695 research outputs found

    A New Wireless Biosensor for Intra-Vaginal Temperature Monitoring

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    Wireless Body Sensors for medical purposes offer valuable contributions to improve patients’ healthcare, including diagnosis and/or therapeutics monitoring. Body temperature is a crucial parameter in healthcare diagnosis. In gynecology and obstetrics it is measured at the skin’s surface, which is very influenced by the environment. This paper proposes a new intra-body sensor for long-term intra-vaginal temperature collection. The embedded IEEE 802.15.4 communication module allows the integration of this sensor in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for remote data access and monitoring. We present the sensor architecture, the construction of the corresponding testbed, and its performance evaluation. This sensor may be used in different medical applications, including preterm labor prevention and fertility and ovulation period detection. The features of the constructed testbed were validated in laboratory tests verifying its accuracy and performance

    Wireless body sensor design for intra-vaginal temperature monitoring

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    Sensor nodes are small devices able to collect and retrieve sensorial data. The use of these sensors for medical purposes offers valuable contributions to improve patients’ healthcare, both for diagnosis and therapeutics monitoring. An important and common parameter used on healthcare diagnosis is the body temperature. It is monitored on several matters related with gynecological and obstetrics issues but, usually it is measure at the skin surface. Then, this paper proposes the design concepts of a new intra-body sensor for long-term intra-vaginal temperature collection. The embedded IEEE 802.15.4 communication module allows the integration of this sensor in wireless sensor networks for remote data access and monitoring. It is presented the sensor architecture, the construction of the corresponding testbed, and its performance evaluation. This sensor may be used on several applications, including fertile and ovulation period detection, and preterm labor prevention

    Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH), masculinity and relationship and sexual satisfaction: are sexual symptoms of LOH mediators of traditional masculinity on relationship and sexual satisfaction?

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    Background Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is characterised by significant changes in the male life cycle, and may increase the likelihood of experiencing sexual difficulties. Further, it is assumed that traditional gender roles (masculinity) can affect the experience of sexual difficulties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of masculinity on sexual symptoms of LOH, as well as on sexual and relational satisfaction.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new wireless biosensor for intra-vaginal temperature monitoring

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    Wireless Body Sensors for medical purposes offer valuable contributions to improve patients’ healthcare, including diagnosis and/or therapeutics monitoring. Body temperature is a crucial parameter in healthcare diagnosis. In gynecology and obstetrics it is measured at the skin’s surface, which is very influenced by the environment. This paper proposes a new intra-body sensor for long-term intra-vaginal temperature collection. The embedded IEEE 802.15.4 communication module allows the integration of this sensor in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for remote data access and monitoring. We present the sensor architecture, the construction of the corresponding testbed, and its performance evaluation. This sensor may be used in different medical applications, including preterm labor prevention and fertility and ovulation period detection. The features of the constructed testbed were validated in laboratory tests verifying its accuracy and performance

    Improved burn wound healing by the antimicrobial peptide LLKKK18 released from conjugates with dextrin embedded in a Carbopol gel

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are good candidates to treat burn wounds, a major cause of morbidity, impaired life quality and resources consumption in developed countries. We took advantage of a commercially available hydrogel, Carbopol, a vehicle for topical administration that maintains a moist environment within the wound site. We hypothesized that the incorporation of LLKKK18 conjugated to dextrin would improve the healing process in rat burns. Whereas the hydrogel improves healing, LLKKK18 released from the dextrin conjugates further accelerates wound closure, and simultaneously improving the quality of healing. Indeed, the release of LLKKK18 reduces oxidative stress and inflammation (low neutrophil and macrophage infiltration and pro-inflammatory cytokines levels). Importantly, it induced a faster resolution of the inflammatory stage through early M2 macrophage recruitment. In addition, LLKKK18 stimulates angiogenesis (increased VEGF and microvessel development in vivo), potentially contributing to more effective transport of nutrients and cytokines. Moreover, collagen staining evaluated by Massons Trichrome was visually much more intense after treatment with LLKKK18, suggesting higher collagen deposition. Overall, we generated an effective, safe and inexpensive formulation that maintains a moist environment in the wound, easy to apply and remove, and with potential to prevent infection due to the presence of an antimicrobial peptide. These findings propel us to further study this LLKKK18-containing formulation, setting the foundations towards a potential therapeutic approach for burn wound treatment.Fundação Para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Microplastics effects in Scrobicularia plana

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    One of the most common plastics in the marine environment is polystyrene (PS) that can be broken down to micro sized particles. Marine organisms are vulnerable to the exposure to microplastics. This study assesses the effects of PS microplastics in tissues of the clam Scrobicularia plana. Clams were exposed to 1mgL-1(20μm) for 14days, followed by 7days of depuration. A qualitative analysis by infrared spectroscopy in diffuse reflectance mode period detected the presence of microplastics in clam tissues upon exposure, which were not eliminated after depuration. The effects of microplastics were assessed by a battery of biomarkers and results revealed that microplastics induce effects on antioxidant capacity, DNA damage, neurotoxicity and oxidative damage. S. plana is a significant target to assess the environmental risk of PS microplastics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Нейросекреторная активность супраоптического ядра переднего гипоталамуса кроликов под действием транскутанной электростимуляции зрительного анализатора

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    На 8 кролях породи Метелик вивчали вплив непрямої черезшкірної електростимуляції зорового аналізатора на нейросекреторну активність магноцелюлярних клітин супраоптичного ядра переднього гіпоталамусу. На мікропрепаратах інтактних тварин переважали нейрони II морфофункціонального типу, що перебувають у стадії синтезу нейросекрету. Показано, що за дії электростимуляції спостерігається перерозподіл головних морфо-функціональних типів нейронів. Відзначено збільшення змісту клітин I й III типів, відповідно у стадіях спокою після виведення секрету й накопичення, що вказує на активацію процесів звільнення нейросекрету і його акумуляції. Виразність реакції нервової тканини однакова при силі стимулюючого струму 100 мкА й 300 мкА.The influence of indirect through-skin electrostimulation (different doses) of the optical analyser on neurosecretory activity of anterior hypothalamus magnocellular nucleus was stading during chronic experiment. The stady was carried out on rabbits. Five morphological types of neurons was exposed in the supraoptical nucleus of control animal groop: I type- phase of rest after neurosecrets leading, II- phase of synthesis, III- phase of accumulation, IV - leading phase, V - phase of degerneration, but neurons of II types was prevalenced (51%). The indirect electrostimulation of the optical analyser provokes quantitative changes of keeping same neurons types. The number of I and III types neurons increases (on 20% and 7%) . The kind of changes is indicative of electrostimulation activation influense on neurosecrets leading and accumulation. Expression of nervous tissue reaction was identical under different doses (100 mkA and 300 mkA) of afferent electrostimulation