32 research outputs found

    Effects of a training program on stable vs unstable surfaces on postural stability.

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    The training surface can modulate the body's response to training stimuli. The purpose of the article was to determine the influence of two types of training programs on stable/unstable surfaces on postural stability. 20 physically active participants with no history of lower limb injuries were randomly assigned to 3 groups (Control, Unstable Training, Stable Training), and performed supervised training in 16 sessions. Dynamic postural stability and static stability were assessed and tests were performed at baseline after completion of the training and 1, 2 and 4 weeks after the training process. The stable surface training group improved dynamic stability between the pre-test and the two first retention tests performed (p = .037, d = .780; p = .011, d = .989). The unstable training group significantly improved its dynamic stability level between the post-test and the retention test (2). The improvements found after the training session for the unstable training group do not mean an increase in stability higher than that obtained by the stable surface training group. The dynamic postural stability test seems more appropriate than the static tests for analyzing small changes related to the training of postural stability in healthy young people

    Anàlisi del sistema defensiu de segona línia en voleibol de platja femení segons el nivell de joc

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar les accions defensives de segona línia en voleibol de platja femení segons el nivell de joc exhibit per les parelles participants. Es van analitzar un total de 15 partits, dins els quals es van registrar 856 seqüències defensives completes en segona línia. Per a això, es va crear un instrument observacional (sistema de categories) a través del qual es va efectuar un registre sistemàtic de les accions defensives de segona línia. Es va fer un estudi de confiabilitat per determinar el grau de concordança inter i intraobservadors, i s’arribà a aconseguir una concordança entre els observadors > 0,80, la qual cosa avala la qualitat de dades. Després de l’encreuament de variables, els resultats obtinguts van mostrar una diferència significativa (x² de Pearson < 0,05) quant a les accions defensives a emprar per les jugadores. No obstant això, les parelles no van mostrar diferències en el patró de joc defensiu de segona línia segons el nivell de joc

    Compete to be happy: opposition sports games for emotional development

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar las intensidades emocionales suscitadas durante la práctica de juegos deportivos de oposición con presencia y ausencia de competición en función del género. Participaron 73 estudiantes universitarios, los cuales después de cada juego valoraron la intensidad delas emociones experimentadas a través de la cumplimentación del cuestionario GES. Las ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas mostraron que al competir en los juegos deportivos de oposición se registraron intensidades emocionales más altas en los tres tipos de emociones. Además, los chicos registraron puntuaciones más altas que las chicas. Sin embargo, la presencia o ausencia de competición no determinó diferencias entre géneros. Estos hallazgos permiten afirmar que se debe incluir la competición en los juegos de oposición para que la vivencia emocional sea más intensa, aunque se debería dar oportunidades a todos los alumnos para que puedan pasar por la situación de ganador y perdedor. Este estudio aporta evidencias para favorecer la igualdad de oportunidades del género femenino y masculino en el contexto de una coeducación física emocional. Para favorecer la coeducación, desde la acción docente se deben planificar otras situaciones motrices que compensen la diferencia en intensidad emocional que vivencian las chicas con respecto a los chicos.The aim of this research was to analyzed the emotional intensity for the competitive and non-competitive practice of opposition sports games according to participants’ gender. 73 university students from the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences took part in the research. After every sport game, the students assessed the intensity of their emotions experienced through the completion of the GES questionnaire. Generalized estimation equations showed that when competing in opposition sports games, higher emotional intensities were recorded in the three types of emotions. In addition, the boys registered higher scores than the girls. However, the presence or absence of competition did not determine differences between genders. The findings allow us to affirm that competition must be included in opposition games so that the emotional experience is more intense, although opportunities should be given to all students so that they can go through the situation of winner and loser. This study demonstrates the benefit of equal opportunities for women and men in thecontext of emotional physical coeducation. In order to encourage coeducation, from the teaching side other motor situations should be planned that compensate for the difference in emotional intensity experienced by the girls with respect to the boys

    Compete to be happy: opposition sports games for emotional development

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar las intensidades emocionales suscitadas durante la práctica de juegos deportivos de oposición con presencia y ausencia de competición en función del género. Participaron 73 estudiantes universitarios, los cuales después de cada juego valoraron la intensidad de las emociones experimentadas a través de la cumplimentación del cuestionario GES. Las ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas mostraron que al competir en los juegos deportivos de oposición se registraron intensidades emocionales más altas en los tres tipos de emociones. Además, los chicos registraron puntuaciones más altas que las chicas. Sin embargo, la presencia o ausencia de competición no determinó diferencias entre géneros. Estos hallazgos permiten afirmar que se debe incluir la competición en los juegos de oposición para que la vivencia emocional sea más intensa, aunque se debería dar oportunidades a todos los alumnos para que puedan pasar por la situación de ganador y perdedor. Este estudio aporta evidencias para favorecer la igualdad de oportunidades del género femenino y masculino en el contexto de una coeducación física emocional. Para favorecer la coeducación, desde la acción docente se deben planificar otras situaciones motrices que compensen la diferencia en intensidad emocional que vivencian las chicas con respecto a los chicos.The aim of this research was to analyzed the emotional intensity for the competitive and noncompetitive practice of opposition sports games according to participants’ gender. 73 university students from the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences took part in the research. After every sport game, the students assessed the intensity of their emotions experienced through the completion of the GES questionnaire. Generalized estimation equations showed that when competing in opposition sports games, higher emotional intensities were recorded in the three types of emotions. In addition, the boys registered higher scores than the girls. However, the presence or absence of competition did not determine differences between genders. The findings allow us to affirm that competition must be included in opposition games so that the emotional experience is more intense, although opportunities should be given to all students so that they can go through the situation of winner and loser. This study demonstrates the benefit of equal opportunities for women and men in the context of emotional physical coeducation. In order to encourage coeducation, from the teaching side other motor situations should be planned that compensate for the difference in emotional intensity experienced by the girls with respect to the boys.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyectos I+D+i DEP2010-21626-C03-01, DEP2010-21626-C03-02, DEP2010-21626-C03-0

    Incidencia de los juegos deportivos de oposición sobre los estados de ánimo en universitarios

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    Este estudio pretende identificar la intensidad de los estados de ánimo durante la práctica de juegos deportivos de oposición y comprobar la relación existente con el historial deportivo de los participantes. Participaron 147 estudiantes universitarios los cuales cumplimentaron el cuestionario POMS (Profile of Mood State). Los resultados indican como las dimensiones tensión y vigor se vivieron con mayor intensidad en los juegos, mientras que depresión y rabia menores. Contar con experiencia deportiva fue determinante. Los jugadores con historial deportivo puntuaron más para la dimensión vigor. Los resultados permiten orientar las intervenciones de futuros profesionales gracias a las experiencias prácticas vivenciadas dentro del ámbito educativo y deportivo.This study intends to identify the intensity of mood states whilst playing competitive sports games and verify the existing relationship with the participants' sporting record. 147 college students took part in the research, who completed the POMS (Profile of Mood State) questionnaire. Analysis showed that the tension and vigour dimensions were experienced with greater intensity in sports games, while the depression and anger dimensions decreased in intensity. Having experience playing sports was an important factor, showing that players with a record of playing sports scored higher levels in the vigour dimension. The results help to guide interventions by future professionals due to practical experience gained in the field of education and sports.Os objetivos deste estudo são identificar a intensidade de Estados de humor para a prática de jogos de esportes de oposição e verificar a relação existente com rastreamento de esporte dos participantes. Partiparam um total de 147 estudantes universitários que completaram o questionário POMS (Perfil do Estado de Humor) adaptado para o espanhol por Balaguer, Fuentes, Meliá e García-Merita (1993). Os resultados indicam que o dimensões de vigor e tensão eram experientes com maior intensidade nos jogos de esportes, durante a depressão e raiva dimensões diminuíram de intensidade. A presença de experiência anterior de esportes foi um fator importante, mostrando os jogadores com os jogadores registro de rastreamento esporte níveis mais elevados para a dimensão de vigor. Resultados ajudam a orientar futuras intervenções por profissionais devido a experiência prática experiente no educativo e o campo de esporte

    ¿Es la vivencia emocional cuestión de género? Análisis de juegos motores de oposición en universitarios

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    The knowledge of the emotional experience in driving educational contexts is an aspect rarely analyzed by specialized literature. However, teachers face situations where emotions and their management are key to professional development. In physical education, this knowledge is even more relevant given the driving nature of the content. The aim of this research was to identify emotional intensities during competitive and non-competitive practice of opposition sports games according to the participant’s gender. 169 students participated and completed the GES questionnaire at the end of each activity. Generalized estimating equations showed significant differences (p &lt;.001) in the variable types of emotion, outcome and gender. Positive emotions were experienced more intensely than the rest of emotions during games. The data also showed that the emotional intensity in competitive games were higher than those without competition. Gender was a determining factor in the emotional variations. Girls experienced greater intensities regardless of the obtained result.El conocimiento de la vivencia emocional en contextos educativos motrices es un aspecto poco analizado por la literatura especializada. En cambio los docentes se enfrentan a situaciones en las que las emociones y su gestión son claves para el desarrollo profesional. Dentro de la Educación física, este conocimiento es todavía más relevante, teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza motriz del contenido. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las intensidades emocionales suscitadas durante la práctica de juegos deportivos de oposición con y sin competición en función del género. Participaron 169 estudiantes los cuales cumplimentaron el cuestionario GES al finalizar cada una de las actividades. Las ecuaciones de estimación generalizadas mostraron diferencias significativas (p&lt; .001) en las variables tipo de emoción, resultado y género. Las emociones positivas fueron vivenciadas con mayor intensidad que el resto en todos los juegos. El tipo de resultado arrojó diferencias de forma que compitiendo la intensidad emocional fue mayor que para los juegos sin competición. El género fue determinante en las variaciones emocionales. Las chicas experimentaron intensidades mayores con independencia del resultado obtenido

    El dilema de lo orgánico y lo social en las emociones deportivas

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    The link between the emotions and the physiological variables is increasingly researched by the field of study of Physical Education and Sport. The aim of this work, which is the result of a bibliographic review, is to analyze those studies researching the possible correlations, both positive and negative, between the emotions and the biological parameters. In this sense, at a hormonal level, this work will analyze the relationship between cortisol and the psychophysiological stress, where this hormone is a factor that can be used as an indicator of the emotional state, and where a prolonged negative emotional state can entail psychophysical disorders. Regarding the analysis on the electroencephalographic activity and the emotions,it must be noticed the close relationship between them – we can create reliabledatabases of emotions resulting from physiological signs. We also find close linksbetween the heart rate variability and the mood. Finally, we analyze works that study the relationship between the body composition and the mental identity, and we find a correlation between the positive emotion and the type of somatotype.La relación entre las emociones y variables fisiológicas es un hecho cada vez más investigado en el ámbito físico-deportivo. Así, el presente trabajo, fruto de una revisiónbibliográfica, tiene como objetivo analizar aquellos estudios que han acometido investigaciones sobre posibles correlaciones, positivas o negativas, habidas entre las emociones y parámetros biológicos. En este sentido, y a nivel hormonal, se analiza la relación existente entre el cortisol y el estrés psicofisiológico, donde dicha hormona es un factor que puede ser utilizado como un indicador del estado emocional, y en el que una prolongada situación de emocional negativa puede conllevar a un estado de enfermedad pisco-física. Del análisis sobre la actividad electroencefalográfica y las emociones, apuntar una estrecha relación entre ambas, llegándose a construir verdaderas bases de datos de emociones como consecuencia de señales fisiológicas. Por otra parte, también encontramos estrechos lazos entre la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca y el estado de ánimo. Por último, también se analizan trabajos que han investigado sobre la relación entre la composición corporal y el psicotipo, hallando una correlación entre emoción positiva y tipo de somatotipo

    Functional Autonomy Evaluation Levels in Middle-Aged and Older Spanish Women: On Behalf of the Healthy-Age Network

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    Aging is associated with a progressive loss of functional capacity that affects the health and quality of life of middle-aged and older people. The purpose of this study was to report functional autonomy evaluation levels in middle-aged and older women in the Spanish context. A total of 709 middle-aged and older women, between 50 and 90 years old, were selected to participate in the study. The sample was divided by age category every five years. The functional autonomy levels were determined by the Latin American Group for Maturity (GDLAM) protocol and we developed a classification pattern for middle-aged and older women living in Spain. The GDLAM Index (GI) was then calculated to assess functional autonomy. The classification of the tests and the GI followed the percentile rank (P) Very Good (p 0.85). It was considered that the lower the value found for the percentile, the better the result. The GDLAM protocol showed strong reliability with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values greater than 0.92 in all tests. It is observed that all variables of the GDLAM protocol presented a positive and significant correlation with age (p < 0.001). The Roc Curve showed that GI values higher than 26 (CI95% = 0.97-1.00; p < 0.001) and 32 (CI95% = 0.98-1.00; p < 0.001) for middle-aged and elderly women, respectively, can predict and indicate low functional autonomy. The normative values hereby provided will enable evaluation and adequate interpretation of Spanish middle-aged and older women's functional autonomy

    Effects of a moderate-to-high intensity resistance circuit training on fat mass, functional capacity, muscular strength, and quality of life in elderly: A randomized controlled trial

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    Physical exercise is considered an important intervention for promoting well-being and healthy aging. The objective was to determine the effects of moderate-to-high intensity resistance circuit training on different parameters of body composition, functional autonomy, muscular strength and quality of life in elderly. A randomized controlled trial was conducted. A total of 45 subjects (27 females, 18 males) aged between 65–75 years old from Murcia (Spain) were divided by sex, and randomly to experimental group (n = 33, mean age 69 ± 3.2 years old) receiving 12 weeks of moderate-to-high intensity resistance circuit training and control group (n = 33, mean age 70 ± 4.1 years old) receiving no exercise intervention. Intra-group comparison, the experimental group showed a significant increment of lean body mass in women and men, which also presented a decrease of fat mass. Both sex presented a significant improve in functional autonomy, and significately higher values of muscular strength. But no changes were observed regarding quality of life in these groups. The control group did not show any differences pre and post-intervention in women, but in men presented an increment of body mass index and total weight post-intervention. No changes were showed in the other variables. Similar results were founded at inter-group comparison. The moderate-to-high intensity resistance circuit training showed increase in total lean body mass, improvements in functional capacity and significantly increase in upper and lower muscular strength in women and men. Progressive resistance circuit training should be promoted for the elderly as it has the potential to improve physical performance, thereby prolonging healthy independent aging.This research has been supported by Catholic University of San Antonio, Murcia (UCAM) under grant [PMAFI/03/12]

    Real-world effectiveness of caplacizumab vs the standard of care in immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP) is a thrombotic microangiopathy caused by anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies. Caplacizumab is approved for adults with an acute episode of iTTP in conjunction with plasma exchange (PEX) and immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the safety and efficacy of caplacizumab vs the standard of care and assess the effect of the concomitant use of rituximab. A retrospective study from the Spanish TTP Registry of patients treated with caplacizumab vs those who did not receive it was conducted. A total of 155 patients with iTTP (77 caplacizumab, 78 no caplacizumab) were included. Patients initially treated with caplacizumab had fewer exacerbations (4.5% vs 20.5%; P < .05) and less refractoriness (4.5% vs 14.1%; P < .05) than those who were not treated. Time to clinical response was shorter when caplacizumab was used as initial treatment vs caplacizumab used after refractoriness or exacerbation. The multivariate analysis showed that its use in the first 3 days after PEX was associated with a lower number of PEX (odds ratio, 7.5; CI, 2.3-12.7; P < .05) and days of hospitalization (odds ratio, 11.2; CI, 5.6-16.9; P < .001) compared with standard therapy. There was no difference in time to clinical remission in patients treated with caplacizumab compared with the use of rituximab. No severe adverse event was described in the caplacizumab group. In summary, caplacizumab reduced exacerbations and refractoriness compared with standard of care regimens. When administered within the first 3 days after PEX, it also provided a faster clinical response, reducing hospitalization time and the need for PEX