668 research outputs found

    The trilogy of Samuel Beckett: Molloy; Malone Dies; The Unnamable

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    Group amenability and actions on Z-stable C*-algebras

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    We study strongly outer actions of discrete groups on C*algebras in relation to (non)amenability. In contrast to related results for amenable groups, where uniqueness of strongly outer actions on the Jiang-Su algebra is expected, we show that uniqueness fails for all nonamenable groups, and that the failure is drastic. Our main result implies that if G contains a copy of F2, then there exist uncountably many, non-co cycle conjugate strongly outer actions of G on any tracial, unital, separable C*-algebra that absorbs tensorially the Jiang-Su algebra. Similar conclusions hold for outer actions on McDuff II1 factors. We moreover show that G is amenable if and only if the Bernoulli shift on any finite strongly self-absorbing C*algebra absorbs the trivial action on the Jiang-Su algebra. Our methods are inspired by Jones' work [27], and consist in a careful study of weak containment for the Koopman representations of certain generalized Bernoulli actions. (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Storage life of parachutes - Long time material degradation

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    This study considers the long-time storage of single-use nylon and Kevlar{reg_sign} parachutes. The authors present data from a 29-year-old nylon parachute, and nylon and Kevlar{reg_sign} test samples stored 14 years under ambient conditions in the absence of sunlight. They compare the results with existing predictions of parachute material degradation and other aging data. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses were preformed on Nylon and Kevlar{reg_sign} fabrics that were degraded by elevated temperature aging. The results suggest that this technique should be further examined as a {open_quotes}non-destructive{close_quotes} method of detecting degradation

    Role of Amino Acid Side Chains in Region 17–31 of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) in Binding to the PTH Receptor

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    The principal receptor-binding domain (Ser(17)-Val(31)) of parathyroid hormone (PTH) is predicted to form an amphiphilic alpha-helix and to interact primarily with the N-terminal extracellular domain (N domain) of the PTH receptor (PTHR). We explored these hypotheses by introducing a variety of substitutions in region 17-31 of PTH-(1-31) and assessing, via competition assays, their effects on binding to the wild-type PTHR and to PTHR-delNt, which lacks most of the N domain. Substitutions at Arg(20) reduced affinity for the intact PTHR by 200-fold or more, but altered affinity for PTHR-delNt by 4-fold or less. Similar effects were observed for Glu substitutions at Trp(23), Leu(24), and Leu(28), which together form the hydrophobic face of the predicted amphiphilic alpha-helix. Glu substitutions at Arg(25), Lys(26), and Lys(27) (which forms the hydrophilic face of the helix) caused 4-10-fold reductions in affinity for both receptors. Thus, the side chains of Arg(20), together with those composing the hydrophobic face of the ligand's putative amphiphilic alpha-helix, contribute strongly to PTHR-binding affinity by interacting specifically with the N domain of the receptor. The side chains projecting from the opposite helical face contribute weakly to binding affinity by different mechanisms, possibly involving interactions with the extracellular loop/transmembrane domain region of the receptor. The data help define the roles that side chains in the binding domain of PTH play in the PTH-PTHR interaction process and provide new clues for understanding the overall topology of the bimolecular complex

    Catalog of selected heavy duty transport energy management models

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    A catalog of energy management models for heavy duty transport systems powered by diesel engines is presented. The catalog results from a literature survey, supplemented by telephone interviews and mailed questionnaires to discover the major computer models currently used in the transportation industry in the following categories: heavy duty transport systems, which consist of highway (vehicle simulation), marine (ship simulation), rail (locomotive simulation), and pipeline (pumping station simulation); and heavy duty diesel engines, which involve models that match the intake/exhaust system to the engine, fuel efficiency, emissions, combustion chamber shape, fuel injection system, heat transfer, intake/exhaust system, operating performance, and waste heat utilization devices, i.e., turbocharger, bottoming cycle

    Sexual Health Dysfunction After Radiotherapy for Gynecological Cancer: Role of Physical Rehabilitation Including Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

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    Introduction: The present study aims to describe: 1. How the side effects of radiotherapy (RT) could impact sexual health in women; 2. The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation including pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) in the management of sexual dysfunction after RT. Materials and Methods: Search keys on PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, PEDro, and Cochrane were used to identify studies on women treated with radical or adjuvant RT and/or brachytherapy for gynecological cancers with an emphasis on vulvo-vaginal toxicities and PFMT studies on sexual dysfunction for this group of women. Results: Regarding the first key question, we analyzed 19 studies including a total of 2,739 women who reported vaginal dryness, stenosis, and pain as the most common side effects. Reports of dosimetric risk factors and dose-effect data for vaginal and vulvar post-RT toxicities are scant. Only five studies, including three randomized controlled trials (RCTs), were found to report the effect of PFMT alone or in combination with other treatments. The results showed some evidence for the effect of training modalities including PFMT, but to date, there is insufficient evidence from high-quality studies to draw any conclusion of a possible effect. Conclusions: Gynecological toxicities after RT are common, and their management is challenging. The few data available for a rehabilitative approach on post-actinic vulvo-vaginal side effects are encouraging. Large and well-designed RCTs with the long-term follow-up that investigate the effect of PFMT on vulvo-vaginal tissues and pelvic floor muscle function are needed to provide further guidance for clinical management

    Radios universitarias: modelo para armar

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    La comunicación viene siendo desde hace tiempo pensada y re-pensada a partir de los cambios inscriptos como otras formas de hacer y utilizar la comunicación. Impulsada por las políticas públicas de empoderamiento de la comunicación que se dieron en nuestro país a partir de la sanción de la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual1 y su previa construcción social organizativa, fue posible la producción y recepción de mensajes necesarios y pertinentes para la construcción de sentidos propios, de identidades que marquen diferencias y establezcan distinciones. Como práctica y ejercicio básico de interlocución y construcción de sentidos para comprender las relaciones sociales, se presenta así la necesidad de pensar una comunicación útil para el reconocimiento político de los seres humanos; esto supone que la diversidad, diferencias, distinciones y el conflicto agonístico en términos de Mouffe (2015) son las condiciones democráticas por excelencia a considerar.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Mild malformations of cortical development in sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy due to KCNT1 mutations

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    open14siMutations in the sodium-activated potassium channel gene KCNT1 have been associated with nonlesional sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (SHE). We report the co-occurrence of mild malformation of cortical development (mMCD) and KCNT1 mutations in four patients with SHE. Focal cortical dysplasia type I was neuropathologically diagnosed after epilepsy surgery in three unrelated MRI-negative patients, periventricular nodular heterotopia was detected in one patient by MRI. Our findings suggest that KCNT1 epileptogenicity may result not only from dysregulated excitability by controlling Na+K+ transport, but also from mMCD. Therefore, pathogenic variants in KCNT1 may encompass both lesional and nonlesional epilepsies.openRubboli G.; Plazzi G.; Picard F.; Nobili L.; Hirsch E.; Chelly J.; Prayson R.A.; Boutonnat J.; Bramerio M.; Kahane P.; Dibbens L.M.; Gardella E.; Baulac S.; Moller R.S.Rubboli, G.; Plazzi, G.; Picard, F.; Nobili, L.; Hirsch, E.; Chelly, J.; Prayson, R. A.; Boutonnat, J.; Bramerio, M.; Kahane, P.; Dibbens, L. M.; Gardella, E.; Baulac, S.; Moller, R. S
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