43 research outputs found

    Effect of Electro-kinetic Consolidation on Fine Grained Dredged Sediments

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    Abstract The management of the huge amount of dredged sediments is an important issue to be solved worldwide, and dewatering is by far the most critical step when fine grained sediments are involved. Different technologies have been proposed in time to speed up the process. Even though electro-kinetic treatment is in principle one of them, it has not been implemented yet at an industrial scale, and only few trial applications are known. For such a reason, a multidisciplinary research activity is ongoing at the University of Napoli Federico II in the framework of the EU commitment ROSE with the aim to analyse the effectiveness and feasibility of such a technology from the lab to the site scale. In this paper, some evidences stemming from lab tests are presented. The results indicate that the application of low voltages improves the mechanical behaviour of the tested soil. In this case, however, the improvement is due more to a change in microstructure than to a decrease in void ratio

    The Aquatic Oligochaetes of Extra-Andean Patagonia in the Province of Santa Cruz: Ecologyand Distribution of the Species in Relation to Environmental Factors

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    Los oligoquetos (Annelida, Clitellata) se destacan por el papel preponderante que desempeñan en los ecosistemas de aguas continentales; a menudo, son el grupo más diverso y abundante en la comunidad bentónica de ambientes de aguadulce, con una importante participación en los ciclos de nutrientes y en los procesos de flujo de energía. El valor ecológico de los oligoquetos incluye su importancia en la red trófica acuática, su impacto en la estructura de los sedimentos y su larga historia de uso en el monitoreo y evaluación de la contaminación. En la provincia de Santa Cruz, el desarrollo de estudios sobre macroinvertebrados acuáticos como bioindicadores ambientales es incipiente, encontrándose unos pocos trabajos recientes. El desarrollo urbano, la actividad minera, la construcción de represas hidroeléctricas y el uso agroganadero de la tierra, constituyen los principales factores de impacto que ponen en riesgo la integridad de los ambientes de agua dulce de la Patagonia austral, y hacen necesaria la realización de estudios integrados para generar una línea de base que permita llevar adelante estrategias de manejo y la implementación de medidas para mitigar las alteraciones causadas por estas actividades antrópicas. En función de estaproblemática, y debido al escaso conocimiento de la fauna local de oligoquetos, el presente plan de trabajo pretende indagar sobre aspectos biológicos y ecológicos de las principales especies de oligoquetos acuáticos de la región patagónica extra-andina de la provincia de Santa Cruz y sobre su utilización como bioindicadores de impacto ambiental.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Massive thymic hemorrhage and hemothorax occurring in utero

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    Background: Thymic enlargement is a common and physiological finding in children and neonates' X-rays, but it is usually asymptomatic. Occasionally it can cause respiratory distress. In most cases the aetiology of this expansion remains unclear and it is diagnosed as a thymic hyperplasia. True thymic hyperplasia is defined as a gland expansion, both in size and weight, while maintaining normal microscopic architecture. Often it is a diagnosis of exclusion and prognosis is good. Thymic haemorrhage is an unusual condition related to high foetal and neonatal mortality. Case Presentation: We report a case of spontaneous massive thymic haemorrhage in a newborn developing at birth acute respiratory distress associated with severe bilateral haemothorax. Thymic enlargement was evident after pleural evacuation and confirmed by radiographic, Computed Tomography (CT) images and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sequences. The spontaneous resolution of this enlargement seen with CT scan and MRI sequences suggested a thymic haemorrhage; surgery was not necessary. Conclusion: Thymic haemorrhage should be considered in newborn infants with pleural effusion, mediastinal space enlargement and Respiratory Distress

    Group B Streptococcus early-onset disease and observation of well-appearing newborns

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    Background International guidelines lack a substantial consensus regarding management of asymptomatic full-term and late preterm neonates at risk for early-onset disease (EOS). Large cohorts of newborns are suitable to increase the understanding of the safety and efficacy of a given strategy. Methods This is a prospective, area-based, cohort study involving regional birth facilities of Emilia-Romagna (Italy). We compared cases of EOS (at or above 35 weeks\u2019 gestation) registered in 2003\u20132009 (baseline period: 266,646 LBs) and in 2010\u20132016, after introduction of a new strategy (serial physical examinations, SPEs) for managing asymptomatic neonates at risk for EOS (intervention period: 265,508 LBs). Results There were 108 cases of EOS (baseline period, n = 60; intervention period, n = 48). Twenty-two (20.4%) remained asymptomatic through the first 72 hours of life, whereas 86 (79.6%) developed symptoms, in most cases (52/86, 60.5%) at birth or within 6 hours. The median age at presentation was significantly earlier in the intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP)exposed than in the IAP-unexposed neonates (0 hours, IQR 0.0000\u20130.0000 vs 6 hours, IQR 0.0000\u201315.0000, p<0.001). High number of neonates (n = 531) asymptomatic at birth, exposed to intrapartum fever, should be treated empirically for each newborn who subsequently develops sepsis. IAP exposed neonates increased (12% vs 33%, p = 0.01), age at presentation decreased (median 6 vs 1 hours, p = 0.01), whereas meningitis, mechanical ventilation and mortality did not change in baseline vs intervention period. After implementing the SPEs, no cases had adverse outcomes due to the strategy, and no cases developed severe disease after 6 hours of life. Conclusions Infants with EOS exposed to IAP developed symptoms at birth in almost all cases, and those who appeared well at birth had a very low chance of having EOS. The risk of EOS in neonates (asymptomatic at birth) exposed to intrapartum fever was low. Although definite conclusions on causation are lacking, our data support SPEs of asymptomatic newborns at risk for EOS. SPEs seems a safe and effective alternative to laboratory screening and empirical antibiotic therapy

    Current Knowledge on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) from Animal Biology to Humans, from Pregnancy to Adulthood: Highlights from a National Italian Meeting

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    Wildlife has often presented and suggested the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Animal studies have given us an important opportunity to understand the mechanisms of action of many chemicals on the endocrine system and on neurodevelopment and behaviour, and to evaluate the effects of doses, time and duration of exposure. Although results are sometimes conflicting because of confounding factors, epidemiological studies in humans suggest effects of EDCs on prenatal growth, thyroid function, glucose metabolism and obesity, puberty, fertility, and on carcinogenesis mainly through epigenetic mechanisms. This manuscript reviews the reports of a multidisciplinary national meeting on this topic

    Annali storici di Principato Citra, A. 6, n. 2.2 (2008)

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    A. 6, n. 2.2 (2008): G. Guardia, Editoriale, P. 3 ; A. Trezza, Il Cilento in semiotica del paesaggio: testo della cultura e testo paesaggistico, P. 5 ; M.L. Mautone, Un cofanetto nuziale della bottega degli Embrachi al Museo Diocesano di Vallo della Lucania, P. 35 ; E. Granito, Lotte operaie nel Salernitano dall’Unità all’Età Giolittiana. Menechella la scapricciata e i suoi compagni, P. 48 ; A. Gargano, Affreschi oligarchici: lettere anonime, ricorsi e inchieste prefettizie nella vita socio-amministrativa di Pagani nel tardo Ottocento, P. 69 ; E. Bianco, L’incastellamento medievale nel Cilento interno: il borgo murato di Stio (XI-XVI sec.). Prime indagini, P. 96 ; E. Frescani, L’arte di imparare. Note sull’apprendistato nella valle dell’Irno nel XVII secolo, P. 109 ; E. Catone, I marchesi Forcella a Buccino. Brevi note genealogiche, P. 114 ; G. Pepe, Francesco Durelli: uno storico ignorato, P. 124 ; A. La Greca, “In diem Christi conscientiam onerantes”. L’atto di rifondazione della confraternita del SS. Rosario di Montecorice e del suo trasferimento dalla cappella di S. Sofia alla nuova chiesa parrocchiale di S. Biagio (6 febbraio 1589), P. 139 ; A. Capano, Note di toponomastica in margine al Catasto provvisorio di San Giovanni a Piro (1815) e di Bosco sua frazione (20 sett. 1828), P. 146 ; Nota di Redazione, Pioppi: « culla » della Dieta Mediterranea. Celebrati i 25 anni di “Cronache Cilentane” e la XVIII Edizione degli “Incontri Mediterranei”, P. 180 ; M. Serra, Un’avvincente iniziativa editoriale del Centro di Promozione Culturale per il Cilento, P. 183 ; G. De Vita, “Oltre la torre d’avorio”. Un libro degli allievi per i sessant’anni del prof. Luigi Rossi, P. 188

    Rediscovering the Wetlands of Berisso: an extension course within the framework of Environmental Education

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    Nuestro proyecto de extensión está destinado a niños de edad escolar, ya que son sujetos proactivos en la transmisión de la educación ambiental hacia el núcleo familiar y el contexto social. La ciudad de Berisso (Buenos Aires, Argentina) no sólo comprende paisajes urbanísticos y portuarios, si no también ambientes costeros y humedales, siendo estos últimos vulnerables a la actividad humana que contribuye a su progresivo deterioro. La metodología planteada es la interacción directa e intercambio de ideas con los actores sociales, abordando la problemática a partir de distintas actividades en los ámbitos donde visitamos (colegios, fiestas populares, jornadas). Los objetivos de los talleres son: fomentar actitud crítica, participativa y responsable frente a la problemática ambiental regional; concientizar sobre la necesidad de conservar la biodiversidad; fortalecer el vínculo entre universidad y sociedad. En cuanto al resultado general resaltamos la aceptación y concientización de la responsabilidad de la colectividad en su rol como copartícipes del ecosistema.Our extension project is intended for children of school age, because they are proactive subjects in the knowledge transfer of environmental education to their family and their social context. The city of Berisso, (Buenos Aires, Argentina) includes not only urbanistic and port areas, but also coastal and wetlands which are vulnerable to human activity that contributes to their progressive deterioration. The methodology proposed is the direct interaction and exchange of ideas with social actors, addressing the problem from different activities in the areas where we visit (schools, popular festivals, conferences). The objectives of the workshop are to encourage participative and responsible attitude towards the local environmental problems; to raise awareness about the need for preserving biodiversity; to strengthen the relationship between university and society. Regarding the general result, we highlight the acceptance and awareness of the responsibility of the community and its role as co-participants of the ecosystem.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Serum Albumin Is Inversely Associated With Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhosis

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    We analyzed whether serum albumin is independently associated with portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in liver cirrhosis (LC) and if a biologic plausibility exists. This study was divided into three parts. In part 1 (retrospective analysis), 753 consecutive patients with LC with ultrasound-detected PVT were retrospectively analyzed. In part 2, 112 patients with LC and 56 matched controls were entered in the cross-sectional study. In part 3, 5 patients with cirrhosis were entered in the in vivo study and 4 healthy subjects (HSs) were entered in the in vitro study to explore if albumin may affect platelet activation by modulating oxidative stress. In the 753 patients with LC, the prevalence of PVT was 16.7%; logistic analysis showed that only age (odds ratio [OR], 1.024; P = 0.012) and serum albumin (OR, -0.422; P = 0.0001) significantly predicted patients with PVT. Analyzing the 112 patients with LC and controls, soluble clusters of differentiation (CD)40-ligand (P = 0.0238), soluble Nox2-derived peptide (sNox2-dp; P < 0.0001), and urinary excretion of isoprostanes (P = 0.0078) were higher in patients with LC. In LC, albumin was correlated with sCD4OL (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient [r(s)], -0.33; P < 0.001), sNox2-dp (r(s), -0.57; P < 0.0001), and urinary excretion of isoprostanes (r(s), -0.48; P < 0.0001) levels. The in vivo study showed a progressive decrease in platelet aggregation, sNox2-dp, and urinary 8-iso prostaglandin F2 alpha-III formation 2 hours and 3 days after albumin infusion. Finally, platelet aggregation, sNox2-dp, and isoprostane formation significantly decreased in platelets from HSs incubated with scalar concentrations of albumin. Conclusion: Low serum albumin in LC is associated with PVT, suggesting that albumin could be a modulator of the hemostatic system through interference with mechanisms regulating platelet activation

    Análisis de la calidad ambiental en un sector del Río Chico (Santa Cruz, Argentina) basado en bioindicadores bentónicos

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    The Chico river, located in the center of Santa Cruz, runs 600 km from its source to its mouth. In its middle reaches, is the town of Gobernador Gregores (48° 45' 3"S, 70° 14' 54" W), which exerts influence on the river through agricultural activities and the discharge of urban sewages. In order to know the degree of impact on the water quality of the river, the analysis of the community of benthic macroinvertebrates was carried out and the Biotic Monitoring Patagonian Streams (BMPS) index was calculated. A first survey was performed in March 2017 at six sampling stations arranged in a gradient design, with two control stations upstream and four stations downstream of the town. At each station, water samples were taken for physicochemical analysis, environmental data were recorded with a multiparameter probe, and four samples of macrobenthos were collected using a Surber network with 0.5 mm mesh. The collected organisms were identified and counted under optic and stereoscopic microscopes. For each sample, species richness (S), total abundance (N), diversity (H’) and evenness (J) were calculated, and the abundance data were analyzed using multivariate statistics. A total of 25 taxa were identified. The best represented were the oligochaetes Naididae, the hirudineans, the mollusks Chilinidae and Lymnaeidae, and the insects Chironomidae, Baetidae and Glossosomatidae. At the stations located downstream closest to the town the community was dominated by oligochaetes and chironomids, and presented the lowest values of S, H’ and J. The values of BMPS at these stations indicated the existence of polluted to heavily polluted water. At the control and the furthest downstream stations, the values of S, H’ and J increased significantly, and the BMPS index indicated better conditions in the environmental quality of the river.El río Chico, ubicado en el centro de Santa Cruz, recorre 600 km desde sus nacientes hasta sudesembocadura. En su tramo medio, se encuentra la localidad de Gobernador Gregores(48°45'3"S, 70°14'54"O), que ejerce su influencia sobre el río a través de las actividadesagropecuarias y el vertido de efluentes urbanos. Con el objetivo de conocer el grado deimpacto sobre la calidad del agua del río, se realizó un análisis de la comunidad demacroinvertebrados bentónicos y se calculó el índice Biotic Monitoring Patagonian Streams(BMPS). En marzo de 2017, se efectuó un primer relevamiento en seis estaciones de muestreodispuestas en un diseño de gradiente de impacto, con dos estaciones control aguas arriba de lalocalidad y cuatro estaciones aguas abajo. En cada estación se tomaron muestras de agua paraanálisis fisicoquímicos, se registraron datos ambientales mediante sonda multiparamétrica yse recolectaron cuatro muestras de macrobentos utilizando una red Surber con malla de 0,5mm de abertura. Los organismos recolectados fueron identificados y contabilizados bajomicroscopios estereoscópico y óptico. Para cada muestra se calculó el número de taxones (S),la abundancia total (N), la diversidad (H’) y la equitatividad (J); los datos de abundancia seanalizaron utilizando estadística multivariada. Se identificaron 25 taxones, siendo los mejorrepresentados los oligoquetos Naididae, los hirudíneos, los moluscos Chilinidae yLymnaeidae, y los insectos Chironomidae, Baetidae y Glossosomatidae. En las estacionesubicadas aguas abajo más cercanas a la localidad, la comunidad se encontró dominadaampliamente por oligoquetos y quironómidos, y presentó los valores más bajos de S, H’ y J.Los valores de BMPS en esas estaciones indicaron la existencia de aguas contaminadas afuertemente contaminadas. En las estaciones control y las más alejadas aguas abajo, losvalores de S, H’ y J aumentaron significativamente y el índice BMPS indicó mejorescondiciones en la calidad ambiental del río