6 research outputs found

    Short Course SC1.1: Data Assimilation in the Geosciences - Practical Data Assimilation with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework

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    Data assimilation combines observational data with a numerical model. It is commonly used in numerical weather prediction, but is't also applied also in oceanography and hydrology. The integrating observations with models in a quantitative way, data assimilation allows to estimate and improve the model states, e.g. to initialize model forecasts. Also it can estimate parameters that control processes in the model or fluxes, which can be difficult and even impossible to measure. As such data assimilation can use observations to provide information about unobservable quantities if the model represents those. The combination of model and observation requires to have error estimates of both information sources. In ensemble data assimilation the error in the model state is estimated by an ensemble of model state realizations. This ensemble not only provides estimates of uncertainties, but also of cross-correlations between different model variables or parameters. The ensemble information is then used by the assimilation method, whose most widely known is the ensemble Kalman filter. To simplify the implementation and use of ensemble data assimilation, the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework - PDAF - has been developed. PDAF is a freely-available open-source software (http://pdaf.awi.de) that provides ensemble-based data assimilation methods like the ensemble Kalman filter, but also support to perform ensemble simulations. PDAF is designed so that it can be used from small toy problems running on notebook computers up to high-dimensional Earth Systems models running on supercomputers. This short course aims at geoscientists who have a modeling application or observations and are interested in applying data assimilation, but haven't found a starting point yet. The course will first provide an introduction to the ensemble data assimilation methodology. Then, it will explain the implementation concept of PDAF and finally provide a hands-on example of building a data assimilation system based on a numerical model. This practical introduction will prepare the participants to build a data assimiliton system by combining their numerical model with PDAF, hence providing a quick starting point for apply the ensemble data assimilation

    Effects of species selection and management on forest canopy albedo

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    International audienceForest management is considered to be one of the key instruments available to mitigate climate change as it can lead to increased sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, the changes in canopy albedo may neutralise or offset the climate benefits of carbon sequestration. Although there is an emerging body of literature linking canopy albedo to management, understanding is still fragmented. We make use of a generally applicable approach: we combine a stand-level forest gap model with a canopy radiation transfer model and satellite-derived model parameters to quantify the effects of forest management on canopy albedo for different forest species and management strategies. We find that the most intensive management measures lead to largest albedo change. The choice of species in combination with thinning dominates the variation in canopy albedo. In addition, the canopy albedo of forest stands changes with the latitude, i.e. forest stands with similar structure have different albedo depending on the latitude. The structural changes associated with forest management can be described by change in LAI in combination with crown volume. However, not only the removal of trees but also the type of understorey affects the canopy albedo. The lower the canopy cover, the larger the background albedo contributes to the canopy albedo. In summary, forest albedo is strongly altered by humans

    Presentation and discussion of the high-resolution atmosphere–land-surface–subsurface simulation dataset of the simulated Neckar catchment for the period 2007–2015

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    Coupled numerical models, which simulate water and energy fluxes in the subsurface–land-surface–atmosphere system in a physically consistent way, are a prerequisite for the analysis and a better understanding of heat and matter exchange fluxes at compartmental boundaries and interdependencies of states across these boundaries. Complete state evolutions generated by such models may be regarded as a proxy of the real world, provided they are run at sufficiently high resolution and incorporate the most important processes. Such a simulated reality can be used to test hypotheses on the functioning of the coupled terrestrial system. Coupled simulation systems, however, face severe problems caused by the vastly different scales of the processes acting in and between the compartments of the terrestrial system, which also hinders comprehensive tests of their realism. We used the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform (TerrSysMP), which couples the meteorological Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) model, the land-surface Community Land Model (CLM), and the subsurface ParFlow model, to generate a simulated catchment for a regional terrestrial system mimicking the Neckar catchment in southwest Germany, the virtual Neckar catchment. Simulations for this catchment are made for the period 2007–2015 and at a spatial resolution of 400 m for the land surface and subsurface and 1.1 km for the atmosphere. Among a discussion of modeling challenges, the model performance is evaluated based on observations covering several variables of the water cycle. We find that the simulated catchment behaves in many aspects quite close to observations of the real Neckar catchment, e.g., concerning atmospheric boundary-layer height, precipitation, and runoff. But also discrepancies become apparent, both in the ability of the model to correctly simulate some processes which still need improvement, such as overland flow, and in the realism of some observation operators like the satellite-based soil moisture sensors. The whole raw dataset is available for interested users. The dataset described here is available via the CERA database (Schalge et al., 2020): https://doi.org/10.26050/WDCC/Neckar_VCS_v1