120 research outputs found

    Le vagabondage, ou la police des existences irrĂ©guliĂšres et incertaines  : sens et usages d’un dĂ©lit (France, 1815-1850)

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    Inscrit dans le Code pĂ©nal de 1810, le vagabondage fut un Ă©lĂ©ment important du maintien de l’ordre en France au XIXe siĂšcle. Cet article se propose d’en prĂ©ciser le sens et les usages entre 1815 et 1850, au lendemain de sa codification. Incriminant l’incapacitĂ© Ă  rĂ©pondre d’un ancrage positif dans la sociĂ©tĂ© et l’ordre lĂ©gal, il fut d’abord le contrepoint de l’effort d’encadrement rĂ©glementaire des circulations et des populations pauvres, permettant d’en ressaisir les Ă©chappĂ©s. Au-delĂ , le dĂ©lit ouvrait aussi la voie Ă  une police des existences irrĂ©guliĂšres, incertaines, recouvrant un large spectre de comportements et de situations sociales. Cette police devait s’avĂ©rer complexe : le degrĂ© de suspicion, le contexte politique ou Ă©conomique, les logiques propres Ă  chaque appareil (police, administration, justice) dĂ©terminaient des traitements diffĂ©renciĂ©s, relevant encore trĂšs largement de pratiques infra et extrajudiciaires.In nineteenth-century France, vagrancy constituted a significant aspect of public order maintenance that was written into the Penal Code of 1810. The purpose of this article is to identify the meaning and application of the law between 1815 and 1850, during the first decades when vagrancy was first included in the Penal Code. The legislation on vagrancy, which criminalised the inability to prove stable attachment to a local community and failure to register as required by law, served above all as a matrix of regulations to keep track of moving populations and the poor in order to identify those who remained unregistered. Furthermore, when vagrancy became a misdemeanour, this created great scope for policing individuals who lived in irregular and precarious conditions by intervening against a broad spectrum of behaviours and social situations. Policing the vagrant proved to be highly complex. It included an evaluation of the degree to which an individual should be regarded as suspicious as well as assessment of the general political and economic context. Policing was also shaped by the internal logic of each of the agencies (police, public authorities, and courts) who determined the individualised treatment, sometimes on the basis of the law, but very often also operating according to extra-judicial practices

    BACANAL : Balades Aléatoires Courtes pour ANAlyses Lexicales Application à la substitution lexicale

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    International audienceNous proposons ici des méthodes de désambiguisation sémantique par substition lexicale pour la tùche 1 de l'atelier SemDis2014. Les méthodes exposées dans ce papier sont toutes bùties à partir de balades aléatoires courtes dans des graphes unipartis ou bipartis construits sur diverses ressources. Certaines de ces méthodes n'utilisent que des graphes construits automatiquement à partir de corpus (méthodes non supervisées), d'autres utilisent des graphes construits à partir de ressources produites « à la main » par des lexicographes ou par les foules (méthodes supervisées). Abstract. In this paper, we propose word sense disambiguation methods based on lexical substitution and used for the task 1 of the SemDis2014 workshop. This methods are run by using short random walks on unipartite networks or bipartite networks. Some of these methods only use graphs automatically built from corpora (unsurpervised methods), others also use graphs built from handcraft resources filled by lexicographers or by the crowds (supervised methods). Mots-clés : désambiguisation sémantique, substition lexicale, réseaux lexicaux, balades aléatoires courtes

    Using Extra-Linguistic Material for Mandarin-French Verbal Constructions Comparison

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    International audienceSystematic cross-linguistic studies of verbs syntactic-semantic behaviors for ty-pologically distant languages such as Mandarin Chinese and French are difficult to conduct.Such studies are nevertheless necessary due to the crucial role that verbal constructions playin the mental lexicon. This paper addresses the problem by combining psycho-linguisticsand computational methods. Psycho-linguistics provides us with a bilingual corpus that fea-tures verbal construction associated with carefully built extra-linguistic material (short videoclips). Computational approaches bring us distributional semantic models (DSM) to measurethe distance between linguistic elements in the extra-linguistic space. These models allowsfor cross-linguistic measures that we evaluate against manually annotated data. In this pa-per, we discuss the results, potential shortcomings involving cultural variability and how tomeasure such bias

    Who Drinks Most of the Total Alcohol in Young Men—Risky Single Occasion Drinking as Normative Behaviour

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    Aims: The objectives of this study were to analyse (a) the distribution of risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) among 19-year-old men in Switzerland and (b) to show the percentage of all alcohol consumption in the form of RSOD. Methods: The study was based on a census of Swiss francophone 19-year-old men consecutively reporting for processing. The study was conducted at Army Recruitment Center. The participants were 4116 recruits consecutively enrolling for mandatory army recruitment procedures between 23 January and 29 August in 2007. The measures were alcohol consumption measured in drinks of ∌10 g of pure alcohol, number of drinking occasions with six or more drinks (RSOD) in the past 12 months and a retrospective 1 week drinking diary. Results: 264 recruits were never seen by the research staff, 3536 of the remaining 3852 conscripts completed a questionnaire which showed that 7.2% abstained from alcohol and 75.5% of those drinking had an RSOD day at least monthly. The typical frequency of drinking was 1-3 days per week on weekends. The average quantity on weekends was about seven drinks, 69.3% of the total weekly consumption was in the form of RSOD days, and of all the alcohol consumed, 96.2% was by drinkers who had RSOD days at least once a month. Conclusion: Among young men, RSOD constitutes the norm. Prevention consequently must address the total population and not only high-risk drinker

    Using Extra-Linguistic Material for Mandarin-French Verbal Constructions Comparison

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    Skillex, an action labelling efficiency score: the case for French and Mandarin

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    International audienceWe propose a model to compute two measurements of semantic efficiency of verbs as action labels. It is based on the exploration of the specific structure of synonymy networks of verbs. We use these measurements to analyse and compare the semantic efficiency of [Children/Adults] productions in action labelling tasks, in French and Mandarin. The combination of these two measurements leads to a generic score of semantic efficiency, Skillex. Assigned to participants of the Approx protocol experiment, this score enables us to accurately classify them into Children and Adults categories, be they French or Mandarin native speakers

    Wiktionary and NLP: Improving synonymy networks

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    International audienceWiktionary, a satellite of the Wikipedia initiative, can be seen as a potential resource for Natural Language Processing. It requires however to be processed before being used efficiently as an NLP resource. After describing the relevant aspects Wiktionary for our purposes, we focus on its structural properties. Then, we describe how we extracted synonymy networks from this resource. We provide an in-depth study of these synonymy networks and compare them to those extracted from traditional resources. Finally, we describe two methods for semiautomatically improving this network by adding missing relations: (i) using a kind of semantic proximity measure; (ii) using translation relations of Wiktionary itself

    N=2 supersymmetry breaking at two different scales

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    We study N=2 spontaneous supersymmetry breaking at two different scales with matter fields in hypermultiplets charged under the gauge group that should involve at least two U(1) factors. Off-shell analysis is possible in the dual single-tensor formulation of the hypermultiplets. Massless fermions can naturally arise from pseudo-real representations of the gauge group that allow a reformulation of the problem of chirality in N=2 theories. The above properties are necessary ingredients towards constructing viable extensions of the Standard Model based on N=2 supersymmetry.Comment: 26 page
