598 research outputs found

    The role of the immune checkpoint molecules PD-1/PD-L1 and TIM-3/Gal-9 in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia—a narrative review

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disease which is characterized by abnormal placentation, endothelial dysfunction, and systemic inflammation. Several studies have shown that the maternal immune system, which is crucial for maintaining the pregnancy by ensuring maternal-fetal-tolerance, is disrupted in preeclamptic patients. Besides different immune cells, immune checkpoint molecules such as the programmed cell death protein 1/programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1 system) and the T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing protein 3/Galectin-9 (TIM-3/Gal-9 system) are key players in upholding the balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory signals. Therefore, a clear understanding about the role of these immune checkpoint molecules in preeclampsia is essential. This review discusses the role of these two immune checkpoint systems in pregnancy and their alterations in preeclampsia

    Desarrollo de competencias lecto-escriturales mediante un prototipo de sistema de información

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    Lee + is a functional prototype that aims to motivate and stimulate reading in students by providing teachers with tools to create synchronous and asynchronous activities. This project was approached with the use of web 2.0, through its development in the social network Facebook; it was proposed to provide a space of approach between teacher and student supporting the teaching - learning process, a quantitative approach was used as a current of thought for the generation of knowledge. Additionally, it allowed the inclusion in its activities of multimedia components in order to facilitate the strengthening of reading and writing skills; However, in order to achieve significant progress, students' commitment to the task of learning is necessary; Despite the continuous efforts between teachers and institutions, the reading process is inherent to the individual and it depends on allowing the improvement of reading and writing skillsLee+ es un prototipo funcional que pretende motivar y estimular la lectura en los estudiantes brindando al docente herramientas para crear actividades sincrónicas y asincrónicas, dado que el proceso lector es inherente al individuo y de él depende el permitir el mejoramiento de las competencias lecto-escriturales. Por tanto, este proyecto se abordó con el uso de la web 2.0 mediante su desarrollo en la red social Facebook donde se planteó apoyar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje brindando un espacio de acercamiento entre docente y estudiante. Para ello se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo como corriente de pensamiento para la generación del conocimiento. Adicionalmente, se permitió la inclusión en las actividades de componentes multimedia con el fin de facilitar el fortalecimiento de las competencias en lectura y escritura, sin embargo, cabe mencionar que para lograr avances significativos es necesario el compromiso de los estudiantes con el quehacer del aprendizaj

    The role of chemokines in cervical cancers

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    Both clinical-pathological and experimental studies have shown that chemokines play a key role in activating the immune checkpoint modulator in cervical cancer progression and are associated with prognosis in tumor cell proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis, chemoresistance, and immunosuppression. Therefore, a clear understanding of chemokines and immune checkpoint modulators is essential for the treatment of this disease. This review discusses the origins and categories of chemokines and the mechanisms that are responsible for activating immune checkpoints in cervical dysplasia and cancer, chemokines as biomarkers, and therapy development that targets immune checkpoints in cervical cancer research

    Prognostic relevance of nuclear receptors in relation to peritumoral inflammation and tumor infiltration by lymphocytes in breast cancer

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    The prognostic impact of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) is intensively investigated in breast cancer (BC). It is already known that triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the most aggressive type of BC, has the highest percentage of TILs. In addition, there is an influence of steroid hormone receptor expression (type I nuclear receptors) on TIL subpopulations in breast cancer tissue. The link between type II nuclear receptors and the level of TILs is unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to quantify TILs in a panel of 264 sporadic breast cancers and investigate the correlation of TIL levels with type I and II nuclear receptors expression. TIL levels were significantly increased in the subgroup of TNBC. By contrast, they decreased in estrogen (ER)- or progesterone receptor (PR)-positive cases. Moreover, TIL levels were correlated with type II nuclear receptors, including PPARγ, with a significant inverse correlation of the nuclear form (r = −0.727, p 15% showed a significantly decreased overall survival. In addition, peritumoral inflammation was also quantified in BC tissue samples. In our cohort, although the level of peritumoral inflammation was not correlated with OS, it determined the prognostic value of ER, PR, and PPARγ in BC. Altogether, the present study provides a differentiated overview of the relations between nuclear receptor expression, TIL levels, peritumoral inflammation, and prognosis in BC

    Implementación de herramientas tecnológicas en los procesos de Enseñanza- Aprendizaje de los Triángulos

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    Este trabajo nace desde la práctica docente de un equipo de trabajo de tres instituciones educativas luego de identificar la necesidad de potencializar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje aplicando las TIC mediante el desarrollo de herramientas tecnológicas como apoyo a la práctica docente, para este caso específicamente en el análisis, construcción y resolución de problemas que tengan que ver con el triángulo, se propone ofrecerse a los estudiantes desde una visión dinámica y participativa mediante la aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), como una herramienta pedagógica para la construcción del conocimiento. La investigación fue diseñada para estudiantes de grado séptimo. La experiencia se compone de un diseño curricular y un modelo pedagógico fundamentando en la propuesta (constructivismo) y un referente tecnológico sobre la importancia del uso y aplicación de las TIC en la educación. La estrategia buscó dar a conocer el triángulo mediante su clasificación, sus elementos y algunas aplicaciones de manera didáctica, a través del software educativo “El mundo de los triángulos”. Se consiguió elevar los niveles de motivación y concentración, obteniendo así mayor disposición hacia la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos

    Estudio para el posicionamiento e imagen de la marca proteja

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    Este artículo es el resultado de un proyecto de investigación llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. como parte de la gestión y análisis estratégico de la empresa Etex Colombia, para posicionar su marca Proteja en el mercado colombiano. El objetivo principal de la investigación fue identificar los principales atributos y percepciones que actualmente tienen las empresas constructoras que usan techos en fibrocemento en proyectos de vivienda de interés social (VIS). El estudio es no experimental de tipo cuantitativo mediante la aplicación de encuestas y análisis sobre la población representada por las empresas constructoras que caracterizan la imagen y el posicionamiento de la marca Proteja, gracias a la elaboración de mapas perceptivos que permiten un análisis detallado de cómo se posicionan. Los resultados demuestran las principales características de las tres marcas afectadas en el mercado de los techos de fibrocemento analizados, que sirven de base para reconocer y diferenciar las ventajas y desventajas competitivas comerciales, de calidad y de servicio para cada una de estas marcas; estos hallazgos permitirán definir los factores que son diferenciadores en la marca Proteja y los definitivos para lograr una mejor posición en el mercado, además liderar el segmento y llegar a la mente del consumidor, teniendo en cuenta que una marca puede sobrevivir a sus productos, a sus dueños e incluso al inexorable paso del tiemp

    Strategies for the conservation of the Fúquene lagoon in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá

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    The Fúquene Lagoon is a water body located in the departments of Cundinamarca, municipalities of Simijaca, Susa, Fúquene and Guachetá; and in the department of Boyacá, municipalities of Ráquira and San Miguel de Sema (Bogotá). The lagoon represents a great importance for the Andean region, due to the socioeconomic activities that take place around it, which is why the objective of this research is to formulate different strategies for the conservation of this ecosystem. Throughout history, this ecosystem has been affected by anthropogenic actions and the expansion of invasive plants that spread indiscriminately over the surface of the water, generating eutrophication processes. That is why an investigation was carried out in which a multitemporal analysis was carried out with the help of the ArcGis software, an identification of the land uses with the information obtained from the Shapefiles of the Agustín Codazzi Institute and an analysis of the strategies that are proposed for the conservation of the ecosystem, having as a result that the strategies have a cost-benefit ratio of viability, but above all that of reforesting the areas in conflict taking into account that the environmental authorities are involved.La Laguna de Fúquene es un cuerpo hídrico ubicado en los departamentos de Cundinamarca, municipios de Simijaca, Susa, Fúquene y Guachetá; y en el departamento de Boyacá, municipios de Ráquira y San Miguel de Sema (Colombia). La laguna representa una gran importancia para la región andina, por las actividades socioeconómicas que se realizan alrededor de ella, es por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación es formular diferentes estrategias para la conservación de este ecosistema. A lo largo de la historia este ecosistema ha sido afectado por las acciones antrópicas y la expansión de plantas invasoras que se extienden de manera indiscriminada sobre la superficie del agua, generando procesos de eutroficación. Es por ello por lo que se lleva a cabo una investigación en la cual se realizó un análisis multitemporal con ayuda del software ArcGis, una identificación de los usos del suelo con la información obtenida de los Shapefiles del Instituto Agustín Codazzi y un análisis de las estrategias que se plantean para la conservación del ecosistema, teniendo como resultado que las estrategias tienen una relación costo-beneficio de viabilidad, pero sobre todo la de reforestar las áreas en conflicto teniendo en cuenta que se involucran las autoridades ambientales

    Position-controlled growth of GaN nanowires and nanotubes on diamond by molecular beam epitaxy

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    In this work the position-controlled growth of GaN nanowires (NWs) on diamond by means of molecular beam epitaxy is investigated. In terms of growth, diamond can be seen as a model substrate, providing information of systematic relevance also for other substrates. Thin Ti masks are structured by electron beam lithography which allows the fabrication of perfectly homogeneous GaN NW arrays with different diameters and distances. While the wurtzite NWs are found to be Ga-polar, N-polar nucleation leads to the formation of tripod structures with a zinc-blende core which can be efficiently suppressed above a substrate temperature of 870 °C. A variation of the III/V flux ratio reveals that both axial and radial growth rates are N-limited despite the globally N-rich growth conditions, which is explained by the different diffusion behavior of Ga and N atoms. Furthermore, it is shown that the hole arrangement has no effect on the selectivity but can be used to force a transition from nanowire to nanotube growth by employing a highly competitive growth regime

    Development of Photonic Multi-Sensing Systems Based on Molecular Gates Biorecognition and Plasmonic Sensors: The PHOTONGATE Project

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    [EN] This paper presents the concept of a novel adaptable sensing solution currently being developed under the EU Commission-founded PHOTONGATE project. This concept will allow for the quantification of multiple analytes of the same or different nature (chemicals, metals, bacteria, etc.) in a single test with levels of sensitivity and selectivity at/or over those offered by current solutions. PHOTONGATE relies on two core technologies: a biochemical technology (molecular gates), which will confer the specificity and, therefore, the capability to be adaptable to the analyte of interest, and which, combined with porous substrates, will increase the sensitivity, and a photonic technology based on localized surface plasmonic resonance (LSPR) structures that serve as transducers for light interaction. Both technologies are in the micron range, facilitating the integration of multiple sensors within a small area (mm2). The concept will be developed for its application in health diagnosis and food safety sectors. It is thought of as an easy-to-use modular concept, which will consist of the sensing module, mainly of a microfluidics cartridge that will house the photonic sensor, and a platform for fluidic handling, optical interrogation, and signal processing. The platform will include a new optical concept, which is fully European Union Made, avoiding optical fibers and expensive optical components.The micro-nanofabrication capabilities required in the PHOTONGATE project- 101093042 are funded by the Pluri-Regional FEDER funding Plan 2014-2020 European Commission. This research project has received funding from the European Union¿s HORIZON-CL4-2022 research and innovation programme under grant agreement ID 101093042, PHOTONGATE projectNieves-Paniagua, Ó.; Ortiz De Zárate-Díaz, D.; Aznar, E.; Caballos-Gómez, MI.; Garrido-García, EM.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Dortu, F.... (2023). Development of Photonic Multi-Sensing Systems Based on Molecular Gates Biorecognition and Plasmonic Sensors: The PHOTONGATE Project. Sensors. 23(20):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23208548113232