1,311 research outputs found

    El papel de las instituciones en el desarrollo del gobierno electrónico en América Latina: algunas reflexiones

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    In recent years, numerous published benchmarks have agreed on their perceptions regarding the slow development of e-Government in Latin America. In this fashion, and despite of the fact that, in general, these countries have been moving positions, some delay can still be seen with respect to other geographical areas. This reality is not a result of inactivity in the region regarding the implementation of projects of this nature. Numerous initiatives have been undertaken but only some of them can be classified as major achievements. What is then conditioning the successful implementation of e-Government initiatives in the region? This article aims to explore and propose some hypotheses on this issue.En los últimos años, los numerosos benchmarks publicados han coincidido en sus percepciones acerca del lento desarrollo del gobierno electrónico en América Latina. Así, a pesar de que, en su conjunto, los países han ido avanzando posiciones, todavía es posible observar cierto rezago con respecto a otras zonas geográficas. Esta realidad no es consecuencia de inactividad en la región por lo que respecta a la puesta en marcha de proyectos de estas características. Numerosas iniciativas han sido llevadas a cabo pero sólo algunas de ellas pueden ser calificadas como importantes logros. ¿Qué está condicionando, entonces, la implantación exitosa de las iniciativas de gobierno electrónico en la región? Este artículo tiene como objetivo explorar y plantear algunas hipótesis sobre esta cuestión

    Information systems offshore outsourcing: a descriptive analysis

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    Purpose - The present paper has as its aim to deepen in the study of Information Systems Offshore Outsourcing, proposing three essential steps to make this decision: weighing up the advantages and risks of Offshore Outsourcing; analysing the taxonomy of this phenomenon; and determining its current geography. Design/Methodology/Approach - With that objective in mind, it was decided to base the research work on the literature about this topic and the review of reports and statistics coming from different sources (consultants, the press, public institutions, etc.). Findings - Offshore Outsourcing has grown vertiginously in recent years. Its advantages exceed even those of onshore outsourcing, though it also involves greater risks derived from the (cultural and physical) distance existing between customer and provider. Various types of services and customer-provider relationships hide under the umbrella of Offshore Outsourcing; i.e. it is not a homogeneous phenomenon. The main Offshore Outsourcing customers can be found in the USA and Europe, mainly in the UK but also in other countries such as Germany and France. As for provider firms, most of them are located in Asia −outstandingly in India but also in China and Russia. At present, there are important providers scattered in other continents as well. Originality/Value - The conclusions suggest that the range of potential Offshore Outsourcing destinations must be widened and that the search for a provider cannot be based exclusively on cost savings; other considerations such as quality, security and proximity of the provider must also be taken into consideration. That is precisely the reason why the study of new countries like Spain as Offshore Outsourcing destinations is proposed

    K.W. Harl, Civic coins and civic politics in the roman east A.D. 180-275

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    David Malin, l'home que pintà els estels

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    Geographie regionale de l'age du bronze en Languedoc

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    Luxación posterior de codo asociada a traslocación radiocubital proximal

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    La luxación de codo en los niños es poco frecuente y normalmente suele ir asociada a fracturas. La luxación asociada a traslocación radiocubital proximal es excepcional y tan sólo nueve casos se han publicado. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 9 años que tras una caída casual presentó luxación de codo asociada a traslocación radiocubital. Esta lesión fue descrita por primera vez por MacSween en 1978. El mecanismo de producción más frecuente pude ser una caída sobre la mano y antebrazo en pronación forzada, como también ocurrió en nuestro caso. También se ha descrito otra forma iatrogénica al realizar las maniobras de reducción con el antebrazo en pronación pero al parecer es muy poco frecuente. El diagnóstico inicial puede pasar desapercibido ya que la luxación posterior queda reducida pero puede persistir la traslocación como ocurrió en nuestro caso y además pasar desapercibida esta circunstancia. Se describen las exploraciones necesarias para evitar esto. El tratamiento por manipulación suele llevar al fracaso siendo necesaria la reducción abierta. Nosotros recomendamos el abordaje lateral, liberación del radio y reconstrucción del ligamento anular. Son frecuentes las fracturas asociadas y las complicaciones. En nuestro caso se produjeron calcificaciones heterotópicas que limitaron el arco de pronosupinación a unos 100º.Isolated elbow dislocations are uncommon in children, and usually they present associated to elbow fractures. Elbow dislocation with proximal radioulnar translocation is exceptional, and only nine cases had been reported. It was first described by MacSween in 1978. We present a nine years old boy who presented this rare lesion secondary to casual fall. Typical mechanism of injury consists of falling over the forearm in forced pronation, as it occurred in our case here presented. Another mechanism described though very uncommon is the iatrogenic presentation, when trying reduction manoeuvres with the forearm in pronated position. Initial diagnosis may be difficult due to the apparent good reduction of the posterior dislocation, but radioulnar translocation persists and can be neglected as in our case. Here appropriate examination tests are described to avoid this condition. Treatment by close manipulation usually leads to poor results, and that is why open reduction is often advisable. We recommend the lateral approach, with radial release and annular ligament reconstruction. Associated fractures and other complications are frequent. In this case we had heterotopic ossifications that limited prono-supination range of motion to 100º

    Influence of salt concentration and topographical position on water resource quality: The Spanish Case Study

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    Water resource quality (WRQ) is affected by salt concentration and topographical position. Indeed, an increase in salt concentration, which decreases water availability for animal and plant nutrition, and lower altitude, which diminishes the potential for production of hydropower, negatively affects WRQ. Therefore, it is useful to develop indicators like osmotic power (OP) and hydraulic power (HP) to evaluate, respectively, the influence of salt concentration and topographical position on WRQ. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the WRQ in 11 hydrographical basins in peninsular Spain. In this paper, OP, HP and the total power (TP), obtained by adding OP to HP, were calculated at three different basin levels: • Height H25 (m) corresponding to 25% of total surface area of the basin • Height H50 (m) corresponding to 50% • Height H100 (m) corresponding to 100%. Results showed that OP, HP and TP values of water basins decreased from the northern to the southern parts of peninsular Spain, according to water scarcity and hydrographical characteristics of water basins. The higher OP, HP and TP values, the higher is WRQ of the basin. Therefore, TP, OP and HP can be used to evaluate WRQ at the administrative water basin level as a basis for water resource management. Indeed, these indicators can assist water managers and planners in deciding between inter-basin water transfers and water desalination, especially in countries where water is a scarce resource. Water SA Vol.31 (2) 2005: pp.199-20

    El modelo valenciano para la gestión a través de la experiencia aplicativa de la LRAU en Alicante (1995-2005)

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    La aprobación en 1994 de la Ley Reguladora de la Actividad Urbanística de la Comunidad Valenciana (LRAU) dio lugar al modelo valenciano para la gestión urbanística. Su aplicación a lo largo de más de una década ha puesto de manifiesto efectos en la producción de suelo urbanizado, derivados de la ruptura del monopolio en la gestión del suelo. El siguiente trabajo versa sobre el efecto de la competencia en la fase ejecutiva del planeamiento urbanístico. El estudio realizado es de carácter empírico y se centra en la aplicación de la LRAU en la ejecución del Plan General de Ordenación de Alicante, aprobado en 1987. Los resultados indican que la aplicación del modelo valenciano de la LRAU comportó mejoras en la urbanización, especialmente en la materialización efectiva de las unidades de ejecución derivadas del planeamiento, a raíz de la potenciación de competencia latente . Sin embargo, el grado de competencia explícita en los concursos fue muy bajo y sólo se obtuvieron ligeros avances en las condiciones de producción de las actuaciones adjudicadas en régimen de competencia.The approval in 1994 of the Legislation Regulating Planning Activity in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (LRAU) gave rise to the Valencian model for land management. Its application over more than a decade has highlighted effects in the production of urbanised (or developed) land, deriving from the rupture of the monopoly in land management. The paper deals with the effect of the responsibility in the performing phase of urban planning. The study carried out is of an empirical nature and is centred in the application of the LRAU, in the coming into force of the Local Development Plan for Alicante , approved in 1987. The results indicate that the application of the Valencian model of the LRAU involve improvements in the urban development, especially in the effective materialisation of the development phases deriving from the planning, through fostering latent responsibility . However, the degree of explicit responsibility in the tenders was very low and only obtained slight advances in the production conditions of the awarded phases in the rules of responsibility.Peer Reviewe