11 research outputs found

    Península y Mediterráneo: relaciones en la cuenca occidental a finales del II Milenio a.C.

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    El inicio de esta investigación vendría marcado por una conversación con el Dr. José C. Martín de la Cruz ,que empezó con el estudio del material arqueológico de uno de los cortes del yacimiento de Llanete de los Moros y prosiguió con interminables coloquios sobre las comunidades prehistóricas que ocupaban el Valle Medio del Guadalquivir a finales de la Edad del Bronce, terminando con una pregunta ¿Cómo se producían los contactos entre estas comunidades? Desde tiempos prehistóricos han existido relaciones entre hombres y entre sociedades, es un hecho que se corrobora a través de: desplazamientos de pueblos, guerras de conquista, intercambios comerciales, etc. Lo que nos lleva a reflexionar sobre algunos interrogantes que nos asaltan, tales como motivaciones, formas de contactos, comunicacione, etc

    Research and promotion of prehistoric heritage in Cordoba as tourist attraction and their role in the economic local development

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    Por lo general, siempre tendemos a valorar una atracción turística por el número de visitantes que recibe y la riqueza que genera alrededor, pero pocas veces se habla de todo el camino que hay que recorrer para conseguirlo. La ciudad de Córdoba es un claro ejemplo de salvaguarda y rentabilización del patrimonio cultural, y, prueba de ello son las inclusiones en el listado de Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Mezquita-Catedral (ampliado posteriormente al centro histórico), la fiesta de los patios y la ciudad califal de Medina Azahara, siendo la ciudad con más reconocimientos de España. Es evidente que no todos los monumentos, tradiciones, obras de arte, etc., tienen esa excepcionalidad, pero existen muchos recursos patrimoniales interesantes que bien gestionados pueden adquirir un rol fundamental en el desarrollo económico local. El presente estudio trata de dar visibilidad al recorrido de cinco yacimientos prehistóricos de Córdoba desde su descubrimiento, investigación, puesta en valor e incorporación a la oferta turística. Para lograr este objetivo, hemos pedido colaboración a las instituciones pertinentes, facilitándonos los datos del recuento de personas que han visitado dichos yacimientos durante los últimos años. Esta aproximación nos ha permitido comprender en qué fase se encuentran, valorar si los yacimientos están agotados o no, promover la investigación continua como forma para potenciar nuestro patrimonio prehistórico y hacer propuestas constructivas al respecto.Touristic attractions tend to be valued according to the number and visitors they receive and the economic profit they generate to the area in which they are located. Nonetheless, they difficulties involved in making the attraction appealing and profitable are not reflected about so often. The city of Córdoba is a clear example of protection and promotion of the cultural heritage, as it becomes clear by the monuments included on the World Heritage List, such as the Mosque-Cathedral (later extended to the historic center of the town), the Fiesta of the patios and The Caliphate city of Medina Azahara. As matter of fact, Córdoba is the Spanish city with more monuments awarded recognition by the UNESCO World Heritage List. It goes without saying that not all the monuments, traditions, pieces of art, etc from the city of Cordoba exhibit this exceptionality. Nonetheless, there are still many interesting heritage resources that, well managed, can acquire a fundamental role in the local economic development. The goal of the present paper is to grant visibility to the route of five prehistoric sites in Córdoba, since their discovery, research, promotion and incorporation into the touristic offer. In order to achieve this goal, several different local institutions have collaborated, by providing us with insightful information regarding the number of tourists who have visited the studied sites during recent years. The results of this study are several, since this approach has allowed us to understand their progress, to assess whether the sites are depleted or not, to promote continuous research as a way to enhance our prehistoric heritage and, finally, to make constructive proposals about it

    Dos estructuras del Bronce Final destinadas a trabajos de producción, próximas al asentamiento prerromano de la Colina de los Quemados de Córdoba

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    Las estructuras documentadas evidencian una actividad, desarrollada con fuego a baja temperatura, en la zona periférica del yacimiento prerromano de Colina de los Quemados. Realizado un estudio comparativo con otras estructuras similares, se podría deducir que estaban destinadas a la producción, siendo la hipótesis más factible que se trate de dos hornos de pan del Bronce Final, desconociéndose aún si tenían un uso familiar o comunitarioThe documented structures demonstrate an activity in the peripheral zone of the preroman Colina de los Quemados site based on low temperature firing. After doing a comparative study with other similar structures, it is possible to deduce that they were destined for production, being the more feasible hypothesis that they are two bread ovens of the Late Bronze Age. The question whether they had a family or community use or not remains to be answered at presen

    The Ancient Neolithic in Sierra Morena. Geoarchaeological analysis of an occupation deposit in cueva del Ocho (Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville, SW of Spain)

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    Se lleva a cabo el estudio geoarqueológico del Perfil A de la sala del Lago de la cueva del Ocho (complejo kárstico de las cuevas de Santiago, Cazalla de la Sierra, Sevilla, SO de España), con el objetivo de caracterizar la secuencia de ocupación antrópica de este sector de la cavidad, a partir del análisis de un depósito mediante técnicas de análisis arqueológicas, edafo-sedimentarias y geocronológicas. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido identificar una serie de unidades geoarqueológicas a partir de las cuales se ha establecido la secuencia de la ocupación antrópica de este sector de la cavidad. Se trata de una ocupación Neolítico antiguo, corta pero intensa, de cronología ca. 5300 cal. BC, que se conforma en el plazo de apenas 500 años y que queda sellada y amortizada en torno al cambio de era por una colada estalagmítica. Diferentes usos antrópicos caracterizan la conformación del depósito, desde una actividad ocupacional (hábitat) y redil inicial, que se transforma posteriormente en un ámbito de vertedero, reconociéndose depósitos con características sedimentológicas similares a los de tipo fumier, aunque desplazados de su lugar original. Los altos niveles de materia orgánica presente en los sedimentos, así como, de otras variables asociadas a la presencia humana (fósforo y susceptibilidad magnética) refuerzan la idea de la génesis antrópica del depósito. En este sentido, el estudio de la cerámica muestra que no se ha registrado ningún cambio tipológico ni tecnológico a lo largo de toda secuencia, siendo su tipo y características compatibles con las cronologías radiocarbónicas aportadas en el presente trabajo. A su vez, el estudio de arqueofauna muestra unos resultados, en cuanto a la presencia y manejo de fauna doméstica, propios de yacimientos correspondientes a las cronologías y el uso ofrecidos por la cueva del Ocho.The Geoarchaeological study of Profile A of the Sala del Lago of cueva del Ocho (karstic complex of cuevas de Santiago, Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville, SW of Spain) is carried out. The aim of characterizing sequence of anthropic occupation of this sector of the cave, from the analysis of a deposit by means of archaeological, pedo-sedimentary and geo-chronological analysis techniques has been characterized. The results obtained have allowed to identify a geo-archaeological series units from which the sequence of the anthropic occupation of this sector of the cavity. It is an Ancient Neolithic occupation, short but intense, of chronology ca.5300 cal. BC, which is formed in a period of just 500 years and which it is sealed and amortized around the change of Era by a stalagmite deposit. Different anthropic uses characterize the conformation of this deposit, from an occupational activity (habitat) and initial fold, which is later transformed into a landfill area, recognizing fumier type deposits, although displaced from their original place. The high levels of organic matter present in the sediments, as well as other parameters associated like phosphorus and magnetic susceptibility reinforce the idea of the anthropic genesis for this deposit. In this sense, the study of ceramics shows that no typological or technological change has been recorded in throughout any sequence, its type and characteristics being compatible with radiocarbon chronologies contributed in the present work. At the same time the archaeofauna study shows some results the presence and management of domestic fauna, typical of deposits corresponding to the chronologies and use offered through the cueva del Ocho

    Camelids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in Roman and medieval times. Osteological evidence from the city of Cordoba (Spain)

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    This paper presents the results obtained concerning the possible presence of camelids in the city of Cordoba (Spain) in Roman and medieval times, after the review of all the faunal assemblages corresponding to these historical periods deposited in the Provincial Archaeological Museum of the city. This research has allowed the recovery and contextualization of nine dromedary bone remains corresponding to nine individuals, four of which have been dated by C. A stable isotope analysis has also been carried out which indicates the possible arrival of these animals from other provinces of the empire in Roman times and from North Africa in medieval times. Besides, we carried out a bibliographical update of all bone remains found in the Iberian Peninsula for the periods analyzed, concluding that the main use of them was for transporting and manufacturing different tools.This study have been funded through the Andalusian Regional Government’s I + D + i-FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 program. C.A.M.E.L. Historical contextualization, Diet, Morphology, Genetic Study, and Lineage through the bone remains of camels recovered in archaeological sites in the southern Iberian Peninsula (Ref. 1380946-F) and Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through European Regional [SUMHAL, LIFEWATCH-2019-09-CSIC-13, POPE 2014-2020]. Both Dr. José A. Riquelme Cantal and Dr. Juan Manuel Garrido Anguita are the principal investigators leading the projects that have funded this research. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Córdoba /CBUA

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio

    Middle Palaeolithic of the Guadalquivir: the industry on small flakes of Tarazona III archaeological site (Seville, Spain)

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    Se analizan tecno-tipológicamente las industrias líticas, mayoritariamente elaboradas sobre cuarcitas, del yacimiento paleolítico al aire libre de Tarazona III (2479 piezas líticas), formando parte de la Secuencia Paleolítica del Guadalquivir, que abarca el final del Pleistoceno Medio e inicios del Pleistoceno Superior (129 ka y <104 ka). Se identifican las cadenas operativas del yacimiento, desde la selección de materias primas hasta la fabricación de los útiles con percutor duro. Son cadenas dirigidas especialmente a la obtención de pequeñas lascas (<5 cm), lo que refuerza la selección del tamaño del canto rodado, con patrones de reducción de núcleos elementales, buena representación de los centrípetos y baja presencia de talla Levallois. La serie de N3 es muy equilibrada y completa, y relativamente completas las de N1 y N2, lo que sugiere o bien la preconfiguración de las cadenas operativas en otros lugares cercanos y el transporte de los productos de talla al yacimiento; o, en N1, el desplazamiento hidro-geomorfológico de las piezas de dimensiones más reducidas. La proporción útiles lasca/lasca es del 24% (N2) y 34.7% (N3), esto es, en los niveles posteriores a 104 ka BP. Esta proporción, junto a la baja variabilidad de los tipos sobre lasca, la exigua o nula presencia de macroútiles, define la industria de Tarazona III como uno de los yacimientos representativos del Paleolítico Medio Antiguo (PMA) del valle del Guadalquivir.Techno-typologically lithic industries from the open-air Palaeolithic site of Tarazona III (2479 lithic pieces), from the last Middle Pleistocene and beginnings of the Upper Pleistocene (129 ka and <104 ka), mostly elaborated on quarzites, are studied as part of the Guadalquivir Palaeolithic Sequence. The operational chains of this archaeological site are identified, from the raw material selection to tool fabrication with hard hammer. They are chains specially directed to obtain small flakes (<5 cm) what strengthens size selection of the pebbles, with patterns of reduction of elemental cores, a good centripetal representation and poor Levallois presence. The N3 series is highly balanced and complete; and relatively complete the N1 and N2 which suggest either a preconfiguration of the operational chains in other nearby locations and the transport of knapping production towards the archaeological site; or, in the N1, the hydro-geomorphologic shifting of the smallest pieces. The tools flake/flake ratio is 24% (N2) and 34.7% (N3), that is, in its most recent levels following at 104 ka BP. This proportion along with a low variability of types on flakes, an exiguous or null presence of large tools, define the industry of Tarazona III, one of the most representative archaeological sites from the Ancient Middle Palaeolithic (AMP) in the Guadalquivir valley

    The dromedary in Al-Andalus. The archaeological record in the south of the Iberian Peninsula during the Islamic period (10th-14th centuries)

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    En este trabajo se presenta el estado de la cuestión y nuevos hallazgos sobre la constatación arqueológica de la presencia de dromedario, Camelus dromedarius L., en el sur de al-Andalus. De igual modo, se aborda el uso al que fueron destinados a partir del análisis de las noticias aportadas por las fuentes escritas, así como una primera aproximación a la significación simbólica de este animal. Por otra parte, se evidencia que la mayoría de las manipulaciones observadas en los restos óseos de dromedario analizados estaría relacionada con la fabricación de distintos utensilios de hueso. En cuanto a la distribución geográfica que alcanzaron estos animales en la península ibérica y su aumento o disminución en al-Andalus, concluimos que estuvieron presentes a lo largo del periodo islámico.This paper presents the state-of-the-art regarding the archaeological verification of the presence of dromedaries, Camelus dromedarius L. in the south of Al-Andalus, together with new findings regarding this topic. This research also ana-lyzes several written sources, which clarify the usage given to these animals and, at the same time, offers a first symbolic meaning given to them. On the other hand, we demonstrate that most of the bone manipulations found in the bone remains from dromedaries corresponds to the manufacturing of several different bone tools. As far as the geographical distribution of these animals within the iberian peninsula and their increase or decrease in al-Andalus, we conclude that they were present during the Islamic period.Junta de Andalucía AAPUN 08/2021Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades HAR2017-87060-

    Last population of cave lion (Panthera (Leo) spelaea) in the extreme south-west of Europe: Carigüela cave (Southern Iberian Peninsula)

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    he revision of the fauna of Carigüela (Píñar, Granada) has yielded the remains of a cave lion hitherto unknown at this site. The comparative morphometric study of the distal humerus fragment has led to its attribution to Panthera spelaea Goldfuss. From two samples of the bone and using the U/Th technique, an absolute dating of 145–148 ka (MIS 6) has been established. The geographical location of the site makes the cave lion of Carigüela, together with that of Solana del Zamborino, the two most southerly records of this species in Europe. In the case of the former, it is the most recent reference of this species for southern Iberia.This work has been carried out through the Carig\u00FCela cave archaeological project (Ref. Expt.: MH3/PU/GR/11) and has been funded by the research groups INREPA (HUM-262), PAMSUR (HUM-1089), ICArEB and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2016-77789-P). Likewise, this work is a contribution to FINISTERRA project (European Research Council. CoG 12 101045506). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de C\u00F3rdoba / CBUA.Peer reviewe