40 research outputs found


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    This article focuses the Urban Drainage, because the problems arising from the identification of the constant flooding processes in Brazilian cities became a current subject. Thus, the target is to study the Master Plans of the Brazilian cities Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and Goiânia, trying to identify guidelines, tools, actions and programs linked to the Urban Drainage at corresponding metropolitan areas, through the use of literature review and revision of specific legislation (documentary research). It is remarkable that the first results point to the shortage of acts and regulations that answer these current issues.O presente artigo trata da Drenagem Urbana, haja vista que os problemas decorrentes da identificação dos constantes processos de inundação nas cidades brasileiras tem se tornado atuais. Diante disso, o objetivo é estudar os Planos Diretores das cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre e Goiânia, procurando identificar diretrizes, instrumentos, ações e programas em interface com a Drenagem Urbana nasrespectivas regiões metropolitanas, mediante o emprego de revisão bibliográfica e verificação da legislação pertinente específica - pesquisa documental. Ressalta-se que os primeiros resultados apontam para a insuficiência de atos e normativas que respondam estas questões atuais


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    Aplikasi berbasis website adalah sebuah aplikasi yang menggunakan internet untuk menjadi jembatan dalam pengaksesannya. Dengan penggunaan internet sebagai jembatan pengaksesannya, pemakaian aplikasi berbasis website ini memiliki akses yang luas dalam pemakaiannya sehingga banyak kantor atau perusahaan yang telah memanfaatkan aplikasi berbasis website untuk mempermudah pekerjaan dalam pengeolaan perusahaan. Aplikasi berbasis website juga sangat fleksibel untuk digunakan salah satu alasannya yaitu dapat diakses menggunakan berbagai media seperti komputer pc, laptop atau bahkan smartphone. Di kantor, di rumah dan dimanapun aplikasi berbasis website dapat diakses sehingga pekerjaan dan pengelolaan perusahaan atau yang lainnya menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien terlebih di era 4.0 seperti sekarang ini. Inventaris adalah suatu daftar, laporan yang memuat semua barang milik suatu kantor seperti sekolah, kapal, atau perusahaan yang digunakan untuk melakukan tugas baik berupa barang yang masuk ataupun barang yang dikeluarkan baik yang mempunyai wujud ataupun barang yang tidak berwujud. Daftar ini harus dicatat dengan media apapun secara khusus dan lengkap dengan format yang menyesuaikan standar operasional pada masingmasing kantor. Wakaf adalah perbuatan hukum wakif untuk memisahkan dan/atau menyerahkan sebagian harta benda miliknya untuk dmanfaatkan selamanya atau untuk jangka waktu tertentu sesuai dengan kepentingannya guna keperluan ibadah dan/atau kesejahteraan umum sesuai syariah. Majelis Wakaf dan Kehartabendaan yang dibentuk berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Muhammadiyah adalah Organ Organisasi Pembantu Pimpinan, Majelis ini mempunyai tugas pokok untuk mengembangkan dan mengamankan harta wakaf dan harta kekayaan milik Persyarikatan serta membimbing masyarakat dalam melaksanakan wakaf, hibah, infaq dan shadaqah serta lainya bersifat wakaf. Pendataan barang wakaf dan kehartabendaan pada Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah Piyungan masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga menyebabkan banyak data-data yang hilang. Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah Piyungan ingin menggunakan basis data untuk menyimpan data-data kehartabendaan dan menggunakan aplikasi berbasis web untuk mengakses data-data wakaf dan kehartabendaan tersebut. Aplikasi berbasis web merupakan aplikasi yang dapat diakses melalui web browser saat tersambung dengan jaringan internet atau intranet. Aplikasi ini juga merupakan software atau perangkat lunak yang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman seperti html, javascript, css dan bahasa pemrograman lainnya

    Time-Sensitive User Profile for Optimizing Search Personlization

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    International audienceThanks to social Web services, Web search engines have the opportunity to afford personalized search results that better fit the user’s information needs and interests. To achieve this goal, many personalized search approaches explore user’s social Web interactions to extract his preferences and interests, and use them to model his profile. In our approach, the user profile is implicitly represented as a vector of weighted terms which correspond to the user’s interests extracted from his online social activities. As the user interests may change over time, we propose to weight profiles terms not only according to the content of these activities but also by considering the freshness. More precisely, the weights are adjusted with a temporal feature. In order to evaluate our approach, we model the user profile according to data collected from Twitter. Then, we rerank initial search results accurately to the user profile. Moreover, we proved the significance of adding a temporal feature by comparing our method with baselines models that does not consider the user profile dynamics

    iAggregator: Multidimensional Relevance Aggregation Based on a Fuzzy Operator

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    International audienceRecently, an increasing number of information retrieval studies have triggered a resurgence of interest in redefining the algorithmic estimation of relevance, which implies a shift from topical to multidimensional relevance assessment. A key underlying aspect that emerged when addressing this concept is the aggregation of the relevance assessments related to each of the considered dimensions. The most commonly adopted forms of aggregation are based on classical weighted means and linear combination schemes to address this issue. Although some initiatives were recently proposed, none was concerned with considering the inherent dependencies and interactions existing among the relevance criteria, as is the case in many real-life applications. In this article, we present a new fuzzy-based operator, called iAggregator, for multidimensional relevance aggregation. Its main originality, beyond its ability to model interactions between different relevance criteria, lies in its generalization of many classical aggregation functions. To validate our proposal, we apply our operator within a tweet search task. Experiments using a standard benchmark, namely, Text REtrieval Conference Microblog,1 emphasize the relevance of our contribution when compared with traditional aggregation schemes. In addition, it outperforms state-of-the-art aggregation operators such as the Scoring and the And prioritized operators as well as some representative learning-to-rank algorithms

    Proximity-based approaches to blog opinion retrieval

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    Recent years have seen the rapid growth of social media platforms that enable people to express their thoughts and perceptions on the web and share them with other users. Many people write their opinion about products, movies, people or events on blogs, forums or review sites. The so-called User Generated Content is a good source of users’ opinion and mining it can be very useful for a wide variety of applications that require understudying of public opinion about a concept. Blogs are one of the most popular and influential social media. The rapid growth in the popularity of blogs, the ability of bloggers to write about different topics and the possibility of getting feedback from other users, makes the blogosphere a valuable source of opinions on different topics. To facilitate access to such opinionated content new retrieval models called opinion retrieval mod- els are necessary. Opinion retrieval models aim at finding documents that are relevant to the topic of a query and express opinion about it. However, opinion retrieval in blogs is challenging due to a number of reasons. The first reason is that blogs are not limited to a single topic, they can be about anything that is of interest to an author. Therefore, a large number of blog posts may not be relevant to the topic of query. The second reason is that a blog post relevant to a query, can be also relevant to a number of other topics and express opinion about one of the non-query topics. Therefore, an opinion retrieval system should first locate the document relevant to a query and then score documents based on the opinion that is targeted at the query in a relevant document. Finally, blogs are not limited to a single domain, an opinion retrieval model should be general enough to be able to retrieve posts related to different topics in different domains. In this thesis, we focus on the opinion retrieval task in blogs. Our aim is to propose methods that improve blog post opinion retrieval performance. To this end, we consider an opinion retrieval model to consist of three components: relevance scoring, opinion scoring and the score combination components. In this thesis we focus on the opinion scoring and combination components and propose methods for better handling these two important steps. We evaluate our propose methods on the standard TREC collection and provide evidence that the proposed methods are indeed helpful and improve the performance of the state of the art techniques

    Block designs for comparing dual with single treatments

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    This investigation concerns the design of experiments whose purpose is to compare the joint effects of two factors A and B at n and m levels respectively with the effect of the individual factor. The experiments are subject to the constraint that one particular treatment combination cannot be used. An example is a medical trial to investigate the joint effects of two drugs, each of which is either absent or given at a number of predefined dose levels, in which it is unethical to administer a double placebo. This type of clinical trial has practical application in the quest for treatments of acute conditions, such as severe hypertension when the improvement produced by a single drug might be inadequate. The aim of this investigation is to find efficient designs in the sense of having small variance for the estimators of the contrasts of interest. The criterion employed for design choice is the A-criterion. The methods used include finding a lower bound on the total of the variances of the estimators of the contrasts and identifying a class of designs containing many efficient designs. For m&#61; n&#61; 2, the problem is a special case of the test treatments versus a control problem, for which series of A-optimal and near A-optimal designs are already available. These known results are used to find series of new A-optimal and near A-optimal designs to fill the gaps in a practical range of parameter values. For any n and m&#61; 2, the class of PBDS designs is identified and shown to contain very efficient designs. Methods of constructing such designs are developed and overall A-optimal and efficient designs are tabulated. For n and m both greater than 2, a generalization of the PBDS class is developed and shown to include highly efficient designs by comparison with the bound and, for small experiments, computer generated designs. Further issues on which results are given include the design of completely randomized experiments, efficient designs for estimating certain contrasts more accurately than others and the estimation of factorial effects. Finally, a method is developed of identifying designs efficient for estimating specific contrasts, C&tau;, through linking the structure of the intra-block information matrix to the structure of C'C.</p