2,798 research outputs found

    Structural insight into the TRIAP1/PRELI-like domain family of mitochondrial phospholipid transfer complexes

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    The composition of the mitochondrial membrane is important for its architecture and proper function. Mitochondria depend on a tightly regulated supply of phospholipid via intra-mitochondrial synthesis and by direct import from the endoplasmic reticulum. The Ups1/PRELI-like family together with its mitochondrial chaperones (TRIAP1/Mdm35) represent a unique heterodimeric lipid transfer system that is evolutionary conserved from yeast to man. Work presented here provides new atomic resolution insight into the function of a human member of this system. Crystal structures of free TRIAP1 and the TRIAP1–SLMO1 complex reveal how the PRELI domain is chaperoned during import into the intermembrane mitochondrial space. The structural resemblance of PRELI-like domain of SLMO1 with that of mammalian phoshatidylinositol transfer proteins (PITPs) suggest that they share similar lipid transfer mechanisms, in which access to a buried phospholipid-binding cavity is regulated by conformationally adaptable loops

    Pluricomplex Green and Lempert functions for equally weighted poles

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    For Ω\Omega a domain in Cn\mathbb C^n, the pluricomplex Green function with poles a1,...,aNΩa_1, ...,a_N \in \Omega is defined as G(z):=sup{u(z):uPSH(Ω),u(x)logxaj+Cjwhenxaj,j=1,...,N}G(z):=\sup \{u(z): u\in PSH_-(\Omega), u(x)\le \log \|x-a_j\|+C_j \text{when} x \to a_j, j=1,...,N \}. When there is only one pole, or two poles in the unit ball, it turns out to be equal to the Lempert function defined from analytic disks into Ω\Omega by LS(z):=inf{j=1Nνjlogζj:ϕO(D,Ω),ϕ(0)=z,ϕ(ζj)=aj,j=1,...,N}L_S (z) :=\inf \{\sum^N_{j=1}\nu_j\log|\zeta_j|: \exists \phi\in \mathcal {O}(\mathbb D,\Omega), \phi(0)=z, \phi(\zeta_j)=a_j, j=1,...,N \}. It is known that we always have LS(z)GS(z)L_S (z) \ge G_S(z). In the more general case where we allow weighted poles, there is a counterexample to equality due to Carlehed and Wiegerinck, with Ω\Omega equal to the bidisk. Here we exhibit a counterexample using only four distinct equally weighted poles in the bidisk. In order to do so, we first define a more general notion of Lempert function "with multiplicities", analogous to the generalized Green functions of Lelong and Rashkovskii, then we show how in some examples this can be realized as a limit of regular Lempert functions when the poles tend to each other. Finally, from an example where LS(z)>GS(z)L_S (z) > G_S(z) in the case of multiple poles, we deduce that distinct (but close enough) equally weighted poles will provide an example of the same inequality. Open questions are pointed out about the limits of Green and Lempert functions when poles tend to each other.Comment: 25 page

    Marchenko-Ostrovski mappings for periodic Jacobi matrices

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    We consider the 1D periodic Jacobi matrices. The spectrum of this operator is purely absolutely continuous and consists of intervals separated by gaps. We solve the inverse problem (including characterization) in terms of vertical slits on the quasimomentum domain . Furthermore, we obtain a priori two-sided estimates for vertical slits in terms of Jacoby matrices

    Shift of percolation thresholds for epidemic spread between static and dynamic small-world networks

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    The aim of the study was to compare the epidemic spread on static and dynamic small-world networks. The network was constructed as a 2-dimensional Watts-Strogatz model (500x500 square lattice with additional shortcuts), and the dynamics involved rewiring shortcuts in every time step of the epidemic spread. The model of the epidemic is SIR with latency time of 3 time steps. The behaviour of the epidemic was checked over the range of shortcut probability per underlying bond 0-0.5. The quantity of interest was percolation threshold for the epidemic spread, for which numerical results were checked against an approximate analytical model. We find a significant lowering of percolation thresholds for the dynamic network in the parameter range given. The result shows that the behaviour of the epidemic on dynamic network is that of a static small world with the number of shortcuts increased by 20.7 +/- 1.4%, while the overall qualitative behaviour stays the same. We derive corrections to the analytical model which account for the effect. For both dynamic and static small-world we observe suppression of the average epidemic size dependence on network size in comparison with finite-size scaling known for regular lattice. We also study the effect of dynamics for several rewiring rates relative to latency time of the disease.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Radiocarbon dating of methane and carbon dioxide evaded from a temperate peatland stream

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    Streams draining peatlands export large quantities of carbon in different chemical forms and are an important part of the carbon cycle. Radiocarbon (14C) analysis/dating provides unique information on the source and rate that carbon is cycled through ecosystems, as has recently been demonstrated at the air-water interface through analysis of carbon dioxide (CO2) lost from peatland streams by evasion (degassing). Peatland streams also have the potential to release large amounts of methane (CH4) and, though 14C analysis of CH4 emitted by ebullition (bubbling) has been previously reported, diffusive emissions have not. We describe methods that enable the 14C analysis of CH4 evaded from peatland streams. Using these methods, we investigated the 14C age and stable carbon isotope composition of both CH4 and CO2 evaded from a small peatland stream draining a temperate raised mire. Methane was aged between 1617-1987 years BP, and was much older than CO2 which had an age range of 303-521 years BP. Isotope mass balance modelling of the results indicated that the CO2 and CH4 evaded from the stream were derived from different source areas, with most evaded CO2 originating from younger layers located nearer the peat surface compared to CH4. The study demonstrates the insight that can be gained into peatland carbon cycling from a methodological development which enables dual isotope (14C and 13C) analysis of both CH4 and CO2 collected at the same time and in the same way

    A novel fluorescent sensor protein for detecting changes in airway surface liquid glucose concentration.

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    Both lung disease and elevation of blood glucose are associated with increased glucose concentration (from 0.4 to ~4.0 mM) in the airway surface liquid (ASL). This perturbation of ASL glucose makes the airway more susceptible to infection by respiratory pathogens. ASL is minute (~1 μl/cm(2)) and the measurement of glucose concentration in the small volume ASL is extremely difficult. Therefore, we sought to develop a fluorescent biosensor with sufficient sensitivity to determine glucose concentrations in ASL in situ. We coupled a range of environmentally sensitive fluorophores to mutated forms of a glucose/galactose-binding protein (GBP) including H152C and H152C/A213R and determined their equilibrium binding properties. Of these, GBP H152C/A213R-BADAN (Kd 0.86 ± 0.01 mM, Fmax/F0 3.6) was optimal for glucose sensing and in ASL increased fluorescence when basolateral glucose concentration was raised from 1 to 20 mM. Moreover, interpolation of the data showed that the glucose concentration in ASL was increased, with results similar to that using glucose oxidase analysis. The fluorescence of GBP H152C/A213R-BADAN in native ASL from human airway epithelial cultures in situ was significantly increased over time when basolateral glucose was increased from 5 to 20 mM. Overall our data indicate that this GBP is a useful tool to monitor glucose homoeostasis in the lung

    Electronic response of aligned multishell carbon nanotubes

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    We report calculations of the effective electronic response of aligned multishell carbon nanotubes. A local graphite-like dielectric tensor is assigned to every point of the multishell tubules, and the effective transverse dielectric function of the composite is computed by solving Maxwell's equations. Calculations of both real and imaginary parts of the effective dielectric function are presented, for various values of the filling fraction and the ratio of the internal and external radii of hollow tubules. Our full calculations indicate that the experimentally measured macroscopic dielectric function of carbon nanotube materials is the result of a strong electromagnetic coupling between the tubes, which cannot be accounted for with the use of simplified effective medium theories. The presence of surface plasmons is investigated, and both optical absorption cross sections and energy-loss spectra of aligned tubules are calculated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Analytic structure of the S-matrix for singular quantum mechanics

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    The analytic structure of the S-matrix of singular quantum mechanics is examined within a multichannel framework, with primary focus on its dependence with respect to a parameter (Ω) that determines the boundary conditions. Specifically, a characterization is given in terms of salient mathematical and physical properties governing its behavior. These properties involve unitarity and associated current-conserving Wronskian relations, time-reversal invariance, and Blaschke factorization. The approach leads to an interpretation of effective nonunitary solutions in singular quantum mechanics and their determination from the unitary family.Fil: Camblong, Horacio E.. University of San Francisco; Estados UnidosFil: Epele, Luis Nicolas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física. Laboratorio de Física Teórica; ArgentinaFil: Fanchiotti, Huner. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física. Laboratorio de Física Teórica; ArgentinaFil: García Canal, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física. Laboratorio de Física Teórica; Argentin

    Child-parent shifting and shared decision-making for asthma management

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    Aim: To explore and describe child-parent shared decision-making for the management of childhood asthma. Methods: A qualitative descriptive interview based study was undertaken. Eight children and nine parents participated. The framework approach underpinned data analysis. Findings: A dynamic model of the way children and parents transfer, shift and share asthma management decisions was uncovered; asthma management decisions between children and parents were non-linear with responsibility transferring from parent to child under different conditions. Children made a range of decisions about their asthma, often sharing decisions with their parents. However, during acute illness episodes children often relied on parents to make decisions about their asthma. Conclusion: Neither the child nor parent have complete autonomy over asthma management decisions. Decision-making is a dynamic shifting and shared process, dependent on contextual factors and child and parent decision preferences

    Reconstruction of Bandlimited Functions from Unsigned Samples

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    We consider the recovery of real-valued bandlimited functions from the absolute values of their samples, possibly spaced nonuniformly. We show that such a reconstruction is always possible if the function is sampled at more than twice its Nyquist rate, and may not necessarily be possible if the samples are taken at less than twice the Nyquist rate. In the case of uniform samples, we also describe an FFT-based algorithm to perform the reconstruction. We prove that it converges exponentially rapidly in the number of samples used and examine its numerical behavior on some test cases