908 research outputs found

    Evolution along the sequence of S0 Hubble types induced by dry minor mergers. II - Bulge-disk coupling in the photometric relations through merger-induced internal secular evolution

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    Galaxy mergers are considered as questionable mechanisms for the evolution of lenticular galaxies (S0's), on the basis that even minor ones induce structural changes that are difficult to reconcile with the strong bulge-disk coupling observed in the photometric scaling relations of S0's. We check if the evolution induced onto S0's by dry intermediate and minor mergers can reproduce their photometric scaling relations, analysing the bulge-disk decompositions of the merger simulations presented in Eliche-Moral et al. (2012). The mergers induce an evolution in the photometric planes compatible with the data of S0's, even in those ones indicating a strong bulge-disk coupling. The mergers drive the formation of the observed photometric relation in some cases, whereas they induce a slight dispersion compatible with data in others. Therefore, this evolutionary mechanism tends to preserve these scaling relations. In those photometric planes where the morphological types segregate, the mergers always induce evolution towards the region populated by S0's. The structural coupling of the bulge and the disk is preserved or reinforced because the mergers trigger internal secular processes in the primary disk that induce significant bulge growth, even although these models do not induce bars. Intermediate and minor mergers can thus be considered as plausible mechanisms for the evolution of S0's attending to their photometric scaling relations, as they can preserve and even strengthen any pre-existing structural bulge-disk coupling, triggering significant internal secular evolution (even in the absence of bars or dissipational effects). This means that it may be difficult to isolate the effects of pure internal secular evolution from those of the merger-driven one in present-day early-type disks (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 13 pages, 8 figures. Definitive version after proofs. Added references and corrected typo

    Mercados financieros internacionales en 2015: trayectoria y perspectivas

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    El comportamiento de los mercados financieros durante el 2015 estuvo esencialmente determinado por dos cuestiones, las expectativas de incremento de la tasa de interés en los Estados Unidos y la evolución de los principales mercados emergentes. La posibilidad de que aumentase la rentabilidad de los activos en dólares permaneció latente y provocó, en diferentes momentos, una mayor volatilidad en los mercados bursátil, cambiario y de deuda. Por su parte, las peores perspectivas de crecimiento y la vulnerabilidad financiera de las economías emergentes, asociadas a los bajos precios de productos básicos y la apreciación del dólar, también generó inestabilidad y cambios en la dirección del flujo de capitales a nivel mundial. Adicionalmente, en el ámbito institucional, la presencia de inversionistas financieros no bancarios con una actitud más agresiva en la toma de riesgo, siguió siendo una fuente importante de volatilidad e incertidumbre.Introducción Panorama monetario y financiero internacional: Visión global y factores explicativos Grecia: ¿A la tercera va la vencida? Economías emergentes: En El filo de la navaja Las políticas monetarias: Entre la realidad y las expectativas. Bolsas, divisas y bancos. Perspectivas, a modo de conclusión. Referencias bibliográfica

    Crosstalk between sphingolipids and vitamin D3: potential role in the nervous system

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    Sphingolipids are both structural and bioactive compounds. In particular, ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate regulate cell fate, inflammation and excitability. 1-α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) is known to play an important physiological role in growth and differentiation in a variety of cell types, including neural cells, through genomic actions mediated by its specific receptor, and non-genomic effects that result in the activation of specific signalling pathways. 1,25(OH)2D3 and sphingolipids, in particular sphingosine 1-phosphate, share many common effectors, including calcium regulation, growth factors and inflammatory cytokines, but it is still not known whether they can act synergistically. Alterations in the signalling and concentrations of sphingolipids and 1,25(OH)2D3 have been found in neurodegenerative diseases and fingolimod, a structural analogue of sphingosine, has been approved for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. This review, after a brief description of the role of sphingolipids and 1,25(OH)2D3, will focus on the potential crosstalk between sphingolipids and 1,25(OH)2D3 in neural cell

    Multidisciplinary consensus on the approach to hospital malnutrition in Spain

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    Rationale: Disease-related malnutrition constitutes a highly prevalent healthcare problem with high costs associated. In Spain, the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients has been reported from 30% to 50%. Objectives: Main purposes of this consensus document were to establish recommendations that facilitate decision- making and action to prevent and early-diagnose disease-related hospital malnutrition, on the management of nutritional support methods and actions to evaluate nutritional treatment compliance and efficacy. Methods: A systematic bibliographical search of authors was performed, complemented by updated bibliography by author references up to 2010. From this review, some recommendations were defined, modified and critically evaluated by the representatives of scientific societies in a consensus conference (Dec 2010) following a structured brainstorming technique: the Metaplan® technique. A double validation process was undertaken until final recommendations were obtained. Results: 30 consensus recommendations for the prevention and management of hospital malnutrition are presented in this document. Recommendations cover all clinical care settings as well as prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of disease-related malnutrition. Conclusions: Nutritional screening is strongly recommended at all clinical settings when nutritional risk factors are identified or there is clinical suspicion of malnutrition. Nutritional assessment should be designed and performed according to centers’ resources, but clearly identified protocols should be available.La desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad constituye un problema sanitario de elevada prevalencia y altos costes. En España, la prevalencia de desnutrición de los pacientes hospitalizados se ha estimado entre el 30% y el 50%. Objetivos: El objetivo principal de este consenso fue establecer recomendaciones para facilitar la toma de decisiones para la prevención y el diagnostico precoz de la desnutrición hospitalaria, el manejo del soporte nutricional, y las acciones para evaluar el cumplimiento de la intervención nutricional y su eficacia. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de autor complementada por bibliografía actualizada por referencias de autor hasta el año 2010. A partir de esta revisión, se definieron algunas recomendaciones que fueron criticadas y modificadas por los representantes de las Sociedades Científicas participantes en una conferencia de consenso (Diciembre 2010) siguiendo una técnica de brainstorming estructurado: la técnica Metaplan®. Se realizaron dos vueltas de validación de las recomendaciones hasta obtener las recomendaciones finales. Resultados: Este documento presenta 30 recomendaciones para la prevención y el manejo de la desnutrición hospitalaria. Las mismas cubren todas las áreas de actuación clínica así como la prevención, cribado, diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de la desnutrición hospitalaria relacionada con la enfermedad. Conclusiones: Se recomienda enérgicamente el cribado nutricional en todas las áreas de actuación clínica cuando se identifiquen factores de riesgo nutricional o sospecha clínica de desnutrición. La valoración del estado nutricional debe diseñarse y realizarse de acuerdo a los recursos disponibles en cada centro, disponiendo de claros protocolos de actuación

    Multi-Node Networked Indoor Air Quality Monitor

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    We present an open-source wireless indoor air quality monitoring system consisting of carbon dioxide (CO2), 2.5 µm particulate matter (PM2.5), and airflow sensors. This system also contains wireless mesh networking capabilities, allowing many of these systems to be placed throughout a space to measure the indoor air quality of a wide area. The system is easily user-configurable to achieve 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year of battery life. The nodes wirelessly communicate with a host system, which stores the data locally in text-based log files and displays the data in plots organized by measurement. The system is designed to be open-source, utilizing predominantly off-the-shelf components and software. We expect this approach to allow for greater adaptability and ease of use for those wishing to design or use similar sensor systems

    Serum deprivation alters lipid profile in HN9.10e embryonic hippocampal cells

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    The understanding of the mechanism of apoptosis is important to improve the use of stem cells for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Sphingolipids are bioactive molecules involved in the regulation of cell fate. In HN9.10e embryonic hippocampal cells, serum deprivation induces apoptosis preceded by sphingomyelinase activation and raise of ceramide levels. Increasing evidence indicates that individual ceramide species regulated by specific pathways in distinct subcellular compartments might carry out distinct cellular functions, but the ceramides species involved in embryonic hippocampal cell death induced by growth factor deprivation are unknown. In the present paper, by using the UFLC-MS/MS methodology, we have investigated the effect of serum deprivation on the lipid profile in HN9.10e cells. At 48h of serum deprivation, we detected a decrease in cholesterol and increase in sphingosine-1-phoshate 18:1, phosphatidylcholine 18:1 18:0, sphingomyelin 18:1 16:0 and in ceramides 18:1 16:0; we also found an increase in saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio in sphingomyelin. We hypothesize that the rearrangement of sphingo- and glycerolipids with increase of saturated fatty acids in serum-deprivated, neural cells might represent a cellular response aimed at holding cholesterol inside the cells

    Identification of de novo Mutations of Duchénnè/Becker Muscular Dystrophies in Southern Spain

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    Background: Duchénnè/Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD/BMD) are X-linked diseases, which are caused by a de novo gene mutation in one-third of affected males. The study objectives were to determine the incidence of DMD/BMD in Andalusia (Spain) and to establish the percentage of affected males in whom a de novo gene mutation was responsible.Methods: Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) technology was applied to determine the incidence of DMD/BMD in 84 males with suspicion of the disease and 106 female relatives.Results: Dystrophin gene exon deletion (89.5%) or duplication (10.5%) was detected in 38 of the 84 males by MLPA technology; de novo mutations account for 4 (16.7%) of the 24 mother-son pairs studied.Conclusions: MLPA technology is adequate for the molecular diagnosis of DMD/BMD and establishes whether the mother carries the molecular alteration responsible for the disease, a highly relevant issue for genetic counseling.CGLL has a postdoctoral fellowship from the Plan Propio of the University of Granada

    Sustained Stable Disease with Capecitabine plus Bevacizumab in Metastatic Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report.

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    In a patient who had been diagnosed in 2006 with appendiceal adenocarcinoma with peritoneal metastases after an incomplete surgery, palliative chemotherapy was administered. First-line treatment with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) and second-line treatment including 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) plus panitumumab showed inefficiency in controlling disease progression. Third-line chemotherapy combining capecitabine plus bevacizumab was started, achieving good control of the tumour growth and a minor response in the second computed tomography scan. We decided to maintain the treatment, although forced bevacizumab "breaks" were necessary due to unexpected adverse events, with the patient suffering disease progression every time bevacizumab was stopped and reaching minor response again once the antiangiogenic treatment was reintroduced. During more than 10 years after starting third-line treatment, the patient maintained good performance status and disease stability with this "up and down" management until January 2019, when a neurological adverse event during bevacizumab infusion drove us to abandon it definitely


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    Las caracteristicas adsortivas de an carbon activado dependen en gran medida do una serie de formatos como: materia prima y carbonizado obtenido de la misma, temperatura de activación, agente activante, tiempo de activación1-4 etc. En nuestro laboratorio se han caracterizado carbones activados (CA) procedentes de diferentes materias primas 54. De uno de ellos (obtenido por activación física, en flujo de aire y vapor de agua8, de un precarbonizado de cascarón de coco) se publicaron Ios resultados de la adsorión de amoniaco. En el presente se comunican los resultados de la adsorción de NH3 y CO2 (no estudiada anteriormente) que se hicieron al precarbonizado (CP) a partir del cual se obtuvo el carbón activado antes de mencionado8

    Successful topical application of caspofungin in the treatment of fungal keratitis refractory to voriconazole

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    Fungal keratitis is an important ophthalmic problem because it leads to corneal blindness and sometimes to loss of the eye.1,2 There is no agreed protocol for the treatment of suspected fungal keratitis. Topical and oral voriconazole have now been reported to be effective.3 However, some cases do not respond to this treatment. New antifungal agents such as caspofungin acetate, 0.5%, are promising alternative