30 research outputs found

    Temperature and Manure Placement in a Snowpack Affect Nutrient Release from Dairy Manure During Snowmelt

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    Agricultural nutrient management is an issue due to N and P losses from fields and water quality degradation. Better information is needed on the risk of nutrient loss in runoff from dairy manure applied in winter. We investigated the effect of temperature on nutrient release from liquid and semisolid manure to water, and of manure quantity and placement within a snowpack on nutrient release to melting snow. Temperature did not affect manure P and NH4–N release during water extraction. Manure P release, but not NH4–N release, was significantly influenced by the water/manure solids extraction ratio. During snowmelt, manure P release was not significantly affected by manure placement in the snowpack, and the rate of P release decreased as application rate increased. Water extraction data can reliably estimate P release from manure during snowmelt; however, snowmelt water interaction with manure of greater solids content and subsequent P release appears incomplete compared with liquid manures. Manure NH4–N released during snowmelt was statistically the same regardless of application rate. For the semisolid manure, NH4–N released during snowmelt increased with the depth of snow covering it, most likely due to reduced NH3 volatilization. For the liquid manure, there was no effect of manure placement within the snowpack on NH4–N released during snowmelt. Water extraction data can also reliably estimate manure NH4–N release during snowmelt as long as NH3 volatilization is accounted for with liquid manures for all placements in a snowpack and semisolid manures applied on top of snow

    Denitrifying Bacteria Active in Woodchip Bioreactors at Low-Temperature Conditions

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    Woodchip bioreactor technology removes nitrate from agricultural subsurface drainage by using denitrifying microorganisms. Although woodchip bioreactors have demonstrated success in many field locations, low water temperature can significantly limit bioreactor efficiency and performance. To improve bioreactor performance, it is important to identify the microbes responsible for nitrate removal at low temperature conditions. Therefore, in this study, we identified and characterized denitrifiers active at low-temperature conditions by using culture-independent and -dependent approaches. By comparative 16S rRNA (gene) analysis and culture isolation technique, Pseudomonas spp., Polaromonas spp., and Cellulomonas spp. were identified as being important bacteria responsible for denitrification in woodchip bioreactor microcosms at relatively low temperature conditions (15°C). Genome analysis of Cellulomonas sp. strain WB94 confirmed the presence of nitrite reductase gene nirK. Transcription levels of this nirK were significantly higher in the denitrifying microcosms than in the non-denitrifying microcosms. Strain WB94 was also capable of degrading cellulose and other complex polysaccharides. Taken together, our results suggest that Cellulomonas sp. denitrifiers could degrade woodchips to provide carbon source and electron donors to themselves and other denitrifiers in woodchip bioreactors at low-temperature conditions. By inoculating these denitrifiers (i.e., bioaugmentation), it might be possible to increase the nitrate removal rate of woodchip bioreactors at low-temperature conditions

    Effectiveness of Denitrifying Bioreactors on Water Pollutant Reduction from Agricultural Areas

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    HighlightsDenitrifying woodchip bioreactors treat nitrate-N in a variety of applications and geographies.This review focuses on subsurface drainage bioreactors and bed-style designs (including in-ditch).Monitoring and reporting recommendations are provided to advance bioreactor science and engineering. Denitrifying bioreactors enhance the natural process of denitrification in a practical way to treat nitrate-nitrogen (N) in a variety of N-laden water matrices. The design and construction of bioreactors for treatment of subsurface drainage in the U.S. is guided by USDA-NRCS Conservation Practice Standard 605. This review consolidates the state of the science for denitrifying bioreactors using case studies from across the globe with an emphasis on full-size bioreactor nitrate-N removal and cost-effectiveness. The focus is on bed-style bioreactors (including in-ditch modifications), although there is mention of denitrifying walls, which broaden the applicability of bioreactor technology in some areas. Subsurface drainage denitrifying bioreactors have been assessed as removing 20% to 40% of annual nitrate-N loss in the Midwest, and an evaluation across the peer-reviewed literature published over the past three years showed that bioreactors around the world have been generally consistent with that (N load reduction median: 46%; mean ±SD: 40% ±26%; n = 15). Reported N removal rates were on the order of 5.1 g N m-3 d-1 (median; mean ±SD: 7.2 ±9.6 g N m-3 d-1; n = 27). Subsurface drainage bioreactor installation costs have ranged from less than 5,000to5,000 to 27,000, with estimated cost efficiencies ranging from less than 2.50kg1Nyear1toroughly2.50 kg-1 N year-1 to roughly 20 kg-1 N year-1 (although they can be as high as $48 kg-1 N year-1). A suggested monitoring setup is described primarily for the context of conservation practitioners and watershed groups for assessing annual nitrate-N load removal performance of subsurface drainage denitrifying bioreactors. Recommended minimum reporting measures for assessing and comparing annual N removal performance include: bioreactor dimensions and installation date; fill media size, porosity, and type; nitrate-N concentrations and water temperatures; bioreactor flow treatment details; basic drainage system and bioreactor design characteristics; and N removal rate and efficiency

    Identifying challenges and opportunities for improved nutrient management through U.S.D.A's Dairy Agroecosystem Working Group

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    Nutrient management is a priority of U.S. dairy farms, although specific concerns vary across regions and management systems. To elucidate challenges and opportunities to improving nutrient use efficiencies, the USDA’s Dairy Agroecosystems Working Group investigated 10 case studies of confinement (including open lots and free stall housing) and grazing operations in the seven major U.S. dairy producing states. Simulation modeling was carried out using the Integrated Farm Systems Model over 25 years of historic weather data. Dairies with a preference for importing feed and exporting manure, common for simulated dry lot dairies of the arid west, had lower nutrient use efficiencies at the farm gate than freestall and tie-stall dairies in humid climates. Phosphorus (P) use efficiencies ranged from 33 to 82% of imported P, while N use efficiencies were 25 to 50% of imported N. When viewed from a P budgeting perspective, environmental losses of P were generally negligible, especially from dry lot dairies. Opportunities for greater P use efficiency reside primarily in increasing on-farm feed production and reducing excess P in diets. In contrast with P, environmental losses of nitrogen (N) were 50 to 75% of annual farm N inputs. For dry lot dairies, the greatest potential for N conservation is associated with ammonia (NH3) control from housing, whereas for freestall and tie-stall operations, N conservation opportunities vary with soil and manure management system. Given that fertilizer expenses are equivalent to 2 to 6% of annual farm profits, cost incentives do exist to improve nutrient use efficiencies. However, augmenting on-farm feed production represents an even greater opportunity, especially on large operations with high animal unit densities

    Processes Controlling Nutrient Loss in Runoff from Winter Applied Dairy Manure

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    Agricultural nutrient management is an issue due to nitrogen (NH4) and phosphorus (P) loss from fields and water quality degradation. Better information is needed on the risk of nutrient loss in runoff from dairy manure applied in winter. We investigated the effect of temperature on nutrient release from manure to water, and of manure quantity and placement within a snowpack on nutrient release to melting snow. Temperature did not consistently affect manure P and NH4 release during water extraction. Manure P release, but not NH4 release, was significantly influenced by the water to manure solids extraction ratio. During snowmelt, manure P release was not affected by manure placement in the snowpack, and the rate of P release decreased as application rate increased. Water extraction data can reliably estimate P release from manure during snowmelt, but snowmelt water interaction with more solids manure and subsequent P release is incomplete compared to liquid manures. The rate of manure NH4 released during snowmelt was the same regardless of application rate. For the semi-solid manure, NH4 released during snowmelt increased with the depth of snow covering it, mostly likely due to less NH3 volatilization. For the liquid manure, there was no effect of manure placement within the snowpack on NH4 released during snowmelt. Water extraction data can also reliably estimate manure NH4 release during snowmelt, but NH3 volatilization needs to be considered for liquid manures at all placements in a snowpack and semi-solid manures applied on top of snow

    Maize Hybrid Response to Sustained Moderate Drought Stress Reveals Clues for Improved Management

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    Crop water productivity (CWP), irrigation water productivity (IWP), actual seasonal basal crop coefficient (Kab), and actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) are essential parameters for accurate estimation of crop water requirement to prevent irrigation water waste. These parameters were evaluated by conducting three experiments using a drought-tolerant maize hybrid and a non-drought-tolerant (‘standard’) maize hybrid receiving 50, 100, and 150% of the recommended optimal nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate and grown under well-watered conditions, drought stress from the 14 leaf collar maize phenological stage (V14) to maize physiological maturity (R6), and drought stress from the blister maize phenological stage (R2) to R6. Across hybrids, ETa decreased with increased duration of drought stress. The drought-tolerant hybrid had 7 and 8% greater CWP and IWP, respectively, compared to the standard hybrid when drought stress began at V14. Mid-season Kab was 1.08, 0.89, and 0.73 under well-watered conditions and when drought stress began at R2 and V14, respectively. These results reveal that (i) maize achieved more effective physiological acclimation with earlier exposure to drought stress, (ii) grain yield of the drought-tolerant hybrid was unchanged by earlier, compared to later, onset of drought despite a 10% decrease in ETa, and (iii) two phases of acclimation were identified: Maize Kab declined upon exposure to drought but stabilized as the crop acclimated

    Soil Water Dynamics and Nitrate Leaching Under Corn–Soybean Rotation, Continuous Corn, and Kura Clover

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    Improving water quantity and quality impacts of corn ( L.)- and soybean [ (L.) Merr.]-based cropping systems is a key challenge for agriculture in the US Midwest. Long-term field experiments are important for documenting those effects and exploring possible solutions. This study examines differences in soil water dynamics and nitrate-nitrogen (N) leaching among cropping systems and N fertilizer sources in a long-term experiment in southeastern Minnesota. Drainage and leachate concentrations were measured for 4 yr using automated equilibrium tension lysimeters installed below the root zone in replicated, large plots on a well-drained silt loam soil. Soil water storage was monitored using water content reflectometers. Corn–soybean and continuous corn cropping systems exhibited similar soil water dynamics, drainage rates (145–202 mm yr), leachate nitrate N concentrations (21.3–25.6 mg L), and nitrate N leaching loads (30–75 kg ha yr). Nitrate-N concentrations in the leachate were similar whether N was added as urea (21.2 mg L) or anhydrous ammonia (25.7 mg L). A perennial kura clover ( M. Bieb)-based cropping system with no N fertilizer significantly altered soil water dynamics and resulted in lower ( < 0.10) drainage rates (53 mm yr), nitrate N concentrations (7.1 mg L), and nitrate N leaching loads (2–5 kg ha yr) compared with corn–soybean or continuous corn, but also reduced corn grain yields. These impacts are generally consistent with a growing body of literature showing substantial environmental benefits of a kura clover living mulch system for corn production, but the economic viability of such a system is not yet proven