455 research outputs found

    Conceptual Spaces in Object-Oriented Framework

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    The aim of this paper is to show that the middle level of mental representations in a conceptual spaces framework is consistent with the OOP paradigm. We argue that conceptual spaces framework together with vague prototype theory of categorization appears to be the most suitable solution for modeling the cognitive apparatus of humans, and that the OOP paradigm can be easily and intuitively reconciled with this framework. First, we show that the prototypebased OOP approach is consistent with Gärdenfors’ model in terms of structural coherence. Second, we argue that the product of cloning process in a prototype-based model is in line with the structure of categories in Gärdenfors’ proposal. Finally, in order to make the fuzzy object-oriented model consistent with conceptual space, we demonstrate how to define membership function in a more cognitive manner, i.e. in terms of similarity to prototype

    The Everyday Reality of Metaphor in the Perspective of Cognitive Science. Attempt of Critical Analysis

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    Tekst stanowi znacznie zmodyfikowaną i rozbudowaną wersję ostatniej części drugiego rozdziału mojej pracy (Gemel 2015).Celem pracy jest dostarczenie krytycznej analizy podstawowych założeń kognitywnej teorii metafory. Pierwsza część poświęcona jest kwestii koherencji pojęcia odwzorowania metaforycznego. Druga zaś porusza problem wykorzystania metafory kognitywnej jako podstawowego narzędzia konceptualizacji abstrakcyjnej sfery myślenia. Dodatkowym celem tekstu jest ukazanie obecności metafory w codziennych procesach komunikacji, konceptualizacji potocznego doświadczenia oraz co za tym idzie – praktyce naukowej i edukacyjno-pedagogicznej.The aim of the paper is to provide a critical analysis of the basic assumptions of the cognitive theory of metaphor. The first part is devoted to the issues related to the coherence of the concept of metaphorical mapping. The second one discusses the validity of the metaphorization process in terms of schema-concretization framework. Finally, the third part raises the problem of using cognitive metaphor as the primary tool for the conceptualization of the realm of abstract thinking. An additional objective of the text is to display the presence of metaphor in everyday communication processes, conceptualization of common experience and thus also in the scientific and educational practice.Publikacja finansowana przez Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu Uniwersytetu Łódzkieg

    The Approximate Numbers System and the treatment of vagueness in conceptual spaces

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    Paula Quinon is researcher at the Departments of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Lund University. Her studies include, in particular, conceptual analysis of the relation between the concept of natural number and other concepts such as “computability” or “cardinality”. Recently, in collaboration with developmental psychologists and cognitive scientists, she studies the emergence of the concept of natural number in early childhood. On this basis she develops a revised version of naturalized epistemology

    Semiotics, Signaling Games and Meaning

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    Semiotics, signaling games and meaning

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Gross morphology and microstructure of type locality ossicles of Psephophorus polygonus Meyer, 1847 (Testudines, Dermochelyidae)

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    Psephophorus polygonus Meyer, 1847, the first fossil leatherback turtle to be named, was described on the basis of shell ossicles from the middle Miocene (MN6-7/8?) of Slovakia. The whereabouts of this material is uncertain but a slab on display at the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien is considered the neotype. We rediscovered further type locality ossicles in four European institutions, re-evaluated their gross morphology and described for the first time their microstructure by comparing them with Dermochelys coriacea, the only living dermochelyid turtle. The gross morphology is congruent with that already described for P. polygonus, but with two significant exceptions: the ridged ossicles of P. polygonus may have a distinctly concave ventral surface as well as a tectiform shape in cross-section. They do not develop the external keel typical of many ossicles of D. coriacea. Both ridged and non-ridged ossicles of P. polygonus are characterized by compact diploe structures with an internal cortex consisting of a coarse fibrous meshwork, whereas the proportionately thinner ossicles of D. coriacea tend to lose the internal cortex, and thus their diploe, during ontogeny. The ossicles of both P. polygonus and D. coriacea differ from those of other lineages of amniotes whose carapace is composed of polygonal ossicles or platelets, in having growth centres situated at the plate centres just interior to the external bone surface and not within the cancellous core or closer to the internal compact layer. The new diagnosis of P. polygonus allows us to preliminarily re-evaluate the taxonomy of some of the Psephophorus-like species. Despite some macro- and micromorphological differences, it seems likely that Psephophorus was as cosmopolitan as extant Dermochelys and had a broadly similar ecology, with a possible difference concerning the dive dept

    Monovalent Cation Activation of Plant Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase

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