684 research outputs found

    Configuration of Logistics Activities across Life-Cycle of the Firms and Performance: Proposal of a Conceptual Model

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    In the last years, broad changes have contributed to the enhancement of the importance of the logistics as a source of competitive advantage, not just for increasing the satisfaction of the clients, but also for improving the performance of the firms. Nevertheless, the response functions of the firms to the referred changes are different according to the life-cycle stage that they face. The present paper aims to present a conceptual model that explores the connection between the life-cycle firm’s stages, and the standard profile of logistics activities, and the correspondent impact on performance.Life Cycle; Logistics; Performance

    Oxidative Stress Associated with Chilling Injury in Immature Fruit: Postharvest Technological and Biotechnological Solutions

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    Immature, vegetable-like fruits are produced by crops of great economic importance, including cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants and bell peppers, among others. Because of their high respiration rates, associated with high rates of dehydration and metabolism, and their susceptibility to chilling injury (CI), vegetable fruits are highly perishable commodities, requiring particular storage conditions to avoid postharvest losses. This review focuses on the oxidative stress that affects the postharvest quality of vegetable fruits under chilling storage. We define the physiological and biochemical factors that are associated with the oxidative stress and the development of CI symptoms in these commodities, and discuss the different physical, chemical and biotechnological approaches that have been proposed to reduce oxidative stress while enhancing the chilling tolerance of vegetable fruits

    Plankton community and copepod production in a temperate coastal lagoon: what is changing in a short temporal scale?

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    Coastal lagoons are often exposed to intense short-term environmental changes and strong anthropogenic pressures influencing zooplanktonic communities and production. However, most works focus on long-term temporal scales using monthly or seasonal sampling strategies. The present study analysed the structure of the mesozooplanktonic assemblages, the production (egg production rates) and physiological condition (RNA:DNA ratio) of the copepod Acartia clausi in a temperate coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa) during the summer, using an intensive sampling approach. Salinity was the main factor affecting the short-term variability of mesozooplankton composition, followed by tidal phase (ebb tides) and semilunar cycle (spring tides). There was a positive relationship between the abundance of Appendicularia and the cladoceran Penilia avirostris with the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, suggesting no deleterious effects. The egg production rate of A. clausi was influenced by salinity and ammonia concentration, with a positive correlation between the egg productivity and the macronutrient, showing a possible adaptation of this calanoid species. The RNA:DNA index was positively related to egg production rate, suggesting that it is a good proxy for the reproductive output of copepods, even in short-term periods. This study shows that different timescales need to be included in regular monitoring of planktonic assemblages in coastal lagoons in order to understand the influence of environmental and anthropogenic variables on marine organisms.Investigador FCT Program: IF/01546/2015. European Regional Development Fund (COMPETE program- Operational Competitiveness Programme), and Portuguese national funds from FCT through projects MODELA (PTDC/MAR/098643/2008), UID/Multi/04326/2016, UID/Multi/04326/2019 and UID/MAR/04292/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in fruit set and early fruit development in zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.)

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    Background We have identified a kind of parthenocarpy in zucchini squash which is associated with an incomplete andromonoecy, i.e. a partial conversion of female into bisexual flowers. Given that andromonoecy in this and other cucurbit species is caused by a reduction of ethylene production in the female flower, the associated parthenocarpic development of the fruit suggested the involvement of ethylene in fruit set and early fruit development.Results We have compared the production of ethylene as well as the expression of 13 ethylene biosynthesis and signalling genes in pollinated and unpollinated ovaries/fruits of two cultivars, one of which is parthenocarpic (Cavili), while the other is non-parthenocarpic (Tosca). In the latter, unpollinated ovaries show an induction of ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signal transduction pathway genes three days after anthesis, which is concomitant with the initiation of fruit abortion and senescence. Fruit set and early fruit development in pollinated flowers of both cultivars and unpollinated flowers of Cavili is coupled with low ethylene biosynthesis and signalling, which would also explain the partial andromonoecy in the parthenocarpic genotype. The reduction of ethylene production in the ovary cosegregates with parthenocarpy and partial andromonoecy in the selfing progeny of Cavili. Moreover, the induction of ethylene in anthesis (by ethephon treatments) reduced the percentage of bisexual parthenocarpic flowers in Cavili, while the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis or response (by AVG and STS treatments) induces not only andromonoecy but also the parthenocarpic development of the fruit in both cultivars.Conclusions Results demonstrate that a reduction of ethylene production or signalling in the zucchini flower is able to induce fruit set and early fruit development, and therefore that ethylene is actively involved in fruit set and early fruit development. Auxin and TIBA treatments, inducing fruit set and early fruit development in this species, also inhibit ethylene production and the expression of ethylene biosynthesis and response genes. A model is presented that discusses the crosstalk between ethylene and auxin in the control of fruit set and early fruit development in zucchini squash.This work was supported by grants AGL2008-05619-C02-02/ALI and AGL2011-30568-C02-02/ALI, partly funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and grant CVI-02617, funded by ERDF and by the ConsejerĂ­a de InnovaciĂłn, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de AndalucĂ­a, Spain. C.M. and Z.M. acknowledge FPU program scholarships from MEC, Spain. S.M. is funded by grant PTA2011-479-I from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Primate archaeology 3.0

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    The new field of primate archaeology investigates the technological behavior and material record of nonhuman primates, providing valuable comparative data on our understanding of human technological evolution. Yet, paralleling hominin archaeology, the field is largely biased toward the analysis of lithic artifacts. While valuable comparative data have been gained through an examination of extant nonhuman primate tool use and its archaeological record, focusing on this one single aspect provides limited insights. It is therefore necessary to explore to what extent other non-technological activities, such as non-tool aided feeding, traveling, social behaviors or ritual displays, leave traces that could be detected in the archaeological record. Here we propose four new areas of investigation which we believe have been largely overlooked by primate archaeology and that are crucial to uncovering the full archaeological potential of the primate behavioral repertoire, including that of our own: (1) Plant technology; (2) Archaeology beyond technology; (3) Landscape archaeology; and (4) Primate cultural heritage. We discuss each theme in the context of the latest developments and challenges, as well as propose future directions. Developing a more "inclusive" primate archaeology will not only benefit the study of primate evolution in its own right but will aid conservation efforts by increasing our understanding of changes in primate-environment interactions over time. Uncovering the full potential of primate archaeology. Promising novel areas of research include: Plant technology; Archaeology of non-technological behaviors; Landscape archaeology; and Primate cultural heritage.imageLeverhulme Trust Grant number: ECF-2022-322info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Entrenamiento muscular del suelo pélvico posparto

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    Treball Final de Grau en Infermeria. Codi: IN1138. Curs: 2019/2020Introduction: The high incidence of pelvic dysfunction in the feminine population makes it a major health problem which implies psychological repercussions that keep women off having a normal life. The pregnancy and delivery are one of the principal risk factors for having this disease. Studies show that the muscular training in the recovery of pelvic floor postpartum are effective for reducing the emergence of pelvic dysfunctions. Objectives: Describe the effect of muscular training in the recovery of pelvic floor postpartum. Design: Integrative review. Methodology: The review is done in the various data bases PubMed, The Cochrane Library Plus, Scopus, CINHAL, PEDro and BVS through key words with their DeCS and Mesh to carry out a systemized bibliographic search. Filters, criteria and methodologic quality are applied. Results: A total of 20 articles are obtained. These articles have been distributed by the following way, represented in percentages: the 25% (n=5) are collected from PubMed, the 10% (n=2) from The Cochrane Library Plus, the 40% (n=8) from Scopus, the 15% (n=3) from CINHAL and the 10% (n=2) from PEDro. Discussion and Conclusions: The effectiveness of muscular training for the recovery of pelvic floor after delivery is verified. It is also exposed that having an individual training and supervised by a qualified professional or by a physiotherapist makes more successful the training.IntroducciĂłn: La alta incidencia de disfunciĂłn del suelo pĂ©lvico en la poblaciĂłn femenina hace que sea un problema de salud importante y que ademĂĄs conlleva repercusiones psicolĂłgicas que impiden a la mujer tener una vida normal. El embarazo y el parto es uno de los principales factores de riesgo de padecer esta disfunciĂłn. Los estudios demuestran que el entrenamiento muscular en la recuperaciĂłn del suelo pĂ©lvico posparto es efectivo para reducir la apariciĂłn de las disfunciones pĂ©lvicas. Objetivos: Describir el efecto del entrenamiento muscular en la recuperaciĂłn del suelo pĂ©lvico posparto. Diseño: RevisiĂłn integradora. MetodologĂ­a: Se realiza la bĂșsqueda en las distintas bases de datos PubMed, La Biblioteca Cochrane Plus, Scopus, CINHAL, PEDro y BVS mediante las palabras claves con sus DeCS y Mesh para realizar una bĂșsqueda bibliogrĂĄfica sistematizada. Se aplica los filtros, los criterios y la calidad metodolĂłgica. Resultados: Se obtiene un total de 20 artĂ­culos. Estos artĂ­culos se han distribuido de la siguiente manera representado en porcentajes: el 25% (n=5) se ha recogido de PubMed, el 10% (n=2) de La Biblioteca Cochrane Plus, el 40% (n=8) de Scopus, el 15% (n=3) de CINHAL y el 10% (n=2) en PEDro. DiscusiĂłn y Conclusiones: Se comprueba la eficacia del entrenamiento muscular para la recuperaciĂłn del suelo pĂ©lvico tras el parto. TambiĂ©n se expone que al tener un entrenamiento individual y supervisado por un profesional cualificado o por un fisioterapeuta hace aĂșn mĂĄs exitoso el tratamiento

    Mecanismos patogenicos de Plasmodium spp

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    46 p.La malaria, o paludismo, es una enfermedad cosmopolita de gran importancia epidemiolĂłgica. Se transmite por un vector, el mosquito del gĂ©nero Anopheles, y es producida por el parĂĄsito del gĂ©nero Plasmodium, el cual requiere para su desarrollo y reproducciĂłn hospederos definitivos e intermediarios, entre los cuales se encuentra el hombre. Las especies que pueden producir la malaria en los humanos son cuatro: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale y P. malariae, cada una con caracterĂ­sticas propias, lo que influye en la manifestaciĂłn y el grado de severidad de la enfermedad. El ciclo de vida que desarrolla el Plasmodium spp. en el hombre se puede dividir en dos etapas: etapa pre-eritrocitaria y eritrocitaria, en las cuales el parĂĄsito utiliza su maquinaria patogĂ©nica para sobrevivir; reconoce especĂ­ficamente receptores a travĂ©s de proteĂ­nas especĂ­ficas del parĂĄsito y del receptor, ademĂĄs de recrear las condiciones necesarias para su desarrollo en las diversas cĂ©lulas que parasita. Los sĂ­ntomas clĂĄsicos de esta enfermedad son escalofrĂ­o, sudoraciĂłn y fiebre (sĂ­ntomas que engloban el tĂ©rmino paludismo), que se producen en respuesta a los mecanismos patogĂ©nicos del parĂĄsito. Se confirma la enfermedad por medio de exĂĄmenes de laboratorio como la observaciĂłn de frotis teñidos con Giemsa, PCR, ELISA, entre otos; ademĂĄs de existir tĂ©cnicas de diagnĂłstico en desarrollo. A pesar que la malaria estĂĄ muy adaptada para parasitar al hombre, existen diversas condiciones que se deben cumplir para desarrollar la enfermedad, lo que indica que si falta una de ellas, la persona es inmune. Esta inmunidad puede ser adquirida (generalmente se observa en las zonas endĂ©micas al estar las personas en constante contacto con el parĂĄsito), o puede ser natural (genĂ©tica), como es en el caso de las hemoglobinopatĂ­as, falta de algĂșn antĂ­geno eritrocitario, deficiencia de enzimas eritrocitarias, etc. El entendimiento mĂĄs detallado de este parĂĄsito ayudarĂĄ a tomar medidas profilĂĄcticas y terapĂ©uticas de la patologĂ­a que provoca, ademĂĄs de, en un futuro no muy cercano, llegar a controlar o erradicar la malari

    Application of Lean Methodologies in a Neurosurgery High Dependency Unit

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    This study aims to apply Lean methodologies at a neurosurgery high dependency unit (NHDU) for increasing safety and quality on the care delivered to acute neuropatients and to reduce time, steps, and distance travelled by nurses accessing life support equipment (LSE). The methodology used in this study is an action research, supported by a longitudinal mixed method approach with a one‐group within‐subjects pretest‐posttest experimental type design. Resulting in a high waste of time, steps, and distance travelled to reach them. After the application of Lean methodologies, distance, steps, and time travelled by Nurses were quite improved. Lean methodologies applied in NHDU contributed to improve the organization, availability, and accessibility of LSE by putting them at the point‐of‐use. Quality and safety of patient care were also improved by allowing almost immediate life support interventions. Resistance to change was the major limitation. The Lean philosophy empowers health facility managers with tools and methodologies that help them create health gains, implement a culture of continuous improvement of care and working environment, identify and eliminate barriers, and waste that limits the work of staff in providing quality services and saving lives. This chapter highlights the responsibility of health facility managers to properly organize health units to cope with emergency situations, by allowing immediate, efficient, and effective intervention of staff
