1,112 research outputs found

    Stigmatized campaign practices and the gendered dynamics of electoral viability

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    What happens when a traditional source of political capital becomes a health hazard? Stigmatized electoral practices, such as vote buying, are a double-edged sword: While these strategies may signal candidates’ electoral strength, they may also entail reputational costs. In normal times, street campaigns are a non-stigmatized electoral practice. During the Covid-19 pandemic, however, they imposed health risks. Employing data from a national survey experiment conducted in Brazil prior to the 2020 municipal elections (N = 2025), we extend research on the employment of stigmatized campaigns and the gendered dynamics of electoral viability. We find that voters evaluate candidates who engage in face-to-face activities as less electorally viable and report lower intent to support them. These dynamics do not impact all candidates equally: Voters more harshly punish women candidates who conduct street campaigns than men, leading women to lose the advantage they have over men when both employ non-stigmatized campaign practices

    Uso de crack durante a gestação e prematuridade: análise de peso ao nascer e tamanho para a idade gestacional

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    O crack é uma droga produzida pelo aquecimento de uma solução aquosa de cocaína adicionada a um solvente que, após ser resfriada, se transforma em cristais. No Brasil, em 2013, existiam cerca de 370 mil usuários regulares de crack, sendo que a maior parcela se encontrava na região Sul. Os efeitos do consumo da droga são variados e incluem distúrbios do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo e cardiovasculares, além do risco de danos reprodutivos, em especial a prematuridade. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar, a partir dos nascidos vivos no Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, localizado em Passo Fundo/RS, o peso ao nascer e o tamanho adequado para a idade gestacional dos neonatos de mães referidas como usuárias crônicas de crack. Além disso, foi desejado verificar se havia prevalência de nascimentos prematuros no grupo estudado. Dez prontuários de neonatos nascidos de mães usuárias de crack entre 2009 e 2018, foram analisados. Do total, 90% nasceram prematuros. Seis nasceram com baixo peso, três tinham peso adequado e, apenas um, nasceu com o peso adequado. Em relação ao tamanho adequado para a idade gestacional, na maioria estavam adequados. Sugere-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos no local de pesquisa, que o desfecho de prematuridade estava presente nas gestações expostas ao uso de crack, assim como o baixo peso ao nascer. Ao contrário do esperado, não se encontrou relação entre uso da droga durante a gestação e desfecho de tamanho inadequado para idade gestacional

    A declaração dos direitos do Homem e do cidadão de 1789 e sua influência nos direitos individuais das constituições liberais portuguesas (1822-1911)

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    Na Assembleia Nacional Francesa em 1789 foi aprovada a Declaração dos Direitos do Homem e do Cidadão. Esta Declaração pode ser considerada simbolicamente como um ato decisivo que assinalou o fim do Antigo Regime aniquilado pela Revolução Francesa, traçando os princípios e mudanças que se queriam imprimir segundo um novo modelo liberal e, principalmente, a reivindicação de se impor limites ao Poder e garantir o que hoje chamamos de direitos civis e políticos. Como um marco fundamental, espalhou sementes transformadoras da sociedade, servindo como fonte de inspiração ideal para os povos que lutaram por sua liberdade, tornando anseios, antes circunscritos nas teorias políticas e filosóficas, em direitos juridicamente reconhecidos e protegidos contra eventuais violações por parte do Estado. Nesse influxo, Portugal não se viu alheio a essas transformações, cujas influências podem ser sentidas na implantação de sua Monarquia Constitucional e posteriormente no seu Estado Republicano. Da análise dos debates parlamentares que precederam a elaboração dos textos constitucionais e do eco ocorrido na principal imprensa do período é possível identificar a memória, os valores e os ideais da Revolução Francesa e a evidente influência da Declaração dos Direitos do Homem e do Cidadão de 1789 no movimento constitucional português, nomeadamente nas garantias individuais insertas nas suas Constituições insculpidas sob o modelo liberal: as Monárquicas de 1822, 1826, 1838 e a Republicana de 1911.At the French National Assembly in 1789 the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was approved. This Declaration can be considered symbolically as a decisive act that established the end of the Old Regime annihilated by the French Revolution, outlining the principles and changes that were intended to be imprinted according to a new liberal model and, above all, the claim to impose limits on power and guarantee what we call nowadays civil and political rights. As a key milestone, it has spread transformative seeds of society, serving as an ideal source of inspiration for the people who fought for their freedom, making longings, once just circumscribed in political and philosophical theories, in legally recognized rights and protected against possible violations by the State. In this influx, Portugal was not unaware of these transformations, which influences can be felt in the establishment of its Constitutional Monarchy and later in its Republican State. From the analysis of the parliamentary debates that preceded the elaboration of the constitutional texts and the echo that occurred in the main press of this period, it is possible to identify the memory, values and ideals of the French Revolution and the evident influence of The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789 in the Portuguese constitutional movement, mainly in the individual guarantees inserted in its Constitutions inscribed under the liberal model: the Monarchies of 1822 , 1826, 1838 and the 1911 Republican

    O método instrução ao sósia(ias) na pesquisa sobre o trabalho docente

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    Este estudio explora el procedimiento de instrucción al sosia en pesquisas acerca del trabajo docente. Esto es un recurso utilizado, muchas veces para reunir dados de trabajos, los cuáles analizan las reconfiguraciones del actuar docente en textos orales y escritos, como documentos oficiales, discurso de profesores y de alumnos; libros didácticos, medios de comu-nicación, entre otros recursos pertinentes para la actividad educacional. Así, nos dedicamos a mostrar la origen y la reformulación de este método y, por otro lado, examinamos dos teses que la utilizaron como un recurso metodológico útil para la comprensión del trabajo docente. De esa forma, presentamos las ventajas y las limitaciones de la utilización de esta metodología en eses trabajos, asimismo como aspectos relevantes que serán utilizados y/o adaptados en el análisis de las representaciones del trabajo del profesor de portugués de la educación básica


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    This study aims to investigate the role of small businesses in the Creative Economy from a review of the available literature and data from the sector. For this, it was verified how this economy is defined and what is the relevance of micro and small enterprises of the creative economy. After this contextualization, this work seeks to understand the main challenges and opportunities for the development of the creative sector in Brazil, with emphasis on social, economic, digital inclusion issues and the impacts of Covid-19. Strategies aligned with the characteristics of the Brazilian context are also present among the objectives of the study.Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar el desempeño de las pequeñas empresas en la Economía Creativa a partir de una revisión de la literatura disponible y los datos de la industria. Para ello, se verificó cómo se define esta economía y la relevancia de las micro y pequeñas empresas de la economía creativa. Después de esta contextualización, este trabajo busca comprender los principales desafíos y oportunidades para el desarrollo del sector creativo en Brasil, con énfasis en la inclusión social, económica, digital y los impactos del Covid-19. Las estrategias alineadas con las características del contexto brasileño también están presentes entre los objetivos del estudio.Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a atuação dos pequenos negócios na Economia Criativa a partir de uma revisão da literatura disponível e dados do setor. Para isso, foi verificado como essa economia é definida e qual a relevância dos empreendimentos de micro e pequeno porte da economia criativa. Após essa contextualização, este trabalho busca entender os principais desafios e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento do setor criativo no Brasil, com destaque para as questões sociais, econômicas, de inclusão digital e dos impactos da Covid-19. Apontar estratégias alinhadas às características do contexto brasileiro também estão presentes entre os objetivos do estudo


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    This study aims to investigate the role of small businesses in the Creative Economy from a review of the available literature and data from the sector. For this, it was verified how this economy is defined and what is the relevance of micro and small enterprises of the creative economy. After this contextualization, this work seeks to understand the main challenges and opportunities for the development of the creative sector in Brazil, with emphasis on social, economic, digital inclusion issues and the impacts of Covid-19. Strategies aligned with the characteristics of the Brazilian context are also present among the objectives of the study.Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar el desempeño de las pequeñas empresas en la Economía Creativa a partir de una revisión de la literatura disponible y los datos de la industria. Para ello, se verificó cómo se define esta economía y la relevancia de las micro y pequeñas empresas de la economía creativa. Después de esta contextualización, este trabajo busca comprender los principales desafíos y oportunidades para el desarrollo del sector creativo en Brasil, con énfasis en la inclusión social, económica, digital y los impactos del Covid-19. Las estrategias alineadas con las características del contexto brasileño también están presentes entre los objetivos del estudio.Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a atuação dos pequenos negócios na Economia Criativa a partir de uma revisão da literatura disponível e dados do setor. Para isso, foi verificado como essa economia é definida e qual a relevância dos empreendimentos de micro e pequeno porte da economia criativa. Após essa contextualização, este trabalho busca entender os principais desafios e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento do setor criativo no Brasil, com destaque para as questões sociais, econômicas, de inclusão digital e dos impactos da Covid-19. Apontar estratégias alinhadas às características do contexto brasileiro também estão presentes entre os objetivos do estudo

    Wood-Poly(furfuryl Alcohol) Prepreg: A Novel, Ecofriendly Laminate Composite

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    Prepregs are commonly fabricated with non-renewable petroleum-based materials. To reduce the impact of the manufacturing of these materials and to produce more sustainable prepregs, this research aims to manufacture poly(furfuryl alcohol)/wood veneer prepregs and their posterior molding in laminate composites. For this purpose, the vacuum infusion process was used to impregnate the wood veneers, and compression molding was applied to manufacture three- and four-layer laminate composites. Scanning electronic microscopy was used to evaluate the impregnation. the laminate manufacturing and differential scanning calorimetry were used to predict the shelf-life of the prepregs, Fourier-transform infrared was used to evaluate the induced hydrolysis resistance, and thermogravimetric analysis was used to determine the thermal degradation of the laminates. Moreover, water uptake and flexural, compressive, and tensile properties were evaluated. The kinetic models were effective and showed a shelf life for the laminates of approximately 30 days in storage at −7 ◦C, which is an interesting result for laminates with lignocellulosic materials. FTIR proved the laminates’ excellent resistance to hydrolysis. The water absorption, thermal stability, and mechanical properties did not differ as the amount of wood veneer increased, but these results were up to ~40% higher compared with unidirectional wood laminates found in the literature, which is probably linked to the excellent interface observed with SEM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microwave-assisted solvothermal : an efficient and new method to obtain hydrophobic wood surfaces

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    The objective of this work was to form a hydrophobic surface in a highly porous wood by coating and incorporating TiO2 micro/nano structures through the microwave-assisted solvotermal method, without need any pre- or post-modification of the wood substrate, using low temperatures and short times. The behavior and morphology of the TiO2-treated surfaces was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while the elemental composition was determined via energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The results indicated that the crystallization of the TiO2 anatase phase was efficient and fully coated the wood surface during the solvothermal process. The treated wood contained TiO2 particles agglomerate with an average diameter of 200 nm that also allowed to coat an abundant fraction of tracheids cell walls. When investigated through X-ray spectroscopy-mapping, the element titanium appeared abundantly throughout the wood. After TiO2 growth in wood through the microwave-assisted solvotermal method, a roughness at the micro/ nano scales structures was created on the wood surface, originating an increase in the contact angle up to 137°, which characterizes the appearance of a hydrophobic surface. The TiO2-treated wood demonstrated 85% of water absorption after 400 h of immersion, while untreated wood reached 160%, suggesting that the microwave-assisted solvotermal process promotes a delay in the progression of water absorption. This feature can improve the dimensional stability of wood, contributing to the increase of its durability and applications

    Thermochemical behavior of eucalyptus grandis wood exposed to termite attack

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    This study aimed to evaluate the variations in thermal and chemical characteristics of juvenile Eucalyptus grandis wood submitted to a deterioration test by Nasutitermes termites. For this purpose, a biodeterioration test with termites was conducted according to ASTM D 3345 (2008), in which, after the end of the period corresponding to the test (40 days), we evaluated the mass loss, chemical composition and thermal stability of the main components of the deteriorated wood samples and those belonging to the control group. We found that deterioration due to exposure of the samples to Nasutitermes sp. termites caused a mass loss of 66.88% for wood with a density at 12% moisture content of 0.412 g.cm-3. The quantitative chemical composition showed a reduction in the contents of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Analysis of the variations of the organic functional groups related to the chemical composition of the wood by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and relative intensity of the spectral bands also showed reductions, demonstrating homogeneous deterioration of the main components of the deteriorated woods. The thermal stability showed an increase in deteriorated wood for most of the temperature ranges, mainly for those that corresponded to losses in moisture and volatiles (25 °C - 100 °C), hemicelluloses (240 °C - 300 °C), celluloses, and together with initial lignin degradation (310 °C to 400 °C), possibly due to the removal of cellulose and hemicellulose, as well as the deposition of substances expelled by the termites in the cell wall. From the results, we conclude that the termites do not have specificity regarding the chemical component and that the deterioration caused variations in the chemical composition of the wood, whereas the opposite was observed for thermal stability, which presented an increase in most of the temperatures ranges for the deteriorated woods compared to the control group