZ4 AGCM and contribution to sea-level change

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    Most of the IPCC-AR4 Atmospheric Global Circulation Models (AGCM) predict an increase of the Antarctic Surface Mass Balance (SMB) during the 21st century that would mitigate global sea level rise. Present accumulation and predicted change are largest at the ice sheet margins because they are driven by snowfall, which mostly comes from warm, moist air arising over the land slopes. The coastal belt is also where complex processes of sublimation, melt and redistribution by the wind occur. Thus, high-resolution modelling (5 to 15 km) is necessary to adequately capture the effects of small-scale variations in topography on the atmospheric variables in this area, but limitations in computing resources prevent such resolution at the scale of Antarctica in full climate models. We present here a downscaling method leading to 15-km SMB resolution for century time-scales over Antarctica. We compute precipitation fields by considering orographic processes induced by the broad-scale and the fine-scale topography, and we estimate sublimation, melting and refreezing with a surface scheme validated for snow and ice-covered land surface. We display the SMB downscaled from LMDZ4 AGCM outputs (~60-km resolution), and compare the agreement of the broad-scale SMB and the downscaled SMB with 20th century observations. Then, we present hi-resolution features of the Antarctic SMB evolution during the 21st century downscaled from LMDZ4 and discuss the effect of the resolution on the Antarctic SMB contribution to sea level change. The downscaling model is a powerful tool that will be applied to others climate models for a better assessment of future sea level rise

    High resolution climate and vegetation simulations of the Mid-Pliocene, a model-data comparison over western Europe and the Mediterranean region

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    International audienceHere we perform a detailed comparison between climate model results and climate reconstructions in western Europe and the Mediterranean area for the mid-Piacenzian warm interval (ca 3 Myr ago) of the Late Pliocene epoch. This region is particularly well suited for such a comparison as several quantitative climate estimates from local pollen records are available. They show evidence for temperatures significantly warmer than today over the whole area, mean annual precipitation higher in northwestern Europe and equivalent to modern values in its southwestern part. To improve our comparison, we have performed high resolution simulations of the mid-Piacenzian climate using the LMDz atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) with a stretched grid which allows a finer resolution over Europe. In a first step, we applied the PRISM2 (Pliocene Research, Interpretation, and Synoptic Mapping) boundary conditions except that we used modern terrestrial vegetation. Second, we simulated the vegetation for this period by forcing the ORCHIDEE (Organizing Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems) dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) with the climatic outputs from the AGCM. We then supplied this simulated terrestrial vegetation cover as an additional boundary condition in a second AGCM run. This gives us the opportunity to investigate the model's sensitivity to the simulated vegetation changes in a global warming context

    Historical Northern Hemisphere snow cover trends and projected changes in the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble

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    International audienceThis paper presents an analysis of observed and simulated historical snow cover extent and snow mass, along with future snow cover projections from models participating in the World Climate Research Programme Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). Where appropriate, the CMIP6 output is compared to CMIP5 results in order to assess progress (or absence thereof) between successive model generations. An ensemble of six observation-based products is used to produce a new time series of historical Northern Hemisphere snow extent anomalies and trends; a subset of four of these products is used for snow mass. Trends in snow extent over 1981–2018 are negative in all months and exceed −50×103 km2 yr−1 during November, December, March, and May. Snow mass trends are approximately −5 Gt yr−1 or more for all months from December to May. Overall, the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble better represents the snow extent climatology over the 1981–2014 period for all months, correcting a low bias in CMIP5. Simulated snow extent and snow mass trends over the 1981–2014 period are stronger in CMIP6 than in CMIP5, although large inter-model spread remains in the simulated trends for both variables. There is a single linear relationship between projected spring snow extent and global surface air temperature (GSAT) changes, which is valid across all CMIP6 Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. This finding suggests that Northern Hemisphere spring snow extent will decrease by about 8 % relative to the 1995–2014 level per degree Celsius of GSAT increase. The sensitivity of snow to temperature forcing largely explains the absence of any climate change pathway dependency, similar to other fast-response components of the cryosphere such as sea ice and near-surface permafrost extent

    Twenty first century changes in Antarctic and Southern Ocean surface climate in CMIP6

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    Two decades into the 21st century there is growing evidence for global impacts of Antarctic and Southern Ocean climate change. Reliable estimates of how the Antarctic climate system would behave under a range of scenarios of future external climate forcing are thus a high priority. Output from new model simulations coordinated as part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) provides an opportunity for a comprehensive analysis of the latest generation of state‐of‐the‐art climate models following a wider range of experiment types and scenarios than previous CMIP phases. Here the main broad‐scale 21st century Antarctic projections provided by the CMIP6 models are shown across four forcing scenarios: SSP1‐2.6, SSP2‐4.5, SSP3‐7.0 and SSP5‐8.5. End‐of‐century Antarctic surface‐air temperature change across these scenarios (relative to 1995–2014) is 1.3, 2.5, 3.7 and 4.8°C. The corresponding proportional precipitation rate changes are 8, 16, 24 and 31%. In addition to these end‐of‐century changes, an assessment of scenario dependence of pathways of absolute and global‐relative 21st century projections is conducted. Potential differences in regional response are of particular relevance to coastal Antarctica, where, for example, ecosystems and ice shelves are highly sensitive to the timing of crossing of key thresholds in both atmospheric and oceanic conditions. Overall, it is found that the projected changes over coastal Antarctica do not scale linearly with global forcing. We identify two factors that appear to contribute: (a) a stronger global‐relative Southern Ocean warming in stabilisation (SSP2‐4.5) and aggressive mitigation (SSP1‐2.6) scenarios as the Southern Ocean continues to warm and (b) projected recovery of Southern Hemisphere stratospheric ozone and its effect on the mid‐latitude westerlies. The major implication is that over coastal Antarctica, the surface warming by 2100 is stronger relative to the global mean surface warming for the low forcing compared to high forcing future scenarios

    Quantifying uncertainties of permafrost carbon–climate feedbacks

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    The land surface models JULES (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator, two versions) and ORCHIDEE-MICT (Organizing Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems), each with a revised representation of permafrost carbon, were coupled to the Integrated Model Of Global Effects of climatic aNomalies (IMOGEN) intermediate-complexity climate and ocean carbon uptake model. IMOGEN calculates atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and local monthly surface climate for a given emission scenario with the land–atmosphere CO2 flux exchange from either JULES or ORCHIDEE-MICT. These simulations include feedbacks associated with permafrost carbon changes in a warming world. Both IMOGEN–JULES and IMOGEN–ORCHIDEE-MICT were forced by historical and three alternative future-CO2-emission scenarios. Those simulations were performed for different climate sensitivities and regional climate change patterns based on 22 different Earth system models (ESMs) used for CMIP3 (phase 3 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project), allowing us to explore climate uncertainties in the context of permafrost carbon–climate feedbacks. Three future emission scenarios consistent with three representative concentration pathways were used: RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Paired simulations with and without frozen carbon processes were required to quantify the impact of the permafrost carbon feedback on climate change. The additional warming from the permafrost carbon feedback is between 0.2 and 12 % of the change in the global mean temperature (ΔT) by the year 2100 and 0.5 and 17 % of ΔT by 2300, with these ranges reflecting differences in land surface models, climate models and emissions pathway. As a percentage of ΔT, the permafrost carbon feedback has a greater impact on the low-emissions scenario (RCP2.6) than on the higher-emissions scenarios, suggesting that permafrost carbon should be taken into account when evaluating scenarios of heavy mitigation and stabilization. Structural differences between the land surface models (particularly the representation of the soil carbon decomposition) are found to be a larger source of uncertainties than differences in the climate response. Inertia in the permafrost carbon system means that the permafrost carbon response depends on the temporal trajectory of warming as well as the absolute amount of warming. We propose a new policy-relevant metric – the frozen carbon residence time (FCRt) in years – that can be derived from these complex land surface models and used to quantify the permafrost carbon response given any pathway of global temperature change