85 research outputs found

    Aplicación del marketing digital para incrementar las ventas en la empresa FAEDA, Cercado de Lima, 2019

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    Hoy por hoy es difícil pensar y creer que las personas no manejen las herramientas digitales que se tienen en la actualidad, prácticamente el mundo digital en el que nos encontramos nos ha empapado de él, aún más, nos ha hecho casi dependientes, lo cual, hace que nos preguntemos, ¿podrán también ser usadas para lograr incrementar las ventas de una empresa, asimismo, lograr otros beneficios, como el posicionamiento, prestigio y otros? El objetivo de este estudio es determinar cómo el marketing digital incrementa las ventas de una empresa, logrando también beneficios no sólo para la organización, sino para cada trabajador y cliente. La pregunta de la investigación se resuelve a través de los resultados de la evaluación realizada en las 14 semanas después de la implementación del marketing digital, en las cuales, se hizo uso de los instrumentos aprobados, breves preguntas sobre la página web (cuestionario), cuadros y gráficos que nos ayudaron a interpretar el progreso de nuestra implementación, viéndose reflejado en una mejora considerable en varios aspectos, ventas generales, ingresos y conocimiento de la marca; nuestra cartera de clientes creció, haciendo que las solicitudes de ventas sean más seguidas y en cantidad; estos resultados nos indican que la marca está teniendo cada vez más acogida, están comprando y probando la calidad del producto Faeda. Finalmente; la implementación del marketing digital trajo como resultado una mejora considerable e irrefutable en la empresa Faeda, concluyendo así que, el marketing digital si incrementa las ventas en la empresa Faeda y también en cualquier otra empresa en la que se aplique. Si bien es cierto, aún hay muchas cosas por mejorar en la empresa, y se sugiere continuar investigando y planificando el uso de otras herramientas digitales y no digitales que se pueden aplicar a la empresa para su crecimiento

    L’assimilation des contenus et l’apprentissage par l’utilisation de didacticiel vidéo

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    La necesidad de un cambio en el modelo educativo universitario impulsado por el establecimiento del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha promovido la puesta en marcha de numerosas propuestas de innovación en la docencia universitaria. Estas prácticas innovadoras, que parten de un proceso de reflexión y análisis de la experiencia docente pasada, están contribuyendo a mejorar cualitativamente la práctica de la enseñanza y, en consecuencia, el proceso y los resultados de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Bajo este contexto, este trabajo se centra en analizar una herramienta de innovación docente específica, el videotutorial, con el objetivo de valorar su influencia sobre los procesos de asimilación de contenidos y aprendizaje autónomo. En particular, se intenta evidenciar si el videotutorial permite reforzar la comprensión de contenidos prácticos que han sido impartidos previamente mediante el método clásico de exposición magistral. A partir del análisis de los datos obtenidos a través de una encuesta dirigida a una muestra de estudiantes tras experimentar con la herramienta didáctica, se demuestra que el videotutorial es considerado una herramienta muy adecuada para mejorar la capacidad de asimilación de la materia impartida y para adquirir un mayor aprendizaje. Tras realizar un análisis de regresión, también se evidencia que la actitud de los alumnos hacia las herramientas multimedia y la utilidad que perciben del videotutorial influyen positivamente sobre dichas capacidades. Por el contrario, se observa que la actitud hacia el aprendizaje autónomo y la atención prestada por el alumno a los contenidos del videotutorial no afectan al nivel de aprendizaje que obtiene a partir de esta herramienta.The need for a change in the university educational model promoted by the establishment of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has promoted the implementation of numerous proposals for innovation in university teaching. These innovative practices that are based on a process of reflection and analysis of past teaching experience, are helping to improve qualitatively the teaching practice and, consequently, the learning process and outcomes of students, from a process of reflection and analysis of the teaching experience. In this context, this paper focuses on analyzing a specific teaching tool for innovation, the video tutorial, in order to assess its influence on the processes of assimilation of contents and self-learning. In particular, we attempt to show if the video tutorial allows reinforcing the understanding of practical contents that have been previously given by the classical method of masterly exposition. From the analysis of data obtained through a survey directed to a sample of students after experimenting with the teaching tool, it is shown that the video tutorial is considered a very suitable tool to improve the assimilation capacity of the contents taught previously and to acquire higher learning. After performing a regression analysis, the research also shows that students’ attitudes toward multimedia tools and the perceived utility of video tutorial positively influence these capacities. On the contrary, we find that the attitude towards individual learning and the attention paid by the student to the contents of the video tutorial do not affect the level of learning obtained from this tool.La nécessité d’un changement dans le modèle de l’université d’éducation promue par la mise en place de l’Espace Européen d’Enseignement Supérieur (EEES) a favorisé la mise en œuvre de nombreuses propositions pour l’innovation dans l’enseignement universitaire. Ces pratiques innovantes qui sont basées sur un processus de réflexion et d’analyse de l’expérience d’enseignement passé, contribuent à améliorer la qualité des pratiques d’enseignement et, par conséquent, le processus et les résultats de l’apprentissage des élèves. Dans ce contexte, le présent document se concentre sur l’analyse d’un outil pédagogique spécifique pour l’innovation, le didacticiel vidéo, afin d’évaluer son influence sur les processus d’assimilation et d’autoapprentissage du contenu. En particulier, nous voulons démontrer que le didacticiel vidéo permet d’améliorer la compréhension des contenus pratiques qui ont déjà été donnés par la méthode classique de l’exposition magistrale. De l’analyse des données obtenues par sondageau près d’un échantillon d’élèves après l’expérimentation de l’outil d’enseignement, il est démontré que le didacticiel vidéo est considéré comme un outil très approprié pour améliorer la capacité d’absortion de la matière enseignée et d’acquérir un meilleur apprentissage. Après avoir effectué une analyse de régression, on montre également que l’attitude des étudiants en vers les outils multimédias et l’utilité qu’ils perçoivent du didacticiel vidéo, offrent une influence positive sur ces habiletés. Au contraire, il semble que l’attitude en vers l’apprentissage autonome et l’attention accordée par l’étudiant au contenu du didacticiel vidéo n’a pas d’incidence sur le niveau d’apprentissage obtenu à partir de cet outil

    Sedimentation rate and contamination levels profile of potentially toxic elements in the Limoncocha lagoon RAMSAR wetland in the Ecuadorian Amazon

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the recent sedimentation rate in the center of the Limoncocha lagoon, a Ramsar site in the Ecuadorian Amazon, using the 210Pb dating method and identifying the potentially toxic elements along a 50 cm sediment core. A strategy based on the application of three single and four integrated indices is used to evaluate trace element contamination with depth. Single indices show mainly As and Mo, and Cu, Ba, Cd, Ni, and Pb to a lesser extent, as responsible elements of a minor enrichment between −10 and −40 cm. The multielement slight pollution shows a mixture of potential contamination sources, probably due to agricultural, oil activities, and urban wastewater discharges. However, integrated indices applied, classify the complete core as without potential risk. The 210Pbexcess profile shows three differentiated sections. A surface section where new materials with lower concentrations have been found, probably due to the underground currents that connect the lagoon and the nearby Napo River; a central section where CF-CS model and mass accumulation rate calculations provide a sediment accumulation rate of 0.56 ± 0.03 cm y−1; finally, a deeper section with a constant 210Pbexces profile, showing sediment reworking probably due to local flooding’s

    Veinte años de historia de América en la revista Trocadero

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    Veinte años de historia de América en la revista Trocader

    El préstamo de dispositivos de lectura en la biblioteca de la UPM

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    Ponencias de la Jornada sobre préstamo de e-readers y contenidos electrónicos en las bibliotecas universitarias "El libro electrónico en la biblioteca universitaria" celebrada el 8 de marzo de 2012 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Geochemical baseline establishment, contamination level and ecological risk assessment of metals and As in the Limoncocha lagoon sediments, Ecuadorian Amazon region

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    Purpose The Limoncocha lagoon, inside a Ramsar site in the Ecuadorian Amazon, increasingly hosts ecotourism and energy development activities. This work estimates the local sediments’ baseline of As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, V and Zn using four methods. This makes it possible to apply single and integrated pollution indices to estimate the contamination level and the ecological risk of the sediments. Methods Seven sites were analysed for metal(oid)s by ICP-MS. The local baseline was estimated using the relative cumulative frequency method, the iterative 2σ- and 4σ-outlier-techniques and the normalisation method to a “conservative” element. Combinations of single Cf and Ef and integrated indices (NPI, mNPI, mCd, MEQ, RI, mPELq, mERMq and TRI) were applied. Results The relative cumulative frequency method had the best performance for the geochemical baselines. Cf and Ef indices classify sediments from a “low contamination” remote site to the “moderate contamination” and “minor enrichment” of the remaining sites due to As, Cd and Zn concentrations. The overall analysis of the integrated indices results in Ni, Zn and Cu being identified as priority pollutants because they have occasionally been associated with adverse biological effects in the centre of the lagoon and in the most anthropised areas. These are classified as moderately polluted with a medium–low priority risk level. Conclusions This work provides sediment baseline and contamination indicators for pollutants, which could be incorporated into the sediment quality assessment and monitoring programme of the Limoncocha lagoon. Ni, Cd and Cr due to the high baseline values in comparison with SQGs, and Cu and Zn due to their potential risk, should be of special attention

    Dynamics of agglomeration and competition in the hotel industry: a geographically weighted regression analysis based on an analytical hierarchy process and geographic information systems (GIS) data

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    Research background: The effects of locating next to other establishments of equivalent activi-ty is a decision with serious and far-reaching implications, not only from the point of view of location decisions but also with regard to competitive strategy, pricing, or promotion deci-sions. The literature provides evidence of the negative effects of being proximate to competi-tors (erosion of market share), but there are also benefits associated with the increased attrac-tion of demand (attraction effect). This phenomenon is of particular interest in the case of hospitality, where hotel concentrations can be found around certain tourism resources, and is a crucial factor in hoteliers' decisions as they evaluate these contradictory effects. Purpose of the article: Drawing from the relevance that the confrontation between agglomera-tion and competition has in the hotel industry, our study aims to examine if this confrontation can be driven by geographical location and how both vertical and horizontal differentiation factors can unbalance it.Methods: Based on the use of geographical information systems and the estimation of a geo-graphically weighted regression model with a wide dataset that includes 3,153 European hotels located in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. Findings & value added: We extend agglomeration and competition theoretical bodies related to location decisions by providing new findings about their simultaneous effect. Specifically, this study contributes to filling the gap regarding their combined effects on pricing and the conditions under which one prevails over the other. Results show that the role of geographical location and a hotel’s online reputation are more decisive differentiation factors than hotel category when explaining the asymmetry of the effects of agglomeration and competition

    “Please send me the link for tomorrow, María” human‐rights based participatory research with people with learning disabilities via Zoom

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    Background: This paper describes the experience of conducting a co‐researched project with people with learning disabilities in Madrid, Spain, during the COVID pandemic and lockdown. I discuss the advantages and limitations of working online and challenges encountered while coordinating and facilitating the research. Methods: Our research project was on the impact of COVID on the lives of people with learning disabilities, which the eight co‐researchers chose. As part of my PhD, I offered my services as researcher to work together with persons with learning disabilities. Eight people took up my offer. We worked together from January 2021 to March 2022 virtually and I recorded this experience. I have written the paper, but as part of my co‐researcher agreement, I have shared my reflections and work with my co‐researchers, and we have co‐written a section to share our findings. Findings: In this paper, I discuss the advantages and limitations of working online, challenges I encountered while coordinating and facilitating the research and the work together. Remote work enabled the group to work on a biweekly basis and with members from different parts of Madrid. It saved people time and effort getting around town, yet we had to introduce express times and spaces to socialise and create a working relationship that is less natural than during in‐person interactions and breaks. During our fieldwork, we found that the pandemic had spurred the access to digital devices and programmes, but people may still be reliant on their environment, carers or supporters to facilitate it. I included a section written with my co‐researchers, in which we reflect together on the experience of working online and how we reached out to their peers during our fieldwork. We identified limitations due to our online research methodology such as lack of owning a digital device, the difficulties having access to a private space from which to connect online and the joy of meeting other people to exchange experiences. Conclusion: Human rights based participatory research can be done online. There are different ways of overcoming barriers to participation. However, there are people with no access to the internet or without digital skills that are being excluded and we must ensure that we reach out to them as well.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formación de la imagen de un sector económico y su influencia directa en el comportamiento de compra: un estudio cualitativo

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    Hasta el momento, los trabajos que investigan la imagen de sectores económicos concretos con relevancia e impacto en el ámbito internacional son escasos. Este estudio pretende analizar la imagen de un sector económico específico, la agricultura, y sus productos in una zona productiva concreta a través de la opinión de dos grupos de interés relacionados con el sector: mayoristas y asociaciones de consumidores (representando a los consumidores finales). Otro de los objetivos es el de contrastar si la imagen percibida de las dimensiones que constituyen la imagen global modelo del modelo agrícola puede repercutir en el comportamiento organizacional y del consumidor. Un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas personales en profundidad fue llevado a cabo para comprobar exploratoriamente esta relación. Los resultados muestran que la imagen del modelo se ve influida por la imagen percibida de las dimensiones que lo componen, si bien esto no implica que el proceso de decisión de compra se vea alterado.To date, studies exploring the image of specific economic sectors with relevance and a significant international impact have not been frequently carried out. This study aims to analyse the image of a particular economic sector, the agriculture, and its products in a specific productive area through the lens of two stakeholders related to this sector: wholesalers and consumers (represented by consumer associations). Another objective aimed in this paper is to test if the perceived image of the dimensions forming the global image of the agricultural model may rebound in organisational and consumer behaviour. A qualitative study based on in-depth interviews was carried out in order to prove exploratorily this relationship. The results show that the global image of the model is influenced by the perceived image of the dimensions that constitute it, although this does not imply that the process of purchase decision is altered