7,531 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis between two statistical deviation–based consensus measures in group decision making problems

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    The mean absolute deviation and the standard deviation, two statistical measures commonly used in quantifying variability, may become an interesting tool when defining consensus measures. Two consensus indexes which obtain the level of consensus in some problems of Group Decision Making are introduced in this paper by expanding the aforementioned statistical concepts. A comparative analysis reveals that the levels of consensus derived from these indexes are close to those obtained employing distance functions when a fuzzy preference relations frame is considered, so they turn out to be a useful tool in this context. In addition, these indexes are different from each other and with the distance functions considered. Thus, they are applicable tools in the calculation of consensus in our context and are different from those commonly used

    Experimental observations of cohesive sediment dynamics in aquaculture recirculation tanks

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    se describe un modelo para velcocidad de caida de agregados validado experimentalmente.Cohesive sediments from non-used food and fish excreta are a main concern in aquaculture recirculation tank design. Excess concentrations of sediments can cause fish death or additional costs of energy for aeration. Flow dynamics in these tanks is represented as a multiphase flow with two disperse phases: one of solids (cohesive sediments) and one of gas (oxygen) because aeration is always needed. This research was carried out to understand the settling behavior of flocs when subjected to a liquid shear rate. A reduced scale model of an aquaculture recirculation tank was built in Plexiglas in order to use Particle Image Velocimetry and Particle Tracking Velocimetry techniques to measure fluid velocities, solid settling velocities, floc shape, and size. The optical techniques provided a description of how the phases organize in space and how this organization is related to the microphysics. Different flow rates and solid concentrations were used to develop varied configurations in the system. Models for floc settling velocity based on fractal theory were calibrated. Cohesive sediments from fish food were observed in long-term experiments at constant fluid shear rate and constant gas flow rates in the recirculation tank. Images were obtained each five minutes. Image analysis provided us with floc settling velocity data and floc size. Using floc settling velocity data, floc density data were obtained for different diameters at equilibrium conditions, after one hour or larger experiments. Statistical analysis of floc velocities for different floc sizes allowed us to obtain an expression for the drag coefficient as a function of floc particle Reynolds number (R*=ρwWsD/μ) where Ws is the floc settling velocity, D is floc diameter, ρw is the liquid mass density and μ is the liquid viscosity. The results are helpful to improve cohesive sediment removal in aquaculture recirculation tanks by providing a tool to obtain optimum sedimentation rates as a function of fluid shear ratesUAE

    The role of macrophages and anti-viral antibodies in West Nile virus pathogenesis

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    Title from title screen of research.pdf file (viewed on December 22, 2006)The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file."May 2006"Vita.Thesis (Ph. D.) University of Missouri-Columbia 2006.Since the introduction of West Nile virus into the United States in 1999, the virus has spread throughout the continental territory of the United States and it is suspected that the virus has moved present into Mexico and Canada. The emergence of this flavivirus in North America has resulted in an intense interest in the virus, leading to research efforts focused on the pathogenesis and possible treatments or methods for prevention of the disease. In the present studies, we demonstrate the ability of WNV to productively infect horse monocytes, CD4+ T lymphocytes as well as monocyte-derived macrophages. Along with these findings we report the ability of immune horse serum to induce antibody dependent enhancement of WNV infection of horse macrophages and mouse macrophages in vitro. The question of ADE in vivo was also addressed and we found that the sub-neutralizing dilutions of anti-WNV immune horse serum that induce ADE in vitro fail to induce the same effect in vivo. The serum induces protection, which is perhaps driven by the up-regulation of IL-12 in spleen during the earliest phase of infection. In brain the chemokines C-10 and MCP-5 are secreted earlier than other chemokines and cytokines, suggesting that those chemokines play an important role in the beginning of the encephalitis caused by WNV. High titers of virus in blood and spleen, as well as the ability of the virus to infect horse monocytes and CD4+ lymphocytes suggest that this virus spreads from subcutaneous tissue to the brain by a hematogenous route.Includes bibliographical reference

    Is Spain an alternative destination for South Korean tourists? Motivations and Destination Image

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    Tourists may have greater motivation or predisposition for visiting tourist destination when they consider, a priori, that the atributes of the places can meet their needs and make them achieve the desired benefits. This way, the images Will be more favourable when the attributes linked to the destinations coincide with the benefits sought by the tourists.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Definition of critical hydrodynamic conditions for sediment motion initiation using optical technique

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    Sediment motion initiation experiments were performed in a glass rectangular channel, with a loose bed in the central part. The main goal is to obtain the critical hydrodynamic characteristics that causes sediment bed motion initiation, for different cohesionless sediment grain sizes. The optical technique of Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) was used in order to determine the critical velocity profiles for sediment initiation of motion. Between the parameters that define this critical velocity profile is the one known as bed rugosity which represents the height of asperities in the bed. For conditions near bed motion initiation experimental velocity profiles were obtained and they allowed us also to define fluctuating velocities u´, v´ and a value of bed rugosity ks related to a representative grain size of the bed. It was shown that obtained critical velocity profiles are in good agreement with other works in the scientific literature provided an appropriate definition of bed rugosity is made.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Comparative Transcriptomics of Rice Genotypes with Contrasting Responses to Nitrogen Stress Reveals Genes Influencing Nitrogen Uptake through the Regulation of Root Architecture

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    The indiscriminate use of nitrogenous fertilizers continues unabated for commercial crop production, resulting in air and water pollution. The development of rice varieties with enhanced nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) will require a thorough understanding of the molecular basis of a plant\u27s response to low nitrogen (N) availability. The global expression profiles of root tissues collected from low and high N treatments at different time points in two rice genotypes, Pokkali and Bengal, with contrasting responses to N stress and contrasting root architectures were examined. Overall, the number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in Pokkali (indica) was higher than in Bengal (japonica) during low N and early N recovery treatments. Most low N DEGs in both genotypes were downregulated whereas early N recovery DEGs were upregulated. Of these, 148 Pokkali-specific DEGs might contribute to Pokkali\u27s advantage under N stress. These DEGs included transcription factors and transporters and were involved in stress responses, growth and development, regulation, and metabolism. Many DEGs are co-localized with quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to root growth and development, chlorate-resistance, and NUE. Our findings suggest that the superior growth performance of Pokkali under low N conditions could be due to the genetic differences in a diverse set of genes influencing N uptake through the regulation of root architecture

    Factores determinantes en la prevalencia de anemia ferropénica en niños del colegio San Mateo del distrito San Juan de Lurigancho, 2021

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    En el presente trabajo tiene por objetivo determinar la relación entre los factores determinantes y la prevalencia de anemia ferropénica en niños del colegio San Mateo del distrito San Juan de Lurigancho, 2021. El estudio corresponde a una metodología de tipo aplicada, no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional y transversal, con una población de 185 alumnos y una muestra de 125 estudiantes; a partir de la misma se recogerá la información mediante fichas de registro y cuestionarios. Como resultados se pudo determinar que la edad predominante es de 7 a 8 años en un 58%, en un 54% el género predominante es el masculino y el nivel socioeconómico es medio en un 53%; por otra parte, se evidenció una relación significativa entre las comorbilidades, el nivel de hemoglobina, el nivel de hierro sérico y los hábitos alimenticios con la prevalencia de anemia en la característica edad, la significancia fue igual a 0,000; mientras que con las características sexo y nivel socioeconómico no se presentó relación. Se concluye que existe una relación significativa y directa entre las variables de estudio factores determinantes y prevalencia de anemia ferropénica en niños del colegio San Mateo del distrito San Juan de Lurigancho, 2021.Tesi

    Presupuesto por resultados y su relación con la calidad del gasto público en la municipalidad Distrital de Huarmaca, Piura, 2018

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    El trabajo de investigación presentado es titulado como “presupuesto por resultado y su relación con la calidad del gasto público en la municipalidad distrital de Huarmaca – Piura, 2018” el cual tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre el presupuesto por resultado y la calidad del gasto público. Su población y muestra estuvo conformada por 38 personas del personal administrativo de la municipalidad distrital de Huarmaca de las áreas involucradas contratadas bajo el decreto legislativo 276, como técnica de recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento se utilizaron dos cuestionarios uno para medir el presupuesto por resultados que está conformado por 13 preguntas y otro para medir la calidad del gasto público que está constituido por 14 preguntas para obtener la información necesaria para la investigación. El diseño de investigación es no experimental, bajo un enfoque cuantitativo correlacional de tipo básica, para la confiabilidad, se hizo uso de alfa de Crombach cuyos valores son de 0,915 y 0,97 respectivamente por lo que los instrumentos tienen una excelente confiabilidad para su aplicación, la validación se realizó por constructos y se contestó a la hipótesis general de que existe relación entre el presupuesto por resultados y la calidad del gasto público, por otro lado el valor del Rho de Sperman fue de 0,642, lo cual indica que hay correlación media entre ambas variables. Por lo tanto, se llegó a la conclusión que hay una buena gestión del presupuesto por resultados mejorará la calidad del gasto público en la municipalidad distrital de Huarmaca, de esta manera la población del distrito se beneficiará y tendrán mejores condiciones de vida. por lo que se recomienda involucrarse más con el presupuesto por resultados teniendo en cuenta la calidad más no la cantidad en el gasto