8 research outputs found

    Lucid Dreaming and Utilizing Lucid Dreaming as a Therapeutic Tool

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    Lucid Dreaming (LD) is defined as the phenomenon of becoming consciously aware of dreaming while still dreaming. In sleep laboratory experiments LD has been verified to occur during REM sleep stage by proficient lucid dreamers who have signaled while becoming lucid through specific pre-determined eye-movements. Using this method, (lucid) dreamed activity has been shown to correlate with both psychophysiological and neurophysiological responses to those observable if the same activity was to be performed during wakefulness. LD has also shown potential to be of therapeutic value, in reducing recurrent nightmare frequency. Recurrent nightmare sufferers engaging in Lucid Dreaming Treatment (LDT) show reduced nightmare frequency after treatment. As such, LDT has been suggested to be effective in the treatment of posttraumatic nightmares in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The attitude and feeling of control provided by LDT has been shown to be fruitful also in fearful waking situations, indicating that LDT might be effective in disorders epitomized by fear

    Lucid dreaming treatment och lucida drömmars relation till locus of control, depression samt subjektivt vÀlbefinnande

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    Lucida drömmar (LD) innebĂ€r att drömmaren inser, under drömmens gĂ„ng, att omgivningen och hĂ€ndelserna runtomkring Ă€r en dröm och inger förmĂ„gan att kunna pĂ„verka och reflektera över hĂ€ndelserna i drömmen. I lucid dreaming treatment (LDT) fĂ„r drömmaren lĂ€ra sig att förĂ€ndra mardrömmars hĂ€ndelseförlopp. Dock blir inte alla lucida och mĂ„nga tror att det Ă€r sjĂ€lva kĂ€nslan av kontroll som ger en effekt. Studien kommer utforska om kontroll utgör en nyckelkomponent i LDT genom att undersöka sambandet mellan LD och locus of control (LoC), depression och subjektivt vĂ€lbefinnande dĂ€r LD verkar som en medierande variabel mellan Ă„ ena sidan LoC och Ă„ andra sidan depression samt subjektivt vĂ€lbefinnande. Deltagarna (n = 54) i undersökningen har fyllt i formulĂ€r gĂ€llande frekvens av drömmar och LD samt formulĂ€ren Rotter’s 29 item internal-external scale, Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale, International positive and negative affect schedule short form, Satisfaction with life scale och Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Undersökningen gav inte stöd för stĂ€llda hypoteserna att LD har en medierande effekt i sambandet mellan LoC och depression eller mellan LoC och subjektivt vĂ€lbefinnande. Dock har den visat pĂ„ en liten signifikant korrelation mellan högre frekvens av LD och högre grad av negativ affekt. Resultatet antyder att LD korrelerar med kĂ€nslor, vilket bör undersökas vidare dĂ„ affekt skulle kunna vara en komponent inom LDT via möjligheten att förĂ€ndra kĂ€nslor frĂ„n negativa till positiva

    Zeals - Predicting and Designing for anticipation and recollection

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    Zeals Ă€r en mobil applikation dĂ€r anvĂ€ndaren tillĂ„ts att kollaborativt uppleva förvĂ€ntan och erinran inför och efter en hĂ€ndelse. Genom att anvĂ€ndaren bidrar med media som hon sjĂ€lv definerat som relevant för hĂ€ndelsen kan mobiltelefonen fungera som ett medium dĂ€r kopplingar och relevans Ă€r upp till anvĂ€ndaren. Parallellt har ett designverktyg för anvĂ€ndarjĂ€mförelser tagits fram - Persona Activity Framework. PAF syftar till att genom ett scenario visa skillnader och likheter mellan tilltĂ€nkta anvĂ€ndare.This master thesis in interaction design deals with two major scopes. First, it will describe how a design concept regarding events is initiated. Second, and parallel, a practical tool for user representations will be formed and used to illustrate a foundation for design. By providing examples of projects related to how anticipation and recollection can be experienced we highlight our work area. In addition to this, we present tools that we consider beneficial regarding user insights. Out of these two fields we describe a process where a mobile phone application is created situated within industrial borders. The result of this process consequently consist of two parts each depending on the other. The application, Zeals, demonstrates both how anticipation and recollection can be experienced. The second part of the end result, PAF, demonstrates how we have represented users and concludes that it can be used in other projects as well. Hence, our final result needs to be interpreted depending on design approach and it’s nature