308 research outputs found

    Low level rf system for the European Spallation Source's Bilbao linac

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    Design and some performance results of the pulsed digital low level radio frequency (LLRF) for the radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) systems of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-front end test stand and the future European Spallation Source Bilbao linac are presented. For rf field regulation, the design is based on direct rf-to-baseband conversion using an analog in-phase quadrature (IQ) demodulator, high-speed sampling of the I/Q components, baseband signal processing in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), conversion to analog, and IQ modulation. This concept leads to a simple and versatile LLRF system which can be used for a large variety of rf frequencies and virtually any LLRF application including cw, ramping, and pulsed. In order to improve the accuracy of the probe voltage measurement, errors associated with the use of analog IQ demodulators have been identified and corrected by FPGA algorithms and proper setting of the feedback loop parameters. Furthermore, a baseband-equivalent model for the rf plant is developed in MATLAB-Simulink to study the RFQ transient response under beam loading in the presence of phase and delay errors. The effect of the unwanted resonant modes on the feedback loop stability and the LLRF considerations to avoid such instabilities are discussed and compared to some other machines such as the ILC and the European free electron laser. The practical results obtained from tests with a mock-up cavity and an RFQ cold model verify that amplitude and phase stabilities down to a fraction of one percent and one degree and phase margins larger than ±50° can be achieved with this method preserving the linearity and bandwidth of the feedback loops. © 2011 American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Miositis osificante progresiva: ultraestructura, bioquímica e histoquímica de músculo macroscópicamente sano

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    Se estudió un caso de miositis osificante progresiva en una niña de 13 años, a la cual se le tomó una muestra de músculo gastronecmio lateral, aparentemente no afectado, en el curso de una intervención quirúrgica ortopédica. La muestra se procesó mediante métodos histológicos, histoquímicos, bioquímicos, inmunocitoquímicos y ultraestructurales. Se encontró un predominio de fibras musculares tipo I (83%) con alta capacidad oxidativa y baja capacidad glicolítica. Las fibras del tipo II eran pequeñas (área promedio 2.084 Um2 ) y mostraron otros signos de atrofia al examen ultraestructural. La densidad capilar fue relativamente alta, (573) siendo normal el índice capilar/fibra (1,76). Sin embargo, algunos capilares se mostraron engrosados y con la luz ocluida, con la tinción de amilasa-PAS, lo cual fue corroborado con la microscopía electrónica, donde se vio la membrana basal engrosada, e inclusive algunos capilares totalmente degenerados. No se encontró reacción de inmunofluorescencia con las globulinas anti-IgG ni anti-IgM en los cortes de músculo. El espacio intersticial se encontró agrandado. Se concluye que no hay evidencias de la participación de un mecanismo autoinmune en la miositis osificante progresiva, que existe un daño capilar y alteración de las fibras musculares, aún en el músculo que no manifiesta a simple vista proceso de osificación.During an orthopedic operation a sample of the apparently normal lateral gastronecmius muscle was taken from a 13 year old female patient affected by myositis ossificans progressiva. The muscle sample was analyzed by light, electron and fluorescence microscopy, and some enzymes were assayed. Muscle fibers were classified by the adenosintriphosphatase reaction. The percentage of type I fiber was high (83%). Atrophy was found in type II fibers as shown by small mean area (2.084 Um2 ) and some ultrastructural features as infoldings of the sarcolemma. Capillary density was high (573 capillaries/mm2 ), and capillaries per fiber index was normal (1.76), as were oxidative enzymes. However many capillaries were occluded, with thick basal membrane and abnormal endothelial cells and pericytes. No immunofluorescence was found with anti IgG or anti IgM in the muscle fibers. Intersticial spaces in the cross section of the muscle were enlarged. In conclusion, no evidence of autoimmune involvement was found in myositis ossificans progressiva, but alteracions of capillaries and muscle fibers were found in a muscle apparently not affected yet by the ossification process

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as bioprotector agents against wilt induced by Verticillium spp. in pepper.

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    Verticillium dahliae Kleb. is a vascular pathogen that alters water status and growth of pepper plants and causes drastic reductions in yield. Its control is difficult because it can survive in field soil for several years. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as bioprotector agents against V. dahliae is an alternative to the use of chemicals which, in addition, is more respectful with the environment. The establishment of the mutualistic association of plant roots and AMF involves a continuous cellular and molecular dialogue between both symbionts that includes the preactivation of plant defense responses that may enhance the resistance or tolerance of mycorrhizal plants to soil-borne pathogens. Some AMF can improve the resistance of Capsicum annuum L. against V. dahliae. This is especially relevant for pepper cultivars (i.e. cv. Piquillo) that exhibit high susceptibility to this pathogen. Compared with non-mycorrhizal plants, mycorrhizal pepper can exhibit more balanced antioxidant metabolism in leaves along the first month after pathogen inoculation, which may contribute to delay both the development of disease symptoms and the decrease of photosynthesis in Verticillium-inoculated plants with the subsequent benefit for yield. In stems, mycorrhizal pepper show earlier and higher deposition of lignin in xylem vessels than nonmycorrhizal plants, even in absence of the pathogen. Moreover, AMF can induce new isoforms of acidic chitinases and superoxide dismutase in roots. Mycorrhizal-specific induction of these enzymatic activities together with enhanced peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in roots may also be involved in the bioprotection of Verticillium-induced wilt in pepper by AM

    Zr-metal adhesion on graphenic nanostructures

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    3 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 68.35.Np, 61.46.Fg, 61.46.Df.Our high resolution transmission electronic microscopy studies of multiwall carbon nanotubes show, after the growth of zirconia nanoparticles by a hydrothermal route, the presence of surface Zr, forming an atomically thin layer. Using first-principles calculations we investigate the nature of the Zr–C interaction, which is neither ionic nor covalent, and the optimal coverage for the Zr metal in a graphene flake. This preferred coverage is in agreement with that deduced from electron energy loss spectra experiments. We show also that the amount of charge transferred to the C layer saturates as the Zr coverage increases and the Zr–C bond becomes weaker.We want to acknowledge the support by the ETORTEK (NANOMAT) program of the Basque government, the Intramural Special Project (Reference No. 2006601242), the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCyT) of Spain (Grant No. Fis 2007-66711-C02-C01), and the European Network of Excellence NANOQUANTA (NM4-CT-2004-500198). Y.S.P. gratefully acknowledges his DIPC grant.Peer reviewe

    Pearl millet growth and biochemical alterations determined by mycorrhizal inoculation, water availability and atmospheric CO2 concentration

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) is an important fodder and is a potential feedstock for fuel ethanol production in dry areas. Our objectives were to assess the effect of elevated CO2 and/or reduced irrigation on biomass production and levels of sugars and proteins in leaves of pearl millet and to test whether mycorrhizal inoculation could modulate the effects of these abiotic factors on growth and metabolism. Results showed that mycorrhizal inoculation and water regime most influenced biomass of shoots and roots; however, their individual effects were dependent on the atmospheric CO2 concentration. At ambient CO2, mycorrhizal inoculation helped to alleviate effects of water deficit on pearl millet without significant decreases in biomass production, which contrasted with the low biomass of mycorrhizal plants under restricted irrigation and elevated CO2. Mycorrhizal inoculation enhanced water content in shoots, whereas reduced irrigation decreased water content in roots. The triple interaction between CO2, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and water regime significantly affected the total amount of soluble sugars and determined the predominant soluble sugars in leaves. Under optimal irrigation, elevated CO2 increased the proportion of hexoses in pearl millet that was not inoculated with AMF, thus improving the quality of this plant material for bioethanol production. By contrast, elevated CO2 decreased the levels of proteins in leaves, thus limiting the quality of pearl millet as fodder and primary source for cattle feed

    Global Regulation by Horizontally Transferred Regulators Establishes the Pathogenicity of Escherichia coli

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    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli is an emerging pathogen that causes diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Much of the genomic information that affects virulence is acquired by horizontal transfer. Genes necessary for attaching and effacing lesions are located in the locus for enterocyte effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island. LEE gene transcription is positively regulated by Ler, which is also encoded by the LEE, and by Pch regulators, which are encoded at other loci. Here we identified genes whose transcription profiles were similar to those of the LEE genes, by comparing the effects of altering ler and pch transcript levels. We assigned these genes into two classes, according to their transcription profiles. By determining the binding profiles for Ler and Pch, we showed that both were involved in regulating one class of genes, but only Pch was involved in regulating the other class. Binding sites were found in the coding region as well as the promoter region of regulated genes, which include genes common to K12 strains as well as 0157-specific genes, suggesting that both act as a global regulator. These results indicate that Ler and Pch orchestrate the transcription of virulence genes, which are captured by horizontal transfer and scattered throughout the chromosome

    Agronomic treatments to avoid seed presence in `Nadorcott¿ mandarin I. Effect on in vivo pollen tube growth

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    [EN] Fresh market demands high quality fruit and, therefore, citrus growers and researchers are constantly looking for solutions to avoid seed presence. Current horticultural techniques have low effectiveness or high cost. The objective of this study is to evaluate the inhibition effect of seven products on the in vivo pollen tube growth in Nadorcott mandarin, which is a high-value seedy variety. To achieve this main objective, three inorganic fer­ tilizers (ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, sulfur), and four saccharides (saccharose, methyl cellulose, cal­ lose, chitosan) were applied to Nadorcott stigmas 24 h before and after hand pollination. Pollen tubes were counted 1, 3, and 5 days after treatment in longitudinal blue violet autofluorescence-stained sections. Of the seven evaluated products, only sulfur had a strong inhibitory effect. Elemental sulfur (S 8 ) inhibited pollen tube growth by 94-100%. This strong effect was observed regardless of sulfur being applied 24 h before or after pollination, and on fixed flowers 1, 3 or 5 days after applications. Saccharose treatment seemed to have the opposite effect: stimulated pollen tube growth, but the difference with the positive control was small and non- significant. The sulfur effect could be useful for designing agronomic applications capable of preventing seed presence in Nadorcott mandarin.This research was supported by the Asociación Club de Variedades Vegetales Protegidas as part of a project undertaken with the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain, UPV 20170087), of which H. Merle was the principal researcher. There was no additional external funding received for this study.Garmendia, A.; García-Breijo, F.; Reig, J.; Raigón Jiménez, MD.; Beltrán, R.; Zornoza, C.; Cebrián, N.... (2022). Agronomic treatments to avoid seed presence in `Nadorcott¿ mandarin I. Effect on in vivo pollen tube growth. Scientia Horticulturae. 294:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.11076011029

    Repetitive N-WASP–Binding Elements of the Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Effector EspFU Synergistically Activate Actin Assembly

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    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) generate F-actin–rich adhesion pedestals by delivering effector proteins into mammalian cells. These effectors include the translocated receptor Tir, along with EspFU, a protein that associates indirectly with Tir and contains multiple peptide repeats that stimulate actin polymerization. In vitro, the EspFU repeat region is capable of binding and activating recombinant derivatives of N-WASP, a host actin nucleation-promoting factor. In spite of the identification of these important bacterial and host factors, the underlying mechanisms of how EHEC so potently exploits the native actin assembly machinery have not been clearly defined. Here we show that Tir and EspFU are sufficient for actin pedestal formation in cultured cells. Experimental clustering of Tir-EspFU fusion proteins indicates that the central role of the cytoplasmic portion of Tir is to promote clustering of the repeat region of EspFU. Whereas clustering of a single EspFU repeat is sufficient to bind N-WASP and generate pedestals on cultured cells, multi-repeat EspFU derivatives promote actin assembly more efficiently. Moreover, the EspFU repeats activate a protein complex containing N-WASP and the actin-binding protein WIP in a synergistic fashion in vitro, further suggesting that the repeats cooperate to stimulate actin polymerization in vivo. One explanation for repeat synergy is that simultaneous engagement of multiple N-WASP molecules can enhance its ability to interact with the actin nucleating Arp2/3 complex. These findings define the minimal set of bacterial effectors required for pedestal formation and the elements within those effectors that contribute to actin assembly via N-WASP-Arp2/3–mediated signaling pathways

    Repetitive N-WASP–Binding Elements of the Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Effector EspFU Synergistically Activate Actin Assembly

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    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) generate F-actin–rich adhesion pedestals by delivering effector proteins into mammalian cells. These effectors include the translocated receptor Tir, along with EspFU, a protein that associates indirectly with Tir and contains multiple peptide repeats that stimulate actin polymerization. In vitro, the EspFU repeat region is capable of binding and activating recombinant derivatives of N-WASP, a host actin nucleation-promoting factor. In spite of the identification of these important bacterial and host factors, the underlying mechanisms of how EHEC so potently exploits the native actin assembly machinery have not been clearly defined. Here we show that Tir and EspFU are sufficient for actin pedestal formation in cultured cells. Experimental clustering of Tir-EspFU fusion proteins indicates that the central role of the cytoplasmic portion of Tir is to promote clustering of the repeat region of EspFU. Whereas clustering of a single EspFU repeat is sufficient to bind N-WASP and generate pedestals on cultured cells, multi-repeat EspFU derivatives promote actin assembly more efficiently. Moreover, the EspFU repeats activate a protein complex containing N-WASP and the actin-binding protein WIP in a synergistic fashion in vitro, further suggesting that the repeats cooperate to stimulate actin polymerization in vivo. One explanation for repeat synergy is that simultaneous engagement of multiple N-WASP molecules can enhance its ability to interact with the actin nucleating Arp2/3 complex. These findings define the minimal set of bacterial effectors required for pedestal formation and the elements within those effectors that contribute to actin assembly via N-WASP-Arp2/3–mediated signaling pathways

    Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Requires N-WASP for Efficient Type III Translocation but Not for EspFU-Mediated Actin Pedestal Formation

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    Upon infection of mammalian cells, enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157:H7 utilizes a type III secretion system to translocate the effectors Tir and EspFU (aka TccP) that trigger the formation of F-actin-rich ‘pedestals’ beneath bound bacteria. EspFU is localized to the plasma membrane by Tir and binds the nucleation-promoting factor N-WASP, which in turn activates the Arp2/3 actin assembly complex. Although N-WASP has been shown to be required for EHEC pedestal formation, the precise steps in the process that it influences have not been determined. We found that N-WASP and actin assembly promote EHEC-mediated translocation of Tir and EspFU into mammalian host cells. When we utilized the related pathogen enteropathogenic E. coli to enhance type III translocation of EHEC Tir and EspFU, we found surprisingly that actin pedestals were generated on N-WASP-deficient cells. Similar to pedestal formation on wild type cells, Tir and EspFU were the only bacterial effectors required for pedestal formation, and the EspFU sequences required to interact with N-WASP were found to also be essential to stimulate this alternate actin assembly pathway. In the absence of N-WASP, the Arp2/3 complex was both recruited to sites of bacterial attachment and required for actin assembly. Our results indicate that actin assembly facilitates type III translocation, and reveal that EspFU, presumably by recruiting an alternate host factor that can signal to the Arp2/3 complex, exhibits remarkable versatility in its strategies for stimulating actin polymerization