47 research outputs found

    The 26th European Congress of Arachnology [Preface]

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    The 26th European Congress of Arachnology (4-8 September 2011) was held for the first time in Israel, and for the first time outside the European continent. The meeting was hosted by the Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, at the Sede Boqer Campus of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

    Exploring the Interplay Between Local and Regional Drivers of Distribution of a Subterranean Organism

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    Caves are excellent model systems to study the effects of abiotic factors on species distributions due to their selective conditions. Different ecological factors have been shown to affect species distribution depending on the scale of analysis, whether regional or local. The interplay between local and regional factors in explaining the spatial distribution of cave-dwelling organisms is poorly understood. Using the troglophilic subterranean spider Artema nephilit (Araneae: Pholcidae) as a model organism, we investigated whether similar environmental predictors drive the species distribution at these two spatial scales. At the local scale, we monitored the abundance of the spiders and measured relevant environmental features in 33 caves along the Jordan Rift Valley. We then extended the analysis to a regional scale, investigating the drivers of the distribution using species distribution models. We found that similar ecological factors determined the distribution at both local and regional scales for A. nephilit. At a local scale, the species was found to preferentially occupy the outermost, illuminated, and warmer sectors of caves. Similarly, mean annual temperature, annual temperature range, and solar radiation were the most important drivers of its regional distribution. By investigating these two spatial scales simultaneously, we showed that it was possible to achieve an in-depth understanding of the environmental conditions that governs subterranean species distribution.Peer reviewe

    Trunk Refugia : A Simple, Inexpensive Method for Sampling Tree Trunk Arthropods

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    Trees host a large share of the global arthropod diversity. Several methodologies have been described to sample arthropods from trees, ranging from active sampling techniques (e.g., visual searching, beating, or shaking the branches) to passive sampling devices. The majority of these collection techniques are destructive, and do not specifically target the tree trunk arthropod fauna. Here, we describe an alternative sampling method called trunk refugia (TR). TR are cylindrical shelters made of corrugated cardboard that can be secured to trees using string, and can remain exposed for varying time periods. These refugia are inexpensive, easy to use, and suitable to monitor a diverse array of insects and arachnids. Moreover, TR are nonlethal sampling tools, and allow collecting live individuals for behavioral studies or for rearing.RESUMEN: Los árboles albergan una gran parte de la diversidad global de artrópodos. Varias metodologías han sido descritas para muestrear artrópodos de árboles, desde técnicas activas (e.g., búsqueda visual, red de golpeo) hasta dispositivos de muestreo pasivo. La mayoría de estas técnicas son letales, y no están dirigidas específicamente a los artrópodos de troncos de árboles. Describimos aquí un método alternativo llamado trampas refugio (TR). Las TR son refugios hechos de cartón corrugado que se colocan en los troncos usando cuerda, y pueden permanecer expuestos por períodos variables. Estas trampas son económicas, fáciles de usar, y apropiadas para monitorear una gran variedad de insectos y arácnidos. Además, las TR son no-letales, por lo que permiten la colección de individuos vivos para estudios de comportamiento o crianza.Jacob Blaustein Center for Scientific Cooperation; Israel Nature and Parks Authorities (INPA); Israel's National Nature Assessment Program (HAMAARAG); Israel Ministry of Agriculture (131-1793-14)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of Natural Habitat and Season on Cursorial Spider Assemblages in Mediterranean Vineyards

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    ABSTRACT: Spiders are potential natural enemies of insect pests in many crops, and their species composition in the crop may be influenced by nearby natural habitats. Here, we examined the effects of the habitat type (different sampling positions within the vineyard and in the nearby natural habitat) on spider assemblages in vineyards. Spider species richness, assemblage composition, and diversity were evaluated by means of pitfall traps in early and late summer, in three commercial vineyards and their adjacent natural habitats in a Mediterranean landscape in northern Israel. We collected 688 spiders, belonging to 25 families and 61 species and morphospecies. Spider richness differed in the two seasons; more species were documented in early summer (47) than in late summer (33). The natural habitat had the highest species richness, with 34 species, while three vineyard positions were inhabited by only 27–31 species each. The natural habitat assemblage differed from the vineyard assemblages, with 15 species that were found only in the natural habitat, yet 11 species were shared by both the natural habitat and all vineyard positions. Both season (early vs. late in the cropping season) and the habitat (vineyard vs. natural) affected the spider assemblage composition. The study documents the large diversity of spiders in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem. The information that we provide here is critical in assessing the potential for conservation biocontrol, where natural habitats may be a source of natural enemies for nearby vineyards.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Linking morphological and molecular taxonomy for the identification of poultry house, soil, and nest dwelling mites in the Western Palearctic

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    Because of its ability to expedite specimen identification and species delineation, the barcode index number (BIN) system presents a powerful tool to characterize hyperdiverse invertebrate groups such as the Acari (mites). However, the congruence between BINs and morphologically recognized species has seen limited testing in this taxon. We therefore apply this method towards the development of a barcode reference library for soil, poultry litter, and nest dwelling mites in the Western Palearctic. Through analysis of over 600 specimens, we provide DNA barcode coverage for 35 described species and 70 molecular taxonomic units (BINs). Nearly 80% of the species were accurately identified through this method, but just 60% perfectly matched (1:1) with BINs. High intraspecific divergences were found in 34% of the species examined and likely reflect cryptic diversity, highlighting the need for revision in these taxa. These findings provide a valuable resource for integrative pest management, but also highlight the importance of integrating morphological and molecular methods for fine-scale taxonomic resolution in poorly-known invertebrate lineages

    The global spread of misinformation on spiders

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    In the internet era, the digital architecture that keeps us connected and informed may also amplify the spread of misinformation. This problem is gaining global attention, as evidence accumulates that misinformation may interfere with democratic processes and undermine collective responses to environmental and health crises1,2. In an increasingly polluted information ecosystem, understanding the factors underlying the generation and spread of misinformation is becoming a pressing scientific and societal challenge3. Here, we studied the global spread of (mis-)information on spiders using a high-resolution global database of online newspaper articles on spider–human interactions, covering stories of spider–human encounters and biting events published from 2010–20204. We found that 47% of articles contained errors and 43% were sensationalist. Moreover, we show that the flow of spider-related news occurs within a highly interconnected global network and provide evidence that sensationalism is a key factor underlying the spread of misinformation

    The global spread of misinformation on spiders

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    An expert-curated global database of online newspaper articles on spiders and spider bites

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    Mass media plays an important role in the construction and circulation of risk perception associated with animals. Widely feared groups such as spiders frequently end up in the spotlight of traditional and social media. We compiled an expert-curated global database on the online newspaper coverage of human-spider encounters over the past ten years (2010-2020). This database includes information about the location of each human-spider encounter reported in the news article and a quantitative characterisation of the content-location, presence of photographs of spiders and bites, number and type of errors, consultation of experts, and a subjective assessment of sensationalism. In total, we collected 5348 unique news articles from 81 countries in 40 languages. The database refers to 211 identified and unidentified spider species and 2644 unique human-spider encounters (1121 bites and 147 as deadly bites). To facilitate data reuse, we explain the main caveats that need to be made when analysing this database and discuss research ideas and questions that can be explored with it.Peer reviewe