1,046 research outputs found

    Immigrati e diritti sociali

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    Il saggio analizza in chiave critica i problemi pi\uf9 attuali della protezione socia\uacle degli immigrati. Dopo avere ricostruito il quadro normativo attualmente vigente, l\u2019A. esamina le pronunce giurisprudenziali pi\uf9 significative in materia di parit\ue0 di trattamento e divieto di discriminazione, valutandone l\u2019impatto con riferimento ai diversi status di immigrato. L\u2019ultima parte \ue8 dedicata alla questione della condizionalit\ue0 delle prestazioni di assistenza sociale a causa dei vincoli di bilancio imposti agli Stati dalla nuova governance europea.The paper proposes a critical view of the most actual problems concerning social protection of migrant people. On the one hand, it presents the in force legal framework; on the other hand, it examines the most relevant judgements on both equality and non discrimination principles, to compare them with the several immigrant's status. Eventually, due to EU budget limits laid down by Commission, it deal with the main question of relationship between condi\uactionality of social protections and budget balance.

    Visualization, Exploration and Data Analysis of Complex Astrophysical Data

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    In this paper we show how advanced visualization tools can help the researcher in investigating and extracting information from data. The focus is on VisIVO, a novel open source graphics application, which blends high performance multidimensional visualization techniques and up-to-date technologies to cooperate with other applications and to access remote, distributed data archives. VisIVO supports the standards defined by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance in order to make it interoperable with VO data repositories. The paper describes the basic technical details and features of the software and it dedicates a large section to show how VisIVO can be used in several scientific cases.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, accepted by PAS

    Automated reliability assessment for spectroscopic redshift measurements

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    We present a new approach to automate the spectroscopic redshift reliability assessment based on machine learning (ML) and characteristics of the redshift probability density function (PDF). We propose to rephrase the spectroscopic redshift estimation into a Bayesian framework, in order to incorporate all sources of information and uncertainties related to the redshift estimation process, and produce a redshift posterior PDF that will be the starting-point for ML algorithms to provide an automated assessment of a redshift reliability. As a use case, public data from the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey is exploited to present and test this new methodology. We first tried to reproduce the existing reliability flags using supervised classification to describe different types of redshift PDFs, but due to the subjective definition of these flags, soon opted for a new homogeneous partitioning of the data into distinct clusters via unsupervised classification. After assessing the accuracy of the new clusters via resubstitution and test predictions, unlabelled data from preliminary mock simulations for the Euclid space mission are projected into this mapping to predict their redshift reliability labels.Comment: Submitted on 02 June 2017 (v1). Revised on 08 September 2017 (v2). Latest version 28 September 2017 (this version v3

    The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey. Luminosity and stellar mass dependence of galaxy clustering at z~3

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    We present the study of the dependence of galaxy clustering on luminosity and stellar mass in the redshift range 2<<z<<3.5 using 3236 galaxies with robust spectroscopic redshifts from the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS). We measure the two-point real-space correlation function wp(rp)w_p(r_p) for four volume-limited stellar mass and four luminosity, MUV_{UV} absolute magnitude selected, sub-samples. We find that the scale dependent clustering amplitude r0r_0 significantly increases with increasing luminosity and stellar mass indicating a strong galaxy clustering dependence on these properties. This corresponds to a strong relative bias between these two sub-samples of Δ\Deltab/b^*=0.43. Fitting a 5-parameter HOD model we find that the most luminous and massive galaxies occupy the most massive dark matter haloes with \langleMh_h\rangle = 1012.30^{12.30} h1^{-1} M_{\odot}. Similar to the trends observed at lower redshift, the minimum halo mass Mmin_{min} depends on the luminosity and stellar mass of galaxies and grows from Mmin_{min} =109.73^{9.73} h1^{-1}M_{\odot} to Mmin_{min}=1011.58^{11.58} h1^{-1}M_{\odot} from the faintest to the brightest among our galaxy sample, respectively. We find the difference between these halo masses to be much more pronounced than is observed for local galaxies of similar properties. Moreover, at z~3, we observe that the masses at which a halo hosts, on average, one satellite and one central galaxy is M1_1\approx4Mmin_{min} over all luminosity ranges, significantly lower than observed at z~0 indicating that the halo satellite occupation increases with redshift. The luminosity and stellar mass dependence is also reflected in the measurements of the large scale galaxy bias, which we model as bg,HOD_{g,HOD}(>>L)=1.92+25.36(L/L^*)7.01^{7.01}. We conclude our study with measurements of the stellar-to-halo mass ratio (SHMR).Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, A&A in press, v2. revised discussion in sec. 5.5, changed Fig. 4 and Fig. 11, added reference

    Spectroscopic surveys:a different approach to data reduction

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    We present VIPGI, an automatized human supervised reduction environment, developed within the VIRMOS project to handle VIMOS guaranteed time data. VIPGI is now offered to the international community to be used on site in Milano and Marseille. Born to handle the highly multiplexed MOS VIMOS data, it has been extended to accomodate also IFU data. The widespread and extensive use of VIPGI has suggested the idea of an integrated environment allowing users not only to reduce, but also to organize data in logical structures, to insert results in a database, and use any user defined plugin for data reduction, analysis and inspection. See http://cosmos.mi.iasf.cnr.it/pandoraComment: Astronomical Data Analysis III conference proceedin

    Observing the high redshift universe using the VIMOS-IFU

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    We describe the advantages of using Integral Field Spectroscopy to observe deep fields of galaxy. The VIMOS Integral Field Unit is particularly suitable for this kind of studies thanks to its large field-of-view (~ 1 arcmin^2). After a short description of the VIMOS-IFU data reduction, we detail the main scientific issues which can be addressed using observations of the Hubble Deep Field South with a combination of Integral Field Spectroscopy and broad band optical and Near-Infrared imaging.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publishing in AN (ref. proc. of Euro3D Science workshop, IoA Cambridge, May 2003